This document outlines the key steps and concepts in the research methods process. It discusses (1) defining the research problem, which involves understanding the nature of the problem and formulating clear research objectives; (2) conducting a literature review to understand previous work; (3) developing hypotheses; (4) designing the research methodology; (5) determining sampling methods; (6) collecting primary and secondary data; (7) analyzing the data and testing hypotheses; (8) interpreting findings and generalizing results; and (9) preparing the final research report. The overall goal is to systematically investigate an issue, analyze collected information, and draw objective conclusions to address the stated research problem.
This document outlines the objectives and content of a research methodology course. The course covers key concepts of research including types of research, qualities of researchers, and statistical analysis tools. It is divided into 5 units: research fundamentals, data collection methods, statistical analysis, statistical applications, and research reports. The objectives are to introduce students to management information needs, the scientific research process, and statistical data analysis techniques.
This document outlines the objectives and content of a research methodology course. The course aims to enable students to understand the information needs of management, introduce scientific research methods, and statistical data analysis tools. The 5 units cover topics like research components, data collection methods, statistical analysis techniques, statistical applications, and structuring research reports. Key concepts discussed include the meaning of research, objectives of research, qualitative and quantitative approaches, descriptive vs analytical research, and important qualities of researchers.
This document outlines the objectives and content of a research methodology course. The course aims to enable students to understand the information needs of management, introduce scientific research methods, and statistical data analysis tools. The 5 units cover topics like research components, data collection methods, statistical analysis techniques, statistical applications, and structuring research reports. Key aspects discussed include the meaning of research, objectives of research, qualitative and quantitative approaches, types of research, and qualities of a good researcher.
This document outlines the objectives and content of a research methodology course. The course aims to enable students to understand the information needs of management, introduce scientific research methods, and statistical data analysis tools. The 5 units cover topics like research components, data collection methods, statistical analysis techniques, statistical applications, and structuring research reports. Key aspects discussed include the meaning of research, objectives of research, qualitative and quantitative approaches, types of research, and qualities of a good researcher.
This document provides an overview of research methodology. It defines research as a systematic, scientific process for discovering new knowledge. The objectives of research are described as gaining familiarity with a phenomenon, accurately portraying characteristics of a situation, determining frequency of occurrences, and testing hypotheses. The main types of social research discussed are descriptive, analytical, applied, fundamental, quantitative, and qualitative. Research methods are grouped into those for data collection, establishing relationships between data and variables, and evaluating results. Key aspects of research methodology include explaining the logic and reasons for the methods used to study a problem.
Research methodology ch-1 presentation.pptxJabir Hussain
This document discusses key concepts in research methodology. It defines research as a systematic, careful investigation to gain new knowledge. The objectives of research include gaining insights, describing characteristics, determining frequencies, and testing hypotheses. Research can be descriptive, analytical, applied, fundamental, quantitative, qualitative, conceptual, or empirical. Key criteria for good research include clearly defining the purpose, providing sufficient methodological details, using objective and appropriate designs and analyses, and drawing justified conclusions.
This document provides an overview of the research process and key concepts in research. It discusses that research is important for development and problem solving. It also defines research as a systematic process of inquiry aimed at discovering answers or expanding knowledge. The document outlines the various purposes of research and characteristics of good research, including being systematic, objective, empirical, comprehensive, critical, rigorous, and verifiable. It also describes different types of research classified by methodology, including descriptive, correlational, explanatory, exploratory, experimental, ex-post facto, historical, and ethnographic research. Finally, it provides an overview of the research process involving idea generation, problem definition, literature review, and other steps.
The document discusses the meaning, objectives, characteristics, types, and steps of research. It defines research as a systematic, directed search for knowledge. The main objectives of research are to gain new insights or accurately describe characteristics. Research is characterized by careful investigation and testing of conclusions. The main types discussed are descriptive, analytical, applied, fundamental, quantitative, and qualitative research. Key steps include formulating the problem, reviewing literature, developing hypotheses, collecting and analyzing data, and reporting findings. Research design involves determining what, why, where, when of a study. It is important for testing hypotheses and controlling for extraneous variables.
The document discusses research methods and processes. It defines research as a systematic, controlled, empirical investigation to discover facts and test hypotheses. The key steps in research include:
1) Identifying a research problem or question.
2) Conducting a literature review to understand previous work.
3) Formulating hypotheses to guide the research.
4) Developing a research design that specifies procedures like sampling, data collection and analysis.
5) Collecting both primary and secondary data according to the research design.
6) Analyzing the data and drawing conclusions about the hypotheses.
The document covers different research types and methods used in conducting systematic studies.
This document provides an overview of key concepts in research including:
1. The importance of research is to inform action, gather evidence for theories, and contribute to developing knowledge. Research aims to discover answers and truths through objective and systematic methods.
2. The main objectives of research are to gain familiarity with phenomena, accurately portray characteristics, determine frequencies of occurrences, and test hypotheses of causal relationships.
3. Motivations for research include desires for degrees/benefits, solving problems, intellectual joy, service, and respectability.
4. The goals of scientific research are description, prediction, and explanation/understanding of phenomena through identifying covariation of events, proper time sequencing, and eliminating alternative
This document discusses organizing scientific research. It defines research as the intellectual investigation of matters to advance human knowledge. There are different types of research design including descriptive vs analytical, applied vs fundamental, quantitative vs qualitative, and conceptual vs empirical. The logic of research can follow deductive or inductive approaches. A research problem is a question to be answered or problem to be solved. Methodological design involves methods for data collection, establishing relationships between data and unknowns, and evaluating accuracy.
Research Methodology and Research Types discussionssrkai2020
The document discusses research methodology and sampling design. It defines research as a systematic search for knowledge through objective methods. There are different types of research including descriptive, analytical, applied, and fundamental research. Research design is important as it provides a blueprint for how the research will be conducted, including the sampling, data collection, and analysis procedures. Developing clear hypotheses to focus the research and testing those hypotheses is also discussed.
Research Methodology and Types of Research.pdftarunisarva
This document discusses research methodology. It defines research as a systematic investigation to generate or validate knowledge. Research is conducted through proposing and testing hypotheses using valid methodology. The methodology section of a research paper allows readers to evaluate its validity and reliability by describing how data was collected and analyzed. The document outlines the basic types of research as descriptive vs analytical, applied vs fundamental, quantitative vs qualitative, and conceptual vs empirical. It provides examples and definitions of each type.
The document provides an overview of business research methods. It defines business research and outlines its significance in allowing organizations to gather new knowledge, find solutions to problems, enhance productivity and more.
It then describes the typical stages of the research process from exploration and defining the research question to data collection, analysis, reporting and decision making.
Finally, it outlines different types of research including reporting, descriptive, explanatory, predictive, exploratory, causal, theoretical, empirical, cross-sectional and time-series research. It also discusses research questions, problems, objectives and hypotheses.
Steps in Research-Types of research-Types of Steps in Research-Types of resea...AbhishikthSandeep1
This document discusses research methods and design. It defines research as a systematic, scientific investigation of a topic to discover new facts or test hypotheses. Research aims to contribute new knowledge through carefully defining problems, formulating hypotheses, collecting and analyzing data, reaching conclusions, and testing conclusions. The key objectives of research are exploratory, descriptive, diagnostic, and hypothesis testing. Characteristics of good research include being directed, empirical, carefully recorded and reported. The common steps in research are formulating the problem, reviewing literature, developing hypotheses, deciding design, collecting and analyzing data, testing hypotheses, and reporting conclusions.
Research Methodology Module 1 useful for any course workMayuraD1
This document provides information about research methodology and intellectual property rights for an MTech course. It discusses definitions of research, the objectives and motivation for research. It also outlines different types of research including descriptive vs analytical, applied vs fundamental, quantitative vs qualitative, conceptual vs empirical. The types of research are further categorized based on time periods, research environments, and diagnostic approaches. The course code, credits, assessments and other details are also provided.
The document discusses key concepts related to research including research projects, topics, proposals, problems, objectives, hypotheses, methodology, design, and limitations. It notes that a research project uses scientific methods to achieve defined objectives, such as testing or creating new knowledge. Choosing a research topic is an ongoing process of exploring, defining, and refining ideas on a subject that is narrow yet allows finding adequate information. A research proposal explains what is being researched, why, and how through a structured formal document. Research design broadly outlines the total pattern of conducting a research project including objectives, methods, and outcomes. Marketing research systematically gathers and analyzes qualitative and quantitative data about issues relating to marketing products and services.
The systematic investigation into and study of materials, sources, etc, in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions. Research is what we do when we have a question or a problem we want to resolve. Research is a systematic inquiry to describe, explain, predict and control the observed phenomenon. The first module highlights an overview of all concepts adopted in Research.
This document outlines the key steps in the research process:
1. Formulating the research problem by precisely defining the issue to be studied and determining its significance.
2. Conducting an extensive literature review to understand previous work.
3. Developing testable hypotheses to address the research problem.
4. Designing the research methodology including sampling, data collection methods, and data analysis.
5. Collecting and analyzing data to test the hypotheses.
6. Interpreting the findings, conclusions, and limitations to determine how the research adds to knowledge.
The overall goal is to systematically investigate an issue to produce generalizable answers.
This document provides information on the course "Research Methodology and Intellectual Property Rights" including the course objectives, outcomes, and modules. The course objectives are to understand research basics, literature reviews, citations, and ethics in engineering research. It also covers intellectual property rights concepts. The first module introduces research meaning, objectives, types, and ethics.
This document outlines the basic steps in research: 1) formulating the problem, 2) conducting exploratory studies to define the problem, 3) designing the research project including determining data needs, sources, and collection methods, 4) collecting data through various methods like observation, interviews, questionnaires, and records, 5) processing and analyzing the data both statistically and through inference, and 6) interpreting the results. The overall aim of research is to discover new facts and revise conclusions to further knowledge.
The document discusses the meaning, objectives, characteristics, types, and steps of research. It defines research as a systematic, directed search for knowledge. The main objectives of research are to gain new insights or accurately describe characteristics. Research is characterized by careful investigation and testing of conclusions. The main types discussed are descriptive, analytical, applied, fundamental, quantitative, and qualitative research. Key steps include formulating the problem, reviewing literature, developing hypotheses, collecting and analyzing data, and reporting findings. Research design involves determining what, why, where, when of a study. It is important for testing hypotheses and controlling for extraneous variables.
The document discusses research methods and processes. It defines research as a systematic, controlled, empirical investigation to discover facts and test hypotheses. The key steps in research include:
1) Identifying a research problem or question.
2) Conducting a literature review to understand previous work.
3) Formulating hypotheses to guide the research.
4) Developing a research design that specifies procedures like sampling, data collection and analysis.
5) Collecting both primary and secondary data according to the research design.
6) Analyzing the data and drawing conclusions about the hypotheses.
The document covers different research types and methods used in conducting systematic studies.
This document provides an overview of key concepts in research including:
1. The importance of research is to inform action, gather evidence for theories, and contribute to developing knowledge. Research aims to discover answers and truths through objective and systematic methods.
2. The main objectives of research are to gain familiarity with phenomena, accurately portray characteristics, determine frequencies of occurrences, and test hypotheses of causal relationships.
3. Motivations for research include desires for degrees/benefits, solving problems, intellectual joy, service, and respectability.
4. The goals of scientific research are description, prediction, and explanation/understanding of phenomena through identifying covariation of events, proper time sequencing, and eliminating alternative
This document discusses organizing scientific research. It defines research as the intellectual investigation of matters to advance human knowledge. There are different types of research design including descriptive vs analytical, applied vs fundamental, quantitative vs qualitative, and conceptual vs empirical. The logic of research can follow deductive or inductive approaches. A research problem is a question to be answered or problem to be solved. Methodological design involves methods for data collection, establishing relationships between data and unknowns, and evaluating accuracy.
Research Methodology and Research Types discussionssrkai2020
The document discusses research methodology and sampling design. It defines research as a systematic search for knowledge through objective methods. There are different types of research including descriptive, analytical, applied, and fundamental research. Research design is important as it provides a blueprint for how the research will be conducted, including the sampling, data collection, and analysis procedures. Developing clear hypotheses to focus the research and testing those hypotheses is also discussed.
Research Methodology and Types of Research.pdftarunisarva
This document discusses research methodology. It defines research as a systematic investigation to generate or validate knowledge. Research is conducted through proposing and testing hypotheses using valid methodology. The methodology section of a research paper allows readers to evaluate its validity and reliability by describing how data was collected and analyzed. The document outlines the basic types of research as descriptive vs analytical, applied vs fundamental, quantitative vs qualitative, and conceptual vs empirical. It provides examples and definitions of each type.
The document provides an overview of business research methods. It defines business research and outlines its significance in allowing organizations to gather new knowledge, find solutions to problems, enhance productivity and more.
It then describes the typical stages of the research process from exploration and defining the research question to data collection, analysis, reporting and decision making.
Finally, it outlines different types of research including reporting, descriptive, explanatory, predictive, exploratory, causal, theoretical, empirical, cross-sectional and time-series research. It also discusses research questions, problems, objectives and hypotheses.
Steps in Research-Types of research-Types of Steps in Research-Types of resea...AbhishikthSandeep1
This document discusses research methods and design. It defines research as a systematic, scientific investigation of a topic to discover new facts or test hypotheses. Research aims to contribute new knowledge through carefully defining problems, formulating hypotheses, collecting and analyzing data, reaching conclusions, and testing conclusions. The key objectives of research are exploratory, descriptive, diagnostic, and hypothesis testing. Characteristics of good research include being directed, empirical, carefully recorded and reported. The common steps in research are formulating the problem, reviewing literature, developing hypotheses, deciding design, collecting and analyzing data, testing hypotheses, and reporting conclusions.
Research Methodology Module 1 useful for any course workMayuraD1
This document provides information about research methodology and intellectual property rights for an MTech course. It discusses definitions of research, the objectives and motivation for research. It also outlines different types of research including descriptive vs analytical, applied vs fundamental, quantitative vs qualitative, conceptual vs empirical. The types of research are further categorized based on time periods, research environments, and diagnostic approaches. The course code, credits, assessments and other details are also provided.
The document discusses key concepts related to research including research projects, topics, proposals, problems, objectives, hypotheses, methodology, design, and limitations. It notes that a research project uses scientific methods to achieve defined objectives, such as testing or creating new knowledge. Choosing a research topic is an ongoing process of exploring, defining, and refining ideas on a subject that is narrow yet allows finding adequate information. A research proposal explains what is being researched, why, and how through a structured formal document. Research design broadly outlines the total pattern of conducting a research project including objectives, methods, and outcomes. Marketing research systematically gathers and analyzes qualitative and quantitative data about issues relating to marketing products and services.
The systematic investigation into and study of materials, sources, etc, in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions. Research is what we do when we have a question or a problem we want to resolve. Research is a systematic inquiry to describe, explain, predict and control the observed phenomenon. The first module highlights an overview of all concepts adopted in Research.
This document outlines the key steps in the research process:
1. Formulating the research problem by precisely defining the issue to be studied and determining its significance.
2. Conducting an extensive literature review to understand previous work.
3. Developing testable hypotheses to address the research problem.
4. Designing the research methodology including sampling, data collection methods, and data analysis.
5. Collecting and analyzing data to test the hypotheses.
6. Interpreting the findings, conclusions, and limitations to determine how the research adds to knowledge.
The overall goal is to systematically investigate an issue to produce generalizable answers.
This document provides information on the course "Research Methodology and Intellectual Property Rights" including the course objectives, outcomes, and modules. The course objectives are to understand research basics, literature reviews, citations, and ethics in engineering research. It also covers intellectual property rights concepts. The first module introduces research meaning, objectives, types, and ethics.
This document outlines the basic steps in research: 1) formulating the problem, 2) conducting exploratory studies to define the problem, 3) designing the research project including determining data needs, sources, and collection methods, 4) collecting data through various methods like observation, interviews, questionnaires, and records, 5) processing and analyzing the data both statistically and through inference, and 6) interpreting the results. The overall aim of research is to discover new facts and revise conclusions to further knowledge.
Best KNow Hydrogen Fuel Production in the World The cost in USD kwh for H2Daniel Donatelli
The cost in USD/kwh for H2
Daniel Donatelli
Secure Supplies Group
Introduction - Page 3
The Need for Hydrogen Fueling - Page 5
Pure H2 Fueling Technology - Page 7
Blend Gas Fueling: A Transition Strategy - Page 10
Performance Metrics: H2 vs. Fossil Fuels - Page 12
Cost Analysis and Economic Viability - Page 15
Innovations Driving Leadership - Page 18
Laminar Flame Speed Adjustment
Heat Management Systems
The Donatelli Cycle
Non-Carnot Cycle Applications
Case Studies and Real-World Applications - Page 22
Conclusion: Secure Supplies Leadership in Hydrogen Fueling - Page 27
This presentation provides an in-depth analysis of structural quality control in the KRP 401600 section of the Copper Processing Plant-3 (MOF-3) in Uzbekistan. As a Structural QA/QC Inspector, I have identified critical welding defects, alignment issues, bolting problems, and joint fit-up concerns.
Key topics covered:
Common Structural Defects Welding porosity, misalignment, bolting errors, and more.
Root Cause Analysis Understanding why these defects occur.
Corrective & Preventive Actions Effective solutions to improve quality.
Team Responsibilities Roles of supervisors, welders, fitters, and QC inspectors.
Inspection & Quality Control Enhancements Advanced techniques for defect detection.
Applicable Standards: GOST, KMK, SNK Ensuring compliance with international quality benchmarks.
This presentation is a must-watch for:
QA/QC Inspectors, Structural Engineers, Welding Inspectors, and Project Managers in the construction & oil & gas industries.
Professionals looking to improve quality control processes in large-scale industrial projects.
Download & share your thoughts! Let's discuss best practices for enhancing structural integrity in industrial projects.
Quality Control
Welding Inspection
Project Management
#QAQC #StructuralInspection #WeldingDefects #BoltingIssues #ConstructionQuality #Engineering #GOSTStandards #WeldingInspection #QualityControl #ProjectManagement #MOF3 #CopperProcessing #StructuralEngineering #NDT #OilAndGas
The Golden Gate Bridge a structural marvel inspired by mother nature.pptxAkankshaRawat75
The Golden Gate Bridge is a 6 lane suspension bridge spans the Golden Gate Strait, connecting the city of San Francisco to Marin County, California.
It provides a vital transportation link between the Pacific Ocean and the San Francisco Bay.
Optimization of Cumulative Energy, Exergy Consumption and Environmental Life ...J. Agricultural Machinery
Optimal use of resources, including energy, is one of the most important principles in modern and sustainable agricultural systems. Exergy analysis and life cycle assessment were used to study the efficient use of inputs, energy consumption reduction, and various environmental effects in the corn production system in Lorestan province, Iran. The required data were collected from farmers in Lorestan province using random sampling. The Cobb-Douglas equation and data envelopment analysis were utilized for modeling and optimizing cumulative energy and exergy consumption (CEnC and CExC) and devising strategies to mitigate the environmental impacts of corn production. The Cobb-Douglas equation results revealed that electricity, diesel fuel, and N-fertilizer were the major contributors to CExC in the corn production system. According to the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) results, the average efficiency of all farms in terms of CExC was 94.7% in the CCR model and 97.8% in the BCC model. Furthermore, the results indicated that there was excessive consumption of inputs, particularly potassium and phosphate fertilizers. By adopting more suitable methods based on DEA of efficient farmers, it was possible to save 6.47, 10.42, 7.40, 13.32, 31.29, 3.25, and 6.78% in the exergy consumption of diesel fuel, electricity, machinery, chemical fertilizers, biocides, seeds, and irrigation, respectively.
Air pollution is contamination of the indoor or outdoor environment by any ch...dhanashree78
Air pollution is contamination of the indoor or outdoor environment by any chemical, physical or biological agent that modifies the natural characteristics of the atmosphere.
Household combustion devices, motor vehicles, industrial facilities and forest fires are common sources of air pollution. Pollutants of major public health concern include particulate matter, carbon monoxide, ozone, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide. Outdoor and indoor air pollution cause respiratory and other diseases and are important sources of morbidity and mortality.
WHO data show that almost all of the global population (99%) breathe air that exceeds WHO guideline limits and contains high levels of pollutants, with low- and middle-income countries suffering from the highest exposures.
Air quality is closely linked to the earths climate and ecosystems globally. Many of the drivers of air pollution (i.e. combustion of fossil fuels) are also sources of greenhouse gas emissions. Policies to reduce air pollution, therefore, offer a win-win strategy for both climate and health, lowering the burden of disease attributable to air pollution, as well as contributing to the near- and long-term mitigation of climate change.
Meaning of research
Research in simple terms ,refers to search for knowledge.
It is also known as scientific and systematic search for
information on a particular topic or issue or the art of scientific
Objectives of research
The objective of research is to discover answers to questions by
applying scientific procedures. I.e. the main aim of research is to
find out truth which is hidden and has not yet been discovered.
2. Although every research has its own specific objectives
,research objectives may be broadly grouped as follows:
i. To gain familiarity with or get new insights into a
phenomenon. i.e. formulative research studies.
ii. To accurately portray the characteristic of a particular
individual ,group or a descriptive research
iii. To analyze the frequency with which something occurs i.e
diagnostic research studies.
iv.To examine a hypothesis of a causal relationship between
two variables. I.e hypothesis testing research studies.
3. Research methods versus methodology
Research methods include all those techniques /methods
that are adopted for conducting research.
Research methodology
-The way of systematically solving the research problem.
-It is a science of studying how research is conducted
-Under it ,the researcher acquaints himself with the various
steps generally adopted to study a research problem, along
with the underlying logic behind them.
The researcher must know the research techniques
/methods and also the scientific approach /methodology.
4. Research approaches
There are two main approaches to research namely
quantitative and qualitative approach.
The quantitative approach involves the collection of
quantitative data ,which are put to rigorous quantitative
analysis in a formal and rigid manner.
This approach further includes experimental, inferential and
simulation approaches to research.
The qualitative approach uses the method of subjective
assessment of opinions ,behavior and attitudes.
Research in such a situation is a function of the researchers
impressions and insights.
5. Types of research
These are the different types of research
Descriptive Vs analytical
Descriptive research comprises surveys and fact finding
enquiries of different types.
The main objective of descriptive research is describing
the state of affairs as it prevails at the time of study.
He can only report what has happened or what is
happening but researcher has no control over the frequency of shopping, preference of people
6. The methods used for descriptive research are
survey methods of all kinds including comparative
and correlational methods.
In analytical research ,the researcher has to use
already available facts or information and analyze
them to make a critical evaluation of the material.
7. Applied and fundamental
Research can also be applied or fundamental
An attempt to find a solution to an immediate
problem encountered by a firm ,an industry ,a
business ,organization, or the society is known as
applied research.
On the other hand ,fundamental research mainly
concerns generalizations and formulation of a
8. Quantitative Vs Qualitative
Quantitative research is based on the measurement of
quantity or amount.
It is applicable to phenomena that can be expressed in
terms of quantity.
The various available statistical and econometric methods
are adopted for analysis in such research.
9. Qualitative research is concerned with qualitative
phenomenon i.e phenomenon relating to or
involving quality or kind. Eg when interested in
investigating the reasons as to why people behave
or do certain things.
Qualitative research aims at discovering the
underlying motives and desires using in depth
interviews for that purpose.(attitude or opinion
10. Conceptual Vs Empirical
A research related to some abstract idea or theory is
known as conceptual research.
This type of research that does not involve
conducting any practical experiments.
It is based on observing and analyzing already
existing concepts and theories. The researcher can
observe their surroundings and develop brand-new
theories, or they can build on existing ones.
Empirical research exclusively relies on observational
or experience with hardly any regard for theory and
11. Importance of knowing how to conduct research
i. Provides training to new researchers and enables them to
do research properly.
ii. Inculcate the ability to evaluate and utilize the research
findings with confidence.
iii. Equips the researcher with tools that help him observe
things objectively.
iv.The knowledge of methodology helps the researcher
consumer to evaluate research and make rational
12. Qualities of a researcher
A good researcher should be committed to the articles
of faith of the scientific methods of research.
A researcher should be in his/her truest sense.
Significance of research
All progress is born of inquiry and inquiry leads to
It brings out the significance of research increased
amounts of which makes progress possible.
Research encourages scientific and inductive thinking
besides promoting the development of logical habits
and organization.
13. Categories of research knowledge
The ways of developing and accessing knowledge come in three ,somewhat
overlappingbroad categories.
i. Observation the most fundamental way of obtaining information from a
source. Observation takes different forms e.g measurements in a lab
,survey among a group of subjects, time it takes for a firm ware to run etc.
This observational data needs to be processed in some form and this leads
to the second category of knowledge ,the model.
ii. Models-are approximated ,often simplified ways of describing sometimes
very complex interactions in form of statistical relationship, a figure or a set
of mathematical equations. Eg the modelling equation captures the
relationship between different attributes or the behavior of the device in
an abstract form and enables us to understand the observed phenomena.
iii. The final category is a way of arranging or doing things through processes
,algorithms, procedures , arrangements,or reference designs to get a
certain desired result.
14. Good research involves systematic collection and
analysis of information and is followed by an
attempt to infer a little beyond the already known
information in a way that is a significant value
Usually engineering research is a journey that
transverses from a research area (eg control
systems) to the topic ( eg control of microbial fuel
cells) and finally into the problem(adaptive
control of single chamber microbial fuel cells)
Area topic problem.
15. Research process
Comprises a series of steps or actions required for effectively
conducting research and for sequencing of these steps. They
1. Formulating the research problem
2. Extensive literature survey
3. Developing hypothesis
4. Preparing the research design
5. Determining the sample design
6. Collecting data
7. Execution of the project
8. Analysis of data
9. Hypothesis testing
10.Generalization and interpretation through a report.
16. Planning to do research done already
17. Research problem
This is the first and foremost stage in the research process.
A researcher should first identify a problem ,formulate it to
make it amenable or susceptible to research.
Research design
The most important part after identifying the problem.
Research design helps in deciding issues like what ,when
,where ,how much ,by what means etc. with regard to an
enquiry or research study.
18. Features of research design
i. It constitutes a plan that identifies the types
and sources of information required for the
research problem.
ii. It constitutes a strategy that specifies the
methods of data collection and analysis which
would be adopted.
iii.It specifies the time period of research and
monetary budget involved in conducting the
19. Types of research design
Different types of research design may be broadly
categorized as :
1.Exploratory research design
2.Descriptive and diagnostic research design
3.Hypothesis testing research design.
20. Hypothesis
A hypothesis is a mere assumption or some supposition to be proved
or disproved.
To a researcher is a formal question that he intends to resolve.
Definition :a proposition or a set of proposition set forth as an
explanation for the occurrence of some specified group of
phenomena asserted merely as provisional conjecture to guide
some investigation or accepted as highly probable in the light of
established facts.
Quit often ,the research hypothesis is a predictive statement
,capable of being tested by scientific methods that relates
independent variable to some dependent variable.
Example of a hypothesis statement
Students who receive counseling will show a greater increase in
creativity that students who do not receive counselling.
22. Formulating the research problem
There are two types of research problems-those that relates to states
of nature and those that relate to relationships between variables
At the very onset ,the researcher must single out the problem he
would want to study.(must express the general area of interest
matter that he would want to inquire into.
Initially the problem may be stated in a broad general way and then
ambiguities if any relating to the problem be resolved.
23. Then the feasibility of a particular solution has to be
considered before a working formulation of the problem
can be set up.
The formulation of a general topic into a specific
research problem thus constitutes the first step in a
scientific enquiry.
Two steps are involved in formulating the research
problem which include; understanding the problem
thoroughly and rephrasing the same into meaningful
terms from an analytical point of view.
24. One you put the question in general terms, it is up to the researcher to narrow it down and
phrase the problem in operational terms.
25. Formulating the research problem
What do you want to research about?
What will the topic of your work?
NB: A good topic should be short ,clear ,sharp and precise
enough to make the empirical content of the research
question evident and what an answer to that question would
Example of a non technical topic
Eg a cognitive researcher want to do research on (i) memory
memory is far too broad.
(ii)narrowed to eg human memory -children memory -
development of memory in children (still very broad)
because it subsume too many researchable questions but
getting better.