This presentation highlights some of the challenges with requirements capture processes, proposes a requirements life cycle / framework for better management, ownership and tracking of requirements and describes what constitutes a high quality requirement. The key takeaways are driven home through a simple yet effective pasta salad illustration.
2. Requirements: Challenges Lack of ownership Vague, Ambiguous Conflicting Lack of details Lack of visibility to changes Others? 09/29/09 息 2009 PoddarCo
3. Requirements: Perspective An end user is someone who tells you what they really wanted the day after you deliver what they asked for Iain Sturrock in a comment on (Iain mentioned this as a joke, but it communicates a serious underlying message) Majority of product development projects fail because of defects in requirements . New product development failure rates are reported to be as high as 85 percent to 95 percent Failures due to problems with requirements account for 50 percent to 60 percent of those total failures. Too often enthusiasm predates facts , and that enthusiasmwhile a necessary ingredient if not surrounded by practices that make sense, can be the downfall of a project Dinsmore, Paul C., andJeannette Cabanis-Brewin (eds). "Chapter 33 - New Product Development: Issues for Project Management". The AMA Handbook of Project Management, Second Edition .AMACOM.息 2006. 09/29/09 息 2009 PoddarCo
4. Requirements: Life Cycle 09/29/09 息 2009 PoddarCo Poddar, Varun. (2009). A Project Managers Perspective: The Importance of Early and Thorough Requirements Capture from
5. Illustration Jen wants to make pasta salad. She asked her husband, Max, to go grocery shopping and get some pasta, a few fruits, some mayonnaise, some greens, and an assortment of herbs. John, their son, puts together the following list: Ing1 Get some pasta. Ing2 Get a few fruits. Ing3 Get mayonnaise. Ing4 Get some greens. Ing5 Get an assortment of herbs. 09/29/09 息 2009 PoddarCo
6. Was the list satisfactory? Does this list qualify as a list of requirements? Do you think Max will get the right set of ingredients? What do you think will happen when he returns from the grocery store? 09/29/09 息 2009 PoddarCo
7. Lists Compared List 2 Ing1 Get 1 box Ronzoni Rotini pasta. Ing2 Get fruits: 1 apple, 1 can mandarin oranges, and 1 bunch grapes. Ing3 Get 1 15-oz jar Hellmanns light mayonnaise. Ing4 Get greens: 1 bag frozen petite peas (any brand) and 2 fresh green peppers Ing5 Get herbs: 1 bunch fresh parsley, 1 bunch fresh thyme, and 1 small jar oregano Note: Need everything by 5 P.M.. Fresh herbs are not available in local supermarketneed to go to Garden of Eden market to get these. List 1 Ing1 Get some pasta. Ing2 Get a few fruits. Ing3 Get mayonnaise. Ing4 Get some greens. Ing5 Get an assortment of herbs. 09/29/09 息 2009 PoddarCo
8. High Quality Requirements From Criteria of a Good Requirement, by R. Young, 2004, from , Copyright 2004 by Ralph R. Young . Adapted with permission. 09/29/09 息 2009 PoddarCo Criteria Description Verifiable Can it be ensured that the requirement can be met (verified)? If not, success criteria for the requirement should be documented so it can be verified upon completion. Attainable Is the requirement achievable per the current system, scope, budget, resources, etc.? If not, document the constraining factor and revise the requirement. Complete Is the requirement defined in its entirety; are all conditions under which the requirement applies captured? If not, conduct additional requirements capture sessions with the originator of the requirement. Consistent Can the requirement be met without conflicting with other requirements? If not, conflicting requirements should be analyzed and aligned properly. Unambiguous Can the requirement be interpreted in multiple ways? If yes, requirement should be clarified or removed. Necessary Can the system, application, or project needs be met without the requirement? (Leads to must-have vs. nice-to-have requirements) Traceable Can the requirement be referenced throughout the system, back to origin or source? If not, the requirement should be researched further so that it can be aligned with broader project, program, or organization goals.
9. Contact Info Varun Poddar, PMP LinkedIn Twitter Website and Blog The Talener Group Website NY Office 917.720.1080 LA Office 310.364.0090 09/29/09 息 2009 PoddarCo