Survey Title : Correlation between offline handwriting in English letters and Big Five personality among 40 students in a college in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
IBM SPSS Statistics v26.0
Instrument used : IPIP 50-itmes + Graphonomizer
Survey period : 07/03/2021 - 14/03/2021
See infographic at
1) Analyze box plots to determine median ages, ranges of different BMW models.
2) Construct line graphs comparing book sales over time for two publishers.
3) Calculate measures of center and spread, and interpret box plots for additional data sets.
Motivation and Emotion in Psychology
Short-Term goals
- SMART goals
Mid-Term goals
Long-Term goals
Theories of Motivation:
- Need Theory
- Drive-Reduction Theory
- Goal-Setting Theory
Research Project Paper Survey Results in Clustered Bar Chartsrachelhch
Survey Title: A study on the relationship between average hours spent studying virtual classes and stress among 97 students in a college in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
IBM SPSS v26 : Analyze | Descriptive Statistics | Crosstabs Bar Charts
Instrument used : Perceived Stress Scale with 10 items (PSS-10)
Survey period : 02/07/2021 - 08/07/2021
See infographic at
Basic Statistics Survey Results in Clustered Bar Charts rachelhch
Survey Title : The relationship between time spent looking on the screen and emotional stress among 90 students in a college in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
IBM SPSS v26 : Analyze | Descriptive Statistics | Crosstabs Bar Charts
Instrument used : Emotional Stress Scale
Survey period : 14/07/2020 - 21/07/2020
See Infographic at
Research title: A study on the relationship between average hours spent studying virtual classes and stress among students in a college in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- Background
- Problem Statement
- Objectives
- Literature Review
- Methodology
- Results and Discussion
- Conclusion
Poster Review for PTSD:
- Introduction (Definition, Prevalence for adults, children and veterans, the invisible PTSD)
- Types of diseases and symptoms
- Risk Factors
- Complications
- Treatment
- Conclusion
The document summarizes Donald O. Hebb's theory of learning and memory from 1949. It discusses how Hebb proposed that learning occurs through synaptic plasticity and the formation of cell assemblies. Specifically, it outlines Hebb's theory that neurons that fire together wire together, and that repeated activation of synapses strengthens the connection between neurons. The document also addresses later critiques of Hebb's synaptic theory of memory and argues that the theory remains relevant when considering both synaptic plasticity and intracellular changes, as conceived in Hebb's original work.
Psychology of Learning: Information Processing System & Attentionrachelhch
Information processing system
- assumptions
- two-store (dual) memory model
- 3 stores of memory
- alternatives to the two store model
- attention through senses
- theories of attention: dichotic listening, filter (bottleneck) theory, feature-integration theory, preattentive processes, attentive processes
Storyboard Template: Storyline of Commercial Videorachelhch
RHR Hotel Selayang is located in Kuala Lumpur near attractions like Batu Caves and Genting Highlands. The video highlights the housekeeping department's responsibility to ensure guest comfort through clean rooms and facilities. It shows housekeeping staff cleaning and sanitizing rooms following COVID-19 precautions like protective equipment. The video demonstrates the hotel's emphasis on hygiene, social distancing, and disinfection to provide a safe stay.
Here are potential questions for a guest speaker researcher:
Q1. What characteristics do you consider most important for proper research?
Q2. As a researcher, what problems do you commonly encounter and how do you address them?
Q3. Through your research projects, what skills have you found most valuable to develop?
Q4. How do you ensure your research methods and results are reliable and valid? What steps do you take to determine the resources needed for a new project?
Q5. In your experience, what aspects of being a researcher have been most challenging and least challenging?
Freud’s Psychosexual stages
Piaget's Stages of Cognitive Development Theory
Erik Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development
Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development
How are the things (as titled in the slides) that can help with infant development?
Videos to Guess which Theories
Piaget’s Sensorimotor Substage 1 & 2
Piaget’s Sensorimotor Substage 3
Piaget’s Sensorimotor Substage 4
Piaget’s Sensorimotor Substage 5
Piaget’s Sensorimotor Substage 6
Primary and Secondary circular reactions
Tertiary circular reactions
Means-end behavior
Object permanence
Deferred imitation
Strength vs Weakness
Early Adolescent in choosing college and boyfriend or girlfriend
Family Generation Issues
Retirement life
History of Cognitive Psychology
Sensation for Covid-19
Bottom-Up or Top-Down Processing?
Attention Theories
Moral Dilemma Question
Three Theories of Imagery
Which one is not me?
Name 3 things you can hear, then 2 things you can see, and 1 sensation that you feel
Three Types of Problems
Making comparisons: Online Learning vs Classroom Learning
Ideal Education: What would you suggest?
What / How do you reply (with logical reasoning) when people have misconception about psychology and your personal choice of taking this course?
Reasoning: How do we think?
The Science of How We Think
How does cognitive psychology relate our everyday?
What is your Cognitive Bias?
Questions for Guest Speaker - Cognitive Psychologist
Vygotsky Sociocultural Theory & Behaviourism
Genetic Disorders: Cystic Fibrosis, Thalassemia, Down Syndrome, Turner syndrome, Sickle Cell Anemia, Klinefelter’s Syndrome
Child’s Sensation, Perception, Motor Development and Learning
Messy Play benefits child development (cognitive, physical and emotional)
Children need to play in nature, because...What’s your personal needs for friends and peers?
Questions for Guest Speakers - Nutritionist and Early Child Educator
Perception | Gestalt's Law | Cognitive Psychologyrachelhch
This document contains a variety of topics including golden ratios, different alphabets and shapes, food, camping sites, travel accessories, patterns, animals, sidewalk locations, museums, festivals, architecture, maps, charts, tunnels, roads, landmarks, nature, medical imaging techniques, and a neurological disorder. It provides a broad overview of diverse subjects without going into detail about any single one.
Country map, geographical information
Culture, religious
House, neighborhood, family portrait
Life Stages (Major Life Events, i.e, Struggles/Celebrations)
from birth to 3, 3 to 6, 7 to 12, teenage years, early, middle and late adulthood
Block building helps children develop important physical, cognitive, emotional, social, and language skills. It improves math and problem-solving skills while teaching concepts like stability. Block play elicits a variety of emotions like pride and empowerment. It also encourages cooperation and communication as children discuss designs. Studies found children who play with blocks score higher on language tests, as discussing plans with parents boosts development.
The document discusses several issues related to technology addiction in children, including the effects of excessive screen time on development, health risks, and types of technology. It notes that technology addiction is associated with an inability to stop using technology and involves activating the brain's reward system. Excessive use can negatively impact children's cognitive, emotional and social development, and is linked to lack of attention, aggression, sleep problems, and developmental delays. The document recommends limiting screen time and increasing physical activity and social interaction for healthy child development.
1) The document describes a patient's lifelong experiences with impacted earwax, including multiple treatments over many years to remove blockages.
2) Key treatments included aural toilet using curettes and irrigation, ear drops, and microsuction. Hearing tests revealed a moderate hearing loss in one ear.
3) The patient learned healthy lifestyle habits to reduce future earwax buildup and tried a hearing aid on a trial basis but decided to wait for future technology improvements.
Mental ability tests vs personality tests
Construct, content, concurrent and predictive validity
Test-retest, equivalent forms, split-half, interscorer / interrater
Intelligence type
Personality traits, states and types
Trigger, underlying issues, resolve
DISC personality
Happy life vs meaningful life
How does Cross-cultural Psychology Influence or Contribute Applications in He...rachelhch
This document summarizes research on how cross-cultural psychology influences health care applications. It discusses how illness and mental disorders vary across cultures due to differences in beliefs and practices. Two theoretical frameworks are described that examine the cultural contexts of child development - the ecocultural niche framework and developmental niche framework. Research examples are provided that use these frameworks to study topics like temperament, attention deficit disorder, and child health and analyze how culture impacts concepts like these.
Foundation of Psychological Testing - big five personality trait short questionnaire (BFPTSQ) vs HEXACO-60 for similarities, differences, standardization: (test norms, standardization groups), reliability :(coefficient correlation), validity (content validity, criterion-related validity, construct validity)
Psychology of Learning: Information Processing System & Attentionrachelhch
Information processing system
- assumptions
- two-store (dual) memory model
- 3 stores of memory
- alternatives to the two store model
- attention through senses
- theories of attention: dichotic listening, filter (bottleneck) theory, feature-integration theory, preattentive processes, attentive processes
Storyboard Template: Storyline of Commercial Videorachelhch
RHR Hotel Selayang is located in Kuala Lumpur near attractions like Batu Caves and Genting Highlands. The video highlights the housekeeping department's responsibility to ensure guest comfort through clean rooms and facilities. It shows housekeeping staff cleaning and sanitizing rooms following COVID-19 precautions like protective equipment. The video demonstrates the hotel's emphasis on hygiene, social distancing, and disinfection to provide a safe stay.
Here are potential questions for a guest speaker researcher:
Q1. What characteristics do you consider most important for proper research?
Q2. As a researcher, what problems do you commonly encounter and how do you address them?
Q3. Through your research projects, what skills have you found most valuable to develop?
Q4. How do you ensure your research methods and results are reliable and valid? What steps do you take to determine the resources needed for a new project?
Q5. In your experience, what aspects of being a researcher have been most challenging and least challenging?
Freud’s Psychosexual stages
Piaget's Stages of Cognitive Development Theory
Erik Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development
Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development
How are the things (as titled in the slides) that can help with infant development?
Videos to Guess which Theories
Piaget’s Sensorimotor Substage 1 & 2
Piaget’s Sensorimotor Substage 3
Piaget’s Sensorimotor Substage 4
Piaget’s Sensorimotor Substage 5
Piaget’s Sensorimotor Substage 6
Primary and Secondary circular reactions
Tertiary circular reactions
Means-end behavior
Object permanence
Deferred imitation
Strength vs Weakness
Early Adolescent in choosing college and boyfriend or girlfriend
Family Generation Issues
Retirement life
History of Cognitive Psychology
Sensation for Covid-19
Bottom-Up or Top-Down Processing?
Attention Theories
Moral Dilemma Question
Three Theories of Imagery
Which one is not me?
Name 3 things you can hear, then 2 things you can see, and 1 sensation that you feel
Three Types of Problems
Making comparisons: Online Learning vs Classroom Learning
Ideal Education: What would you suggest?
What / How do you reply (with logical reasoning) when people have misconception about psychology and your personal choice of taking this course?
Reasoning: How do we think?
The Science of How We Think
How does cognitive psychology relate our everyday?
What is your Cognitive Bias?
Questions for Guest Speaker - Cognitive Psychologist
Vygotsky Sociocultural Theory & Behaviourism
Genetic Disorders: Cystic Fibrosis, Thalassemia, Down Syndrome, Turner syndrome, Sickle Cell Anemia, Klinefelter’s Syndrome
Child’s Sensation, Perception, Motor Development and Learning
Messy Play benefits child development (cognitive, physical and emotional)
Children need to play in nature, because...What’s your personal needs for friends and peers?
Questions for Guest Speakers - Nutritionist and Early Child Educator
Perception | Gestalt's Law | Cognitive Psychologyrachelhch
This document contains a variety of topics including golden ratios, different alphabets and shapes, food, camping sites, travel accessories, patterns, animals, sidewalk locations, museums, festivals, architecture, maps, charts, tunnels, roads, landmarks, nature, medical imaging techniques, and a neurological disorder. It provides a broad overview of diverse subjects without going into detail about any single one.
Country map, geographical information
Culture, religious
House, neighborhood, family portrait
Life Stages (Major Life Events, i.e, Struggles/Celebrations)
from birth to 3, 3 to 6, 7 to 12, teenage years, early, middle and late adulthood
Block building helps children develop important physical, cognitive, emotional, social, and language skills. It improves math and problem-solving skills while teaching concepts like stability. Block play elicits a variety of emotions like pride and empowerment. It also encourages cooperation and communication as children discuss designs. Studies found children who play with blocks score higher on language tests, as discussing plans with parents boosts development.
The document discusses several issues related to technology addiction in children, including the effects of excessive screen time on development, health risks, and types of technology. It notes that technology addiction is associated with an inability to stop using technology and involves activating the brain's reward system. Excessive use can negatively impact children's cognitive, emotional and social development, and is linked to lack of attention, aggression, sleep problems, and developmental delays. The document recommends limiting screen time and increasing physical activity and social interaction for healthy child development.
1) The document describes a patient's lifelong experiences with impacted earwax, including multiple treatments over many years to remove blockages.
2) Key treatments included aural toilet using curettes and irrigation, ear drops, and microsuction. Hearing tests revealed a moderate hearing loss in one ear.
3) The patient learned healthy lifestyle habits to reduce future earwax buildup and tried a hearing aid on a trial basis but decided to wait for future technology improvements.
Mental ability tests vs personality tests
Construct, content, concurrent and predictive validity
Test-retest, equivalent forms, split-half, interscorer / interrater
Intelligence type
Personality traits, states and types
Trigger, underlying issues, resolve
DISC personality
Happy life vs meaningful life
How does Cross-cultural Psychology Influence or Contribute Applications in He...rachelhch
This document summarizes research on how cross-cultural psychology influences health care applications. It discusses how illness and mental disorders vary across cultures due to differences in beliefs and practices. Two theoretical frameworks are described that examine the cultural contexts of child development - the ecocultural niche framework and developmental niche framework. Research examples are provided that use these frameworks to study topics like temperament, attention deficit disorder, and child health and analyze how culture impacts concepts like these.
Foundation of Psychological Testing - big five personality trait short questionnaire (BFPTSQ) vs HEXACO-60 for similarities, differences, standardization: (test norms, standardization groups), reliability :(coefficient correlation), validity (content validity, criterion-related validity, construct validity)
Deep-QPP: A Pairwise Interaction-based Deep Learning Model for Supervised Que...suchanadatta3
Motivated by the recent success of end-to-end deep neural models
for ranking tasks, we present here a supervised end-to-end neural
approach for query performance prediction (QPP). In contrast to
unsupervised approaches that rely on various statistics of document
score distributions, our approach is entirely data-driven. Further,
in contrast to weakly supervised approaches, our method also does
not rely on the outputs from different QPP estimators. In particular, our model leverages information from the semantic interactions between the terms of a query and those in the top-documents retrieved with it. The architecture of the model comprises multiple layers of 2D convolution filters followed by a feed-forward layer of parameters. Experiments on standard test collections demonstrate
that our proposed supervised approach outperforms other state-of-the-art supervised and unsupervised approaches.
Data Science Lectures Data Science Lectures Data Science Lectures Data Science Lectures Data Science Lectures Data Science Lectures Data Science Lectures Data Science Lectures Data Science Lectures Data Science Lectures Data Science Lectures Data Science Lectures
AI + Disability. Coded Futures: Better opportunities or biased outcomes?Christine Hemphill
A summary report into attitudes to and implications of AI as it relates to disability. Will AI enabled solutions create greater opportunities or amplify biases in society and datasets? Informed by primary mixed methods research conducted in the UK and globally by Open Inclusion on behalf of the Institute of People Centred AI, Uni of Surrey and Royal Holloway University. Initially presented at Google London in Jan 2025.
Valkey 101 - SCaLE 22x March 2025 Stokes.pdfDave Stokes
An Introduction to Valkey, Presented March 2025 at the Southern California Linux Expo, Pasadena CA. Valkey is a replacement for Redis and is a very fast in memory database, used to caches and other low latency applications. Valkey is open-source software and very fast.
It’s hard to imagine the frustration and helplessness a 65-year-old man with limited computer skills must feel when facing the aftermath of a crypto scam. Recovering a hacked trading wallet can feel like an absolute nightmare, especially when every step seems to lead you into an endless loop of failed solutions. That’s exactly what I went through over the past four weeks. After my trading wallet was compromised, the hacker changed my email address, password, and even removed my phone number from the account. For someone with little technical expertise, this was not just overwhelming, it was a disaster. Every suggested solution I came across in online help centers was either too complex or simply ineffective. I tried countless links, tutorials, and forums, only to find myself stuck, not even close to reclaiming my stolen crypto. In a last-ditch effort, I turned to Google and stumbled upon a review about MUYERN TRUST HACKER. At first, I was skeptical, like anyone would be in my position. But the glowing reviews, especially from people with similar experiences, gave me a glimmer of hope. Despite my doubts, I decided to reach out to them for assistance.The team at MUYERN TRUST HACKER immediately put me at ease. They were professional, understanding, and reassuring. Unlike other services that felt impersonal or automated, they took the time to walk me through every step of the recovery process. The fact that they were willing to schedule a 25-minute session to help me properly secure my account after recovery was invaluable. Today, I’m grateful to say that my stolen crypto has been fully recovered, and my account is secure again. This experience has taught me that sometimes, even when you feel like all hope is lost, there’s always a way to fight back. If you’re going through something similar, don’t give up. Reach out to MUYERN TRUST HACKER. Even if you’ve already tried everything, their expertise and persistence might just be the solution you need.I wholeheartedly recommend MUYERN TRUST HACKER to anyone facing the same situation. Whether you’re a novice or experienced in technology, they’re the right team to trust when it comes to recovering stolen crypto or securing your accounts. Don’t hesitate to contact them, it's worth it. Reach out to them on telegram at muyerntrusthackertech or web: ht tps :// muyerntrusthacker . o r g for faster response.
Research Method Survey Results in Clustered Bar Charts
? IBM SPSS Statistics v26.0
? Instrument used : IPIP 50-itmes + Graphonomizer
? Survey period : 07/03/2021 - 14/03/2021
IPIP 50-items
Personality Level
? Data Analysis – Statistical Package for the Social Science version 26 software :
? Analyze | Descriptive Statistics (Crosstabs Bar Charts)
? Analyze | Compare Means | Means
? Graphs | Chart Builder | Bar | Clustered Bar for Factorial ANOVA
? Graphs | Chart Builder | Scatter/Plot | Simple Scatter for Scatter Plot Graph
Gender x Age
Gender x Course
Gender x IPIP 50-items
Gender x Graphonomizer
Gender x Personality Level