This document contains a list of runners categorized by age group and gender who participated in a race. It includes each runner's name, gender, age category, finish time, and place of origin. There are multiple pages listing runners in female and male categories ranging from ages 30 to 60+.
Clasificacin de la Copa Asturias FEMPA de carreras de larga distancia por monta?a o Ultra Trail 2014 tras ltima prueba en Macizo de Ubi?a "Geyos del Diablu"
Design thinking is an approach that combines empathy, creativity, and rational problem solving. It involves first empathizing with users to understand their needs and perspectives, then defining the core problem, and ideating multiple potential solutions through prototyping and testing with users to refine the best ideas. The framework emphasizes empathizing with users before defining problems in order to generate more creative solutions.
Overview of Virgin Islands Energy IssuesDon Buchanan
The document summarizes a clean energy workshop held in St. Thomas, USVI on December 12, 2013. It lists previous EDIN-USVI clean energy workshops dating back to 2010 that were held in locations across the US Virgin Islands. It then outlines topics discussed at the current workshop, including goals to source 60% of energy from clean sources by 2025, as well as breaking down clean energy sources like solar, wind, biomass, and the benefits of energy efficiency and propane.
This risk assessment document identifies potential risks that could occur during a course and recommended actions. It examines risks of developing headaches or eye strain from prolonged computer use, trapping fingers in tripods, tripping over items left on the floor, and repetitive strain injuries. The recommended actions are to take short breaks if symptoms occur, carefully handle tripods, keep floors clear of items, and use ergonomic equipment or take breaks to prevent injuries.
Mark Drangsholt began experiencing brain fog and memory issues in his 50s. Neuropsychological testing revealed mild impairments in verbal fluency and attention/processing speed, consistent with early subcortical white matter dysfunction. Brain MRI showed white matter hyperintensities but no signs of Alzheimer's. Adopting a low saturated fat diet and exercise plan improved his LDL cholesterol and self-reported cognitive function. Starting a statin further lowered his cholesterol and additional cognitive tests showed improvement, suggesting the statin helped his white matter issues linked to atherosclerosis.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang inovasi pembelajaran IPA di sekolah dasar dengan pendekatan konstruktivisme. Kualitas pembelajaran IPA masih rendah dan perlu diperbaiki, antara lain dengan memberikan kesempatan siswa untuk berpikir kritis dan mengkonstruksi pengetahuan melalui pengalaman. Pembelajaran IPA yang baik perlu memperhatikan teori belajar konstruktivisme dan memberdayakan siswa secara aktif.
The MoTIF Project: Constructing a Pilot Thesaurus of Irish Folklore Using Fac...Catherine Ryan
Presentation to the Annual Seminar of the Library Association of Ireland's Cataloguing and Metadata Group. National Library of Ireland, November 8th, 2013.
The MoTIF project is a collaborative project undertaken by the Digital Repository of Ireland and the National Library of Ireland.
01 inovasi model model pembelajaran - muh khalifah mustamiNur Halimah
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang inovasi model-model pembelajaran bidang sains untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar mahasiswa. Beberapa model pembelajaran yang dijelaskan adalah model pembelajaran menggunakan analogi, media, dan berbasis teknologi informasi seperti e-learning."
Conference: 13th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, INDIN 2015. Cambridge, UK C July 22-24 2015
Title of the paper: A knowledge-based solution for automatic mapping in component based automation systems
Authors: Borja Ramis Ferrer, Bilal Ahmad, Andrei Lobov, Daniel Vera, Jos L. Martinez Lastra, Robert Harrison
This document outlines a lesson on interpreting financial ratios to determine the health of an organization. The lesson aims to teach students to:
1) Describe how to record transactions, monitor activity, and control management planning, monitoring, and controlling.
2) Measure financial performance through metrics like gross profit and net profit.
3) Categorize capital income from sources like sole traders, partners, shares, and mortgages/loans.
The lesson involves students matching business transactions to activities and people, defining key terms like capital/revenue income and expenditures, and beginning a dictionary of accounting terms.
Este informe resume los resultados de las redes sociales de la empresa Texturas y Matices S.A. durante varios meses. En Facebook, la comunidad creci y hubo buena interaccin gracias a contenido de dise?o de interiores innovador y personas influyentes. En Twitter, se necesitan ms publicaciones diarias debido a su alta frecuencia. Las publicaciones promocionales e informativas tuvieron mejor rendimiento. En Instagram, la mayora de publicaciones recibieron pocos likes, mostrando dise?os y ubicaciones. Se concluye que los resultados fueron favorables
Por qu los planteamientos de pruebas de rendimiento tradicionales ya no funcionan, y cul es el acercamiento adecuado para asegurar que los sistemas soportan la carga esperada cuando pasan a produccin.
This document provides the results of a 17km trail race including the top 64 finishers. Eduardo Miralles finished first with a time of 0:00:00. The rankings then list the remaining competitors by finishing time and include their name, time, ranking, club affiliation, and age category.
The document appears to list results from a trail running event with multiple teams. It includes the ranking of six teams - Simply Scorpio 71 in first place with 42 points, Avispas Runners in second with 69 points, and Pacharan Team in third with 75 points. It provides the name of each runner, their ranking within their team, and their finish time for selected teams.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang inovasi pembelajaran IPA di sekolah dasar dengan pendekatan konstruktivisme. Kualitas pembelajaran IPA masih rendah dan perlu diperbaiki, antara lain dengan memberikan kesempatan siswa untuk berpikir kritis dan mengkonstruksi pengetahuan melalui pengalaman. Pembelajaran IPA yang baik perlu memperhatikan teori belajar konstruktivisme dan memberdayakan siswa secara aktif.
The MoTIF Project: Constructing a Pilot Thesaurus of Irish Folklore Using Fac...Catherine Ryan
Presentation to the Annual Seminar of the Library Association of Ireland's Cataloguing and Metadata Group. National Library of Ireland, November 8th, 2013.
The MoTIF project is a collaborative project undertaken by the Digital Repository of Ireland and the National Library of Ireland.
01 inovasi model model pembelajaran - muh khalifah mustamiNur Halimah
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang inovasi model-model pembelajaran bidang sains untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar mahasiswa. Beberapa model pembelajaran yang dijelaskan adalah model pembelajaran menggunakan analogi, media, dan berbasis teknologi informasi seperti e-learning."
Conference: 13th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, INDIN 2015. Cambridge, UK C July 22-24 2015
Title of the paper: A knowledge-based solution for automatic mapping in component based automation systems
Authors: Borja Ramis Ferrer, Bilal Ahmad, Andrei Lobov, Daniel Vera, Jos L. Martinez Lastra, Robert Harrison
This document outlines a lesson on interpreting financial ratios to determine the health of an organization. The lesson aims to teach students to:
1) Describe how to record transactions, monitor activity, and control management planning, monitoring, and controlling.
2) Measure financial performance through metrics like gross profit and net profit.
3) Categorize capital income from sources like sole traders, partners, shares, and mortgages/loans.
The lesson involves students matching business transactions to activities and people, defining key terms like capital/revenue income and expenditures, and beginning a dictionary of accounting terms.
Este informe resume los resultados de las redes sociales de la empresa Texturas y Matices S.A. durante varios meses. En Facebook, la comunidad creci y hubo buena interaccin gracias a contenido de dise?o de interiores innovador y personas influyentes. En Twitter, se necesitan ms publicaciones diarias debido a su alta frecuencia. Las publicaciones promocionales e informativas tuvieron mejor rendimiento. En Instagram, la mayora de publicaciones recibieron pocos likes, mostrando dise?os y ubicaciones. Se concluye que los resultados fueron favorables
Por qu los planteamientos de pruebas de rendimiento tradicionales ya no funcionan, y cul es el acercamiento adecuado para asegurar que los sistemas soportan la carga esperada cuando pasan a produccin.
This document provides the results of a 17km trail race including the top 64 finishers. Eduardo Miralles finished first with a time of 0:00:00. The rankings then list the remaining competitors by finishing time and include their name, time, ranking, club affiliation, and age category.
The document appears to list results from a trail running event with multiple teams. It includes the ranking of six teams - Simply Scorpio 71 in first place with 42 points, Avispas Runners in second with 69 points, and Pacharan Team in third with 75 points. It provides the name of each runner, their ranking within their team, and their finish time for selected teams.
This document provides the results of the 10 Milhas Noturna do Cear race held on June 20, 2010. It lists the top 68 male finishers of the 5 mile race, including their bib number, name, time of arrival, pace, net time, classification, gender, category, team and other details. Dicson Falcao finished first in 25 minutes and 30 seconds, followed by Ronaldo Bezerra de Castro and Francisco Iranildo de Souza Frei. The results are classified by time of arrival.
Nmina de notas. morfo iii. ing. biomdica. cohorte sep 2014 dic 2014 unidad 2Jose Ferrer
This document appears to be a report listing students' grades in the subject of Morphophysiology III. It contains the names, identification numbers, scores on two midterm exams, total midterm score, final exam score, weighted total score, and final grade for 80 students. Grades range from 0 to 20 and final grades are presented as percentages.
Nmina de notas. morfo iii. ing. biomdica. cohorte sep 2014 dic 2014 unidad 2Jose Ferrer
This document appears to be a report listing students' grades in a Biomedical Engineering course on Morphophysiology III. It contains 81 entries with each student's name, identification number, grades on two exams and other coursework, calculated final grades, and percentages. The grades ranged from 0 to 20 out of a possible 20. Higher grades indicate better performance in the course.
1. The document is a classification listing for men in a race. It lists the top 121 finishers, ranked by time, with their name, club, and finishing time.
2. The fastest finisher was Yannick Gourmelen with a time of 00:30:41.00. Olivier Bruno finished second in 00:31:07.06.
3. The runners represented various clubs from the region and competed in different age categories. The slowest listed finisher was Herv Dedeurwaerder with a time of 00:47:57.18.
This document contains a schedule listing 67 matchups between teams in a 3 vs 3 paintball tournament. The schedule includes the match number, the two teams playing in each match, and the estimated start time for each match throughout the day from 10:00 AM to 5:42 PM.
This document provides the results of a local men's and women's race over 10,000 meters. It lists the ranking, name, time, club, age category, and pace of each finisher. Csar Larrosa Moles finished first overall in a time of 00:38:51, while Ana Laura Buero Martinez was the first woman to finish in a time of 00:44:14. In total, over 300 runners are listed with their detailed results.
Resultado Geral Meia Maratona Jaboat?o dos Guararapes-10 km-Masculinomeiamaratonajaboatao
This document provides a summary of results from a 10km race including the name, age, team, and time of the top 100 male finishers. Runners completed the race in times ranging from 00:34:36 to 01:00:19. The winner, Haziem Nascimento Batista, finished at 00:34:36. The results are grouped into categories including name, age, team, and finish times.
Resultado Meia Maratona Jaboat?o dos Guararapes- Geral 5 km-Masculinomeiamaratonajaboatao
This document provides a list of 100 runners who participated in a 5km race, including their name, age category, team affiliation, and finish times. It includes information like the runner's identification number, age, time to complete the 5km, and liquid time. The runners finished between 15 minutes and 29 minutes, with most finishing between 20-28 minutes.
Jorge Merida
Jorge Merida
Jorge Merida
Jorge Merida
Jorge Merida
Jorge Merida
Jorge Merida
Jorge Merida
Inscriptos campeonato nacional de pista y campo 2013ACAM ATLETISMO
Este documento presenta los resultados de varias carreras de atletismo, incluyendo un campeonato nacional de maratn, un campeonato de 5 km y un campeonato de 5 km de marcha. Divide los resultados por categoras de edad y sexo, mostrando los tiempos de los primeros puestos en cada categora.
Requisitos Obligatorios para los Organizadores de los Campeoantos Nacionales ...ACAM ATLETISMO
El documento detalla los requisitos obligatorios para los organizadores de los Campeonatos Nacionales de 2013, incluyendo la preparacin de una carpeta informativa, circuitos debidamente certificados y marcados, un acto inaugural, charla tcnica, entrega de dorsales, detalles de hotelera, fiscalizacin por una institucin, control de trnsito y ambulancias, seguro deportivo, informar resultados, corregir errores, formar comits de trabajo y definir los detalles de la premiacin.
Este documento presenta los resultados del Ranking Anual 2012 de la Asociacin de Atletismo del Sur del Chubut, dividiendo los resultados en categoras preinfantiles, infantiles y cadetes mujeres. Proporciona el puesto, nombre, institucin, a?o de nacimiento, marca, viento, fecha, torneo y lugar para cada disciplina en cada categora.
Este documento presenta los resultados de las competencias de atletismo de la Asociacin Chubutense de Atletas Master en 2011. Se enumeran los resultados de varias pruebas como carreras de velocidad, mediofondo, fondo, marcha y pruebas combinadas para hombres y mujeres en diferentes categoras de edad. Los atletas masculinos ms destacados fueron Esteban Coria, Hugo Bascu?an y Miguel Ninkovic, mientras que entre las mujeres se destacaron Sylvia Correa y Marcela Araujo.
El documento presenta los resultados del ranking anual 2012 de la Asociacin Chubutense de Atletas Master (A.C.A.M.), con los mejores registros de varones en diferentes pruebas de velocidad, medio fondo y fondo, realizadas entre marzo y diciembre de 2012 en la provincia del Chubut y otras provincias argentinas. Se detallan los nombres de los atletas, sus categoras, marcas, viento de apoyo, institucin y lugar y fecha de cada competencia.
Resultados Campeonnato Argentino Master de Pruebas Combinadas - La Pampa 2012ACAM ATLETISMO
El documento presenta los resultados de varias competencias de triatln y pruebas combinadas de atletismo divididos por categoras de edad y sexo. Se listan los tiempos y puntajes obtenidos por los atletas en cada una de las pruebas (natacin, ciclismo, carrera) o lanzamientos (disco, martillo, bala, jabalina, peso). En general, se destacan los nombres y clubes de los primeros tres lugares de cada categora as como los rcords tcnicos obtenidos.
La delegacin de atletas master de la Asociacin Chubutense obtuvo un destacado desempe?o en el Campeonato Nacional de Pista y Campo en Mar del Plata, ganando 19 medallas totales, incluyendo 8 de oro, 7 de plata y 4 de bronce. Varios atletas chubutenses obtuvieron primeros puestos en diferentes eventos de lanzamiento y carreras de pista para las categoras femeninas y masculinas de 30-34, 40-44, 60-64 a?os.
El documento presenta los resultados de tres mujeres en las pruebas de salto alto y salto largo. En salto alto, Mercedes Larrauri qued en primer lugar con un salto de 1.25 metros, seguida por Mara del Rosario Toledo y Cristina Vozza. En salto largo, Rosa de las M. Gonzlez fue la ganadora con un salto de 3.77 metros, mientras que Mara del Rosario Toledo y Mercedes Larrauri quedaron en segundo y tercer lugar respectivamente.
Ranking argentino 2011 medio fondo mujeresACAM ATLETISMO
Este documento presenta los resultados de carreras de medio fondo femenino de 800 metros y 1500 metros en Argentina. En los 800 metros, Adriana Calvo gan en Salta, Sonia Aveta fue segunda en Mendoza y Cecilia De Rossi tercera en el Cenard. En los 1500 metros, el orden fue el mismo, con Adriana Calvo primera en Salta, Cecilia De Rossi segunda en el Cenard y Sonia Aveta tercera en La Pampa.
El documento presenta los resultados de varias pruebas de atletismo femenino divididas por categora (45, 50 y 60 a?os), incluyendo bala, disco, jabalina, martillo y peso. Se lista el puesto, nombre de la atleta, entidad a la que representa, marca, fecha y lugar de cada competencia.
El documento presenta los resultados de mujeres en pruebas de atletismo de 3.000 metros y 5.000 metros, mostrando los nombres, asociaciones, marcas y lugares de cada competencia. No hubo participacin de mujeres de Comodoro Rivadavia en las pruebas de 5.000 y 10.000 metros.