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Reputation Now
Should companies and individuals even care
about their digital footprint in todays
hyper-connected world?
Roy Murphy
 Quick background
 Reputation de鍖nition
 Does is matter today
 Business case studies
 Individual case studies
Future of reputation
Hello and this morning
 Experience across digital with brands, agencies and start-ups
 Co-wrote UKs 鍖rst book on personal reputation management
 Things have changed - a lot - since the book was written
 Have a very random Facebook cover photo history (what does
that tell you about perception & reputation!)
A quick bit of background
Reputation in book form
Main learnings
Most books dont sell very much
Books can still generate a million pounds
Things move very fast
Benjamin Franklin
It takes many good deeds to
build a good reputation, and
only one bad one to lose it.
William Aruda, Branding expert
The most critical impact of
your professional life isnt what
your friends, colleagues or
even employers think of you
Its what Google thinks of you
The exponential growth of our internet lives
Living online
- More mobile devices on the planet than people (7 billion)
- More time being spent than ever online (up to 8 hours)
More time spent online - more digital footprints left behind.
History of reputation
From the caves to the wild west.
How you are perceived effects your
life more than you think...
History of reputation
 Platform choices  Apple iOS or both
 Customer discoverability  鍖nding
 App store visiblity
 Competitive analysis
 Apple platform and device imps
In the beginning, your
reputation get you thrown
to the wolves (or sabre-
toothed Tigers anyway)
Look different from the tribe?
Act different. Wear different
Your funeral.
History of reputation
Have a turbulent reputation?
(i.e. youve got an opinion)
You could have a big problem
History of reputation
Quick on the draw or
dead before dawn
By 1450 a ideas can be
A massive sea-change in
what went before - word of
mouth storytelling culture,
History of reputation
Bang Bang you dead
Reputation goes where the
outlaw goes. You can be seen.
People know what you look like.
Reputation today for
brands and individuals
Does it still matter?
Who does Google think you are
Isnt search dying? Do the results still matter?
(Note: Has anyone here really not ever Googled themselves?)
45% Of employers Google prospective hires
Some good news:23% of those found information that led
directly to hiring
However, Google isnt the only game in town
Its not that bad - choose your battleground
How useful they are depends on what your objective is
Your objective as an individual or company - Defence? attack? telling
the world? showing the world? CSR?
Professional status - Beginning, middle, senior management, start-up
Your company - Disruptor, challenger, incumbent
Choose your reputation platforms - multiple choices, down to you
(Just be aware of rep overload and dead platforms
Instagram,Ello, Snapchat, WhatsApp,
TenCent, Tumblr, MySp..Second...Beb....)
84% used Google search
65% used Linkedin
58% used Facebook
48% used twitter
54% searched for personal web
Reputation case studies - brands
Conversely, of the top 1000 companies in the US, 834 have had a
decrease in value over the last 5 years due to reputation issues. That
decrease average is 20%
Does it matter?
Reputation and business
In the UK reputational value of FTSE 350 has grown to 贈750bn
From most admired brand to now
Reputation case study -Tesco
Britains most admired brand:
6 times winners
Top 3 every year 2008-2011
Reputation value crucial to high street retailers
贈17 billion of market cap in Dec 07 - to 贈3 billion in Dec 2014:
Deepwater Horizon Gulf Oil spill in 2010
Reputation case study - BP
A contentious political area
Speed of admission of issue
Size of issue
A hot topic subject kept online
Google Search for BP still focus on
disaster on multiple search and social
media sites
BP own The energy frontier
Drilling as deep as planes 鍖y
Does reputation matter?
Wiped 贈5Bn of company value
Takeover target in weakened state
贈75bn potential cost to company
Reputation case studies - people
Change for good, trials by internet, physical and
virtual worlds collide
From the sublime to the ridiculous
Individual reputation trashing abounds online
Individual celebrity reputations
Revenge on bad dates
Media storm
Revenge on United Airlines
The internet - A scary place to say anything or powering the individual?
But, the law is changing.......
In the real world reputations are made and lost online
(Bad) reputations - a force for good
As a way of holding up a mirror to reputation
Ignoring the moral issues, the tools, resources and distribution is
available for all (is this a good thing? are there enough checks?)
Viral video get 10 million views in a week on you tube - knock
on effect of raising $30 million. 3 years later 3 of 5 warlords are
in jail. However, con鍖icting reports on the company who made
the video - Invisible Children - also abound...
A crime, a changing attitude in sport
Football calls foul - the real world
Ched Evans - an issue that has superceded sport - Prime minister of UK, Malta,
questions in Parliament. From a reputation perspective it now involves
Sport as a whole, communities, tribal loyalties, business interests, governing bodies,
the tourism reputation of sovereign states.
Proving online reputation in the real world
The Silk Road and DreadPirateRoberts
The Silk road, site traf鍖cking various illegal cargo taken down by Federal Bureau.
Allegedly ran by Ross Ulbricht
The case hinges on connecting the real Ross with the online persona
DreadPirateRoberts persona online.
Goverment has online forensics linking Ross to Roberts
Ultimately the still need a real person to point the 鍖nger and say thats him
Privacy and reputation
The changing face of online behaviour,
I only use WhatsApp to
communicate and send pictures.
I dont want the whole world to
know what Im doing
Twenty-something Londoner
Privacy and behaviour change
Privacy is a big concern with heavy and younger skewed internet users
Half of iPhones in Uk have WhatsApp installed
Mobile generation more comfortable with private chat - dont want whole
world, boss and everyone knowing what they are doing
Massive use of online and in particular mobile devices
More unwilling than previous generations to give up personal data
Prefer to chat to people they know in the real world - not random
assortment of virtual friends
Not everyone wants to share
Privacy is key
Will the tide turn back to the unsharing economy?
The right to be forgotten
Forget about me
Top reasons why people exercise their right to be forgotten
Invasion of privacy
Negative opinions
Origin, nationality or ethnic identity
Sexual orientation
Philosophical belief
Control your Google results
Links to help understand strategies, context and execution of reputation
Tools and resources
Find out whats being said
The future of people, business
concept of Identity manager
Social media checks
Free copy of Repped: https://reputationre鍖nery.com/online-reputation-management-books
The future
Is reputation relevant in the
connected world?
The internet of things - fridge in france
the future is tracked
More reason to share, more connectivity, more data
Quanti鍖ed self
For health, sport, the future is already here. Will you or your
businesses reputation thrive?
A whole new world to connect with and understand
The Internet of things
Does your fridge have a reputation?
Today your reputation wont kill you (mostly)
Brands that understand reputation management
perception are winning
The world isnt getting quieter
The tools are available, cheap and in lots of cases
completely free
The future is yours...
Does reputation matter in 2015?
Exciting times
Whatever you feel about
owning, managing you
or your businesses
This isnt an option...

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  • 1. Reputation Now Should companies and individuals even care about their digital footprint in todays hyper-connected world? Roy Murphy bam-mobile.com
  • 2. Quick background Reputation de鍖nition History Does is matter today Business case studies Individual case studies Privacy Resources Future of reputation Hello and this morning
  • 3. Experience across digital with brands, agencies and start-ups Co-wrote UKs 鍖rst book on personal reputation management Things have changed - a lot - since the book was written Have a very random Facebook cover photo history (what does that tell you about perception & reputation!) A quick bit of background
  • 4. Reputation in book form Main learnings Most books dont sell very much Books can still generate a million pounds Things move very fast
  • 5. Benjamin Franklin It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it. (Goalkeepers)
  • 6. William Aruda, Branding expert The most critical impact of your professional life isnt what your friends, colleagues or even employers think of you Its what Google thinks of you
  • 7. The exponential growth of our internet lives Living online - More mobile devices on the planet than people (7 billion) - More time being spent than ever online (up to 8 hours) More time spent online - more digital footprints left behind.
  • 8. History of reputation From the caves to the wild west. How you are perceived effects your life more than you think...
  • 9. History of reputation Platform choices Apple iOS or both Customer discoverability 鍖nding App store visiblity Competitive analysis Apple platform and device imps C A V E M E N In the beginning, your reputation get you thrown to the wolves (or sabre- toothed Tigers anyway) Look different from the tribe? Act different. Wear different clothes? Your funeral.
  • 10. History of reputation S A L E M Have a turbulent reputation? (i.e. youve got an opinion) Female? You could have a big problem
  • 11. History of reputation W I L D W E S T Quick on the draw or dead before dawn G U T E N B U R G By 1450 a ideas can be distributed. A massive sea-change in what went before - word of mouth storytelling culture,
  • 12. History of reputation W I L D W E S T Bang Bang you dead Reputation goes where the outlaw goes. You can be seen. People know what you look like.
  • 13. Reputation today for brands and individuals Does it still matter?
  • 14. Who does Google think you are Isnt search dying? Do the results still matter? (Note: Has anyone here really not ever Googled themselves?) 45% Of employers Google prospective hires Some good news:23% of those found information that led directly to hiring
  • 15. However, Google isnt the only game in town
  • 16. Its not that bad - choose your battleground How useful they are depends on what your objective is Your objective as an individual or company - Defence? attack? telling the world? showing the world? CSR? Professional status - Beginning, middle, senior management, start-up Your company - Disruptor, challenger, incumbent Choose your reputation platforms - multiple choices, down to you (Just be aware of rep overload and dead platforms Instagram,Ello, Snapchat, WhatsApp, TenCent, Tumblr, MySp..Second...Beb....) 84% used Google search 65% used Linkedin 58% used Facebook 48% used twitter 54% searched for personal web
  • 18. Conversely, of the top 1000 companies in the US, 834 have had a decrease in value over the last 5 years due to reputation issues. That decrease average is 20% Does it matter? Reputation and business In the UK reputational value of FTSE 350 has grown to 贈750bn
  • 19. From most admired brand to now Reputation case study -Tesco Britains most admired brand: 6 times winners Top 3 every year 2008-2011 Reputation value crucial to high street retailers 贈17 billion of market cap in Dec 07 - to 贈3 billion in Dec 2014:
  • 20. Deepwater Horizon Gulf Oil spill in 2010 Reputation case study - BP A contentious political area Speed of admission of issue Size of issue A hot topic subject kept online Google Search for BP still focus on disaster on multiple search and social media sites BP own The energy frontier Drilling as deep as planes 鍖y Does reputation matter? Wiped 贈5Bn of company value Takeover target in weakened state 贈75bn potential cost to company
  • 21. Reputation case studies - people Change for good, trials by internet, physical and virtual worlds collide
  • 22. From the sublime to the ridiculous Individual reputation trashing abounds online Individual celebrity reputations Revenge on bad dates Media storm Revenge on United Airlines The internet - A scary place to say anything or powering the individual? But, the law is changing.......
  • 23. In the real world reputations are made and lost online (Bad) reputations - a force for good As a way of holding up a mirror to reputation Ignoring the moral issues, the tools, resources and distribution is available for all (is this a good thing? are there enough checks?) Viral video get 10 million views in a week on you tube - knock on effect of raising $30 million. 3 years later 3 of 5 warlords are in jail. However, con鍖icting reports on the company who made the video - Invisible Children - also abound...
  • 24. A crime, a changing attitude in sport Football calls foul - the real world Ched Evans - an issue that has superceded sport - Prime minister of UK, Malta, questions in Parliament. From a reputation perspective it now involves Sport as a whole, communities, tribal loyalties, business interests, governing bodies, the tourism reputation of sovereign states.
  • 25. Proving online reputation in the real world The Silk Road and DreadPirateRoberts The Silk road, site traf鍖cking various illegal cargo taken down by Federal Bureau. Allegedly ran by Ross Ulbricht The case hinges on connecting the real Ross with the online persona DreadPirateRoberts persona online. Goverment has online forensics linking Ross to Roberts Ultimately the still need a real person to point the 鍖nger and say thats him
  • 26. Privacy and reputation The changing face of online behaviour,
  • 27. I only use WhatsApp to communicate and send pictures. I dont want the whole world to know what Im doing Twenty-something Londoner Privacy and behaviour change
  • 28. Privacy is a big concern with heavy and younger skewed internet users Half of iPhones in Uk have WhatsApp installed Mobile generation more comfortable with private chat - dont want whole world, boss and everyone knowing what they are doing Massive use of online and in particular mobile devices More unwilling than previous generations to give up personal data Prefer to chat to people they know in the real world - not random assortment of virtual friends Not everyone wants to share Privacy is key Will the tide turn back to the unsharing economy?
  • 29. The right to be forgotten Forget about me Top reasons why people exercise their right to be forgotten Invasion of privacy Negative opinions Redundancy Origin, nationality or ethnic identity Sexual orientation Income Philosophical belief
  • 31. Control your Google results Links to help understand strategies, context and execution of reputation Tools and resources Find out whats being said The future of people, business concept of Identity manager Social media checks Free copy of Repped: https://reputationre鍖nery.com/online-reputation-management-books
  • 32. The future Is reputation relevant in the connected world?
  • 33. The internet of things - fridge in france the future is tracked More reason to share, more connectivity, more data Quanti鍖ed self For health, sport, the future is already here. Will you or your businesses reputation thrive?
  • 34. A whole new world to connect with and understand The Internet of things Does your fridge have a reputation?
  • 35. Today your reputation wont kill you (mostly) Brands that understand reputation management perception are winning The world isnt getting quieter The tools are available, cheap and in lots of cases completely free The future is yours... Recap Does reputation matter in 2015?
  • 36. Exciting times Whatever you feel about owning, managing you or your businesses reputation This isnt an option...