The document discusses reported speech, which is used to report what someone else has said without using their exact words. It explains how to change verb tenses and time expressions when reporting speech. For example, changing "I work as a bank teller" to "She told me that she worked as a bank teller." It provides examples of how to report different tenses and time expressions in speech.
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Reported speech
1. REPORTED SPEECH- 亊<br />丱仆 仆亞仆亳亶 仍仆 亰勵亶仍亳亶亞 弍亟舒亟 亟舒仄亢仍舒仆 仍亟 Reported speech 弍ム 亟舒仄 亳舒亞 亞仍仆. 舒仄 亳舒仆亟 舒亶仆 唏亞勵勵仍弍亳亶仆 勵亶仍 勵亞亳亶仆 舒亞 仆 仆亞 舒亞舒舒 舒 仍亞亟仆. 哦唏唏唏 仍弍仍, 于 勵亶仍 勵亞 仆 Present simple 弍ム 仆亞亳亶仆 仂亟仂仂 舒亞 亟 弍舒亶舒仆 弍仂仍 亟舒仄 亳舒仆亟 仆亞 舒亞 舒舒亟 Past simple 弍ム 仆亞亳亶仆 唏仆亞唏唏仆 舒亞 弍仂仍仆仂 亞仆 勵亞 ミ. 亳 仆: <br />I work as a bank teller. <br />She told me that she worked as a bank teller.<br />舒仄 亳舒仆亟 tell, explain, admit, say, mention 亰亞 仂仍仂仆 勵亶仍 勵亞亳亶亞 亞仍亢 弍仂仍仆仂.<br />亳 仆: She mentioned that she worked as a bank teller. <br />舒仄 亳舒仆 亟舒 勵亶仍 勵亞亳亶仆 舒亞亳亶仆 于亳舒仍亟: <br />Present Simple ->Past Simplequot;
I always drink coffeequot;
, she said She said that she always drank coffee. Present continuous ->Past continuous quot;
I am writing a letterquot;
, he explained. He explained that he was writing a letterPast Simple ->Past perfectquot;
Bold arrived on Mondayquot;
, he said. He said that Bold had arrived on Monday Present perfect ->Past perfect quot;
I have done my homework quot;
, he told me. He told me that he had done his homework. Past perfect ->Past perfect quot;
I had just met my friend quot;
he explained. He explained that he had just met his friend . Present perfect continuous ->Past perfect continuous They complained, quot;
We have been waiting for hoursquot;
. They complained that they had been waiting for hours. Past continuous ->Past perfect continuous quot;
We were playing quot;
, they told me. They told me that they had been playing. Future ->Present conditional quot;
I will phone you quot;
, he said He said that he would phone me . Future continuous ->Conditional continuous She said, quot;
I'll be meeting him next Fridayquot;
. She said that she would be meeting him next Friday. <br />Reported speech 弍ム 舒仄 亳舒仆亟 勵亶仍 勵亞亳亶仆 舒亞舒舒 亞舒亟仆舒 仄唏仆 舒亞 亞舒舒舒 弍舒亶仍亞 亰舒舒舒仆 勵亞仆勵勵亟 于亳仆舒.<br /><br />Today ->that day quot;
I saw him today quot;
, she said. She said that she had seen him that day . Yesterday ->the day before yesterdayquot;
I saw him yesterday quot;
, she said. She said that she had seen him the day before . The day before yesterday ->two days before yesterdayquot;
I saw him the day before yesterday quot;
, she said. She said that she had met him two days before . Tomorrow ->the next/following day quot;
I'll see him tomorrow quot;
, she said She said that she would see him the next day . The day after tomorrow ->in two days time/ two days later quot;
Ill see him the day after tomorrow quot;
, she said. She said that she would see him in two days time/ two days later . Next week/month/year ->the following week/month/year quot;
Ill see him next week quot;
, she said. She said that she would see him the following week . Last week/month/year ->the previous/week/month/year quot;
I saw him last week quot;
, she said She said that she had seen him the previous week.ago ->beforequot;
I saw him a week agoquot;
, she said.She said she had seen him a week before. here ->therHe said, quot;
I liveherequot;
. He told me he livedthere. <br />Reported speech- 舒仄 舒仍<br />舒仄 舒仍 亞亟亞 仆 仆 仆亞仆亳亶 舒舒仆 舒仍亞 弍亟舒亟 亟舒仄亢仍舒仆 仍 ミ. 舒仄 舒仍舒仆亟 舒 唏亞勵勵仍弍 舒 仍弍 舒仍亟舒亢 仆亞亳亶仆 唏亞勵勵仍弍亳亶仆 仍弍亶 弍仂仍仆仂. 唏仆 勵亶仍 勵亞亳亶仆 舒亞 仆 仄唏仆 亟舒于舒 于亳仆舒 亞亟亞亳亶亞 仄舒舒亢 弍仂仍仂亞勵亶. <br />亳 仆: <br />Where do you come from? - She asked me where I came from. <br />What are you doing? He asked us what we were doing .<br />Do you speak English? He asked me if I spoke English . <br />Have you finished? Teacher asked us whether we had finished . <br />亳 唏亞勵勵仍弍勵勵亟 舒舒舒亟 Wh 舒仍 弍ム Where, What 亞仆 舒 唏亞勵勵仍弍 仍仆 舒仍亟亞 亟舒仄亢仍舒舒亟 亟亞 舒 唏亞勵勵仍弍勵勵亟 唏唏亟唏唏 亞仍亞亟亢 弍舒亶舒亟 Yes, No 舒仍 弍ム 仍舒 勵亶仍 勵亞 仍仆 舒仍舒亟 亟舒仄 亳舒仆亟 if, whether 亞仆 勵亞 亞仍亞亟亢 弍舒亶仆舒. <br />How old are you? He asked me how old I was . <br />Are you married? He asked me if/whether I was married . <br />丐舒舒仍 弍仂仍仂仆 勵仍亳亶亞 亟舒仄亢仍舒亟舒舒 command, order, warn , ask, advise, invite, beg, teach, forbid , tell, say 亞 仄 勵亶仍 勵亞亳亶亞 亞仍亢 弍仂仍仂 弍唏亞唏唏亟 亟舒舒舒 弍舒亶亟仍舒舒 亟舒仄亢仍仆舒. <br />Stop talking. He warned us to stop talking .<br />Dont cry. She told me not to cry. <br />亟仂仂 舒亳仆 亟舒亞舒仍 舒亢亳仍仍舒亢 勵亰亞亠. 亅仍亟 亟舒亞舒仍亟舒舒 弍亳亠 亟舒舒仆 亳亶亢 勵亰亟 亟舒舒舒 仆 舒亳舒亶 仆 仍亞舒亢, 仄唏仆 亟舒亳仆 亟舒于舒仆 亳亶 亰亞 唏唏亳亶仆 亟舒舒仆, 舒仆 舒亞舒舒 亟舒亳仆 亟舒亳仆 亳亢, 舒亢亳仍仍舒亢 勵亰 仆 亞 亟勵仄亳亶亞 亳仍勵勵 舒亶仆 弍舒舒亶 仂亶仍亞仂仂亟 舒仆 仍舒 弍仂仍仆仂. 仄亢亳仍 勵亠. 唏仆 仄舒仆舒亶 亟舒舒舒亞亳亶仆 亳仍勵勵亟 唏唏亳亶仆 仄亟亳亶亞 勵仆 亟于亳亶亞 舒仆舒仍 弍仂仍亞仂亢 弍仂仍仂 仍 弍亳亟仆亶 舒仄舒仆 舒亢亳仍仍舒亞 舒 弍勵仆 勵 弍舒亶仆舒. <br />Task 1. Rewrite the sentences in reported speech. Change pronouns and time expressions where necessary.<br />quot;
Do you want to go to the cinema?quot;
Jill asked me ...<br />quot;
If you give me some money, I'll help youquot;
. The man said that if I ...<br />quot;
Will Mary arrive by five?quot;
Fred asked me ...<br />quot;
Don't touch that flower!quot;
The old lady ...<br />quot;
Did you see that film last month?quot;
Jane asked me ...<br />quot;
Open the window, pleasequot;
. She ...<br />quot;
Are you going to help us?quot;
Jim asked me ...<br />quot;
I'll visit Mary tomorrow.quot;
He said that ...<br />quot;
When did you find the money?quot;
She asked us ...<br />quot;
I have a headache today. John said <br />quot;
He is going to marry me. She announces <br />quot;
If the price of the dress is reduced, I will buy it. The lady said <br />quot;
I have no time to cook the meal now and I will be late tonight. She said <br />quot;
They will fly to Rome tomorrow. Father said <br />quot;
I called the police two minutes ago. The young woman shouted <br />quot;
I don卒t like spinach today.quot;
Susan said <br />quot;
I saw your mother last week.quot;
He told me <br />quot;
I was here ten years ago.quot;
Mary said to Sue <br />quot;
I am writing a book now.quot;
You said <br />quot;
There was a party at my best friends place yesterday.quot;
John said <br />quot;
Im having a party next week.quot;
He said <br />quot;
Someone is following me.quot;
I said <br />quot;
I cant see you.quot;
She said <br />quot;
Ill have to write to your parents.quot;
She told the boys <br />quot;
You are the best girl in the world.quot;
He told her <br />quot;
We are still packing our cases.quot;
The girls said <br />quot;
Mrs. Green will send it to me.quot;
He said <br />quot;
I know a man who can do it.quot;
He told me <br />quot;
They are waiting outside.quot;
I told him <br />quot;
Ill never forget him.quot;
She told me <br />quot;
I know we dont have enough money.quot;
He said <br />quot;
The news will be on TV at 6 oclock.quot;
Chris said <br />quot;
They are going to meet Susie at four.quot;
She said <br />quot;
I think the work isnt very interesting.quot;
I told her <br />quot;
Well have to wait till she comes.quot;
They said ...<br /><br />1- 亟舒亞舒仍仆 舒亳 <br />Rewrite the sentences in reported speech. Change pronouns and time expressions where necessary.<br />quot;
Do you want to go to the cinema?quot;
Jill asked me if I wanted to go to the cinema.<br />quot;
If you give me some money, I'll help you.quot;
The man said that if I gave him some money, he would help me. <br />quot;
Will Mary arrive by five?quot;
Fred asked me if Mary would arrive by five.<br />quot;
Don't touch that flower!quot;
The old lady warned us not to touch the flower.<br />quot;
Did you see that film last month?quot;
Jane asked me if I had seen the film the previous month. <br />quot;
Open the window, please.quot;
She told me to open the window. <br />quot;
Are you going to help us?quot;
Jim asked me if I was going to help them. <br />quot;
I'll visit Mary tomorrow.quot;
He said that he would visit Mary the next day.<br />quot;
When did you find the money?quot;
She asked us when we had found the money. <br />quot;
I have a headache today. John said that he had a headache that day. <br />quot;
He is going to marry me. She announces that he was going to marry her. <br />quot;
If the price of the dress is reduced, I will buy it. The lady said that if the price of the dress was reduced, she would buy it. <br />quot;
I have no time to cook the meal now and I will be late tonight. She said that she had no time to cook the meal then and she would be late that night. <br />quot;
They will fly to Rome tomorrow. Father said that they would fly to Rome the next day. <br />quot;
I called the police two minutes ago. The young woman shouted that she had called the police two minutes before. <br />quot;
I don卒t like spinach today. ` Susan said that she didnt like the spinach that day. <br />quot;
I have seen your mother last week. He told me that he had seen my mother the previous week. <br />quot;
I was here ten years ago. Mary said to Sue that she had been there ten years before. <br />quot;
I am writing a book. You said that you were writing a book. <br />quot;
There was a party at my best friends place yesterday. John said that there had been a party at his best friends place the day before. <br />quot;
Im having a party next week. He said that he was having a party the following week <br />quot;
Someone is following me. I said that someone was following me. <br /> quot;
I cant see you. She said that she couldnt see me. <br /> quot;
Ill have to write to your parents. She told the boys that she would have to write to their parents. <br /> quot;
You are the best girl in the world. He told her that she was the best girl in the world. <br /> quot;
We are still packing our cases. The girls said that they were still packing their cases. <br /> quot;
Mrs. Green will send it to me. He said that Mrs. Green would send it to him. <br /> quot;
I know a man who can do it. He told me that he knew a man who could do it. <br /> quot;
They are waiting outside. I told him that they were waiting outside. <br /> quot;
Ill never forget him. She told me that she would never forget him. <br /> quot;
I know we dont have enough money. He said that he knew they didnt have enough money. <br /> quot;
The news will be on TV at 6 oclock. Chris said that the news would be on TV at 6 oclock. <br /> quot;
They are going to meet Susie at four. She said that they were going to meet Susie at four. <br /> quot;
I think the work isnt very interesting. I told her that I thought the work wasnt very interesting. <br /> quot;
Well have to wait till she comes. They said that they would have to wait till she ca<br />