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Representations of Regional Identity
G322: Key Media Concepts  TV Drama
Fill in the different regions of the UK on the
If youre feeling extra confident, map out where
you think towns/cities of the UK are.
Check the filled in map and see if you were
Regional Identity
Is about defining a geographical area within which
someone identifies. Could be one of the regions
of the UK you looked at, a city/town, or even a
country e.g. England, Wales. You might identify
more as being British than as English, or you
might consider being a Londoner is more
significant than another, wider geographical
location, etc.
Regional Identity cont.
Regional identity can be categorised in relation to a number of
things including:-
 The hair/makeup/clothing (costume) associated with a
certain area (flatcaps in Co. Durham, hair rollers in Liverpool!)
 Setting (e.g. Rolling countryside of Yorkshire Dales or the
urban jungle of inner city London)
 Class/lifestyle associations (e.g. North east traditionally
linked to mining and manual labour, thus working class
associations may dominate. London/south east linked to
professional jobs (eg?) and where the royal family live, thus
middle class/upper class/aristocratic associations)
Are there any examples of the characteristics
below you might associate with our region?
Accent and Dialogue
Related to the WAY a person from a specific
regional area says something. E.g...
Related to the WORDS/PHRASES which are
specific to a specific regional area. E.g...
There are a number of different
associations/connotations attached to
different regions or places within the UK.
For these different geographical locations and
the people from them, mindmap their
associations and stereotypes. The first one has
been done for you.
Our Friends in the North
Doc Martin
Screencast Activity
 Get into groups of 3/4.
 Assign each group member one of the big
ideas we have discussed.
 Each person must note down at least 2
examples of the ways techniques construct
their idea (use technical terminology).
 Record your screencast (each person to speak
for approx. 1 minute).
Peer Assessment
 Swap macs with another group.
 Play the groups screencast through and mark
it based on the criteria on the worksheet
 Swap your mark sheets back so the group can
read their feedback.
 Once you have your sheet back, discuss as a
group one target for future analyses and note
it down.

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Representations of regional identity qe obs

  • 1. Representations of Regional Identity G322: Key Media Concepts TV Drama
  • 2. Starter Fill in the different regions of the UK on the map. If youre feeling extra confident, map out where you think towns/cities of the UK are. Check the filled in map and see if you were right!
  • 3. Regional Identity Is about defining a geographical area within which someone identifies. Could be one of the regions of the UK you looked at, a city/town, or even a country e.g. England, Wales. You might identify more as being British than as English, or you might consider being a Londoner is more significant than another, wider geographical location, etc.
  • 4. Regional Identity cont. Regional identity can be categorised in relation to a number of things including:- The hair/makeup/clothing (costume) associated with a certain area (flatcaps in Co. Durham, hair rollers in Liverpool!) Dialect/accents Setting (e.g. Rolling countryside of Yorkshire Dales or the urban jungle of inner city London) Class/lifestyle associations (e.g. North east traditionally linked to mining and manual labour, thus working class associations may dominate. London/south east linked to professional jobs (eg?) and where the royal family live, thus middle class/upper class/aristocratic associations) Are there any examples of the characteristics below you might associate with our region?
  • 5. Accent and Dialogue Accent: Related to the WAY a person from a specific regional area says something. E.g... Dialect: Related to the WORDS/PHRASES which are specific to a specific regional area. E.g...
  • 6. Discussion There are a number of different associations/connotations attached to different regions or places within the UK. For these different geographical locations and the people from them, mindmap their associations and stereotypes. The first one has been done for you.
  • 7. Our Friends in the North
  • 9. Screencast Activity Get into groups of 3/4. Assign each group member one of the big ideas we have discussed. Each person must note down at least 2 examples of the ways techniques construct their idea (use technical terminology). Record your screencast (each person to speak for approx. 1 minute).
  • 10. Peer Assessment Swap macs with another group. Play the groups screencast through and mark it based on the criteria on the worksheet Swap your mark sheets back so the group can read their feedback. Once you have your sheet back, discuss as a group one target for future analyses and note it down.