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REPORTED SPEECH- 亊<br />丱仆 仆亞仆亳亶 仍仆 亰勵亶仍亳亶亞 弍亟舒亟 亟舒仄亢仍舒仆 仍亟 Reported speech 弍ム 亟舒仄 亳舒亞 亞仍仆. 舒仄 亳舒仆亟 舒亶仆 唏亞勵勵仍弍亳亶仆 勵亶仍 勵亞亳亶仆 舒亞 仆 仆亞 舒亞舒舒 舒 仍亞亟仆. 哦唏唏唏 仍弍仍, 于 勵亶仍 勵亞 仆 Present simple 弍ム 仆亞亳亶仆 仂亟仂仂 舒亞 亟 弍舒亶舒仆 弍仂仍 亟舒仄 亳舒仆亟 仆亞 舒亞 舒舒亟 Past simple 弍ム 仆亞亳亶仆 唏仆亞唏唏仆 舒亞 弍仂仍仆仂 亞仆 勵亞 ミ. 亳 仆: <br />I work as a bank teller. <br />She told me that she worked as a bank teller.<br />舒仄 亳舒仆亟 tell, explain, admit, say, mention 亰亞 仂仍仂仆 勵亶仍 勵亞亳亶亞 亞仍亢 弍仂仍仆仂.<br />亳 仆: She mentioned that she worked as a bank teller. <br />舒仄 亳舒仆 亟舒 勵亶仍 勵亞亳亶仆 舒亞亳亶仆 于亳舒仍亟: <br />Present Simple ->Past Simplequot;
I always drink coffeequot;
, she said She said that she always drank coffee. Present continuous ->Past continuous quot;
I am writing a letterquot;
, he explained. He explained that he was writing a letterPast Simple ->Past perfectquot;
Bold arrived on Mondayquot;
, he said. He said that Bold had arrived on Monday Present perfect ->Past perfect quot;
I have done my homework quot;
, he told me. He told me that he had done his homework. Past perfect ->Past perfect quot;
I had just met my friend quot;
 he explained. He explained that he had just met his friend . Present perfect continuous ->Past perfect continuous They complained, quot;
We have been waiting for hoursquot;
. They complained that they had been waiting for hours. Past continuous ->Past perfect continuous quot;
We were playing quot;
, they told me. They told me that they had been playing. Future ->Present conditional quot;
I will phone you quot;
, he said He said that he would phone me . Future continuous ->Conditional continuous She said, quot;
 I'll be meeting him next Fridayquot;
. She said that she would be meeting him next Friday. <br />Reported speech 弍ム 舒仄 亳舒仆亟 勵亶仍 勵亞亳亶仆 舒亞舒舒 亞舒亟仆舒 仄唏仆 舒亞 亞舒舒舒 弍舒亶仍亞 亰舒舒舒仆 勵亞仆勵勵亟 于亳仆舒.<br /><br />Today ->that day quot;
I saw him today quot;
, she said. She said that she had seen him that day . Yesterday ->the day before yesterdayquot;
I saw him yesterday quot;
, she said. She said that she had seen him the day before . The day before yesterday ->two days before yesterdayquot;
I saw him the day before yesterday quot;
, she said. She said that she had met him two days before . Tomorrow ->the next/following day quot;
I'll see him tomorrow quot;
, she said She said that she would see him the next day . The day after tomorrow ->in two days time/ two days later quot;
Ill see him the day after tomorrow quot;
, she said. She said that she would see him in two days time/ two days later . Next week/month/year ->the following week/month/year quot;
Ill see him next week quot;
, she said. She said that she would see him the following week . Last week/month/year ->the previous/week/month/year quot;
I saw him last week quot;
, she said She said that she had seen him the previous week.ago ->beforequot;
I saw him a week agoquot;
, she said.She said she had seen him a week before. here ->therHe said, quot;
I liveherequot;
. He told me he livedthere. <br />Reported speech- 舒仄 舒仍<br />舒仄 舒仍 亞亟亞 仆 仆 仆亞仆亳亶 舒舒仆 舒仍亞 弍亟舒亟 亟舒仄亢仍舒仆 仍 ミ. 舒仄 舒仍舒仆亟 舒 唏亞勵勵仍弍 舒 仍弍 舒仍亟舒亢 仆亞亳亶仆 唏亞勵勵仍弍亳亶仆 仍弍亶 弍仂仍仆仂. 唏仆 勵亶仍 勵亞亳亶仆 舒亞 仆 仄唏仆 亟舒于舒 于亳仆舒 亞亟亞亳亶亞 仄舒舒亢 弍仂仍仂亞勵亶. <br />亳 仆: <br />Where do you come from? - She asked me where I came from. <br />What are you doing?  He asked us what we were doing .<br />Do you speak English?  He asked me if I spoke English . <br />Have you finished?  Teacher asked us whether we had finished . <br />亳 唏亞勵勵仍弍勵勵亟 舒舒舒亟 Wh 舒仍 弍ム Where, What 亞仆 舒 唏亞勵勵仍弍 仍仆 舒仍亟亞 亟舒仄亢仍舒舒亟 亟亞 舒 唏亞勵勵仍弍勵勵亟 唏唏亟唏唏 亞仍亞亟亢 弍舒亶舒亟 Yes, No 舒仍 弍ム 仍舒 勵亶仍 勵亞 仍仆 舒仍舒亟 亟舒仄 亳舒仆亟 if, whether 亞仆 勵亞 亞仍亞亟亢 弍舒亶仆舒. <br />How old are you?  He asked me how old I was . <br />Are you married?  He asked me if/whether I was married . <br />丐舒舒仍 弍仂仍仂仆 勵仍亳亶亞 亟舒仄亢仍舒亟舒舒 command, order, warn , ask, advise, invite, beg, teach, forbid , tell, say 亞 仄 勵亶仍 勵亞亳亶亞 亞仍亢 弍仂仍仂 弍唏亞唏唏亟 亟舒舒舒 弍舒亶亟仍舒舒 亟舒仄亢仍仆舒. <br />Stop talking.  He warned us to stop talking .<br />Dont cry.  She told me not to cry. <br />亟仂仂 舒亳仆 亟舒亞舒仍 舒亢亳仍仍舒亢 勵亰亞亠. 亅仍亟 亟舒亞舒仍亟舒舒 弍亳亠 亟舒舒仆 亳亶亢 勵亰亟 亟舒舒舒 仆 舒亳舒亶 仆 仍亞舒亢, 仄唏仆 亟舒亳仆 亟舒于舒仆 亳亶 亰亞 唏唏亳亶仆 亟舒舒仆, 舒仆 舒亞舒舒 亟舒亳仆 亟舒亳仆 亳亢, 舒亢亳仍仍舒亢 勵亰 仆 亞 亟勵仄亳亶亞 亳仍勵勵 舒亶仆 弍舒舒亶 仂亶仍亞仂仂亟 舒仆 仍舒 弍仂仍仆仂. 仄亢亳仍 勵亠. 唏仆 仄舒仆舒亶 亟舒舒舒亞亳亶仆 亳仍勵勵亟 唏唏亳亶仆 仄亟亳亶亞 勵仆 亟于亳亶亞 舒仆舒仍 弍仂仍亞仂亢 弍仂仍仂 仍 弍亳亟仆亶 舒仄舒仆 舒亢亳仍仍舒亞 舒 弍勵仆 勵 弍舒亶仆舒. <br />Task 1. Rewrite the sentences in reported speech. Change pronouns and time expressions where necessary.<br />quot;
Do you want to go to the cinema?quot;
 Jill asked me ...<br />quot;
If you give me some money, I'll help youquot;
. The man said that if I ...<br />quot;
Will Mary arrive by five?quot;
 Fred asked me ...<br />quot;
Don't touch that flower!quot;
 The old lady ...<br />quot;
Did you see that film last month?quot;
 Jane asked me ...<br />quot;
Open the window, pleasequot;
. She ...<br />quot;
Are you going to help us?quot;
 Jim asked me ...<br />quot;
I'll visit Mary tomorrow.quot;
 He said that ...<br />quot;
When did you find the money?quot;
 She asked us ...<br />quot;
I have a headache today. John said <br />quot;
He is going to marry me. She announces <br />quot;
If the price of the dress is reduced, I will buy it. The lady said <br />quot;
I have no time to cook the meal now and I will be late tonight. She said <br />quot;
They will fly to Rome tomorrow. Father said <br />quot;
I called the police two minutes ago. The young woman shouted <br />quot;
I don卒t like spinach today.quot;
 Susan said <br />quot;
I saw your mother last week.quot;
 He told me <br />quot;
I was here ten years ago.quot;
 Mary said to Sue <br />quot;
I am writing a book now.quot;
 You said <br />quot;
There was a party at my best friends place yesterday.quot;
 John said <br />quot;
Im having a party next week.quot;
 He said  <br />quot;
Someone is following me.quot;
 I said  <br />quot;
I cant see you.quot;
 She said  <br />quot;
Ill have to write to your parents.quot;
 She told the boys <br />quot;
You are the best girl in the world.quot;
 He told her <br />quot;
We are still packing our cases.quot;
 The girls said  <br />quot;
Mrs. Green will send it to me.quot;
 He said <br />quot;
I know a man who can do it.quot;
 He told me  <br />quot;
They are waiting outside.quot;
 I told him <br />quot;
Ill never forget him.quot;
 She told me <br />quot;
I know we dont have enough money.quot;
 He said <br />quot;
The news will be on TV at 6 oclock.quot;
 Chris said <br />quot;
They are going to meet Susie at four.quot;
 She said <br />quot;
I think the work isnt very interesting.quot;
 I told her <br />quot;
Well have to wait till she comes.quot;
 They said ...<br /><br />1- 亟舒亞舒仍仆 舒亳 <br />Rewrite the sentences in reported speech. Change pronouns and time expressions where necessary.<br />quot;
Do you want to go to the cinema?quot;
 Jill asked me if I wanted to go to the cinema.<br />quot;
If you give me some money, I'll help you.quot;
 The man said that if I gave him some money, he would help me. <br />quot;
Will Mary arrive by five?quot;
 Fred asked me if Mary would arrive by five.<br />quot;
Don't touch that flower!quot;
 The old lady warned us not to touch the flower.<br />quot;
Did you see that film last month?quot;
 Jane asked me if I had seen the film the previous month. <br />quot;
Open the window, please.quot;
 She told me to open the window. <br />quot;
Are you going to help us?quot;
 Jim asked me if I was going to help them. <br />quot;
I'll visit Mary tomorrow.quot;
 He said that he would visit Mary the next day.<br />quot;
When did you find the money?quot;
 She asked us when we had found the money. <br />quot;
I have a headache today. John said that he had a headache that day. <br />quot;
He is going to marry me. She announces that he was going to marry her. <br />quot;
If the price of the dress is reduced, I will buy it. The lady said that if the price of the dress was reduced, she would buy it. <br />quot;
I have no time to cook the meal now and I will be late tonight. She said that she had no time to cook the meal then and she would be late that night. <br />quot;
They will fly to Rome tomorrow. Father said that they would fly to Rome the next day. <br />quot;
I called the police two minutes ago. The young woman shouted that she had called the police two minutes before. <br />quot;
I don卒t like spinach today. ` Susan said that she didnt like the spinach that day. <br />quot;
I have seen your mother last week. He told me that he had seen my mother the previous week. <br />quot;
I was here ten years ago. Mary said to Sue that she had been there ten years before. <br />quot;
I am writing a book. You said that you were writing a book. <br />quot;
There was a party at my best friends place yesterday. John said that there had been a party at his best friends place the day before. <br />quot;
Im having a party next week. He said that he was having a party the following week <br />quot;
Someone is following me. I said that someone was following me. <br /> quot;
I cant see you. She said that she couldnt see me. <br /> quot;
Ill have to write to your parents. She told the boys that she would have to write to their parents. <br /> quot;
 You are the best girl in the world. He told her that she was the best girl in the world. <br /> quot;
We are still packing our cases. The girls said that they were still packing their cases. <br /> quot;
Mrs. Green will send it to me. He said that Mrs. Green would send it to him. <br /> quot;
I know a man who can do it. He told me that he knew a man who could do it. <br /> quot;
They are waiting outside. I told him that they were waiting outside. <br /> quot;
Ill never forget him. She told me that she would never forget him. <br /> quot;
I know we dont have enough money. He said that he knew they didnt have enough money. <br /> quot;
The news will be on TV at 6 oclock. Chris said that the news would be on TV at 6 oclock. <br /> quot;
They are going to meet Susie at four. She said that they were going to meet Susie at four. <br /> quot;
I think the work isnt very interesting. I told her that I thought the work wasnt very interesting. <br /> quot;
Well have to wait till she comes. They said that they would have to wait till she ca<br />
Reported speech
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Reported speech
Reported speech
Reported speech
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  • 1. REPORTED SPEECH- 亊<br />丱仆 仆亞仆亳亶 仍仆 亰勵亶仍亳亶亞 弍亟舒亟 亟舒仄亢仍舒仆 仍亟 Reported speech 弍ム 亟舒仄 亳舒亞 亞仍仆. 舒仄 亳舒仆亟 舒亶仆 唏亞勵勵仍弍亳亶仆 勵亶仍 勵亞亳亶仆 舒亞 仆 仆亞 舒亞舒舒 舒 仍亞亟仆. 哦唏唏唏 仍弍仍, 于 勵亶仍 勵亞 仆 Present simple 弍ム 仆亞亳亶仆 仂亟仂仂 舒亞 亟 弍舒亶舒仆 弍仂仍 亟舒仄 亳舒仆亟 仆亞 舒亞 舒舒亟 Past simple 弍ム 仆亞亳亶仆 唏仆亞唏唏仆 舒亞 弍仂仍仆仂 亞仆 勵亞 ミ. 亳 仆: <br />I work as a bank teller. <br />She told me that she worked as a bank teller.<br />舒仄 亳舒仆亟 tell, explain, admit, say, mention 亰亞 仂仍仂仆 勵亶仍 勵亞亳亶亞 亞仍亢 弍仂仍仆仂.<br />亳 仆: She mentioned that she worked as a bank teller. <br />舒仄 亳舒仆 亟舒 勵亶仍 勵亞亳亶仆 舒亞亳亶仆 于亳舒仍亟: <br />Present Simple ->Past Simplequot; I always drink coffeequot; , she said She said that she always drank coffee. Present continuous ->Past continuous quot; I am writing a letterquot; , he explained. He explained that he was writing a letterPast Simple ->Past perfectquot; Bold arrived on Mondayquot; , he said. He said that Bold had arrived on Monday Present perfect ->Past perfect quot; I have done my homework quot; , he told me. He told me that he had done his homework. Past perfect ->Past perfect quot; I had just met my friend quot; he explained. He explained that he had just met his friend . Present perfect continuous ->Past perfect continuous They complained, quot; We have been waiting for hoursquot; . They complained that they had been waiting for hours. Past continuous ->Past perfect continuous quot; We were playing quot; , they told me. They told me that they had been playing. Future ->Present conditional quot; I will phone you quot; , he said He said that he would phone me . Future continuous ->Conditional continuous She said, quot; I'll be meeting him next Fridayquot; . She said that she would be meeting him next Friday. <br />Reported speech 弍ム 舒仄 亳舒仆亟 勵亶仍 勵亞亳亶仆 舒亞舒舒 亞舒亟仆舒 仄唏仆 舒亞 亞舒舒舒 弍舒亶仍亞 亰舒舒舒仆 勵亞仆勵勵亟 于亳仆舒.<br /><br />Today ->that day quot; I saw him today quot; , she said. She said that she had seen him that day . Yesterday ->the day before yesterdayquot; I saw him yesterday quot; , she said. She said that she had seen him the day before . The day before yesterday ->two days before yesterdayquot; I saw him the day before yesterday quot; , she said. She said that she had met him two days before . Tomorrow ->the next/following day quot; I'll see him tomorrow quot; , she said She said that she would see him the next day . The day after tomorrow ->in two days time/ two days later quot; Ill see him the day after tomorrow quot; , she said. She said that she would see him in two days time/ two days later . Next week/month/year ->the following week/month/year quot; Ill see him next week quot; , she said. She said that she would see him the following week . Last week/month/year ->the previous/week/month/year quot; I saw him last week quot; , she said She said that she had seen him the previous week.ago ->beforequot; I saw him a week agoquot; , she said.She said she had seen him a week before. here ->therHe said, quot; I liveherequot; . He told me he livedthere. <br />Reported speech- 舒仄 舒仍<br />舒仄 舒仍 亞亟亞 仆 仆 仆亞仆亳亶 舒舒仆 舒仍亞 弍亟舒亟 亟舒仄亢仍舒仆 仍 ミ. 舒仄 舒仍舒仆亟 舒 唏亞勵勵仍弍 舒 仍弍 舒仍亟舒亢 仆亞亳亶仆 唏亞勵勵仍弍亳亶仆 仍弍亶 弍仂仍仆仂. 唏仆 勵亶仍 勵亞亳亶仆 舒亞 仆 仄唏仆 亟舒于舒 于亳仆舒 亞亟亞亳亶亞 仄舒舒亢 弍仂仍仂亞勵亶. <br />亳 仆: <br />Where do you come from? - She asked me where I came from. <br />What are you doing? He asked us what we were doing .<br />Do you speak English? He asked me if I spoke English . <br />Have you finished? Teacher asked us whether we had finished . <br />亳 唏亞勵勵仍弍勵勵亟 舒舒舒亟 Wh 舒仍 弍ム Where, What 亞仆 舒 唏亞勵勵仍弍 仍仆 舒仍亟亞 亟舒仄亢仍舒舒亟 亟亞 舒 唏亞勵勵仍弍勵勵亟 唏唏亟唏唏 亞仍亞亟亢 弍舒亶舒亟 Yes, No 舒仍 弍ム 仍舒 勵亶仍 勵亞 仍仆 舒仍舒亟 亟舒仄 亳舒仆亟 if, whether 亞仆 勵亞 亞仍亞亟亢 弍舒亶仆舒. <br />How old are you? He asked me how old I was . <br />Are you married? He asked me if/whether I was married . <br />丐舒舒仍 弍仂仍仂仆 勵仍亳亶亞 亟舒仄亢仍舒亟舒舒 command, order, warn , ask, advise, invite, beg, teach, forbid , tell, say 亞 仄 勵亶仍 勵亞亳亶亞 亞仍亢 弍仂仍仂 弍唏亞唏唏亟 亟舒舒舒 弍舒亶亟仍舒舒 亟舒仄亢仍仆舒. <br />Stop talking. He warned us to stop talking .<br />Dont cry. She told me not to cry. <br />亟仂仂 舒亳仆 亟舒亞舒仍 舒亢亳仍仍舒亢 勵亰亞亠. 亅仍亟 亟舒亞舒仍亟舒舒 弍亳亠 亟舒舒仆 亳亶亢 勵亰亟 亟舒舒舒 仆 舒亳舒亶 仆 仍亞舒亢, 仄唏仆 亟舒亳仆 亟舒于舒仆 亳亶 亰亞 唏唏亳亶仆 亟舒舒仆, 舒仆 舒亞舒舒 亟舒亳仆 亟舒亳仆 亳亢, 舒亢亳仍仍舒亢 勵亰 仆 亞 亟勵仄亳亶亞 亳仍勵勵 舒亶仆 弍舒舒亶 仂亶仍亞仂仂亟 舒仆 仍舒 弍仂仍仆仂. 仄亢亳仍 勵亠. 唏仆 仄舒仆舒亶 亟舒舒舒亞亳亶仆 亳仍勵勵亟 唏唏亳亶仆 仄亟亳亶亞 勵仆 亟于亳亶亞 舒仆舒仍 弍仂仍亞仂亢 弍仂仍仂 仍 弍亳亟仆亶 舒仄舒仆 舒亢亳仍仍舒亞 舒 弍勵仆 勵 弍舒亶仆舒. <br />Task 1. Rewrite the sentences in reported speech. Change pronouns and time expressions where necessary.<br />quot; Do you want to go to the cinema?quot; Jill asked me ...<br />quot; If you give me some money, I'll help youquot; . The man said that if I ...<br />quot; Will Mary arrive by five?quot; Fred asked me ...<br />quot; Don't touch that flower!quot; The old lady ...<br />quot; Did you see that film last month?quot; Jane asked me ...<br />quot; Open the window, pleasequot; . She ...<br />quot; Are you going to help us?quot; Jim asked me ...<br />quot; I'll visit Mary tomorrow.quot; He said that ...<br />quot; When did you find the money?quot; She asked us ...<br />quot; I have a headache today. John said <br />quot; He is going to marry me. She announces <br />quot; If the price of the dress is reduced, I will buy it. The lady said <br />quot; I have no time to cook the meal now and I will be late tonight. She said <br />quot; They will fly to Rome tomorrow. Father said <br />quot; I called the police two minutes ago. The young woman shouted <br />quot; I don卒t like spinach today.quot; Susan said <br />quot; I saw your mother last week.quot; He told me <br />quot; I was here ten years ago.quot; Mary said to Sue <br />quot; I am writing a book now.quot; You said <br />quot; There was a party at my best friends place yesterday.quot; John said <br />quot; Im having a party next week.quot; He said <br />quot; Someone is following me.quot; I said <br />quot; I cant see you.quot; She said <br />quot; Ill have to write to your parents.quot; She told the boys <br />quot; You are the best girl in the world.quot; He told her <br />quot; We are still packing our cases.quot; The girls said <br />quot; Mrs. Green will send it to me.quot; He said <br />quot; I know a man who can do it.quot; He told me <br />quot; They are waiting outside.quot; I told him <br />quot; Ill never forget him.quot; She told me <br />quot; I know we dont have enough money.quot; He said <br />quot; The news will be on TV at 6 oclock.quot; Chris said <br />quot; They are going to meet Susie at four.quot; She said <br />quot; I think the work isnt very interesting.quot; I told her <br />quot; Well have to wait till she comes.quot; They said ...<br /><br />1- 亟舒亞舒仍仆 舒亳 <br />Rewrite the sentences in reported speech. Change pronouns and time expressions where necessary.<br />quot; Do you want to go to the cinema?quot; Jill asked me if I wanted to go to the cinema.<br />quot; If you give me some money, I'll help you.quot; The man said that if I gave him some money, he would help me. <br />quot; Will Mary arrive by five?quot; Fred asked me if Mary would arrive by five.<br />quot; Don't touch that flower!quot; The old lady warned us not to touch the flower.<br />quot; Did you see that film last month?quot; Jane asked me if I had seen the film the previous month. <br />quot; Open the window, please.quot; She told me to open the window. <br />quot; Are you going to help us?quot; Jim asked me if I was going to help them. <br />quot; I'll visit Mary tomorrow.quot; He said that he would visit Mary the next day.<br />quot; When did you find the money?quot; She asked us when we had found the money. <br />quot; I have a headache today. John said that he had a headache that day. <br />quot; He is going to marry me. She announces that he was going to marry her. <br />quot; If the price of the dress is reduced, I will buy it. The lady said that if the price of the dress was reduced, she would buy it. <br />quot; I have no time to cook the meal now and I will be late tonight. She said that she had no time to cook the meal then and she would be late that night. <br />quot; They will fly to Rome tomorrow. Father said that they would fly to Rome the next day. <br />quot; I called the police two minutes ago. The young woman shouted that she had called the police two minutes before. <br />quot; I don卒t like spinach today. ` Susan said that she didnt like the spinach that day. <br />quot; I have seen your mother last week. He told me that he had seen my mother the previous week. <br />quot; I was here ten years ago. Mary said to Sue that she had been there ten years before. <br />quot; I am writing a book. You said that you were writing a book. <br />quot; There was a party at my best friends place yesterday. John said that there had been a party at his best friends place the day before. <br />quot; Im having a party next week. He said that he was having a party the following week <br />quot; Someone is following me. I said that someone was following me. <br /> quot; I cant see you. She said that she couldnt see me. <br /> quot; Ill have to write to your parents. She told the boys that she would have to write to their parents. <br /> quot; You are the best girl in the world. He told her that she was the best girl in the world. <br /> quot; We are still packing our cases. The girls said that they were still packing their cases. <br /> quot; Mrs. Green will send it to me. He said that Mrs. Green would send it to him. <br /> quot; I know a man who can do it. He told me that he knew a man who could do it. <br /> quot; They are waiting outside. I told him that they were waiting outside. <br /> quot; Ill never forget him. She told me that she would never forget him. <br /> quot; I know we dont have enough money. He said that he knew they didnt have enough money. <br /> quot; The news will be on TV at 6 oclock. Chris said that the news would be on TV at 6 oclock. <br /> quot; They are going to meet Susie at four. She said that they were going to meet Susie at four. <br /> quot; I think the work isnt very interesting. I told her that I thought the work wasnt very interesting. <br /> quot; Well have to wait till she comes. They said that they would have to wait till she ca<br />