An abandoned steel mill in Pittsburg that has been closed for twenty years is being transformed into a technologically-advanced robotics and manufacturing hub. The 178 acre facility will house the Carnegie Mellon Universitys Manufacturing Futures Initiative and the Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing Institute, dedicated to bringing new robotics technologies to manufacturing. Robotics are rapidly developing and replacing labor-intensive jobs while creating new opportunities. The site has undergone extensive refurbishment since being purchased in 2002 for $10 million and is now ready to begin operations.
2. An abandoned steel mill in Pittsburg
that has been closed for twenty
years is set to come alive again,
after being transformed into a
technologically-advanced robotics
and manufacturing hub.
Sprawling 178 acres, the new
installation will reside on top of
Jones & Laughlin Steel Companys
Mill 19 which has not been in
operation since 1998 and once
housed 5,000 workers.
Among the clients who will take up
residency at the new facility will be
Carnegie Mellon Universitys
Manufacturing Futures Initiative, in
addition to the Advanced Robotics
for Manufacturing Institute.
This alliance is dedicated to bringing
new technologies especially in the
field of robotics to workplaces
who need to change with the times.
Robotics are a rapidly-developing
part of the technology sector, and
advancements in the field have
huge impacts on how new products
are manufactured, assembled and
tested. While robots made of steel
and other durable materials have
replaced many labour-intensive
jobs, many more opportunities have
arisen in their place.
The site was purchased in 2002 for
$10 million USD and has been
undergoing extensive refurbishment
since, with the initial aim being the
removal of any industrial waste that
could have been left behind from the
original steel mill. Now that part is
complete, its time to get to business.
6. The project is a testimony to the enduring power of steel and
shows that with the right technology industries can thrive. Talk to
ShapeCUT today to see how we can purpose steel to suit your
business requirements.