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Requirements to the Translation
of English Political Terms

Russu Ion
Political Terms like any other scientific kind of Terms have
languages items characteristic to them, which requires the
translator to be precise and sharp.
As a field of linguistic activity translation of political
literature reinvents one of the types of special translations
possessing as objects of its activity different materials of
political character.
Term  is a word or a combination of words, which define a
notion (subject, a phenomenon, property, relation or a
process) that is characteristic for the given field of science,
technology, art or a sphere of social life.
The correct translation of political literature is a laborious work despite the terms
considerable possession of definite semantic clearness and independence in usage.
While speaking of difficulties of translation, we imply as a matter of the first importance, the
translation general political literature, which either do not yet have any equivalents in the
translating language or have several similar notion for the term in question or at least have one
equivalent but of doubtful adequacy. There are lots of word phrases and idiom and terms of
this kind and their number is growing with development of technology and interrelation of
people and especially with the development of Political sciences.
To achieve a correct translation I can recommend grouping the political literature and the used
in it terms according to their field of application and some principles of translation of each
group. All the political terms and idioms existing in politics can be divided into three groups:
1. Terms  defining the notions of a foreign reality but identical to the reality of other for
e.g. the English march is 仄舒 in Russian
2. Terms  defining the notions of a foreign reality absent in the Russian one but possessing
generally accepted term-equivalents National Guard  舒亳仂仆舒仍仆舒 于舒亟亳, Territorial
Army  丐亠亳仂亳舒仍仆舒 仄亳.
3. Terms  defining the notions of a foreign reality that are not available in the Russian
language and not having generally accepted term-equivalents: alert hanger  舒仆亞舒 于仍亠舒 仗仂
Ive studied some of the translation methods of
Political literature and political terms at a deeper
level, the types and ways of translation of Political
literature; Ive also considered the function of
political literature in everyday life of the humanity.
The aim of this report was to introduce the translation
approach to Political literature and terms so that to
make it easy to perceive for those willing to keep up
their educational and scientific carrier in the science
of translation, it was purposed to broaden their view
on translation studies and peculiar features while
translating Political literature.
Thank you for attention!!!
Good luck
Thank you for attention!!!
Good luck

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Requirements to the translation of english political terms

  • 1. Requirements to the Translation of English Political Terms Russu Ion
  • 2. Introduction Political Terms like any other scientific kind of Terms have languages items characteristic to them, which requires the translator to be precise and sharp. As a field of linguistic activity translation of political literature reinvents one of the types of special translations possessing as objects of its activity different materials of political character. Term is a word or a combination of words, which define a notion (subject, a phenomenon, property, relation or a process) that is characteristic for the given field of science, technology, art or a sphere of social life.
  • 3. Content The correct translation of political literature is a laborious work despite the terms considerable possession of definite semantic clearness and independence in usage. While speaking of difficulties of translation, we imply as a matter of the first importance, the translation general political literature, which either do not yet have any equivalents in the translating language or have several similar notion for the term in question or at least have one equivalent but of doubtful adequacy. There are lots of word phrases and idiom and terms of this kind and their number is growing with development of technology and interrelation of people and especially with the development of Political sciences. To achieve a correct translation I can recommend grouping the political literature and the used in it terms according to their field of application and some principles of translation of each group. All the political terms and idioms existing in politics can be divided into three groups: 1. Terms defining the notions of a foreign reality but identical to the reality of other for e.g. the English march is 仄舒 in Russian 2. Terms defining the notions of a foreign reality absent in the Russian one but possessing generally accepted term-equivalents National Guard 舒亳仂仆舒仍仆舒 于舒亟亳, Territorial Army 丐亠亳仂亳舒仍仆舒 仄亳. 3. Terms defining the notions of a foreign reality that are not available in the Russian language and not having generally accepted term-equivalents: alert hanger 舒仆亞舒 于仍亠舒 仗仂 亠于仂亞亠.
  • 4. Conclusion Ive studied some of the translation methods of Political literature and political terms at a deeper level, the types and ways of translation of Political literature; Ive also considered the function of political literature in everyday life of the humanity. The aim of this report was to introduce the translation approach to Political literature and terms so that to make it easy to perceive for those willing to keep up their educational and scientific carrier in the science of translation, it was purposed to broaden their view on translation studies and peculiar features while translating Political literature.
  • 5. Thank you for attention!!! Good luck
  • 6. Thank you for attention!!! Good luck