The document provides an overview of major renewable energy sources including solar, wind, biomass, waste to energy, geothermal, and hydroelectric power. It discusses the technology behind each energy source, growth trends in India, advantages and disadvantages, and leading companies. The future of renewable energy in India is promising with a goal of adding over 135 gigawatts of power generation capacity before 2017 through various renewable sources to meet increasing energy demands in a sustainable manner.
5. Solar Energy
That will be explained
in the succeeding slide
6. Technology
Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) Photovoltaic (PV)
It consists of It consists of
Solar Collectors
Turbine Solar Arrays
Generator & Transformer Inverter
Cooling Tower Transformer
7. Future Technology Solar-Hydrogen Revolution
Waste high-quality
Heat energy
Storage The
and environment
Solar light Transport Combustion
Decomposition of water H Water
Power 2H2 + O2 2H2O
2H2O 2H2 + O2
2 Vapor
8. Advantages and Disadvantages
Advantages Disadvantages
Sun does not shine
All chemical and radioactive
polluting byproducts of the consistently.
thermonuclear reactions
remain behind on the sun, Solar energy is a diffuse
while only pure radiant energy source. To harness it, we
reaches the Earth. must concentrate it into
an amount and form that
we can use, such as heat
Energy reaching the earth is and electricity
incredible. By one
calculation, 30 days of Addressed by approaching
sunshine striking the Earth the problem through:
have the energy equivalent of 1) collection,
the total of all the planets 2) conversion,
fossil fuels, both used and 3) storage.
9. Global & India scenario
Global growth of Solar Power State-wise Power
1.2% 8%
Installed Capacity (as of 2011) : 979.4 MW
11. Other Applications
Architecture & Agriculture & Solar Vehicles Water
Urban Planning Horticulture Treatment
Solar Sewage Solar Water
Treatment Heating Solar Lighting Cooking
12. Biomass Energy
It is organic material made
from plants and animals
It contains stored energy
from the sun.
That will be explained in
the succeeding slide
14. Technology Feed
Drying Zone
The main products Zone
obtained from Biomass Reduction
Methane Gas Zone
Ethanol Hearth Zone
Ash Zone
15. Growth in Recent Times
Present Installed Capacity in India List of Commissioned Biomass
Projects (as of 31.03.11)
8.75% 22.24%
Indias Potential (2012) :
20. Technology
Average gradient:
2.5 - 3.0oC /
1.0 - 25oC /
So if assuming average,
temps at depth will
0m 15属C
2000 m 70属C
4000 m 120属C
22. Interesting Facts about Geothermal Energy
The Cerro Prieto Geothermal
Power Station is the largest
geothermal power station in
the world.
Geothermal production of
energy is 3rd highest
among renewable
In Iceland, Geothermal Energy provides
86% of their space heating
16% of their electricity generation
Produces 5% of Californias
electricity, heats thousands of
homes, greenhouses, office
23. Positives and Not-so Positives
Pros Cons
Useful minerals, such as zinc and silica, can
be extracted from underground water. Brine can salinate soil
Geothermal plants do not require a Extracting large amounts of water can
lot of land, 400m2 can produce a cause land subsidence, and this can lead
gigawatt of energy over 30 years. to an increase in seismic activity
Geothermal electric plants production in Can release H2S, the rotten eggs gas.
13.380 g of Carbon dioxide per kWh
Geothermal plants can be online There is the fear of noise pollution
90%-100% of the time. during the drilling of wells
24. Direct Uses of Geothermal Energy
Space Heating
Melting Snow Drying
Aquaculture Hot water
Air Conditioning
Industrial Processes
Resorts and Pools
25. India Scenario
Indian geothermal provinces have
the capacity to produce 10,600 MW
Exploration of Himalayan
provinces could yield enormous
geothermal energy
India's fist Geothermal power plant with an
initial capacity of 25 Megawatts will be
coming up in Andhra Pradesh's Khammam
district by 2012.
27. Waste to Energy
That will be explained in the
succeeding slide
28. Technology
Different Processes
Most WtE processes produce
electricity directly through
combustion, or produce a
combustible fuel commodity, such
as methane, methanol, ethanol or
synthetic fuels
29. Future projects
East Delhi Municipal Corporation to build two
plants at Ghazipur of 16 MW and a capacity of
46 lakh metric tonnes
Solar Bio Energy System commissioned its first
Thermophillic Biomethanation plant in Solapur,
Maharashtra of 4 MW and a capacity of 80
tonnes organic compost
Tihar Jail ties up with BARC to produce
biogas and manure from
biodegradable kitchen waste
30. WtE in a nutshell
Advantages Interesting Facts Commercial Aspects
The majority of waste that Segregated municipal solid waste
On average, one ton of is generally not available at the
would normally go into waste produces 525 plant site
landfill sites can be re-used kilowatt-hours (kWh) of
The fuel is obtainable cheaply electricity Lack of financial resources with
Municipal Corporations/Urban
Reliable source of fuel Each year the average Local Bodies
family throws away 1.5 Lack of conducive policy guidelines
Disadvantages tons of rubbish from State Governments in respect
Thousands of ton of of allotment of land, supply of
WtE facilities are expensive Metal can be recovered garbage and power purchase /
from the ash by recycling evacuation facilities
The public at large is still
unconvinced that WtE is free The efficiency of a waste-to-energy
from harmful chemicals plant is 20 - 30 %.
31. Present Installed Capacity in India
Total Capacity (2011) : 1683 MW
62 MW 191MW
73 MW
78 MW 176 MW
112 MW
151 MW
123 MW
131 MW
148 MW
Its a new concept in the
Commercial technologies
are required to be imported
35. Techno-Commercial
Cost Positives
Types Energy Pay
Back Time!
MW -Clean
1. Wind farms- -Renewable
Very short
Offshore 4.5- Not-so
time. Just
5.25 Cr. Positives
2. Blades 3-8 months,
HAWT According to - Always cant
VAWT American Wind run at 100 %
Energy - Can be Noisy
Association - Back up
power might
be required.
36. Wind Power growth in India
Andhra Pradesh
Wind Power Capacity (MW)
16,084 Rajasthan
Karnataka Tamil Nadu
6007 MW
# Figures as of 31 March, 2011
Estimated Potential (MNRE) : 50,000 MW for 2011
Courtesy :
37. Leading Players in Wind Power Technology
12.7 %
21.2 %
3.6 %
8.7 %
6.3 %
7.4 % 8%
7.6 % 7.8 %
7.7 %
SUZLONs market share in India is approximately 50%
39. India's power sector
Problems Present Installed Capacity (as of Sept12)
3% Total : 207850 MW
12 %
19 %
66 %
Some Important facts
Avg per Capita consumption (2009) : 288KWh
India needs to add about 135 GW before 2017, to satisfy
the projected demand
Courtesy :
40. A Short Video on the future of
Renewable Energy
Future of Renewable Energy
A Presentation by-
Alok Gupta
Gaurav Gautam
Himanshu Kashyap
Nimit Kaushik
Sethuraman Arvind Iyer