The document lists the capital cities of 14 different European countries. It provides the country name in the native language followed by the capital city, also in the native language. The countries included are Finland, Spain, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Serbia, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland, Norway, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, and Romania.
The document discusses electricity and electrical circuits. It introduces Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Edison, who were important figures in understanding and advancing electricity. It defines electricity as the flow of electrons along a wire, which is called an electric current. The document also defines electrical circuits and their components, including cells/batteries, switches, lamps, and wires. It explains how circuits need to be complete for electricity to flow and power the lamp.
This document summarizes the three main periods of prehistory: the Paleolithic Age, Neolithic Age, and Metal Age. The Paleolithic Age began 3 million years ago and ended around 10,000 BCE when humans transitioned from hunting and gathering to agriculture. During the Neolithic Age from 10,000 BCE to 5,000 BCE, humans developed farming and domesticated animals. The Metal Age started around 5,000 BCE when humans began working with metals to create tools and weapons.
The document defines invertebrates as animals without backbones that are usually smaller than vertebrates and make up most animals on Earth. It classifies the major groups of invertebrates as jellyfishes, molluscs, arthropods, worms, and sponges. Molluscs such as snails and octopuses have soft bodies and some have shells, while arthropods like insects and arachnids have segmented bodies and are the largest invertebrate group.
The document discusses electricity and electrical circuits. It introduces Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Edison, who were important figures in understanding and advancing electricity. It defines electricity as the flow of electrons along a wire, which is called an electric current. The document also defines electrical circuits and their components, including cells/batteries, switches, lamps, and wires. It explains how circuits need to be complete for electricity to flow and power the lamp.
This document summarizes the three main periods of prehistory: the Paleolithic Age, Neolithic Age, and Metal Age. The Paleolithic Age began 3 million years ago and ended around 10,000 BCE when humans transitioned from hunting and gathering to agriculture. During the Neolithic Age from 10,000 BCE to 5,000 BCE, humans developed farming and domesticated animals. The Metal Age started around 5,000 BCE when humans began working with metals to create tools and weapons.
The document defines invertebrates as animals without backbones that are usually smaller than vertebrates and make up most animals on Earth. It classifies the major groups of invertebrates as jellyfishes, molluscs, arthropods, worms, and sponges. Molluscs such as snails and octopuses have soft bodies and some have shells, while arthropods like insects and arachnids have segmented bodies and are the largest invertebrate group.
2. Abatut a Mataró un toro que s’havia escapat
d’un escorxador!
3. L’ex alcaldessa de València, Rita Barberà , mor
als 68 anys vÃctima d’un infart
4. Atracament milionari a dues dones qatarianes
en una autopista de ParÃs
Van aturar el cotxe, les van ruixar amb un gas i
els van robar diners i joies valorades en 5
milions d’euros..
5. El Barça guanya al Celtic 0 a 2 i es classifica com
a primer de grup a la Xampions
6. Justin Bieber dóna un cop de puny a un fan a
l'entrada del seu concert a Barcelona