This document provides information on researching TV listings magazines. It discusses different design elements used in magazines like headlines, images, pull quotes, and anchors to describe articles and grab readers' attention. Proper formatting and contrasting colors are emphasized to make text easily readable. Examples highlighted include using bold fonts for headlines, light backgrounds, and quotes to preview article content.
2. Header in the left
Website you
hand corner giving can use to
information on what Headline: Pink
get more
background behind white
Anchor on the the article will be information.
text, making the white
images to help about. text easily visible.
describe what there
Big image taking up one
of the pages:
1) Tells the audience
that the article will be
about cooking.
2) Also brings the
audience as its the
first thing you look at it
when you look at the
double page.
3. Bold Headline, in a colour
different to the background so
that it stands out Light background to help make
the writing more visible.
Pull quote: short
quote from the
text to help give
the reader of
what will be in
the article.
Picture to help
illustrate the text.
Anchor: Short
description of the
Name of the writer
4. Award winning, this will make
Headline: In a light the audience believe that the
colour so it contrasts documentary is of a high quality,
against the dark so it will be an event that they
definitely need to watch.
Small image saying new
documentary, this tells
the audience that the
program hasnt be shown
Time, channel and date of
when the program will be
Target audience:
Probably male adults.
Quote telling the
audience what the
article will be