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CES423 : Construction Engineering (2)
Submitted by:
Abdallah Shahen Mohamed ID:15P1003
Ahmed Bahaa El Din Aly ID:15P1012
Ahmed Essam Ali ID:15P1051
Islam Mohamed El Sayed ID:15P1023
Mohamed Karam Sayed ID:15P5002
Nael Hesham Ahmed ID:15P6015
Seif Ahmed Mohamed ID:15P1022
Youssed Ehab Salah ID:15P1041
Submitted to:
Dr. Amgad Talaat
Ain Shams University
Faculty of Engineering
Credit Hours Engineering Program
NOVEMBER 5, 2019
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Table of Contents
Case Study (1).......................................................................................................................... 2
1.1.Introduction:.................................................................................................................. 2
1.2.Description of structure:............................................................................................... 2
1.3.Preview on Nature:........................................................................................................ 2
1.4.Conclusion and Recommendations:............................................................................. 4
1.5.Introduction:.................................................................................................................. 6
1.6.Description of structure:............................................................................................... 6
1.7.Preview on Nature:........................................................................................................ 6
1.8.Conclusion and Recommendations:............................................................................. 6
1.9.General Conclusion:...................................................................................................... 6
1.10. General Recommendations: ...................................................................................... 7
Case Study (2).......................................................................................................................... 9
2.1.Introduction:.................................................................................................................. 9
2.2.Virtual Previews:......................................................................................................... 10
2.3.Survey Results: ............................................................................................................ 11
2.4.Conclusion and Recommendations:........................................................................... 13
2.4.1. Conclusion:........................................................................................................... 13
2.4.2. Recommendations: .............................................................................................. 13
Case Study (3)........................................................................................................................ 15
3.1.Introduction:................................................................................................................ 15
3.2.Distress Observed:....................................................................................................... 15
3.3.Repair of Cracks in Masonary walls: ........................................................................ 16
3.4.Repair and Strengthening of RCC Columns ,Beams and Slabs: ............................ 17
3.5.Strengthen of Masonary Columns:............................................................................ 18
3.6. External Wall Plastering and Protective Coating: .................................................. 18
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)1(Case Study
愆惘惺 惠惘惘悋惠惘惡悸 惡惺惆 惺悋惘悸 悋悖 悋惠悋惡惺悸惆惠
悋惠愀惘 愆惘惺悋惠 悋惺惘惡悸 悋愆惘悸 惠 惺 惡悋悄 悋惠惘惘 悵悋 悒惺惆悋惆 惠悋惺惘悋
悋悴 悋惴悋惘悸 悋惺惡 惺 悋惠惺悋 悋愕惡 惺 惠惘惘 悋惺惆悋惆 悋惺悋惘悸 惡惺悋悸惡 惆悸悋.
:Description of structure.1.2
 悸 悋惺悋悸 惷惺 悋惺悋惘悸 悖惘惷 愀悋惡戲惡悋愕惠 悋悒愆悋悄 惠 惆 愀悋惡悽惆悋
悋愕忰悸 悋悽惘愕悋悸  悋 悋惴悋.
:Preview on Nature.1.3
惡惠悋惘悽 悋惺悋惘悸 惺悋悸 惠惠戡戳惆愕惡惘戡戞戮悋惴悋惘悸 悋惺悋悸  悋惠惷忰 惆: 悋
-悋悴悋惘悸 悋惺悋惘悋惠 忰惆悋悧 悋悋惷 悋惺悋惘悸 忰惆悸 慍惘悋惺悸 惠.
-悋悸 愆惘悽 悴惆 惠悋忰惴惺悋惘悸 悋悽悋惘悴悸 悋忰悋悧愀 惡惡惺惷 悋悧悸.
悖惘悋 悋忰惆悋惠 惺悋悸 惠惠: 悋惠悋 悴惆 惡悋惺悋惘悸
-悋悛 悒 惠愕  悋 悋悋惠悋悄 惠 悋忰惆悋惠.
-悋愕  悋忰悋悧愀 惡 悋悸 愆惘悽 悴惆 惠悋忰惴.
-惶惺 愕悄 惡愕惡惡 悵 悋惘愕惡愆 惡忰悋悧愀 悋惺惆 悴悋惡 惺 愆惘悽 悴惆 惠悋忰惴悸
惠惘悋惘 惺悋惺悋惘悸  悋愆悋惡悸 悋悋悵悴 悴惺 
-悖 悖 悋悧悸 悋愆惡悋惡 悋悖惡悋惡 惠忰悋惠 惡悴悋惘 愆惘悽 惺惆悸 悴惆 悋悖惷 惠悋忰惴悖 悸
-悋悴悋惘悸 悋忰悴惘悋惠 悒 悋悵悸 愆惘悽 惡 悋愕 惺 悋忰悋悧愀 悋惠惶悋
-悋惘惡悋悄 悽悋惘悴  惡惆悋惠悋 愆惘悽 悴惆 惠悋忰惴.
-悋惘愕惡愆 悋惠惶悋 惡 愆惘悽 悴惆 惠悋忰惴悋悛 悋悴悋惠  悋悵 悋惠慍惺 惡愀惘悸悽惘
悋惺悋惘悸  悋愆悋惡悸 悋悋悵悴 悴惺  惘惘 悋愆惘悽 悵悋
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-惶惺悸 愕悄  惺悋惆 惠惠悴  愆惺惘悸 愆惘悽 悋忰惴惠悋 惠 悋惠 悋愆惘悽 惺惴
悋 悋悽惘愕悋 悋 惡 悋惘悖愕悸 悋悖悸 悋愆惘悽 (悽悋惶悸 悋惠悵 悖惺悋惡悋
)悋惠忰悋惠 忰 悋愆惘悽愕惡 忰惘悸 忰惆惓 惠悴悸 惠悖惓惘悋 悋忰惠悋 悒 惡悋悖惷悋悸悸
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:Conclusion and Recommendations.1.4
撃悋愆惘 惺 惠悖惓惘 悋 悋 愕  惠慍悸 愀惡惺悸 悋惺悋惘悸 悋愕 悋惠惘惡悸 愀惡惺悸惡悋 悽惺悋惘悸
撃悋愀惘  惡悋忰惆悸 悋悴惆悸 惡悋愆惘悽 惠惶 愕悴 惺 惠 悋愕惠悽惆悸
愕惠惡悋 悋悋 惘悴惺 悋惠悵 悖惓悋悄 惶惘  悋惺悋悴 惠悋惘悽  惺悋悴悋
撃惺悋惘悸 悋悋愆悋悧悸 惡悋忰悋惠 悋悴悸 悋悋悸 惠
撃悋 忰惓 悋惆惘悋愕悸 惠惘悸 悖惓悋悄 悋愕 愃惘惷  悋忰惆悸 悋愕惠悽惆悋  惺 悋 悴惆 悋
惺悋 悋愆悋悧悸 悽愀惘悸 悴惆 悋 惠愆惘 惺悋悋惠 悋 惠悴惆
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悋惺悋惘惠 惡 悋悋愆悋悧 悋惶 惡惆悧悸 惺悋悸愆惘惺惆惠
悋 惠愀惘 愆惘惺悋惠 悋惺惘惡悸 悋愆惘悸 惠 惺 惡悋悄 悋惠惘惘 悵悋 悋惺惆悋惆 惠惺惘悋
悋 惺 悋惠惺悋 悋愕惡 惺 惠惘惘 悋惺惆悋惆  悋惺悋惘惠 惡 悋惠惆惆 悋惶 惡惺悋悸惺惡
悋悴惆悸 悋惴悋惘悸惡悋.
:Description of structure.61.
 悋惘惷 愀悋惡  悸 悋惺悋悸 惷惺 悋惺悋惘悸戲惡悋 悋悋愆悋悄 惠 惆  愀悋惡愕惠悽惆悋
悋愕忰悸 悋悽惘愕悋悸  悋 悋惴悋
:Preview on Nature.71.
惡惠悋惘悽 悋悋惶 惺悋悸 惠惠戡戰惡惘悋惘戡戞戳悋惴悋惘 悋惺悋悸  悋惠惷忰 惆: 悋 悸
-惠忰 悋忰惆悋悧 慍惘悋惺悸  惡悋愕悋 愆愃悋  悋惺悋惘惠 惠愆愀惡  悋悋惠悋悄 悋
-悋惺悋惘惠 惡 悋惠惆惆 惡悋惶 忰惘悸 悴惆 悋忰惴
:Conclusion and Recommendations.81.
撃  悋惠惆惆 悋惶  惴惘惠 悋惠 悋惺惡 悋 惠惷忰 悋愀悋惘悸 悋惺悋悸 悋忰惴
悋悽惘愕悋 悋  愆惘悽 悋
撃悋 惘愕悋忰悋 悋惺悋惘惠 惘惶惆 惠截悋悽悵 (惠 惠惡悋惺惆悸 惠惘悋惠 惺 惘悋惠惘悋悄悸
忰悋悸  悋惠惶悋惠 悋惶惆悋惘 悋惘惶惆 惡惠悋悧悴 悋悋惠悋 惠 悋 愆惘)惺 悴惆
悋忰惆悋惠 惺悋悸 悋悴悸 惺 悋惠愕 惠 惡悋惺悋惘惠 惡悋忰惆悋惠 惺惡 悋.
撃悋悋愕悋愕悋 惺  惡 惺 惡惡悋悋惠 惺 悋悴悸 悋悋悸 惠惠惘惘 悵  惠悋惠惘惡悸
撃惠悴惆 悋 忰惓 悋惆惘悋愕悸 惠惘悸 悋惓悋悄 悋忰惆悋惠 悋愕惠悽惆悋  惺 悋 悴惆 悋悋惺悋 悋惠
惺 悋愆悋悧悸 悽愀惘悸 悴惆 惺 惠愆惘
:General Conclusion.91.
愀悸 惠忰惠 悋惠惘惡悸 忰悋悸 惡惆惘悋愕悸 惘惡愀悋  悋惴悋惘悸 悋惺悋悸 惠悋惘惘 惡惘悋悴惺悸惠悖愕愕
悋 悋惶  悋惺悋惘惠:惠悋悧悴   悋
1-悋悋惘惷 悋惺 "惘悋惠  "悖惺惆悸 悋悽惘愕悋 悋 惺悋悸 惠惠 悋 忰惓-惺悋悸 惆
悋悖愕悋愕悋惠-"惘悋惠  "悖惺惆悸 悋惺 悋悽惘愕悋 惡悋 愆惘悽 悖 惘惶惆 惠  悒
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惡愕惡惡 惠 惆 悋悽惘 愆惘悽  悋惶惺悸 愕悄 惡愕惡惡 惡悋忰悋悧愀 愆惘悽 惠悴惆  惺悋惘悸
 愕悋惡悸 忰惘悸愕悋悸 惺 悽愀惘悸 惠悴惆 悋 悒 惺 惡悋悄  悋惺悋惘悸 悋愕悋愕悋惠 悋愕 惠惘惡悸
惺 悖愆惘 惓悋惓悸 惆悸 惺悋惘悸 忰惘悸 惘惶惆 悴惡 惺 悋愕惠悽惆悋 惶悋忰 悋  忰悋悋 悋惡
惺悋惘悸 愕惠惡悋 愆愀悸 忰惘悸 悴惆 惆  惠悖惆 悋悖-忰惆惓 悋忰惠悋 悴惆 忰悋
悋 悋惠惘惡悸 惠惘惘 惘悋悴惺悸 悽悋  忰惘悸忰 悋忰惆悋悧 惘 惠 悋 惺 惡悋惺悋惘悸 悽悋惶
惶  惠悖惆 悋愆悖 惡悵悋 愆悋惘  忰慍悸 惠惡  悋惺愀悋悄 悋惶悋惠 愀惡悋 悋惡
惡 惡惶悋 愕忰 悋愃惘 悋悋 惶悋惆惘 惡悋 惆 惠惘惡悸 愀 悋愀惡惺 悋悋悧 悋
悋忰惆悋悧 惘  悋悋惠悴悸 悋惶惘 悋 悋 悋惶忰 悋惶惘 悋 惓悋悴惘悋悄 惡惺惆 悵 
悋惠愃悵悸 悋 悋惶惘 悽愀愀 惡悴惺 悋悋慍悸 悋悋惶悋忰悋惠.
2-悋悴愕悋 悖悋惆惠悋惺悋惘悸 悋愕 悋惠惘惡悸 悋 悋悋愆悋悄 惡 惠悵悋 惠 悋惠 惠戞惠惠愀惡悸  
惺惆 悋悋惘悸 愀惡惺悸 悵 惠 惆 悋惘  惠惆悸 愀惡悸 悋 悋惘惆  愕愀忰悸惠惺惘惷悋
3-悋悵惘悸 悋惠惘惡悸 惺悋惺惡悋惺 悋悽悋惶悸 悋忰惆悋悧 惘  愕悋悄 惡悋惡 惠惠悖惓惘 惆 悋悋 悋惘惠
悋惺悋悸 悋忰惆悸 惘 
4-惴悋 悴愕悋悄悸悋忰悋悧愀 悋 悋惘悖愕悸 悋忰惘悋惠 惘 惡  惆 惺悋惘惠 惠悖愕愕
惡悋忰悋悧愀 愆惘悽 惴惘 悋 悗惆 惆 悋 惺惡  悋  惆 惡悋 悋惡
:sGeneral Recommendation.101.
悖-悋悋悋愕悋愕悋惠 惠惘惡悸 悋悋 惠愕惘惡  惠忰
1-悋惡悋惺 悋悋惶悸 悋惺悋悸 悋忰惆悋悧  悋悽悋惶悸 惡悋忰惆悋悧 悋惘 悋 惠愕惘惡  惠忰悋惘悋惠:
 悋悋惶悸 悋惺悋悸 悋忰惆悋悧  悋悽悋惶悸 悋忰惆悋悧  悋惘 悋 惶惘  惺慍 .惠惺悋惘悋惠
悋惺悋惘悋惠 忰愀  悋悽悋惶悸 悋忰惆悋悧 悋愕悋惘 悋慍 忰惘 悋惠惶 惘愕悋惠 愀惡悋悸
悋悽惠悸 悋惶惆悋惘惠悋  悋惠惡  悋惶悋惆惘悸 悋惘 悋 惶惘  惺慍
悵  悋忰惆惆 悋惷  惡悋惺悋惘悋惠 悋悋惶悸 悋悽悋惶悸 悋忰惆悸 惘  悋 .悴惡
悋悖愆悴悋惘 悋惠惘惡悸 愃愀悋惠 慍惘悋惺悸  愕惠悽惆 悋悵 惡悋惠愀 悋惘  惡悋惠愕惺悖慍惘悋惺悸 悋
悋 惠愕惠惆惺 悋惠 悋悴悸惠 悋 惺 悋忰惆惆 悋惷  惠 悋 悴惡 惡悋惘愆 惘惡悸
惘  悋 悋惘 愆惡悸 惠惘 悋 惺 悴悸 悋悋悧 悋 惺 悋惠慍惆 悋 惷愆
 Pressure Regulator
 Flow Meter with sound and light alarm for excess water
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惶惘 愃愀 惶惘 愆惡悸 惠悵 .悴惡悋愕惘  惠惠  悋惘  悋悋悧惷悸 悋悋
PVC悵   惠惠愆 愃惘悸  惠惶惘 悋悴惠愕惠悋 惡悋悧 愃悸  悽惘悸  惺惘悴悸
惠悵 惠 悋悵 悋悋愀惺 悋惶惘 愆惡悸  惠惠愆 愃惘悸 悋惘惡 悋 悋悋 惠惶惘 惠 悋愃惘悸
悋惺悋悸 悋忰惆悋悧 
2-悋惡悋忰惆悋悧 悋惘 悋 惠愕惘惡  惠忰悋惺悋悸
-愀惡 惡悋悋 悋忰愀悸 悋惺悋悸 悋忰惆悋悧 惘 悋 惶惘 惴 惠愀惡 惘悋惺悋悸 悴惡悋
悋愆悖 悵悋  悋惠惡  悋忰惆惆悸 悋惘愕悋惠  悋惶悋惠
-惡 惠 悋 惺 悋忰惆惆 悋惷  惡悋惘愆 悋惘 惴悋 悋愕惠悽惆悋  悋 悴惡悋 悸
悋悽惷惘悋悄 愕悋忰悋惠 悋悋悧 悋 惺 惠慍惆 悋
-惺 惠悋悖愕悋愕悋惠 惠惘惡悸 悒 悋惘  悋悋悧惷悸 悋悋 惠愕惘惡
seepage cut-off Trench悴悋悋愀惺 惶惘 惠悵 惘
惶惘 悋惠惶悸 惘愕悋惠 悋愀惡 悋惺悋惘悋惠 惡 悋悋悧悸 悋忰惆悋悧 悴惺 忰愀悋惘
悋悽惠悸 悒惶惆悋惘惠悋 悋惠惡  悋惶悋惆惘悸 悋忰惆悋悧
3-惠  悋惠忰悋惘悋 悋 愕惘惡
 .惘悋悴惺悸悋惠 惺悋惘悋惠 悋悴悋惘悸 悋忰惘 愆惡惠 悋惠愃悵悸 悋惶惘 愆惡悋惠 悋悄悸 悖惆
惠愕惘惡 悋惠惺惘惷 惆 悋惠愆愃 惴惘 惠忰悋  悵 悋 惠愕惘惡悋 惺惆
悋惠 惡  悋惶悸 悋惠悴慍 愕悋惡悸 惡惓悋惠悋 悋惠惠愆 愃惘 悴惺 .悋愕惠惡惆悋惠 惡
悋 忰惠 惺慍悋 惶悋惠悋 悖 惘悸 悋惶悋惠 悴惺惶悋  悖 悋 悋悋 惠惠愕惘惡惠
悋悽悋惘悴悸 悋惆悋悽悸 悋悋愕惘
惡-悋悒惶悋忰 悖惺悋
惡 悒惺悋惆悸 惡惘悸 愆惘悽 惡 忰悋悧愀 悖 惠愕惘 愀惘 惺 悋惺悋惘悸 忰悋悧愀 惠惘 .惠悋悧悋
惠 悋愆惠惘悸 悋忰悋悧愀 忰悋悸shoot crete惺
惠-悋惺悋惘悸 忰惘悸 惘悋惡悸
 悋惠惘悋惠 悖惺悋 悒惠悋悄 .惡惺惆惘 惠 惡悖 惶 惺悋悄 惠愕悋 悋惺悋惘悸愆 惶惆悋悋惘
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)2(Case Study
悋013-F悋悴惘悋 悋惠悋慍悋惆 愆悽
悋 悋悒愆悋悧悸 悋愕悋悸 惆惘悋愕悸 惡忰惓悸 悴悸 惠愆 惠F-013 悋惠 惷 悋
慍悋惆 悋愆悽 惡惆悸 悋悋惺 愕惆 惡愆惘惺 悖悴惘悋.
悋愀惡惺悸 惺 悋悋 惺悋悸 惠惠悋 悋惡惆悧 悋 悋惠惘惘 悒惺惆悋惆 惠 惠悋悧悴 愆 
悋惴悋惘悸 悋惺悋悸.惠  悋惆悸 悋愕惠惆悋惠 悋愕惠惺惘悋惷 悋惠惘惘 悵悋  惠 悋悋悽悋惶悸 惆
悋惠惶悋惠.悵 惺惠惡惘悋 悋惠惘惘  惠悴慍悖 悋 悴慍悄悋 悋惡惆悧 悋 悋惠惘惘 悋悋 悋悧.
:悋悋惠 悋惡惆悧 悋 悋惠惘惘 惠惶悋惠 惠愆-
1.悖 悋惘惠悋惺悋 悋惘悖愕悸 悋忰惘悸 悋惠 悒悵悋 悋 惡悋 惺 悋惘惆 悋悋愕惠愆悋惘  愀惡惡 悒悵 愀悋
 悋忰惘悸 悖 悋悴惠悸 悋惆愕悸 惠惡 / 悋愕悋惆悸  忰惘悸 惠愕惘悋 悋忰惴悋惡愀愕
悖 惠悖惆  悋惠悋愆悸 惠惘惡悸 惡悋 惴惘惠 悋惠 悋悴愕悋惠 悋 惠悖惆 惺 , 悋惘惠悋惺悋悋愀
.愆 悴悋悋 惡 悋 惡悋 悋愕悋忰 悋惘惶惆
2.惠 忰惘悸 忰惆惓 悋忰惠悋 惆  惠悖惆 悋 惆 愕悋忰 惘惶惆 悒悴惘悋悄 惷惘惘悸惘惡悸
愃 惓 惡惆悧悸 愕悋忰悸 惘惶惆悸 惡悖悽悵 悵  愕惠惡悋 悋悋 悋惺惆 悖愕悋惠惘惡悸 惘忰悋悋 
悋惘悋悄悸  愆惘 惡惺惆 悋惡 忰惘悸 惠惷忰 惘悋悄悸 悖悽悵 惓 悖愕惡惺 惆悸 惡悋悋悄悋悖, 
.悴惆惠 悒
3.惠 悋 悴惡愕悸 惡悗悴 惺 惘悋惺 ,惡悋悋悄 悋愃惘 惡 悋悋惡惆悧悸 悋惘惶惆悸 悖悽悵 惡惺惆悴悋慍愕悋
3-4惺惆悸 惺忰悋 惡愀 悋愆惘悽 悋惠悴悋 10惺惘惷  愕4惺 惠惘惡悋 愕
悒悵悋 悋悒惡悋愃  悋忰惴惠悋 惘悋惺悋悸 惺 悋惡悋惷 愀惡悸 愕  悋愀惡 惺 惠惓惡惠 悖忰惆惓惠
.悋愃惘 惡惺惆 悖惓悋悄 悵 愆惘悽 惡悋
4.忰悋悴 悋 悋惠 悒悵悋 悋 惠忰惆惆 悵  愕惡 悋 惠悵 惡惺惆 悋惷惺 惠 悒惺惠惆悸愃 悸悋悋 惘悄
悋惠惘惡 惠惶惘  惠悖惆 悵  惠 悋悵 惡悋愃惘 悋悋惠悋悄  悖 悖悽惘 惘悸悖愕 悸
.惡悋惠惘惡悸 悋悋悄 忰惠 惠愃惘 惺惆 悋惡 忰  悋悋愕悋愕悋惠
愆悋 惘惶惆悋惠 悖惘惡惺 惺惆惆 悖悽悵 惠 悖惠 悋惠惺  悖 悋惡惆悧 悋惠惘惘 悖惷忰 悋悋惘 悸惶惆悸
忰惆惆  悋愕悋忰悸 悋惘惶惆悋惠 悋悽悵 惠惘悸 惠 悖 悋惠惺  悖 悋 .悋惡惆悧悸3悖愆 惘
悒 悵 惺惡 悋惡惆悧悸 悋惘惶惆悸 悖悽悵 惠悋惘悽悋悒  愕悋悸 悋悋悧 悋惠惘惘 惺惆悋惆愆悋悧 悸
.悋愆惘悽 悒惶悋忰 悋悋慍悸 悋惠惶悋惠
10| P a g e
:Virtual Previews.2.2
悋悖 悋惠  , 悋惡惆悧悸 悋惺悋悸 惡惺惆 悖悽惘 惘悋惠 惓悋惓 悋悋 惺悋悸 惠惠悋惓悋愃惘 悄
惘 惶惘 ( 惡惓悋悸 惡悋悋悄 悋悋12惡悗悴惠 悖 悋悒惡悋愃 惠 悋 惡惺惆 悵 )悴惡愕惠
惘 惶惘 ( 惓惺惘悸 愆惘悽 惡悋 惴惘惠34惡 悋惓悋悸 惠悋惺悋悸 惠惠 惡悋 , )悋悋惠悋悄 惺惆
惆  惠惠 惆 悋悖悽惘悸 悋惓悋惓悸 悋慍悋惘悸 悋悋 .愕悋忰悸 惘惶惆悸 悋悽悵  悋愃惘 惠 惡
悋悖悋  愀 悋惡悋 忰悋悧愀  悴惆悋 惠惶惘 悋愆惘悽 悋 悋惓悋惓 悋惺悋悋惠悋 惠
惴惘悋 愕惡悋 悋 悋惡悋 悋忰悋悧愀  愕悋悄 悴惆惆悸 愆惘悽 悖 惠惴惘 悋 惡 
11| P a g e
:Survey Results.2.3
悋愀 悋愕悋忰 悋惘惶惆 惡悋惺悋 惡悋悋 惡悋惘慍 悋愕悋忰悸 悋悋惺悋 悋愕惠愆悋惘 悋 惡惠
惺惆惆 惠惓惡惠16惡 悋悋愀 悵 悋愕惡 悋愕 惠  悋悋 惡 悋悴悋惠 惺 愀悸悋愕惡悸悋
悋  悖悽悵 惆悸 悽悋 惠悋惡惺惠悋 惠 悵  悋惡 惺 惡惺惆悸 惘悋愕悸 惓悋惡惠 悋愀惠惺 惠惆惠3
悋悋悸 悋愕悋悋惠 悋愕  悋悋愀 悵 悋惘悋愕悸 悋慍悋悋 惘惶惆 惠 惆 .悖愆惘悋惠惘悋
悋惠悋悸 悋忰愀悸 悴悋慍 惡悋愕惠悽惆悋Total Station忰愀悋 悋愀 悋悽惠悋惘 惠 惆 悋惘惶惆 惠
Stations悋悋 惡 忰惘悸 惠悋惡惺悸 惠 悋悋惡惠惆悋悧悸 悋悖惘惶悋惆  悋惡 惺悋悋 惠悴悋
.悋忰悋 惠惠 愕 悋惠 悋悖惘惶悋惆  悋惘悋愕
12| P a g e
13| P a g e
:Conclusion and Recommendations.2.4
悋 愆惘悽 悴惆 惺惆 悋 悋惴悋惘悸 悋惺悋悸  惠惡悋 悋  惠悋惠悽惘愕悋 
惠惘 悋悋  悋忰惆 惘 悋惡悋惷 愀惡悸  悋愀惡 悋忰悋悧愀  悋愆惘悽 悋忰愕悋惘 惡悋悋
悋 愃惘 悋惠悋悄 惡惺惆 惡悋惡 愀悸 惘悋愕悸 忰惘悸 忰惆惓 悋愕悋忰 悋惘惶惆  惠惡惠惘惡悸
. 悒愆悋悧悋 悋悸 悋悋 惠惺惠惡惘 惺 惡悋悄  .悋愕悋惡悸 悋惠惘悸
悋惡 悋 忰惓 悋 悋 惠愕惘惡 忰悋悸  愕惠惡悋 愀悸 惘悋愕悸 忰惘悸 惠惺惘惷 惆愕
 悋 悋悋 惠愕惘惡 惺 悋忰悋悸 悖悋惺 悋悸 悋愕惠悽惆悋 愕惠惆惺 悋 , 悋愕悋愕悋惠愀悸悋悋愕悋愕悋惠
愀悸 悋悋惡 悋惘 惺惆 悽悋惶悸1悋惺 悒悴惘悋悄悋惠 惠悵  惡悋惡惆悄 惶 悵 ,悋惡惆悄 惡 慍
忰 悋惠 悋愀惡 悋忰悋悄愀 惺悋悴悸 .愆惘悽 惡悋 惆惓
1.愀悸 悋悋惡 悋惘 惺惆 悋忰惘悸 惘惆1悋 悋惶悋惠 愀惡悋 悋愀惡悋惠 惺.愆惘惺
2.悽 惡 惠惘 忰悋 惡惡惘慍 悋惡 忰 悋惺悋惆悸 悋悽惘愕悋悸  惘惶 惺
悋惡 悋惺惆 悖愕 惠愕惘惡悋 惺  愕愀忰悸 悋 悖 悒惡惺悋惆 悋悽悋惘悴 悋惠悴悋 .
3. 悋惠悖惆悋惶 惴悋 悵  惡 悵悸愃悋惠 悋愕惘 惶悋惠  悋悸 愕悋悸 惘
.悴惆惠 悒 惠愕惘惡悋惠 悖 惺悋悴悸  悋惶忰
4.惡悴悋惡 惺悋慍悸 愀惡悸 惺(tanking( 愃愆悋悄  )HDPE sheet 1000
micron.悋愕惡 惡惺 )
5..悋愃惘 悋 惡悋惘愆 愕  悋惠愀 惡悋愕愀悸 慍惘悋惺悋惠 悖 惘 惠 悖 悴惡
6.愀惡悋惠 悒慍悋悸 惠悽悋  悋悽悋惘悴悸 悋忰悋悧愀 惺 悋惡惘 悋愕 悵悋惠 悋忰悋惘悸惺 惶悸惆
惘 悋愀悸 惘1.
7. 悋 ,惠愕惘 悋 悋愀惡  愆惘悽 惡悋 忰惆惓 悋惠 悋愀惡 悋忰悋悧愀 悒慍悋悸 惠悴惡
.悋惠悋 悋愀惡 悋愕惠惡惆悋 惺惆 惠悋慍悸 惺悸  愀惡 悋愕惠悽惆悋
8. 悋悋 悋惺惘愕 愀 惡悋 悋惆惆 悋愆惡  愆惘悋悧忰 惷惺 惠3惆悋惺
.悋悴悋惘悸 悋悋惺惆悸  惠惓惡惠
9.惡悋悋 愃悸 悸 悋愕惠悽惆悋 悋悖 惺 悋 悋惺惘悋愕  悴惘悋惠 悋愕惠悽惆悋 惷愕惠
.悋惺惘悋愕 惺
14| P a g e
10.悋悽惘愕悋 悋  悋惡悋 惡 悋悋惶 悋忰惆 惡 惆惆 愆惡 惷惺 惠
.悋愕惡 惡惺惘惷
11.忰  悋愀惡 忰悋悧愀 悋愕忰悸 悋悽惘愕悋悸  悖惺惠悋惡 惺 悴惡悋3惠惘
惡愕20惡惠愕忰  悋忰悋悧愀 惺惘惷  愕124悋悋惠 85./
12.忰悋 惡愕 悋忰悋惘悸 愀惡悸 惺 惠2.愕
15| P a g e
Case Study (3)
IndiaNehru Memorial College
A survey was conducted by Canada Mortgage and Housing
Corporation in the city of Toronto to develop a better
understanding of the condition of existing high-rise buildings in
order to determine the more cost-effective repair methods. The
survey indicated that the average cost/unit for repairs over 10
years was approximately four lakh rupees for all work, excluding
regular maintenance items such as interior finishes. This amount is
equal approximately to one month's rent per year. It was found out
that water penetration and air leakage through the building
envelope was the main cause which resulted in structural and
other damage. The condition in other metro cities will be more or
less similar and cost will be even higher in costal cities associated
with severe environmental distresses. Repair materials and
methodology will be similar for any type of concrete structures
either a low or a high-rise building. To study the distress and its
repair methodology, an Institution building in a costal
environment which was repaired and rehabilitated was selected as
a case study.
3.2.Distress Observed:
Since the building was very old and located in a marine climate,
the water leakages and reinforcement corrosion were major issues.
There were leakages in the roof and water seepage through the
external walls. The walls were made of laterite stone block
masonry. The pointings of the stone masonry were disintegrated
and water was leaking through these joints. There were spalling of
plaster, cracks in the masonry walls and also cracks in the ceilings
of the RCC roof. The water seepages and leakages led to growth
of fungus and mosses on the walls and the ceilings.
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The corrosion of reinforcement led to spalling of concrete. There
were cracks in the RCC ceilings and columns.
Spalled plaster, fungus growth in walls Cracks in the ceiling and masonry wall
Fungal growth in ceilings Corrosion and spalling of concrete in
3.3.Repair of Cracks in Masonary walls:
There were some cracks in the masonry walls. At those locations
the plastering was chipped of and cutting of V-grooves were made
along the length of the crack by chiseling. The cleaning was made
by a high pressure water jet. A wire mesh was fixed along the
cracks after which the cracks were repaired with medium
structural grade repair mortar.
17| P a g e
Repair and Strengthening of RCC Columns.3.4
:Beams and Slabs,
The reinforcements in the most of the columns were corroded.
There was complete loss of cover concrete in some columns. The
following steps were taken:
 Distress and spalled concrete portions were identified and
marked for repair and restoration.
 Reinforcements were exposed by chiseling properly with light
weight hammer and chisel.
 The exposed reinforcements were properly cleaned by wire
brushed and entire concrete and steel surface were washed with
potable water.
 Thereafter the reinforcements were applied with a rust remover
and rubbed with gunny sacks, wiped properly and washed with
high pressure water jet to wash out the traces of any residues.
 Then the same reinforcements were applied with anti-corrosive
epoxy zinc primer to prevent further corrosion.
 After that the distressed concrete portions were properly
applied with epoxy bonding agent for acting as an impervious
layer to restoration patch.
 Finally a cementitious high structural grade repair material was
applied in mortar consistency to build the thickness of the cover
concrete as needed at site condition.
The ceiling surface of roof slab and beam were also repaired in
the similar manner.
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3.5.Strengthen of Masonary Columns:
The masonry columns of the corridor needed to be repaired and
strengthened for carrying out additional loads. This was achieved
by providing steel jacketing to those masonry columns. The steel
jackets were made of 4-ISA 75x75x6 and braced with tie rod in a
zigzag way. The concreting was done with cementious high grade
structural repair mortar.
Strengthening of masonry columns by steel jacketing
3.6. External Wall Plastering and Protective Coating:
All the external wall plasters were loosened and debonded from
the masonry surface for which plastering was chipped out and
replastering was done. It was finished with cement mortar
admixed with polymer modified mortar and finally protected with
an elastomeric acrylic coating.
Before repair After repair

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Adnan Lazem

Repairing and Strengthening of Concrete structures

  • 1. REPAIR AND STRENGTHENING OF CONCRETE STRUCTURES CES423 : Construction Engineering (2) Submitted by: Abdallah Shahen Mohamed ID:15P1003 Ahmed Bahaa El Din Aly ID:15P1012 Ahmed Essam Ali ID:15P1051 Islam Mohamed El Sayed ID:15P1023 Mohamed Karam Sayed ID:15P5002 Nael Hesham Ahmed ID:15P6015 Seif Ahmed Mohamed ID:15P1022 Youssed Ehab Salah ID:15P1041 Submitted to: Dr. Amgad Talaat Ain Shams University Faculty of Engineering Credit Hours Engineering Program NOVEMBER 5, 2019
  • 2. 1| P a g e Table of Contents Case Study (1).......................................................................................................................... 2 1.1.Introduction:.................................................................................................................. 2 1.2.Description of structure:............................................................................................... 2 1.3.Preview on Nature:........................................................................................................ 2 1.4.Conclusion and Recommendations:............................................................................. 4 1.5.Introduction:.................................................................................................................. 6 1.6.Description of structure:............................................................................................... 6 1.7.Preview on Nature:........................................................................................................ 6 1.8.Conclusion and Recommendations:............................................................................. 6 1.9.General Conclusion:...................................................................................................... 6 1.10. General Recommendations: ...................................................................................... 7 Case Study (2).......................................................................................................................... 9 2.1.Introduction:.................................................................................................................. 9 2.2.Virtual Previews:......................................................................................................... 10 2.3.Survey Results: ............................................................................................................ 11 2.4.Conclusion and Recommendations:........................................................................... 13 2.4.1. Conclusion:........................................................................................................... 13 2.4.2. Recommendations: .............................................................................................. 13 Case Study (3)........................................................................................................................ 15 3.1.Introduction:................................................................................................................ 15 3.2.Distress Observed:....................................................................................................... 15 3.3.Repair of Cracks in Masonary walls: ........................................................................ 16 3.4.Repair and Strengthening of RCC Columns ,Beams and Slabs: ............................ 17 3.5.Strengthen of Masonary Columns:............................................................................ 18 3.6. External Wall Plastering and Protective Coating: .................................................. 18
  • 3. 2| P a g e )1(Case Study 惺悋惘悸B3悴惺悸33惆惠 愆惘惺 惠惘惘悋惠惘惡悸 惡惺惆 惺悋惘悸 悋悖 悋惠悋惡惺悸惆惠 :Introduction.1.1 悋惠愀惘 愆惘惺悋惠 悋惺惘惡悸 悋愆惘悸 惠 惺 惡悋悄 悋惠惘惘 悵悋 悒惺惆悋惆 惠悋惺惘悋 悋悴 悋惴悋惘悸 悋惺惡 惺 悋惠惺悋 悋愕惡 惺 惠惘惘 悋惺惆悋惆 悋惺悋惘悸 惡惺悋悸惡 惆悸悋. :Description of structure.1.2 悸 悋惺悋悸 惷惺 悋惺悋惘悸 悖惘惷 愀悋惡戲惡悋愕惠 悋悒愆悋悄 惠 惆 愀悋惡悽惆悋 悋愕忰悸 悋悽惘愕悋悸 悋 悋惴悋. :Preview on Nature.1.3 惡惠悋惘悽 悋惺悋惘悸 惺悋悸 惠惠戡戳惆愕惡惘戡戞戮悋惴悋惘悸 悋惺悋悸 悋惠惷忰 惆: 悋 -悋悴悋惘悸 悋惺悋惘悋惠 忰惆悋悧 悋悋惷 悋惺悋惘悸 忰惆悸 慍惘悋惺悸 惠. -悋悸 愆惘悽 悴惆 惠悋忰惴惺悋惘悸 悋悽悋惘悴悸 悋忰悋悧愀 惡惡惺惷 悋悧悸. 悖惘悋 悋忰惆悋惠 惺悋悸 惠惠: 悋惠悋 悴惆 惡悋惺悋惘悸 -悋悛 悒 惠愕 悋 悋悋惠悋悄 惠 悋忰惆悋惠. -悋愕 悋忰悋悧愀 惡 悋悸 愆惘悽 悴惆 惠悋忰惴. -惶惺 愕悄 惡愕惡惡 悵 悋惘愕惡愆 惡忰悋悧愀 悋惺惆 悴悋惡 惺 愆惘悽 悴惆 惠悋忰惴悸 惠惘悋惘 惺悋惺悋惘悸 悋愆悋惡悸 悋悋悵悴 悴惺 -悖 悖 悋悧悸 悋愆惡悋惡 悋悖惡悋惡 惠忰悋惠 惡悴悋惘 愆惘悽 惺惆悸 悴惆 悋悖惷 惠悋忰惴悖 悸 惘悖愕悸 -悋悴悋惘悸 悋忰悴惘悋惠 悒 悋悵悸 愆惘悽 惡 悋愕 惺 悋忰悋悧愀 悋惠惶悋 -悋惘惡悋悄 悽悋惘悴 惡惆悋惠悋 愆惘悽 悴惆 惠悋忰惴. -悋惘愕惡愆 悋惠惶悋 惡 愆惘悽 悴惆 惠悋忰惴悋悛 悋悴悋惠 悋悵 悋惠慍惺 惡愀惘悸悽惘 悋惺悋惘悸 悋愆悋惡悸 悋悋悵悴 悴惺 惘惘 悋愆惘悽 悵悋
  • 4. 3| P a g e -惶惺悸 愕悄 惺悋惆 惠惠悴 愆惺惘悸 愆惘悽 悋忰惴惠悋 惠 悋惠 悋愆惘悽 惺惴 悋 悋悽惘愕悋 悋 惡 悋惘悖愕悸 悋悖悸 悋愆惘悽 (悽悋惶悸 悋惠悵 悖惺悋惡悋 )悋惠忰悋惠 忰 悋愆惘悽愕惡 忰惘悸 忰惆惓 惠悴悸 惠悖惓惘悋 悋忰惠悋 悒 惡悋悖惷悋悸悸 惡愕愀悸.
  • 5. 4| P a g e :Conclusion and Recommendations.1.4 撃悋愆惘 惺 惠悖惓惘 悋 悋 愕 惠慍悸 愀惡惺悸 悋惺悋惘悸 悋愕 悋惠惘惡悸 愀惡惺悸惡悋 悽惺悋惘悸 撃悋愀惘 惡悋忰惆悸 悋悴惆悸 惡悋愆惘悽 惠惶 愕悴 惺 惠 悋愕惠悽惆悸 愕惠惡悋 悋悋 惘悴惺 悋惠悵 悖惓悋悄 惶惘 悋惺悋悴 惠悋惘悽 惺悋悴悋 撃惺悋惘悸 悋悋愆悋悧悸 惡悋忰悋惠 悋悴悸 悋悋悸 惠 撃悋 忰惓 悋惆惘悋愕悸 惠惘悸 悖惓悋悄 悋愕 愃惘惷 悋忰惆悸 悋愕惠悽惆悋 惺 悋 悴惆 悋 惺悋 悋愆悋悧悸 悽愀惘悸 悴惆 悋 惠愆惘 惺悋悋惠 悋 惠悴惆
  • 6. 5| P a g e
  • 7. 6| P a g e 悋惺悋惘惠 惡 悋悋愆悋悧 悋惶 惡惆悧悸 惺悋悸愆惘惺惆惠 :Introduction.51. 悋 惠愀惘 愆惘惺悋惠 悋惺惘惡悸 悋愆惘悸 惠 惺 惡悋悄 悋惠惘惘 悵悋 悋惺惆悋惆 惠惺惘悋 悋 惺 悋惠惺悋 悋愕惡 惺 惠惘惘 悋惺惆悋惆 悋惺悋惘惠 惡 悋惠惆惆 悋惶 惡惺悋悸惺惡 悋悴惆悸 悋惴悋惘悸惡悋. :Description of structure.61. 悋惘惷 愀悋惡 悸 悋惺悋悸 惷惺 悋惺悋惘悸戲惡悋 悋悋愆悋悄 惠 惆 愀悋惡愕惠悽惆悋 悋愕忰悸 悋悽惘愕悋悸 悋 悋惴悋 :Preview on Nature.71. 惡惠悋惘悽 悋悋惶 惺悋悸 惠惠戡戰惡惘悋惘戡戞戳悋惴悋惘 悋惺悋悸 悋惠惷忰 惆: 悋 悸 -惠忰 悋忰惆悋悧 慍惘悋惺悸 惡悋愕悋 愆愃悋 悋惺悋惘惠 惠愆愀惡 悋悋惠悋悄 悋 -悋惺悋惘惠 惡 悋惠惆惆 惡悋惶 忰惘悸 悴惆 悋忰惴 :Conclusion and Recommendations.81. 撃 悋惠惆惆 悋惶 惴惘惠 悋惠 悋惺惡 悋 惠惷忰 悋愀悋惘悸 悋惺悋悸 悋忰惴 悋悽惘愕悋 悋 愆惘悽 悋 撃悋 惘愕悋忰悋 悋惺悋惘惠 惘惶惆 惠截悋悽悵 (惠 惠惡悋惺惆悸 惠惘悋惠 惺 惘悋惠惘悋悄悸 忰悋悸 悋惠惶悋惠 悋惶惆悋惘 悋惘惶惆 惡惠悋悧悴 悋悋惠悋 惠 悋 愆惘)惺 悴惆 悋忰惆悋惠 惺悋悸 悋悴悸 惺 悋惠愕 惠 惡悋惺悋惘惠 惡悋忰惆悋惠 惺惡 悋. 撃悋悋愕悋愕悋 惺 惡 惺 惡惡悋悋惠 惺 悋悴悸 悋悋悸 惠惠惘惘 悵 惠悋惠惘惡悸 撃惠悴惆 悋 忰惓 悋惆惘悋愕悸 惠惘悸 悋惓悋悄 悋忰惆悋惠 悋愕惠悽惆悋 惺 悋 悴惆 悋悋惺悋 悋惠 惺 悋愆悋悧悸 悽愀惘悸 悴惆 惺 惠愆惘 :General Conclusion.91. 愀悸 惠忰惠 悋惠惘惡悸 忰悋悸 惡惆惘悋愕悸 惘惡愀悋 悋惴悋惘悸 悋惺悋悸 惠悋惘惘 惡惘悋悴惺悸惠悖愕愕 悋 悋惶 悋惺悋惘惠:惠悋悧悴 悋 1-悋悋惘惷 悋惺 "惘悋惠 "悖惺惆悸 悋悽惘愕悋 悋 惺悋悸 惠惠 悋 忰惓-惺悋悸 惆 悋悖愕悋愕悋惠-"惘悋惠 "悖惺惆悸 悋惺 悋悽惘愕悋 惡悋 愆惘悽 悖 惘惶惆 惠 悒
  • 8. 7| P a g e 惡愕惡惡 惠 惆 悋悽惘 愆惘悽 悋惶惺悸 愕悄 惡愕惡惡 惡悋忰悋悧愀 愆惘悽 惠悴惆 惺悋惘悸 愕悋惡悸 忰惘悸愕悋悸 惺 悽愀惘悸 惠悴惆 悋 悒 惺 惡悋悄 悋惺悋惘悸 悋愕悋愕悋惠 悋愕 惠惘惡悸 惺 悖愆惘 惓悋惓悸 惆悸 惺悋惘悸 忰惘悸 惘惶惆 悴惡 惺 悋愕惠悽惆悋 惶悋忰 悋 忰悋悋 悋惡 惺悋惘悸 愕惠惡悋 愆愀悸 忰惘悸 悴惆 惆 惠悖惆 悋悖-忰惆惓 悋忰惠悋 悴惆 忰悋 悋 悋惠惘惡悸 惠惘惘 惘悋悴惺悸 悽悋 忰惘悸忰 悋忰惆悋悧 惘 惠 悋 惺 惡悋惺悋惘悸 悽悋惶 惶 惠悖惆 悋愆悖 惡悵悋 愆悋惘 忰慍悸 惠惡 悋惺愀悋悄 悋惶悋惠 愀惡悋 悋惡 惡 惡惶悋 愕忰 悋愃惘 悋悋 惶悋惆惘 惡悋 惆 惠惘惡悸 愀 悋愀惡惺 悋悋悧 悋 悋忰惆悋悧 惘 悋悋惠悴悸 悋惶惘 悋 悋 悋惶忰 悋惶惘 悋 惓悋悴惘悋悄 惡惺惆 悵 悋惠愃悵悸 悋 悋惶惘 悽愀愀 惡悴惺 悋悋慍悸 悋悋惶悋忰悋惠. 2-悋悴愕悋 悖悋惆惠悋惺悋惘悸 悋愕 悋惠惘惡悸 悋 悋悋愆悋悄 惡 惠悵悋 惠 悋惠 惠戞惠惠愀惡悸 惺惆 悋悋惘悸 愀惡惺悸 悵 惠 惆 悋惘 惠惆悸 愀惡悸 悋 悋惘惆 愕愀忰悸惠惺惘惷悋 惡 3-悋悵惘悸 悋惠惘惡悸 惺悋惺惡悋惺 悋悽悋惶悸 悋忰惆悋悧 惘 愕悋悄 惡悋惡 惠惠悖惓惘 惆 悋悋 悋惘惠 悋惺悋悸 悋忰惆悸 惘 4-惴悋 悴愕悋悄悸悋忰悋悧愀 悋 悋惘悖愕悸 悋忰惘悋惠 惘 惡 惆 惺悋惘惠 惠悖愕愕 惡悋忰悋悧愀 愆惘悽 惴惘 悋 悗惆 惆 悋 惺惡 悋 惆 惡悋 悋惡 :sGeneral Recommendation.101. 悖-悋悋悋愕悋愕悋惠 惠惘惡悸 悋悋 惠愕惘惡 惠忰 1-悋惡悋惺 悋悋惶悸 悋惺悋悸 悋忰惆悋悧 悋悽悋惶悸 惡悋忰惆悋悧 悋惘 悋 惠愕惘惡 惠忰悋惘悋惠: 悋悋惶悸 悋惺悋悸 悋忰惆悋悧 悋悽悋惶悸 悋忰惆悋悧 悋惘 悋 惶惘 惺慍 .惠惺悋惘悋惠 悋惺悋惘悋惠 忰愀 悋悽悋惶悸 悋忰惆悋悧 悋愕悋惘 悋慍 忰惘 悋惠惶 惘愕悋惠 愀惡悋悸 悋悽惠悸 悋惶惆悋惘惠悋 悋惠惡 悋惶悋惆惘悸 悋惘 悋 惶惘 惺慍 悵 悋忰惆惆 悋惷 惡悋惺悋惘悋惠 悋悋惶悸 悋悽悋惶悸 悋忰惆悸 惘 悋 .悴惡 悋悖愆悴悋惘 悋惠惘惡悸 愃愀悋惠 慍惘悋惺悸 愕惠悽惆 悋悵 惡悋惠愀 悋惘 惡悋惠愕惺悖慍惘悋惺悸 悋 悋 惠愕惠惆惺 悋惠 悋悴悸惠 悋 惺 悋忰惆惆 悋惷 惠 悋 悴惡 惡悋惘愆 惘惡悸 惘 悋 悋惘 愆惡悸 惠惘 悋 惺 悴悸 悋悋悧 悋 惺 悋惠慍惆 悋 惷愆 :悋悖惠 Pressure Regulator Flow Meter with sound and light alarm for excess water Timer
  • 9. 8| P a g e 惶惘 愃愀 惶惘 愆惡悸 惠悵 .悴惡悋愕惘 惠惠 悋惘 悋悋悧惷悸 悋悋 PVC悵 惠惠愆 愃惘悸 惠惶惘 悋悴惠愕惠悋 惡悋悧 愃悸 悽惘悸 惺惘悴悸 惠悵 惠 悋悵 悋悋愀惺 悋惶惘 愆惡悸 惠惠愆 愃惘悸 悋惘惡 悋 悋悋 惠惶惘 惠 悋愃惘悸 悋惺悋悸 悋忰惆悋悧 2-悋惡悋忰惆悋悧 悋惘 悋 惠愕惘惡 惠忰悋惺悋悸 -愀惡 惡悋悋 悋忰愀悸 悋惺悋悸 悋忰惆悋悧 惘 悋 惶惘 惴 惠愀惡 惘悋惺悋悸 悴惡悋 悋愆悖 悵悋 悋惠惡 悋忰惆惆悸 悋惘愕悋惠 悋惶悋惠 -惡 惠 悋 惺 悋忰惆惆 悋惷 惡悋惘愆 悋惘 惴悋 悋愕惠悽惆悋 悋 悴惡悋 悸 悋悽惷惘悋悄 愕悋忰悋惠 悋悋悧 悋 惺 惠慍惆 悋 -惺 惠悋悖愕悋愕悋惠 惠惘惡悸 悒 悋惘 悋悋悧惷悸 悋悋 惠愕惘惡 seepage cut-off Trench悴悋悋愀惺 惶惘 惠悵 惘 惶惘 悋惠惶悸 惘愕悋惠 悋愀惡 悋惺悋惘悋惠 惡 悋悋悧悸 悋忰惆悋悧 悴惺 忰愀悋惘 悋悽惠悸 悒惶惆悋惘惠悋 悋惠惡 悋惶悋惆惘悸 悋忰惆悋悧 3-惠 悋惠忰悋惘悋 悋 愕惘惡 .惘悋悴惺悸悋惠 惺悋惘悋惠 悋悴悋惘悸 悋忰惘 愆惡惠 悋惠愃悵悸 悋惶惘 愆惡悋惠 悋悄悸 悖惆 惠愕惘惡 悋惠惺惘惷 惆 悋惠愆愃 惴惘 惠忰悋 悵 悋 惠愕惘惡悋 惺惆 悋惠 惡 悋惶悸 悋惠悴慍 愕悋惡悸 惡惓悋惠悋 悋惠惠愆 愃惘 悴惺 .悋愕惠惡惆悋惠 惡 悋 忰惠 惺慍悋 惶悋惠悋 悖 惘悸 悋惶悋惠 悴惺惶悋 悖 悋 悋悋 惠惠愕惘惡惠 悋悽悋惘悴悸 悋惆悋悽悸 悋悋愕惘 惡-悋悒惶悋忰 悖惺悋 惡 悒惺悋惆悸 惡惘悸 愆惘悽 惡 忰悋悧愀 悖 惠愕惘 愀惘 惺 悋惺悋惘悸 忰悋悧愀 惠惘 .惠悋悧悋 惠 悋愆惠惘悸 悋忰悋悧愀 忰悋悸shoot crete惺 惠-悋惺悋惘悸 忰惘悸 惘悋惡悸 悋惠惘悋惠 悖惺悋 悒惠悋悄 .惡惺惆惘 惠 惡悖 惶 惺悋悄 惠愕悋 悋惺悋惘悸愆 惶惆悋悋惘 惆悸戲悖愆惘
  • 10. 9| P a g e )2(Case Study 悋013-F悋悴惘悋 悋惠悋慍悋惆 愆悽 :Introduction.2.1 悋 悋悒愆悋悧悸 悋愕悋悸 惆惘悋愕悸 惡忰惓悸 悴悸 惠愆 惠F-013 悋惠 惷 悋 慍悋惆 悋愆悽 惡惆悸 悋悋惺 愕惆 惡愆惘惺 悖悴惘悋. 悋愀惡惺悸 惺 悋悋 惺悋悸 惠惠悋 悋惡惆悧 悋 悋惠惘惘 悒惺惆悋惆 惠 惠悋悧悴 愆 悋惴悋惘悸 悋惺悋悸.惠 悋惆悸 悋愕惠惆悋惠 悋愕惠惺惘悋惷 悋惠惘惘 悵悋 惠 悋悋悽悋惶悸 惆 悋惠惶悋惠.悵 惺惠惡惘悋 悋惠惘惘 惠悴慍悖 悋 悴慍悄悋 悋惡惆悧 悋 悋惠惘惘 悋悋 悋悧. :悋悋惠 悋惡惆悧 悋 悋惠惘惘 惠惶悋惠 惠愆- 1.悖 悋惘惠悋惺悋 悋惘悖愕悸 悋忰惘悸 悋惠 悒悵悋 悋 惡悋 惺 悋惘惆 悋悋愕惠愆悋惘 愀惡惡 悒悵 愀悋 悋忰惘悸 悖 悋悴惠悸 悋惆愕悸 惠惡 / 悋愕悋惆悸 忰惘悸 惠愕惘悋 悋忰惴悋惡愀愕 悖 惠悖惆 悋惠悋愆悸 惠惘惡悸 惡悋 惴惘惠 悋惠 悋悴愕悋惠 悋 惠悖惆 惺 , 悋惘惠悋惺悋悋愀 .愆 悴悋悋 惡 悋 惡悋 悋愕悋忰 悋惘惶惆 2.惠 忰惘悸 忰惆惓 悋忰惠悋 惆 惠悖惆 悋 惆 愕悋忰 惘惶惆 悒悴惘悋悄 惷惘惘悸惘惡悸 愃 惓 惡惆悧悸 愕悋忰悸 惘惶惆悸 惡悖悽悵 悵 愕惠惡悋 悋悋 悋惺惆 悖愕悋惠惘惡悸 惘忰悋悋 悋惘悋悄悸 愆惘 惡惺惆 悋惡 忰惘悸 惠惷忰 惘悋悄悸 悖悽悵 惓 悖愕惡惺 惆悸 惡悋悋悄悋悖, .悴惆惠 悒 3.惠 悋 悴惡愕悸 惡悗悴 惺 惘悋惺 ,惡悋悋悄 悋愃惘 惡 悋悋惡惆悧悸 悋惘惶惆悸 悖悽悵 惡惺惆悴悋慍愕悋 3-4惺惆悸 惺忰悋 惡愀 悋愆惘悽 悋惠悴悋 10惺惘惷 愕4惺 惠惘惡悋 愕 悒悵悋 悋悒惡悋愃 悋忰惴惠悋 惘悋惺悋悸 惺 悋惡悋惷 愀惡悸 愕 悋愀惡 惺 惠惓惡惠 悖忰惆惓惠 .悋愃惘 惡惺惆 悖惓悋悄 悵 愆惘悽 惡悋 4.忰悋悴 悋 悋惠 悒悵悋 悋 惠忰惆惆 悵 愕惡 悋 惠悵 惡惺惆 悋惷惺 惠 悒惺惠惆悸愃 悸悋悋 惘悄 悋惠惘惡 惠惶惘 惠悖惆 悵 惠 悋悵 惡悋愃惘 悋悋惠悋悄 悖 悖悽惘 惘悸悖愕 悸 .惡悋惠惘惡悸 悋悋悄 忰惠 惠愃惘 惺惆 悋惡 忰 悋悋愕悋愕悋惠 愆悋 惘惶惆悋惠 悖惘惡惺 惺惆惆 悖悽悵 惠 悖惠 悋惠惺 悖 悋惡惆悧 悋惠惘惘 悖惷忰 悋悋惘 悸惶惆悸 忰惆惆 悋愕悋忰悸 悋惘惶惆悋惠 悋悽悵 惠惘悸 惠 悖 悋惠惺 悖 悋 .悋惡惆悧悸3悖愆 惘 悒 悵 惺惡 悋惡惆悧悸 悋惘惶惆悸 悖悽悵 惠悋惘悽悋悒 愕悋悸 悋悋悧 悋惠惘惘 惺惆悋惆愆悋悧 悸 .悋愆惘悽 悒惶悋忰 悋悋慍悸 悋惠惶悋惠
  • 11. 10| P a g e :Virtual Previews.2.2 悋悖 悋惠 , 悋惡惆悧悸 悋惺悋悸 惡惺惆 悖悽惘 惘悋惠 惓悋惓 悋悋 惺悋悸 惠惠悋惓悋愃惘 悄 惘 惶惘 ( 惡惓悋悸 惡悋悋悄 悋悋12惡悗悴惠 悖 悋悒惡悋愃 惠 悋 惡惺惆 悵 )悴惡愕惠 惘 惶惘 ( 惓惺惘悸 愆惘悽 惡悋 惴惘惠34惡 悋惓悋悸 惠悋惺悋悸 惠惠 惡悋 , )悋悋惠悋悄 惺惆 惆 惠惠 惆 悋悖悽惘悸 悋惓悋惓悸 悋慍悋惘悸 悋悋 .愕悋忰悸 惘惶惆悸 悋悽悵 悋愃惘 惠 惡 悋悖悋 愀 悋惡悋 忰悋悧愀 悴惆悋 惠惶惘 悋愆惘悽 悋 悋惓悋惓 悋惺悋悋惠悋 惠 惴惘悋 愕惡悋 悋 悋惡悋 悋忰悋悧愀 愕悋悄 悴惆惆悸 愆惘悽 悖 惠惴惘 悋 惡 .悋悽惘愕悋
  • 12. 11| P a g e :Survey Results.2.3 悋愀 悋愕悋忰 悋惘惶惆 惡悋惺悋 惡悋悋 惡悋惘慍 悋愕悋忰悸 悋悋惺悋 悋愕惠愆悋惘 悋 惡惠 惺惆惆 惠惓惡惠16惡 悋悋愀 悵 悋愕惡 悋愕 惠 悋悋 惡 悋悴悋惠 惺 愀悸悋愕惡悸悋 悋 悖悽悵 惆悸 悽悋 惠悋惡惺惠悋 惠 悵 悋惡 惺 惡惺惆悸 惘悋愕悸 惓悋惡惠 悋愀惠惺 惠惆惠3 悋悋悸 悋愕悋悋惠 悋愕 悋悋愀 悵 悋惘悋愕悸 悋慍悋悋 惘惶惆 惠 惆 .悖愆惘悋惠惘悋 悋惠悋悸 悋忰愀悸 悴悋慍 惡悋愕惠悽惆悋Total Station忰愀悋 悋愀 悋悽惠悋惘 惠 惆 悋惘惶惆 惠 Stations悋悋 惡 忰惘悸 惠悋惡惺悸 惠 悋悋惡惠惆悋悧悸 悋悖惘惶悋惆 悋惡 惺悋悋 惠悴悋 .悋忰悋 惠惠 愕 悋惠 悋悖惘惶悋惆 悋惘悋愕
  • 13. 12| P a g e
  • 14. 13| P a g e :Conclusion and Recommendations.2.4 :Conclusion.2.4.1 悋 愆惘悽 悴惆 惺惆 悋 悋惴悋惘悸 悋惺悋悸 惠惡悋 悋 惠悋惠悽惘愕悋 惠惘 悋悋 悋忰惆 惘 悋惡悋惷 愀惡悸 悋愀惡 悋忰悋悧愀 悋愆惘悽 悋忰愕悋惘 惡悋悋 悋 愃惘 悋惠悋悄 惡惺惆 惡悋惡 愀悸 惘悋愕悸 忰惘悸 忰惆惓 悋愕悋忰 悋惘惶惆 惠惡惠惘惡悸 . 悒愆悋悧悋 悋悸 悋悋 惠惺惠惡惘 惺 惡悋悄 .悋愕悋惡悸 悋惠惘悸 悋惡 悋 忰惓 悋 悋 惠愕惘惡 忰悋悸 愕惠惡悋 愀悸 惘悋愕悸 忰惘悸 惠惺惘惷 惆愕 悋 悋悋 惠愕惘惡 惺 悋忰悋悸 悖悋惺 悋悸 悋愕惠悽惆悋 愕惠惆惺 悋 , 悋愕悋愕悋惠愀悸悋悋愕悋愕悋惠 愀悸 悋悋惡 悋惘 惺惆 悽悋惶悸1悋惺 悒悴惘悋悄悋惠 惠悵 惡悋惡惆悄 惶 悵 ,悋惡惆悄 惡 慍 忰 悋惠 悋愀惡 悋忰悋悄愀 惺悋悴悸 .愆惘悽 惡悋 惆惓 :Recommendations.2.4.2 1.愀悸 悋悋惡 悋惘 惺惆 悋忰惘悸 惘惆1悋 悋惶悋惠 愀惡悋 悋愀惡悋惠 惺.愆惘惺 2.悽 惡 惠惘 忰悋 惡惡惘慍 悋惡 忰 悋惺悋惆悸 悋悽惘愕悋悸 惘惶 惺 悋惡 悋惺惆 悖愕 惠愕惘惡悋 惺 愕愀忰悸 悋 悖 悒惡惺悋惆 悋悽悋惘悴 悋惠悴悋 . 3. 悋惠悖惆悋惶 惴悋 悵 惡 悵悸愃悋惠 悋愕惘 惶悋惠 悋悸 愕悋悸 惘 .悴惆惠 悒 惠愕惘惡悋惠 悖 惺悋悴悸 悋惶忰 4.惡悴悋惡 惺悋慍悸 愀惡悸 惺(tanking( 愃愆悋悄 )HDPE sheet 1000 micron.悋愕惡 惡惺 ) 5..悋愃惘 悋 惡悋惘愆 愕 悋惠愀 惡悋愕愀悸 慍惘悋惺悋惠 悖 惘 惠 悖 悴惡 6.愀惡悋惠 悒慍悋悸 惠悽悋 悋悽悋惘悴悸 悋忰悋悧愀 惺 悋惡惘 悋愕 悵悋惠 悋忰悋惘悸惺 惶悸惆 惘 悋愀悸 惘1. 7. 悋 ,惠愕惘 悋 悋愀惡 愆惘悽 惡悋 忰惆惓 悋惠 悋愀惡 悋忰悋悧愀 悒慍悋悸 惠悴惡 .悋惠悋 悋愀惡 悋愕惠惡惆悋 惺惆 惠悋慍悸 惺悸 愀惡 悋愕惠悽惆悋 8. 悋悋 悋惺惘愕 愀 惡悋 悋惆惆 悋愆惡 愆惘悋悧忰 惷惺 惠3惆悋惺 .悋悴悋惘悸 悋悋惺惆悸 惠惓惡惠 9.惡悋悋 愃悸 悸 悋愕惠悽惆悋 悋悖 惺 悋 悋惺惘悋愕 悴惘悋惠 悋愕惠悽惆悋 惷愕惠 .悋惺惘悋愕 惺
  • 15. 14| P a g e 10.悋悽惘愕悋 悋 悋惡悋 惡 悋悋惶 悋忰惆 惡 惆惆 愆惡 惷惺 惠 .悋愕惡 惡惺惘惷 11.忰 悋愀惡 忰悋悧愀 悋愕忰悸 悋悽惘愕悋悸 悖惺惠悋惡 惺 悴惡悋3惠惘 惡愕20惡惠愕忰 悋忰悋悧愀 惺惘惷 愕124悋悋惠 85./ 12.忰悋 惡愕 悋忰悋惘悸 愀惡悸 惺 惠2.愕
  • 16. 15| P a g e Case Study (3) IndiaNehru Memorial College :Introduction.3.1 A survey was conducted by Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation in the city of Toronto to develop a better understanding of the condition of existing high-rise buildings in order to determine the more cost-effective repair methods. The survey indicated that the average cost/unit for repairs over 10 years was approximately four lakh rupees for all work, excluding regular maintenance items such as interior finishes. This amount is equal approximately to one month's rent per year. It was found out that water penetration and air leakage through the building envelope was the main cause which resulted in structural and other damage. The condition in other metro cities will be more or less similar and cost will be even higher in costal cities associated with severe environmental distresses. Repair materials and methodology will be similar for any type of concrete structures either a low or a high-rise building. To study the distress and its repair methodology, an Institution building in a costal environment which was repaired and rehabilitated was selected as a case study. 3.2.Distress Observed: Since the building was very old and located in a marine climate, the water leakages and reinforcement corrosion were major issues. There were leakages in the roof and water seepage through the external walls. The walls were made of laterite stone block masonry. The pointings of the stone masonry were disintegrated and water was leaking through these joints. There were spalling of plaster, cracks in the masonry walls and also cracks in the ceilings of the RCC roof. The water seepages and leakages led to growth of fungus and mosses on the walls and the ceilings.
  • 17. 16| P a g e The corrosion of reinforcement led to spalling of concrete. There were cracks in the RCC ceilings and columns. Spalled plaster, fungus growth in walls Cracks in the ceiling and masonry wall Fungal growth in ceilings Corrosion and spalling of concrete in columns 3.3.Repair of Cracks in Masonary walls: There were some cracks in the masonry walls. At those locations the plastering was chipped of and cutting of V-grooves were made along the length of the crack by chiseling. The cleaning was made by a high pressure water jet. A wire mesh was fixed along the cracks after which the cracks were repaired with medium structural grade repair mortar.
  • 18. 17| P a g e Repair and Strengthening of RCC Columns.3.4 :Beams and Slabs, The reinforcements in the most of the columns were corroded. There was complete loss of cover concrete in some columns. The following steps were taken: Distress and spalled concrete portions were identified and marked for repair and restoration. Reinforcements were exposed by chiseling properly with light weight hammer and chisel. The exposed reinforcements were properly cleaned by wire brushed and entire concrete and steel surface were washed with potable water. Thereafter the reinforcements were applied with a rust remover and rubbed with gunny sacks, wiped properly and washed with high pressure water jet to wash out the traces of any residues. Then the same reinforcements were applied with anti-corrosive epoxy zinc primer to prevent further corrosion. After that the distressed concrete portions were properly applied with epoxy bonding agent for acting as an impervious layer to restoration patch. Finally a cementitious high structural grade repair material was applied in mortar consistency to build the thickness of the cover concrete as needed at site condition. The ceiling surface of roof slab and beam were also repaired in the similar manner.
  • 19. 18| P a g e 3.5.Strengthen of Masonary Columns: The masonry columns of the corridor needed to be repaired and strengthened for carrying out additional loads. This was achieved by providing steel jacketing to those masonry columns. The steel jackets were made of 4-ISA 75x75x6 and braced with tie rod in a zigzag way. The concreting was done with cementious high grade structural repair mortar. Strengthening of masonry columns by steel jacketing 3.6. External Wall Plastering and Protective Coating: All the external wall plasters were loosened and debonded from the masonry surface for which plastering was chipped out and replastering was done. It was finished with cement mortar admixed with polymer modified mortar and finally protected with an elastomeric acrylic coating. Before repair After repair