This document proposes a rental marketplace website that connects people needing items (rentees) with people having items to rent (renters). The website would allow renters to list items for rent, including details like price and delivery options. Rentees could search listings and rate renters. The business model would include annual fees for renters and a percentage of each rental transaction. A survey about rental options in India found support for such a marketplace.
2. Idea 1
Person needs to do some work, but items
needed are not readily available
Possible examples
Quick furniture work
Home alterations (drilling, electrical works etc.)
Party organizing (some special furniture's etc.)
Photography during some party
Photography during picnic/tour
This customer requires service
3. Idea 2
Persons have lot of unused items at home
Possible examples
Drilling machines
Camera lenses
Old furniture's
This customer provides service
4. Idea 3
Personruns rental business and is not able
to reach customers
Possible examples
Photo studio
Party service providers
Many others
This customer provides service
5. Business Goal
Develop web site which links rentee with
Make sure that customer(rentee) is able
to reach the renter in much faster manner
Various modes like on site delivery, on site
maintenance, provide on site service can
be developed so that service of customer
gets done in faster manner
7. Site Operations - Renter
Possible operations
Renter (Service provider)
Add items available for rent
For each item add following details
Photograph of item
Item details (model no., working condition etc.)
Rental amount
Whether on spot delivery available
Agreement details
8. Site Operations - Rentee
Possible operations
Rentee(Service requestor)
Search online for items
Rate the Renter (this will help new customers)
9. Business revenue model
Yearly/monthly maintenance fee for
Charge as % for each Rentee getting
linked with Renter
Charge Renter based upon number of
items listed for Rent
Next slide provides revenue mode at high
11. Survey results
We did some online survey about rental
options in India, following charts provide
some high level details
URL for survey