The workshop supervisor submitted a report to the company owner summarizing a one day workshop demonstrating a car model AKL-3200. The car attracted many dealers who appreciated its exterior design and interior modifications. The black, dolphin-shaped car is 10 feet long, 4 feet wide, and 4 feet tall. It has a brown, soft seat cushion and seats for four people. The four-stroke engine has an excellent casing with meshed, lubricated gears. Other features include heat-resistant, strong tires; high-quality front and rear mirrors; a sensitive speedometer; seat belts for every seat; a fuel gauge; a luggage deck; and air conditioning with a heater. The supervisor reported on the car's
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Report of a car inspection
1. Report of a one day Workshop on a car
To:The owner of the company. Dated:23-05-2012
From:Workshop supervisior Model #AKL-3200
Sub: Report of a one day workshop on a car.
It is reported here that according to your directives,different features of
car had been demonstrated yesterday,alongwith the other group members.The
condition of the car is given below but it was quite well and It attracted many
dealers.They appreciated the modifications in it and remarked the exterior
design.The description/condition of the car are:
Color black
Shape dolphin
Size 10ft long,4ft wide and4ft high.
Cushion seat cushion are brown and soft
Seats it has a room for 4 person
Type four stroke is opted
Casing the casing is excellent
Gears meshed gears installed
Bearings wet bearings with lubricants are used
Gadgets gadgets are good
2. Tyres are heat resistive and are strong enough to burst.
Mirrors front and rare mirrors of high quality are introduced
Speedometer A sensitive speedometer is fixed
Seat belt For safety seat belts are installed for every seat
Fuel gauge It is used for measuring fuel
Deck A deck is prepared for carrying minute luggage
A.C Air conditioner along with a heater is used.
So,this was a little description of the car which was demonstrated
yesterday in a one day workshop.It is reported to you to review it.