This document provides information about an exhibition at the Porter Butts Gallery at the University of Wisconsin from February 28 to March 30, 2003. It featured artwork by Sierra Leonean artists documenting the atrocities of the civil war in Sierra Leone through graphic mediums like paintings, drawings, and batiks. The exhibition contained biographies of the 14 artists and descriptions of over 60 of their artworks depicting horrific scenes and consequences of the war through a realist lens to promote conscious action.
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Representations of violence: Art about the Sierra Leone Civil War
1. Exhibition Catalog &
Conference Proceedings
Porter Butts Gallery
University ofWisconsin
Memorial Union
Feb 28 March 30, 2003
Edited by Patrick K. Muana
and Chris Corcoran
Curators:Abu-Hassan Askia
Koroma & Karin L.Wolf
Twenty-First Century AfricanYouth Movement, Inc.
13. This unprecedented exhibition of viscerally potent art
focuses on how Sierra Leonean Artists have documented
the atrocities of war and how these representations of
violence spur conscious action.
Contains extremely graphic and violent images, which
may offend some viewers.
Twenty-FirstCenturyAfricanYouth Movement, Inc.
14. Lawrence Conteh
Marco S. Conteh
Michael During
Sahr Ellie
Prince Foday M. Kallon
OsmanTuzy Kamason
Julius C. Parker (Choema)
Ayo Peters
Septimus Roy-Thompson
Simeon Benedict Sesay
Michael P. Silma
Moses Silma
Mamei Isata Sowa
Rodney OluwoleTemple
Twenty-FirstCenturyAfricanYouth Movement, Inc.
15. After studying commercial art through
correspondence courses, Parker enrolled
at Milton Margai Teachers College to study
Art and Crafts. He has been part of group
exhibitions in the UK at Leeds Play House
Gallery, Van Mildert College, University of
Durham, Perens Art Gallery, Hull and, at
the Commonwealth Institute in London.
Basic facts of life with strong emotional
appeal like love, hatred and fear, are
constantly featured in his pen and ink
drawings of the war, of which he is a
Twenty-FirstCenturyAfricanYouth Movement, Inc.
21. Septimus Roy-Thompson is a well-known
batik artist. He was born on September
8, 1964 in Freetown, Sierra Leone. He is
married with two children, a boy and girl.
He is the founder of the Septo Youths
Training and Production Center, which he
founded on September 8, 1991
Twenty-FirstCenturyAfricanYouth Movement, Inc.
22. Another Face Ten Years Ago
Roy-Thompson, Septimus, (Sierra Leonean,
Batik, 71 x 50
Twenty-FirstCenturyAfricanYouth Movement, Inc.
23. Sierra Leone: Ten Years Back
Roy-Thompson, Septimus, (Sierra Leonean, b.1964)
Batik on fabric, 55 x 48
Twenty-FirstCenturyAfricanYouth Movement, Inc.
24. Another Face Ten Years Ago
Roy-Thompson, Septimus, (Sierra Leonean, b.1964)
Batik, 64 1/2 x 49
Twenty-FirstCenturyAfricanYouth Movement, Inc.
25. Lawrence Conteh was born in 1981. (At
the time of this project) He (was) a
student at the Sierra Leone Grammar
Twenty-FirstCenturyAfricanYouth Movement, Inc.
26. Ten Years of Destruction
Conteh, Lawrence, (Sierra Leonean, b.1981)
Marker on paper, 28 x 24
Twenty-FirstCenturyAfricanYouth Movement, Inc.
27. Amadu Tarawally was born on October
24, 1976 Freetown. He attended the
Tabernacle W.A.M. primary school.
Graduating from high school, Tarawally
worked under the guidance of art tutor
Ajibu Ajeebs Kabba.
Twenty-FirstCenturyAfricanYouth Movement, Inc.
28. The Story of the War
Tarawally, Amadu, (Sierra Leonean, b.1976)
Watercolor on paper, 28 x 24
Twenty-FirstCenturyAfricanYouth Movement, Inc.
29. Ayo Peters was born on February 22,
1968 in Freetown, Sierra Leone. He
considers himself a Creative and
Decorative artist. A graduate of the
Sierra Leone Grammar School, he
proceeded to work after the fifth form.
Twenty-FirstCenturyAfricanYouth Movement, Inc.
30. January 6, 1999 Invasion
Peters, Ayo, (Sierra Leonean, b.1968)
Mixed Media, 28 x 24
Twenty-FirstCenturyAfricanYouth Movement, Inc.
31. Rodney Temple illustrates violence from
what he believes is the cause of it in
Sierra Leone - wide scale poverty. This,
according to him, prevented parents
from sending their children to school.
Those kids were initially raised as
petty traders whose enterprise came
to a halt due to further economic
problems. They therefore took to the
ghetto, drinking, taking drugs and
gambling. Temple believes that the
idle man's mind is the devil's workshop.
With the advent of armed struggle,
these very youths became the core of
operation. They were the first to receive
the arms for destruction.
Twenty-FirstCenturyAfricanYouth Movement, Inc.
32. Decade of Violence in Sierra Leone
Temple, Rodney Oluwole, (Sierra Leonean, b.1973)
Watercolor on paper, 27 x 21 1/2
Twenty-FirstCenturyAfricanYouth Movement, Inc.
33. Simeon Benedict Sesay is a self-trained
artist living in Freetown, Sierra Leone. He
attended the St. Edwards Secondary
School from 1979 to 1986.
He is currently working with the Ministry of
Health as an artist in the Health Education
Division. He did not attend any institution
to be trained as an artist. He has a natural
talent, which he tried very hard to develop,
and has been very fortunate to win a
couple of competitions at a national level.
Looking back, I try as best possible to
depict some of the horrors that were
committed by the RUF
Twenty-FirstCenturyAfricanYouth Movement, Inc.
34. Wahala Na Salone
Sesay, Simeon Benedict
Oil on Canvas, 31 x 25 2/10
Twenty-FirstCenturyAfricanYouth Movement, Inc.
35. Horrors of War
Sesay, Simeon Benedict
Oil on Canvas, 32 x 261/2
Twenty-FirstCenturyAfricanYouth Movement, Inc.
37. Handiworks of Child Combatants
Sesay, Simeon Benedict
Watercolor on paper, 36 x 291/2
Twenty-FirstCenturyAfricanYouth Movement, Inc.
38. Moses Silma was born in Bendu, Jaiama
Bongor Chiefdom in the Bo District,
Southern Province, Sierra Leone. He
attended the University Secondary
School, Njala from form one to form five.
At the time of this work, Silma worked
for the Njala University College as a
photographer in training with eight years
of experience as a graphic artist with the
Twenty-FirstCenturyAfricanYouth Movement, Inc.
39. Origins of the Rebel War
Silma, Moses
Watercolor on paper, 28 x 24
Twenty-FirstCenturyAfricanYouth Movement, Inc.
40. The Bo - Freetown Highway Ambush
Silma, Moses
Watercolor on paper, 28 x 24
Twenty-FirstCenturyAfricanYouth Movement, Inc.
42. Kamajors Attack On Koribondo
Silma, Moses
Watercolor on paper, 28 x 24
Twenty-FirstCenturyAfricanYouth Movement, Inc.
43. January 6, 1999
Silma, Moses
Watercolor on paper, 28 x 24
Twenty-FirstCenturyAfricanYouth Movement, Inc.
44. Sahr Ellie attended the Roman Catholic
Elementary School from 1962 to 69 and
the Methodist City Mission Elementary
School from 1969 to 70. He then
proceeded to the Government
Secondary Technical School, Freetown
from 1970 to 77, He is currently a senior
artist at the General Workshop for the
Ministry of Health and Sanitation and
attached to the Health Education
Division. His work entails designing
visual aids for the Health Education
Unit. He is married with three children.
Twenty-FirstCenturyAfricanYouth Movement, Inc.
47. Michael P. Silma is the younger
brother of Moses Silma. At the time
of this project, he was a student at the
Ahmaddyya Muslim Secondary
School, Kissy Dockyard, Freetown.
Twenty-FirstCenturyAfricanYouth Movement, Inc.
48. Massive Killer - Cut hand, Cut foot
Silma, Michael P.
Watercolor on paper, 17 x 15 1/2
Twenty-FirstCenturyAfricanYouth Movement, Inc.
51. Osman Tuzy Kamason attended the Freetown
Grammar School. At school, he trained in
different areas such as painting, carving,
engraving, sculpture, batik and gara tie and
dyeing. In 1993, he was commissioned to create
a statue that was erected in BO, the second
largest city in Sierra Leone. The work was to
bring to attention the rebel war and its
atrocities. It was titled "Soldier Killed Rebel."
Tuzy graduated with a painting and decorating
diploma from the Government Technical
Institute, Kissy, and Freetown in 1999.
Currently, he works as an artist in the research
and planning department of the Sierra Leone
police Force as the police artist. He is married
with three children.
Twenty-FirstCenturyAfricanYouth Movement, Inc.
52. Motherhood In The Bush
Kamason, Osman Tuzy, (Sierra Leonean)
Pen and Ink, 20 x 17
Twenty-FirstCenturyAfricanYouth Movement, Inc.
53. Butchering A Pregnant Woman
Kamason, Osman Tuzy, (Sierra Leonean)
Oil on canvas, 23 x 20
Twenty-FirstCenturyAfricanYouth Movement, Inc.
54. Lost Bondo Girls
Kamason, Osman Tuzy, (Sierra Leonean)
Water Color on Paper, 24 x 18
Twenty-FirstCenturyAfricanYouth Movement, Inc.
55. Mob Justice
Kamason, Osman Tuzy, (Sierra Leonean)
Oil on canvas, 20 x 17
Twenty-FirstCenturyAfricanYouth Movement, Inc.
56. Big Trouble After Intervention
Kamason, Osman Tuzy, (Sierra Leonean)
Oil on paper, 28 2/8 x 24 2/8
Twenty-FirstCenturyAfricanYouth Movement, Inc.
57. Michael During was born on June 8, 1958.
His parents died when he was 18. Upon
graduation. he was left to fend for himself
and has been doing this ever since. He says
art is a gift from God and he uses it to
improve himself.
Twenty-FirstCenturyAfricanYouth Movement, Inc.
58. January 6, 1999 Invasion
During, Michael
Watercolor on paper, 30 1/10 x 26 1/10
Twenty-FirstCenturyAfricanYouth Movement, Inc.
59. Operation No Living Thing
During, Michael
Watercolor on paper, 28 x 24
Twenty-FirstCenturyAfricanYouth Movement, Inc.
61. Marco S. Conteh was born on January 27, 1948. He attended
the American Wesleyan School in Binkolo. From there, he
proceeded to the Government Boys Secondary School in
Magburaka. From 1967 to 1970, he attended the Milton
Margai Teachers College (now Milton Margai College of
Education and Technology)
From 1970 to 1972 He was an art lecturer at Magburaka
Government Teachers College. From 1972 to 1974 he was a
teacher at Magburaka Government Boys Secondary
School. From 1974 to 1984 he was a teacher at The Prince of
Whales School, Freetown. From 1984 to present he is a
teacher at Milton MargaiTeachers College.
Marco is a painter, sculptor, ceramicist, graphic artist, and art
historian. He has attended several workshops including a
workshop for African crafts experts in 1988 in Helsinki Finland
from August 1 through August 12 and Stockholm Sweden
from August 13 through August 18, 1988.
Marco now holds a Bachelor of Education degree in Practical
Twenty-FirstCenturyAfricanYouth Movement, Inc.
66. Mamei Isata Sowa studied art at the
Milton Margai Teachers College now,
Milton Margai College of Education and
Technology. She presently lives in the
United States.
About the art:
The wailing women were a constant
reminder of the carnage of war in Sierra
Leone. Mourning for loved ones dead at
the hands of rebels were a daily
Twenty-FirstCenturyAfricanYouth Movement, Inc.
69. Prince Foday Musa Kallon: Prince Fodie
Musa Kallon was born in 1948 and started
schooling in 1958. He completed
Secondary School in 1969 and started
working at the Forest Industries
Corporation in Kenema. He is married
with four children.
Twenty-FirstCenturyAfricanYouth Movement, Inc.
70. The Peace of Nature
Kallon, Prince Foday Musa
Oil on canvas, size
Twenty-FirstCenturyAfricanYouth Movement, Inc.
71. Thank you for viewing the slides. Please take a moment and share with your network.
Twenty-FirstCenturyAfricanYouth Movement, Inc.
73. Available: 4 10 weeks booking periods through 2017
36-41 Pen and ink, Painting on Canvas, Batik
Space required: Approximately 898 Square feet
For further information about this exhibition and CD, please contact:
Phone: +703-672-0631
Karin L. Wolf
Phone: 608-279-1846
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