Navigation through citation network based on content similarity using cosine ...Salam Shah
The rate of scientific literature has been increased in the past few decades; new topics and information is added in the form of articles, papers, text documents, web logs, and patents. The growth of information at rapid rate caused a tremendous amount of additions in the current and past knowledge, during this process, new topics emerged, some topics split into many other sub-topics, on the other hand, many topics merge to formed single topic. The selection and search of a topic manually in such a huge amount of information have been found as an expensive and workforce-intensive task. For the emerging need of an automatic process to locate, organize, connect, and make associations among these sources the researchers have proposed different techniques that automatically extract components of the information presented in various formats and organize or structure them. The targeted data which is going to be processed for component extraction might be in the form of text, video or audio. The addition of different algorithms has structured information and grouped similar information into clusters and on the basis of their importance, weighted them. The organized, structured and weighted data is then compared with other structures to find similarity with the use of various algorithms. The semantic patterns can be found by employing visualization techniques that show similarity or relation between topics over time or related to a specific event. In this paper, we have proposed a model based on Cosine Similarity Algorithm for citation network which will answer the questions like, how to connect documents with the help of citation and content similarity and how to visualize and navigate through the document.
This book review summarizes and compares Sharan B. Merriam and Elizabeth J. Tisdell's 2016 book "Qualitative Research: A Guide to Design and Implementation". The book is divided into three parts covering qualitative research design, data collection methods, and data analysis and reporting. It provides an overview of qualitative research approaches and philosophical foundations. It also discusses sampling strategies, interviewing, observation, document analysis, and thematic analysis. The authors found this book to be a useful resource for both novice and experienced researchers to improve their understanding of qualitative research methodology.
A Collaborative Approach Toward Scientific Paper Recommendation Using Citatio...Melinda Watson
The document presents a collaborative approach for recommending scientific papers using citation context. It proposes using a 2-level paper-citation relation matrix to find similarities between papers based on whether they are co-cited or co-citing other papers. An evaluation of the approach is conducted using publicly available datasets. The results demonstrate that the proposed approach outperforms baseline approaches in terms of precision, recall, F1 score, mean average precision, and mean reciprocal rank. The approach allows researchers to find relevant publications regardless of previous research experience or area.
This document outlines the 9 step process for writing an academic research paper. It begins with choosing an interesting topic and finding relevant sources. The next steps include determining a problem statement, taking notes, and writing a first draft. The draft should follow an outline including an introduction, literature review, methods, results, discussion, and conclusions. The paper is then edited and a journal is selected for potential publication. The final step is publishing the paper, which may require submitting to multiple journals before acceptance.
Dynamic extraction of key paper from the cluster using variance values of cit...IJDKP
When looking into recent research trends in the field of academic landscape, citation network analysis is
common and automated clustering of many academic papers has been achieved by making good use of
various techniques. However, specifying the features of each area identified by automated clustering or
dynamically extracted key papers in each research area has not yet been achieved. In this study, therefore,
we propose a method for dynamically specifying the key papers in each area identified by clustering. We
will investigate variance values of the publication year of the cited literature and calculate each cited
papers importance by applying the variance values to the PageRank algorithm.
By Cristie McClendon, Scott Greenberger, and Stacey BridgesTawnaDelatorrejs
By Cristie McClendon, Scott Greenberger, and Stacey Bridges
Reading Quantitative Research
Essential Questions
1. What types of research problems are suitable for quantitative research?
2. How does a researcher select a quantitative design?
3. What are the GCU core designs for quantitative research?
4. How does one select appropriate measures or instruments for quantitative research?
5. What sampling approaches are used in quantitative research?
6. What are the most common approaches used in quantitative data analysis?
Quantitative research is frequently used in the social sciences because it is quick, relatively inexpensive, and
considered a valid method of inquiry by researchers and academicians. The goals of quantitative research are
to describe the attributes of a group of people, to measure differences between groups, to determine if a
relationship exists between variables, or to predict if one event or factor causes another.
Quantitative studies contain measurable and quanti鐃able data, a
statistically appropriate sample, use of statistical techniques, and
a structured data collection plan to ensure that the study can be
replicated. Additionally, quantitative studies require the use of
valid and reliable instruments, surveys, or databases to quantify
variables. The research method is deductive, very structured, and
in鐃exible as often the goal of the researcher is to generalize or
apply the results to other groups and populations besides those
participating in the study. Ultimately, quantitative research offers a systematic and structured process for
answering research questions (Balnaves & Caputi, 2001).
Critically Reading Quantitative Research
Doctoral learners must go through a process of learning how to critically read empirical research. While
reading is a familiar skill to learners, at the doctoral level, it takes on new depth as learners transition to the
mindset of a researcher. The required reading materials will be more dif鐃cult to read, take more time, and
require learners to improve their reading ef鐃ciency and critical-thinking skills. Having ample time built in for
reading is crucial to the success of a doctoral student. Reading is the foundation to a dissertation research
project. The 鐃rst 2 years before a proposal is accepted will be spent reading peer-reviewed articles,
dissertations, books, and other scholarly sources that can potentially contribute to the dissertation project. At
the same time, the reading of these materials directly contributes to subject matter expertise of the learner
helping to make him or her an expert in the 鐃eld of study. Unfortunately, there is not a speci鐃c number of
Schedule enough time to read
resources that a learner must read to transform into an expert. The reading process in a doctoral program is an
ongoing, self-directed, independent project that begins in the 鐃rst course and does not end until the
dissertation is approved. Ev ...
This document outlines the 9 step process for writing an academic research paper. It begins with choosing an interesting topic and finding relevant sources. The writer then develops a problem statement and takes notes on important ideas. A first draft is written by organizing information according to an outline. The draft is then edited and a journal is selected for publication. The final steps involve following the journal's submission criteria and publishing the paper, which may require multiple revisions and submissions. The overall process guides students through researching, writing, and publishing their original academic work.
1) Citation metrics have evolved over time from bibliometrics in the 1960s to more recent metrics like altmetrics and webometrics. They are used to assess the influence of published research.
2) Key citation metrics include the journal impact factor, h-index, and article-level metrics like citation counts and altmetrics. Data sources include Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar.
3) Citation indexing links cited and citing articles, allowing researchers to trace the development of ideas over time. Citation analysis helps understand why authors cite other works.
This document provides an overview of a presentation on developing a successful dissertation. It includes an agenda with topics, activities, and times. The learning goals are to understand the dissertation timeline and process, develop a master plan based on research questions, and learn digital tools for each phase. Teaching methods include an audience response system and branching presentation. The document then discusses transforming the typically linear dissertation process into an iterative, multimedia, cloud-based process. It provides details on the major phases of developing a dissertation, including expected activities, decisions, deliverables, and tips.
Opening Scholarly Communication in Social Sciences (OSCOSS)GESIS
Our system will initially provide readers, authors and reviewers with an alternative, thus having the potential to gain wider acceptance and gradually replace the old, incoherent publication process of our journals and of others in related fields. It will make journals more open (in terms of reusability) that are open access already, and it has the potential to serve as an incentive for turning closed journals into open access ones.
OSCOSS is funded by the DFG in the Open Access Transformation programme.
AI in Literature Review: Enhancing Research Efficiency and AccuracyJheel Barad
This presentation, developed as part of the PhD coursework for Paper 1: Research Methodology, delves into the integration of AI tools in the literature review process. It provides a comprehensive overview of several AI-driven platforms that significantly enhance the efficiency and depth of literature reviews. Among the tools discussed are Research Rabbit, which aids in discovering relevant literature and visualizing connections between studies, and Elicit, an AI-powered assistant that streamlines the synthesis of research findings. The presentation also covers Consensus, a tool designed to summarize and provide a consensus on existing research, and ChatPDF along with Humata, which allow researchers to interact with academic papers in a conversational manner, making key information more accessible. Additionally, is highlighted for its capabilities in managing large datasets and uncovering hidden patterns within the literature. This presentation is a valuable resource for researchers, academicians, and students looking to leverage AI to enhance their literature review process.
A Hybrid Personalized Scientific Paper Recommendation Approach Integrating Pu...Michele Thomas
A hybrid approach is proposed that combines content-based filtering (CBF) and collaborative filtering (CF) for scientific paper recommendation. Unlike previous approaches, it incorporates public contextual metadata (title, keywords, abstract) into the CBF module and citation context into the CF module to calculate content-based and collaborative similarities separately. The two similarity scores are then combined in a hybrid approach. The approach aims to address issues with prior user profiles and use of non-public metadata in existing recommendation systems by relying only on public information. An experiment on publicly available datasets shows the proposed hybrid approach outperforms baseline methods in standard evaluation metrics.
A Citation-Based Recommender System For Scholarly Paper RecommendationDaniel Wachtel
This document describes a citation recommender system that evaluates textual and topological similarity measures to recommend relevant papers. It finds that topological similarity using cosine similarity achieved the highest accuracy at 85.2% for identifying citation links, compared to textual similarity measures on paper abstracts and titles. It also evaluates centrality measures like betweenness, closeness, degree and PageRank to identify important papers to recommend. The system aims to recommend similar and important papers for citations.
Research and Publications in Behavioural Science.pptxJustinRaj55
The presentation titled "Research and Publications" by Justin Raj P. C., delivered on 30/06/2021, provides a comprehensive guide on conducting research and preparing publications.
This presentation serves as a practical guide for researchers, covering the entire process from conceptualizing a study to publishing in reputed journals.
This document discusses the importance of preserving both research data and literature for future use. It quotes two scientists emphasizing the value of original data. It then makes three recommendations: 1) Include research literature as part of the record of science; 2) Make data available for future unknown uses; 3) Regard assured access to digital content as a grand challenge. Several organizations are working to archive e-journals and digital content to ensure long-term preservation and access.
Dr. John A. Hoehn gave a presentation on February 24, 2014 about completing a dissertation. The presentation covered the dissertation timeline and process, resources for each phase, and future topics like web surveys and netnography. It provided an overview of the learning goals, which included understanding the dissertation timeline and process, developing a master plan based on research questions, and learning digital tools for each phase. The presentation utilized an audience response system and branching presentation.
The document provides an overview of conducting a literature review. It discusses that a literature review documents previous research in the areas related to the researcher's topic of interest. It aims to identify what problems have already been studied and which need further investigation. The literature review gives knowledge of past studies in the field and how they were conducted. It also discusses the purpose of reviewing literature such as gaining background on the topic, identifying concepts and relationships, and determining appropriate research methods. The document outlines the steps to conducting an effective literature review such as identifying relevant sources, extracting and recording information, and writing the review.
Finding Your Literature Match - A Recommender SystemEdwin Henneken
1. The document introduces a recommender system that uses a "topic space" constructed from document metadata like keywords to cluster documents and users based on similarity.
2. It provides an example recommendation for a recent arXiv paper based on its bibliographic metadata and usage logs of expert users.
3. Some open questions about optimizing and updating the system are discussed, like whether keywords fully describe the document universe and how to handle literature without keywords.
Between 油information 油retrieval 油services 油and bibliometrics 油research. New 油...Andrea Scharnhorst
R. Koopman, S. Wang, A. Scharnhorst (2015) Between 油information 油retrieval 油services 油and bibliometrics 油research. New 油ways 油of 油semantic 油browsing 油and 油visual analytics. Presentation at the Sigmetrics workshop, ASIST 2015, November 7, 2015 St. Louis, Missouri
The purpose of this project is to analyze the book reviews and ratings based on the service provider. The project is primarily based on Data warehouse implementation and BI queries for Analysis for Online Book Reviews collected from Amazon, Goodreads & Bookcrossing and Twitter
A conceptual model for the annotation of audiovisual heritage in a media stud...Liliana M. Melgar Estrada
See summary here:
A Centroid And Relationship Based Clustering For Organizing Research PapersDaniel Wachtel
This document summarizes a research paper that proposes a new method for organizing research papers using centroid and relationship-based clustering. The method aims to group similar research papers together based on common terms in their titles, keywords, frequent sentences, and referenced titles. Only the most important information from each paper is considered, such as the title, keywords, top frequent sentences and most similar referenced papers, in order to reduce processing time for large collections of papers. The clustering algorithm uses these relationships between papers to assign them to topic clusters in an efficient and effective manner.
The document provides guidance on conducting a literature search and review. It outlines the main objectives of a literature search as identifying as many relevant published and unpublished sources as possible on a specific topic. It then describes the key stages of a literature search and review process, including determining information needs, exploring available sources, reading and annotating sources, taking notes, analyzing findings, and writing up the results. A variety of source types and search techniques are also discussed to aid in locating relevant literature.
02 Literature search and reviewing_1.pptxssusere05ec21
This document discusses literature searching and reviewing as part of the research methodology in computer science and information technology. It defines primary, secondary, and tertiary literature and examples of each. It also discusses citation indices/databases that contain bibliographic records of published articles along with cited references. The objectives of literature searching are described as establishing the state of art, identifying gaps, and determining directions for future research. Criteria for selecting high quality journals for reading and publishing are provided, such as peer review process, impact factor, rejection rate, and history.
The Nobel, The Booker and The Pulitzer (2019-2023).pptxPrakruti Bhatt
This presentation is aimed at acquainting the aspirants of the National and State level Eligibility Tests with the Nobel Prize winners for Literature of the past five years i.e. 2019-2023.
Asian Literatures in English_ Notable Works and Authors.pptxPrakruti Bhatt
This presentation focuses on providing a brief overview of the prominent authors and works which fall under the term Asian Literatures in English. The purpose is to acquaint the aspirants of the National and State Level Eligibility Tests with these significant authors and their work.
1) Citation metrics have evolved over time from bibliometrics in the 1960s to more recent metrics like altmetrics and webometrics. They are used to assess the influence of published research.
2) Key citation metrics include the journal impact factor, h-index, and article-level metrics like citation counts and altmetrics. Data sources include Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar.
3) Citation indexing links cited and citing articles, allowing researchers to trace the development of ideas over time. Citation analysis helps understand why authors cite other works.
This document provides an overview of a presentation on developing a successful dissertation. It includes an agenda with topics, activities, and times. The learning goals are to understand the dissertation timeline and process, develop a master plan based on research questions, and learn digital tools for each phase. Teaching methods include an audience response system and branching presentation. The document then discusses transforming the typically linear dissertation process into an iterative, multimedia, cloud-based process. It provides details on the major phases of developing a dissertation, including expected activities, decisions, deliverables, and tips.
Opening Scholarly Communication in Social Sciences (OSCOSS)GESIS
Our system will initially provide readers, authors and reviewers with an alternative, thus having the potential to gain wider acceptance and gradually replace the old, incoherent publication process of our journals and of others in related fields. It will make journals more open (in terms of reusability) that are open access already, and it has the potential to serve as an incentive for turning closed journals into open access ones.
OSCOSS is funded by the DFG in the Open Access Transformation programme.
AI in Literature Review: Enhancing Research Efficiency and AccuracyJheel Barad
This presentation, developed as part of the PhD coursework for Paper 1: Research Methodology, delves into the integration of AI tools in the literature review process. It provides a comprehensive overview of several AI-driven platforms that significantly enhance the efficiency and depth of literature reviews. Among the tools discussed are Research Rabbit, which aids in discovering relevant literature and visualizing connections between studies, and Elicit, an AI-powered assistant that streamlines the synthesis of research findings. The presentation also covers Consensus, a tool designed to summarize and provide a consensus on existing research, and ChatPDF along with Humata, which allow researchers to interact with academic papers in a conversational manner, making key information more accessible. Additionally, is highlighted for its capabilities in managing large datasets and uncovering hidden patterns within the literature. This presentation is a valuable resource for researchers, academicians, and students looking to leverage AI to enhance their literature review process.
A Hybrid Personalized Scientific Paper Recommendation Approach Integrating Pu...Michele Thomas
A hybrid approach is proposed that combines content-based filtering (CBF) and collaborative filtering (CF) for scientific paper recommendation. Unlike previous approaches, it incorporates public contextual metadata (title, keywords, abstract) into the CBF module and citation context into the CF module to calculate content-based and collaborative similarities separately. The two similarity scores are then combined in a hybrid approach. The approach aims to address issues with prior user profiles and use of non-public metadata in existing recommendation systems by relying only on public information. An experiment on publicly available datasets shows the proposed hybrid approach outperforms baseline methods in standard evaluation metrics.
A Citation-Based Recommender System For Scholarly Paper RecommendationDaniel Wachtel
This document describes a citation recommender system that evaluates textual and topological similarity measures to recommend relevant papers. It finds that topological similarity using cosine similarity achieved the highest accuracy at 85.2% for identifying citation links, compared to textual similarity measures on paper abstracts and titles. It also evaluates centrality measures like betweenness, closeness, degree and PageRank to identify important papers to recommend. The system aims to recommend similar and important papers for citations.
Research and Publications in Behavioural Science.pptxJustinRaj55
The presentation titled "Research and Publications" by Justin Raj P. C., delivered on 30/06/2021, provides a comprehensive guide on conducting research and preparing publications.
This presentation serves as a practical guide for researchers, covering the entire process from conceptualizing a study to publishing in reputed journals.
This document discusses the importance of preserving both research data and literature for future use. It quotes two scientists emphasizing the value of original data. It then makes three recommendations: 1) Include research literature as part of the record of science; 2) Make data available for future unknown uses; 3) Regard assured access to digital content as a grand challenge. Several organizations are working to archive e-journals and digital content to ensure long-term preservation and access.
Dr. John A. Hoehn gave a presentation on February 24, 2014 about completing a dissertation. The presentation covered the dissertation timeline and process, resources for each phase, and future topics like web surveys and netnography. It provided an overview of the learning goals, which included understanding the dissertation timeline and process, developing a master plan based on research questions, and learning digital tools for each phase. The presentation utilized an audience response system and branching presentation.
The document provides an overview of conducting a literature review. It discusses that a literature review documents previous research in the areas related to the researcher's topic of interest. It aims to identify what problems have already been studied and which need further investigation. The literature review gives knowledge of past studies in the field and how they were conducted. It also discusses the purpose of reviewing literature such as gaining background on the topic, identifying concepts and relationships, and determining appropriate research methods. The document outlines the steps to conducting an effective literature review such as identifying relevant sources, extracting and recording information, and writing the review.
Finding Your Literature Match - A Recommender SystemEdwin Henneken
1. The document introduces a recommender system that uses a "topic space" constructed from document metadata like keywords to cluster documents and users based on similarity.
2. It provides an example recommendation for a recent arXiv paper based on its bibliographic metadata and usage logs of expert users.
3. Some open questions about optimizing and updating the system are discussed, like whether keywords fully describe the document universe and how to handle literature without keywords.
Between 油information 油retrieval 油services 油and bibliometrics 油research. New 油...Andrea Scharnhorst
R. Koopman, S. Wang, A. Scharnhorst (2015) Between 油information 油retrieval 油services 油and bibliometrics 油research. New 油ways 油of 油semantic 油browsing 油and 油visual analytics. Presentation at the Sigmetrics workshop, ASIST 2015, November 7, 2015 St. Louis, Missouri
The purpose of this project is to analyze the book reviews and ratings based on the service provider. The project is primarily based on Data warehouse implementation and BI queries for Analysis for Online Book Reviews collected from Amazon, Goodreads & Bookcrossing and Twitter
A conceptual model for the annotation of audiovisual heritage in a media stud...Liliana M. Melgar Estrada
See summary here:
A Centroid And Relationship Based Clustering For Organizing Research PapersDaniel Wachtel
This document summarizes a research paper that proposes a new method for organizing research papers using centroid and relationship-based clustering. The method aims to group similar research papers together based on common terms in their titles, keywords, frequent sentences, and referenced titles. Only the most important information from each paper is considered, such as the title, keywords, top frequent sentences and most similar referenced papers, in order to reduce processing time for large collections of papers. The clustering algorithm uses these relationships between papers to assign them to topic clusters in an efficient and effective manner.
The document provides guidance on conducting a literature search and review. It outlines the main objectives of a literature search as identifying as many relevant published and unpublished sources as possible on a specific topic. It then describes the key stages of a literature search and review process, including determining information needs, exploring available sources, reading and annotating sources, taking notes, analyzing findings, and writing up the results. A variety of source types and search techniques are also discussed to aid in locating relevant literature.
02 Literature search and reviewing_1.pptxssusere05ec21
This document discusses literature searching and reviewing as part of the research methodology in computer science and information technology. It defines primary, secondary, and tertiary literature and examples of each. It also discusses citation indices/databases that contain bibliographic records of published articles along with cited references. The objectives of literature searching are described as establishing the state of art, identifying gaps, and determining directions for future research. Criteria for selecting high quality journals for reading and publishing are provided, such as peer review process, impact factor, rejection rate, and history.
The Nobel, The Booker and The Pulitzer (2019-2023).pptxPrakruti Bhatt
This presentation is aimed at acquainting the aspirants of the National and State level Eligibility Tests with the Nobel Prize winners for Literature of the past five years i.e. 2019-2023.
Asian Literatures in English_ Notable Works and Authors.pptxPrakruti Bhatt
This presentation focuses on providing a brief overview of the prominent authors and works which fall under the term Asian Literatures in English. The purpose is to acquaint the aspirants of the National and State Level Eligibility Tests with these significant authors and their work.
The document outlines India's history with e-government initiatives from 1980 to the present, including the National e-government Plan from 2006-2011 and the current E-Gov and Digital India plans from 2012-2017. It also defines common types of e-government interactions such as G2G, G2C, G2B, and G2E. Finally, it describes an online teacher education portal that provides in-class resources, training content, assessments, profiles, announcements, and a teacher community.
This presentation is aimed at providing a brief overview of the National and State Level Eligibility Tests; as well as discuss their significance for pursuing a career in higher education in India.
This award letter informs Prakruti Kaushikbhai Bhatt that they have been awarded a SHODH Fellowship to pursue a Ph.D. in Electronic Literature From Creation to Generation An Exploration of the Literature Bornout of Human Machine Intermediation under the supervision of Dr. Dilip barad. The fellowship provides a monthly stipend of Rs. 15,000 for 2 years, yearly contingency funds of Rs. 20,000 for 2 years, and a total payable amount of Rs. 4,00,000 over 2 years. The letter notes the conditions of the fellowship and advises submitting required documents on time to avoid delays or termination of the stipend.
The document discusses how publishing has changed in the digital age. It notes that everyone can now be a published author due to easy distribution online and personalized recommendations. This has led to an "attention economy" where attention has become scarce. There are now many types of authors, such as hybrid and indie authors, as well as fanfiction writers. The attention economy challenges ideas of literary merit and value, and raises questions around how attention can be converted into currency. More research is needed on the types of content circulating in this new digital attention economy.
The document discusses the concept of multimodality in digital texts. It defines multimodality as the combination of different modes of communication, such as images, sounds, gestures, spatial arrangements and language, to convey meaning. It categorizes the different modes and types of multimodal texts, such as textual, gestural and digital texts. The document also explains that digital literature can be considered multimodal as it amalgamates various modes of expression afforded by the digital medium to create literary works. In the concluding section, it emphasizes the importance of understanding multimodality to analyze how meaning is produced in the digital age.
This document contains abstracts and analyses of several literary works and topics. It includes sections on Rosicrucianism in Christopher Marlowe's "Dr. Faustus", Oliver Goldsmith's "She Stoops to Conquer", Wordsworth and Coleridge's views on poetry, comparisons of characters from Henry Derozio and Rabindranath Tagore's works, Samuel Taylor Coleridge's "Kubla Khan" and "Christabel", archaisms in Tennyson and Browning's poetry, and Henry David Thoreau's "Walden". Each section provides background on the authors and works as well as discussing central themes and ideas.
The document provides a summary of events from a youth festival held over three days. It discusses two plays performed - one on classical Indian themes exploring identity and fate, and another on gender issues. It also discusses a poetry recitation competition that helped break assumptions about poetry's form. The festival celebrated the talents and spirits of youth through various artistic and cultural competitions, with the goal of participation over winning.
This document contains blogs written by Prakruti Bhatt over two academic years from 2018-2020. It includes blogs on literary works ranging from Christopher Marlowe's Dr. Faustus to J.M Coetzee's Waiting for the Barbarians. The blogs provide introductions to the works and authors as well as conclusions and analyses. Key points and themes from each work are discussed such as fate versus free will in Dr. Faustus and representations of the native in Robinson Crusoe.
With the widespread development of technological advances, it is necessary to know how literature responds to it, especially when you are a literature student. Electronic Literature is therefore an important phenomenon to be understood. This presentation is therefore aimed at providing an introduction to the concept.
J.M Coetzee's Waiting for the Barbarians is an interesting study of the horrors of colonial lifestyle as well as the post colonial idea of the construction of the 'Other'. This presentation explores the theme of namelessness in the novel.
Broadcasting involves the distribution of audio and video content to a large audience using electronic communication mediums like radio waves. It includes television, radio, and electronic media. There are commercial and public/private broadcasting channels. Radio broadcasting focuses on audio and the power of voice. It includes services like All India Radio and the introduction of radio jockeys. Television broadcasting emphasizes visuals and popular times slots, and includes the rise of cable, satellite and internet-based services in India. Electronic media refers to digitally-encoded content distribution through mediums requiring electricity like the internet, DVDs, and mobile devices.
Broadcasting: Television, Radio and E-media Prakruti Bhatt
A brief idea about the technicalities and functions of e-media platforms as well as the various broadcasting mediums; for a discussion on mass media and communication.
Mikhail Bakhtin was a pioneer of dialogic criticism, which views meaning as arising from the dynamic relationship between speakers. For Bakhtin, all thought and language exists in a state of dialogue and difference. Harold Pinter's play The Birthday Party uses deceptive and incoherent dialogues to portray communication as unreliable and useless for conversation between uninterested characters. Dialogic criticism can help interpret modern works like The Birthday Party by clarifying the principle of dialogue within the play.
Dialects refer to regional variations in vocabulary and grammar within a language, whereas accents refer to differences in pronunciation influenced by an individual's mother tongue. A dialect is influenced more by historical factors and is specific to a region, while an accent is specific to an individual. In language teaching, a learner's dialect can pose barriers that teachers aim to help students overcome to acquire the target language, while accents develop later once basic communication is established.
How to Configure Deliver Content by Email in Odoo 18 SalesCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure proforma invoice in Odoo 18 Sales module. A proforma invoice is a preliminary invoice that serves as a commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer.
Unit 1 Computer Hardware for Educational Computing.pptxRomaSmart1
Computers have revolutionized various sectors, including education, by enhancing learning experiences and making information more accessible. This presentation, "Computer Hardware for Educational Computing," introduces the fundamental aspects of computers, including their definition, characteristics, classification, and significance in the educational domain. Understanding these concepts helps educators and students leverage technology for more effective learning.
Research Publication & Ethics contains a chapter on Intellectual Honesty and Research Integrity.
Different case studies of intellectual dishonesty and integrity were discussed.
Effective Product Variant Management in Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide well discuss on the effective product variant management in Odoo 18. Odoo concentrates on managing product variations and offers a distinct area for doing so. Product variants provide unique characteristics like size and color to single products, which can be managed at the product template level for all attributes and variants or at the variant level for individual variants.
How to Setup WhatsApp in Odoo 17 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
Integrate WhatsApp into Odoo using the WhatsApp Business API or third-party modules to enhance communication. This integration enables automated messaging and customer interaction management within Odoo 17.
Digital Tools with AI for e-Content Development.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt is useful for not only for B.Ed., M.Ed., M.A. (Education) or any other PG level students or Ph.D. scholars but also for the school, college and university teachers who are interested to prepare an e-content with AI for their students and others.
Research & Research Methods: Basic Concepts and Types.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt has been made for the students pursuing PG in social science and humanities like M.Ed., M.A. (Education), Ph.D. Scholars. It will be also beneficial for the teachers and other faculty members interested in research and teaching research concepts.
2. What is Snowballing?
A non-probability sampling technique developed by James Coleman and Leo
Goodman defines it as a technique where, A random sample of individuals is
drawn from a given finite population.[2]
Introduced as a means for studying the structure of social networks[4]
3. Snowballing for literary research
In the context of literary research, Claes Wohlin defines it as using the
reference list of a paper or the citations to the paper to identify additional
Thus, for literary research, snowballing can be understood as a technique
through which one can identify relevant pieces of information to justify their
arguments; which in turn helps in preparing a structured literature review.
4. Steps of Snowballing:
1. Identify keywords and formulate search strings[6]
2. Identify a start set of papers to use[6]
3. Scour the references sections of articles that you have already included in your
review [backward snowballing][5]
4. Identify articles that had subsequently cited papers that you have included in
your review[forward snowballing][5]
5. If no new sources are found, the snowballing procedure is finished[6]
5. Using the digital medium for snowballing
Web platforms can function as vast stores of reliable information wherein one
can search for sources relevant to ones study.
Platforms like Google Scholar [3] can help in identifying primary texts and
articles which through snowballing can then lead to more sources of
Web platforms are more efficient for snowballing in comparison to traditional
print sources due to their feature of easy accessibility and vast storage capacity.
Furthermore following the snowballing technique through the digital medium
can also help in ensuring the reliability and accuracy of the information included
in ones research work.
However, it is important to be careful while identifying, organizing, and
analyzing primary texts and articles before employing the snowballing
6. References:
1. Coleman, James. "Relational analysis: The study of social organizations with survey methods."
Human Organization: Journal of the Society for Applied Anthropology 17.4 (1958): 28-36. web. 28
August 2022. <
2. Goodman, Leo A. "Snowball Sampling." The Annals of Mathematical Statistics 32.1 (1961): 148-
170. web. 28 August 2022. <>.
3. Google Scholar. 20 November 2004. Google. web. 28 August 2022. <>.
4. Heckathorn, Douglas D. "SNOWBALL VERSUS RESPONDENT-DRIVEN SAMPLING." Sociological
Methodology 41.1 (2011): 355-366. web. 28 August 2022.
5. Wallace, Mike and David Denyer. Snowballing. 30 May 2012. Economic and Social Research
Council. web. 28 August 2022. <>.
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