The document provides advice from various people in response to the question "what are 10 things a 'school' can do in preparation for 1:1 laptops in classrooms?". Some key recommendations include:
1. Involve students to understand how laptops can aid their learning and identify early technology adopters among teachers and students.
2. Develop policies around responsible laptop use and how they fit with existing behavior and discipline policies.
3. Ensure adequate infrastructure like wireless access, secure storage, and charging facilities.
4. Provide training for teachers on utilizing technology and model its effective use in lessons.
5. Develop contingency plans for students who have uncharged or malfunctioning laptops.
2. Darcy1968 Help. I am continuing my series of posts. Question: what are 10 things a 'school' can do in preparation for 1:1 laptops in classrooms? #L4L
3. ictguy @ Darcy1968 The big thing teachers need 4 '1 to 1' is being open 2 new ways of learning 4 students and teachers. It's all about the attitude!
5. melissagiddins @ Darcy1968 Identify some 'early adopters' to run ahead of the pack. Start PD now in small bite-sized chunks. Create an 'ideas bank'.
6. ictguy @ Darcy1968 When talking '1 to1' Will Richardson's Unlearning curve comes to mind!
7. stuhasic @ Darcy1968 #L4L School needs to come to consensus on all the policy issues. How do laptops fit in the current UAP and Discipline policies?
8. pilgram @ Darcy1968 1:1 Laptops- eSafety and responsible use no1 priority #L4L
9. stuhasic @ Darcy1968 #L4L School needs to arrange accom. for the netbooks pool and the on-site L4L officer. In the Job ads on 3/6/09!!
10. Lilylauren @ Darcy1968 a school can refuse to accept a deficit model of teacher learning & understand that in 2009 it is not on to ignore technology
11. onepmb @ darcy1968 . #10 Current and future in"fast"ructure- fast as in get on it now and always stay ahead of its curve
12. Cramster @ Darcy1968 Educate faculties about social learning sites, encourage students to embrace social learning
13. piphowell @ Darcy1968 #L4L set up shared Delicious account for each faculty. Share web 2 tools, learning objects and sites easily among faculty staff
14. oliverquinlan @ Darcy1968 Are you doing a blog post on 1:1 laptops? Be very interested to see your thoughts/findings.
15. wotsa @ Darcy1968 the 'school' could make opportunities for stakeholders to air their feelings, fears and ideas. Unearth some nuggets.
16. TheDramaTeacher @ Darcy1968 encourage reluctant staff to attend DYNAMIC presentations showing L4L in action, model positive practices, relevant to teach KLA
17. Lofts1964 @ Darcy1968 , create mentor groups in year 9. 'Guide on the Side'. They will be the champions. Just like my year 8 class showed me a few tips.
18. Lofts1964 @ Darcy1968 ensure you survey your parents, on use at home & school. Find the 'champions' amongst your parents. They will be handy.
28. melissagiddins @ Darcy1968 plan for offline and online use be ready with plans and activities for both - prevent offline from meaning 'not used'.
29. melissagiddins @ Darcy1968 School policy for battery charging. Work out where they live in school bags when bags are outside rooms in prac classes?
30. john_larkin @ Darcy1968 Develop a logical labelling system for each laptop and its specific peripherals. Count them out. Count them in.
31. SimonBorgert @ Darcy1968 ensure that arrangements are made to cater for students that have uncharged/unservicable laptop for all classes during the day