Gulf Food 2012 was a very successful four-day trade show for the food and beverage industry. AMIRA participated actively with four stalls in different locations at the exhibition, including the APEDA pavilion and Choithrams Stall. AMIRA received excellent customer inquiries from Middle Eastern markets and positive feedback on their new range of snacks being sampled and displayed at the stalls.
Este documento es una introducci坦n a un cap鱈tulo sobre el comunismo primitivo. El autor describe su inter辿s en la literatura y la revoluci坦n cubana desde su infancia, luego de leer una biograf鱈a del Che Guevara que le regal坦 el due単o de una librer鱈a. Esto despert坦 su curiosidad por aprender m叩s sobre temas revolucionarios. Junt坦 dinero para comprar m叩s libros en la librer鱈a y as鱈 profundizar su conocimiento sobre la revoluci坦n cubana y las figuras de Fidel Castro y el Che Guevara.
Este documento describe los 4 pasos para crear una animaci坦n de un reloj con un segundero en movimiento en un programa de computaci坦n: 1) dibujar un c鱈rculo para el reloj y l鱈neas para las manecillas, 2) mover al n炭mero 5 en la animaci坦n y teclear F6 para dar animaci坦n al segundero, 3) mover el segundero a su pr坦xima posici坦n, y 4) repetir los pasos anteriores hasta completar la animaci坦n del movimiento del segundero.
1. 犂 犂犁犂犂鉦患犂逗慣犂犂 : 犂犂萎犂犁犂園苅犁 犂伍喚犂犂橿犁犂 犁犂犂萎歓 犁犂伍寒犁犂犂園犂 犂む歓犂萎歓犂犁犂犁 犂犂萎 犁犂犂犁犂犁犂萎犂犂萎犂逗瓦 犂伍犂犂犂犁犂犂 ?
Discussion Topic : An organisation setting up central divisions in the name of Brethren Churches ?
犂犂謹姦犂犁犂犂橿犁犂 犂伍犂犁犂劇歓犂犁犂 犂萎犂犂. A Summary of thoughts.
犂蹝む款犂犁犂 犂伍犂項款犂犂萎寒犁犂犂 犂犁犂犁犂犂 犂犂鉦姦犂 犂犂萎 犂犂犁犂犂逗官犁犂園歓 犂萎犂犁犂犁犂犂犁犂む犂む犂犁犂犁 犂犂犁犂犂 :
If a few brothers organize a committiee as Fellowship,
犂伍犂ム寛犂 犂伍喚犂犂橿寛犂迦犂鉦犂 犂犂萎 犂伍犂犂犂犂犁犂 '犂犂萎犂犁犂園苅犁' 犂犂犁犂犁犂 '犂 犂犁犂犂伍犂伍 ' 犂犂犁犂犁犂 犁犂犂萎 犂伍犂朽犂犂萎歓犂犁犂犁犂朽款犂犁
犂犂鉦犂逗寛犂迦.犂犂む 犁犂犂鉦苅犁犂犁 '犂犂.犂伍歓.犂伍歓 犂犂犁' 犁犂犂萎 犂犂鉦官犁犂園苅犂 No Organisation other than local Assemblies
should take up a name as 'Brethren' or 'Churches'. Hence 'BCCF' should change the name.
犂伍喚犂犁犂 犁犂伍寒犁犂犂園犂犂橿款犂犂 犂む歓犂萎歓犂犁犂 犂犂萎苅犂伍犂朽歓犂о款犂犂 犂犂巌歓犂朽款犂犁犂犂犂. Avoid any organisations with
central divisions of Churches.
犂伍犂ム寛犂 犂伍喚犂 犁犂萎犂鉦堪犁犂迦 犂犂朽感犁犂犁犂犁犂犂犂鉦犂,犂犂朽犂 犂犂鉦冠犂逗犁犂犁犂犁犂 犂犂萎犂謹犂犂犁犂犂橿歓 犂犂犁犂犂犁犂犂犂逗寛犂迦 犂犂犁犂
犂犂園勘犁犂犁 犂犂む犁犂犂鉦犂 犂萎犂犁犂犁犂犂犁犂犁犂 犂犂犁犂犂逗官犁犂園歓犂犂橿犁犂 犂犂逗姦犂犂伍犂項歓犂む姦犂 犂犂犁犂犂鉦犂犂. Writtern guidelines
required for such organisations, not to interfere in any issues related to any local church, without
the church requesting in writing, to do so.
犂 犂犂鉦官犁犂園犁犂 犂朽完犁犂む犂む歓犂 犁犂謹慣犂 犁犂 犂犂園犁犂 犂伍犂犂犂犂犁犁犂 犂犂逗姦犂犁犂萎 犂犁犂園瓦犁犂む犂朽歓犂犁犂犁, 犂伍犂犂犂
犁犂犁犂犁犂犂鉦苅犁犂 犂犂鉦官犁犂園犁犂 犂犁犂犁 犂犂迦寛犁犂 犂犂萎犂犁犂園苅犁 犂伍犂ム寛犂 犂伍喚犂犂橿犁犂犂犁犂 犂伍犂朽犂犂鉦完犁犂犂 犂犂園勘犁犂犁 犂朽完犁犂む犂む苅犂. After
making the above changes, the above said organisation should publish the bilo and get the
acceptance of all Brethren Churches on the changes made.
'犂犂.犂伍歓.犂伍歓.犂犂犁' 犂犂犁犂 犂伍犂犂犂 犁犂朽苅犁犂犂 犂犂萎犂 犂む犂む歓犂犁犂犁犂犁犂 犂伍犂項款犂犂萎寒犁犂犂 犂犂犂逗患犂鉦完犁犂犂犂鉦姦 犂 犂犂鉦官犁犂園犁犂
犂伍犂犂犂 犂朽完犁犂む犂む苅犂. 犂犂む歓犂犁 犂伍款犂о歓犂犁犂犁犂犁犂犂逗犂迦寛犁犂犁犂犂 犂犂萎犂犁犂園苅犁 犂伍堪犁犂項瓦犁犂む歓 犂犂萎犂犂鉦憾犂犁犂
犂犂犁犂犂鉦犁犂犂鉦犂 '犂犂.犂伍歓.犂伍歓犂犂犁' 犂犂逗完犂逗犁犂犁 犂朽歓犂犁犂犂む款犂犂 犂犂萎犂犁犂犂鉦勘犂逗犁犂犂犂. 犂犁犂犁犂犂鉦幹犁犁犂犁犂犂犁犂犁 犂犂園姦犁犂犁犂犂犁犂犁犂 犂伍款犂犁犂項歓犂
犂犂萎犂謹犂犂犁犂 犂犂萎歓犂項完犂逗犁犂犂鉦寒犁 犂 犂む犂む款犂朽 犂伍喚犂 犂犁犂犁 犂犁犂 犂 犂犁犂犁犂. Brothers who organised 'BCCF' should make
these inevitable changes to the organisation. If this is not possible, please have 'BCCF' declared dissolved,
without creating problems within Brethren Society. May Christ provide the grace on Churches to resolve any
issues that the Churches are said to be facing.
犂 犂犂謹姦犁犂む犂む款犂犁
犁犂犂鉦犂逗犁犂犁犂犁犂犂朽完犁犁犂 犁犂犂萎 犂伍犂朽犂犂謹
Name Location