This document outlines requirements for personal knowledge management tools based on an analysis of how knowledge workers take notes and manage information. The three main requirements are:
1) Personal knowledge management tools should allow step-wise formalization that balances the costs of authoring content with the benefits of easy retrieval.
2) Tools require a unified conceptual model that can accommodate different levels of formality and supports the conversion of content between representations.
3) Core functions include fast note entry, versioning, linking and grouping of notes, querying, and active assistance with maintenance tasks.
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1. REQUIREMENTS FOR PERSONAL KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT TOOLS Max V旦lkel , Andreas Abecker FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik Karlsruhe 11.06.2010
2. Personal Knowledge Management? Why? The knowledge-based organisation is no more effective than the sum of its knowledge workers effectiveness. Davenport, 2004
3. Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) What? PKM is a set of concepts, disciplines and tools for organizing often previously unstructured knowledge, to help individuals take responsibility for what they know and who they know European guide to good practice in knowledge management CWA 14924-1:2004 E, part 5, p. 12. European Committee for Standardization, 2004
4. Focus of this talk: PKM Tools Organize often previously unstructured knowledge Support personal note-taking Extend the human memory by information management Make knowledge workers more productive Many PKM tools have been built and even more tools are (ab-)used for PKM tasks. How to build a good PKM tool?
5. Analyze what knowledge workers do What is note-taking? Creating an external reminder (a note, a knowledge cue ) to help a person coming back to a previously experienced mental state (knowing something). What is a knowledge cue? Definition: A knowledge cue is either a piece of content , containing plain text, semi-structured text, or arbitrary binary content such as images or desktop objects, or a connection between other knowledge cues. Such connections can be unspecified relations, directed hyperlinks and formal statements.
12. Req for model: Knowledge model should be a superset of existing conceptual models To reuse content residing in one kind of representation in another tool, it needs to be transformed. Convert between n formalisms? Naive: n 2 transformations Common intermediate formalism: 2n transformations Learning a new tool user needs to understand the conceptual model of the tool Formalism of good PKM tool should be similar to existing models
14. Req: Easy to learn Model and tool requirement: Seems obvious However, riding a bicycle is not easy to learn Long-term cost/benefit is relevant
15. What kind of notes? Model and tool requirement: Req: User decides on modeling granularity Allow very short notes Allow very long (and structured) notes Less different tools have to be used Req: Informal articulation Allow user to be informal lower costs (lower benefit) Req: Formal articulation Allow user to be formal more benefit (higher costs) Req: Simultaneous use of different levels of formality Req: Stepwise formalization
16. Req: Versioning Allow errors and make it easy to fix them Never loose any keystroke However, versioning and retrieval is hard
17. Interaction for codify and augment process Model and tool requirements: Req: Entities need to be addressable Neglected by many tools! Req: Capture the context for cue creation and import
18. Interaction for codify and augment process Tool requirements Req: Fast entry Otherwise knowledge model remains empty Req: Knowledge model refactoring Or model gets cluttered This includes deleting content Req: Active assistance in maintenance tasks This is older than. and has been accessed less than times This has been searched times and each time it took (very long)
19. Ways of adding structure and formality Model and tool requirements: Grouping of items Containment relationship Optional naming of knowledge cues Alternative names Order knowledge cues Linking Hierarchy Annotating content Tagging Classifying items into categories Tool requirements Simultaneous use of multiple levels of detail Source: Analysis of conceptual models of PKM tools preverbal verbal formal
20. Interaction for retrieval process Model and tool requirements: Queries Full-text, semantic, combined Browsing (=scanning lists) and following links Inverse relations
21. Expressivity Model and tool requirements: Flexible schema Structured queries Adaptation to domains Transclusion Avoid copy & paste Meta-modeling Self-describing model
24. Conclusions Long requirements list can be used As design specification and research agenda for PKM tool builders To assess the suitability of existing tools for PKM Core requirements: Trade-off authoring costs and retrieval value Step-wise formalization Unified knowledge model