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Research Design in
Organisational Psychology:
Principles of Research
Lecture 2: Introduction to Paradigms
 Explain the concept of a research paradigm and its
role in guiding research.
 Identify and describe the key components of a
research paradigm, including ontology, epistemology,
and axiology.
 Differentiate between major research paradigms such
as positivism, post-positivism, interpretivism,
constructivism, pragmatism, and critical theory.
 Discuss the importance of a paradigmatic stance in
research and how it influences study design,
methodology, and interpretation of results.
The Scientist Practitioner Process
What is a Research Paradigm?
 A research paradigm is a framework that guides how research is
 It includes assumptions about reality, knowledge, and values.
 Influences the questions asked, methods used, and
interpretations made.
 Common paradigms include positivism, post-positivism
interpretivism,constructivism, pragmatism, and critical theory /
critical paradigm.
Why is Your
Defines how you view reality and
Ensures consistency in research
approach and methodology.
Helps justify research methods used in
a study.
Influences how results are interpreted
and applied.
Key Components of a Research Paradigm
Ontology  What is the nature of
Epistemology  How do we know
what we know?
Axiology  What is the role of values
in research?
These components shape research questions, methods, and conclusions.
Ontology  The Nature of Reality
Ontology Description
Key Characteristics
Realist Ontology
Reality exists independently of
human perception.
- There is a single, objective reality.
- Reality can be measured and known through empirical observation.
- Quantitative methods dominate.
Critically Realist Ontology
Reality exists but can only be known
imperfectly due to human
- A real world exists, but human perception is fallible.
- Knowledge is always provisional and evolving.
Uses quantitative methods while recognising the influence of
Relativistic Ontology
Reality is subjective and varies based
on individual or group perceptions.
Constructivist &
Interpretivist Paradigms
- Multiple realities exist,shaped by social, cultural, and personal
- Meaning is co-constructed between researcher and participant.
- Primarily qualitative research.
Pragmatic Ontology
Reality is dynamic and depends on
what works in a given situation.
- Reality is not fixed; it is contingent on human action and usefulness.
- Knowledge is shaped by practical outcomes rather than absolute
- Strong use of mixed methods.
Historical Realism Ontology
Reality is shaped by power
structures, history, and ideology.
Critical Paradigm
- Reality is socially constructed but influenced by oppression and
- Knowledge is influenced by politics and social struggles.
- Feminist, postcolonial, and critical race theories fit here.
Epistemology  How We Gain Knowledge
Epistemology Description Associated Paradigm(s) Key Characteristics
Knowledge comes from
measurable sensory experience
and observation.
- Objective reality exists and can be
- Scientific method is key.
- Quantitative methods dominate.
Critical Realism
Reality exists but can only be
known imperfectly due to human
- Knowledge is provisional and falsifiable.
- Objectivity is pursued but acknowledged as
- Uses both qualitative and quantitative
Knowledge is formed through
personal experiences and is
unique to individuals.
Constructivist Paradigm
- No single reality; multiple realities exist.
- Meaning is co-constructed between
researcher and participant.
- Primarily qualitative research.
Knowledge is interpreted within a
social context, shaped by
language, norms, and history.
Interpretivist Paradigm
- Reality is shaped by culture, history, and
- Seeks deep, context-rich understanding.
- Ethnography, case studies, and discourse
analysis used.
Epistemology  How We Gain Knowledge (Cont.)
Epistemology Description
Key Characteristics
Knowledge is practical and
based on what works in a
given context.
Pragmatic Paradigm
- Truth is what is useful in practice.
- Rejects strict distinctions between
positivist and interpretivist approaches.
- Strong use of mixed methods.
Knowledge is shaped by
power, ideology, and
historical context.
Critical Paradigm
- Research should challenge oppression
and inequalities.
- Knowledge is political and socially
- Feminist, postcolonial, and critical
race theories fit here.
Axiology  The Role of Values in Research
Axiology Description
Key Characteristics
Value-Free (Objectivist Axiology)
Research should be
neutral, unbiased, and
objective, minimizing the
influence of values.
- Knowledge is pursued for its own sake,
independent of researcher values.
- Ethical concerns focus on scientific
rigor and detachment.
- Quantitative methods preferred.
Value-Aware (Critical Objectivity)
Research should strive
for objectivity, but values
and biases are
acknowledged and
- Researchers recognise their own biases
but attempt to minimise their influence.
- Knowledge is provisional and open to
- Uses mainly quantitative methods but
qualitative methods might be drawn to
provide additional context.
Value-Laden (Subjectivist Axiology)
Research is inherently
influenced by values, as
knowledge is co-
Constructivist &
- The researcher and participants shape
the meaning of knowledge together.
- Ethics focus on reflexivity, transparency,
and mutual respect.
- Primarily qualitative methods (e.g.,
interviews, ethnography).
Axiology  The Role of Values in Research (Cont.)
Axiology Description
Key Characteristics
Pragmatic Axiology
The value of knowledge
is determined by its
practical usefulness and
- Truth is determined by what works in a
given situation.
- Ethical concerns focus on problem-
solving and real-world application.
- Strong use of mixed methods.
Emancipatory / Transformational
Research should actively
challenge power
structures and promote
social justice.
Critical Paradigm
- Research is explicitly political,
advocating for marginalised voices.
- Ethics focus on participatory, action-
oriented approaches.
- Methods include participatory action
research and critical discourse analysis.
Choosing a Research
The Scientist Practitioner model in IOP requires
that you choose and apply a research paradigm.
From this initial step..EVERYTHING flows..
Chilisa & Kawulchi (2012): Paradigms as the starting point of all
Component Key Questions
Paradigm What paradigm informs your methodology?
Theoretical Framework
What theories shape your research topic, questions, literature
review, data collection, and analysis?
Research Approach
What approach aligns with your research questions and theoretical
Data Collection
What data sources and methods best address your research
questions? What guides participant selection, study setting, and
data collection techniques?
Data Analysis How does theory influence your data analysis and interpretation?
What ethical considerations arise from your paradigm, framework,
approach, and data methods?
What standards determine the validity and reliability of your
research design, data, and findings?
Chilisa &
The Positivist Research Paradigm
The Positivist
 Understand the application of a positivist
paradigm to I/O P
 Identify and describe the key steps and
components of operationalising a positivist
research paradigm
 Differentiate between benefits and limitations
of a positivist paradigm in I/O P
Positivist Paradigm in the
 The positivist paradigm is a research
approach that emphasises objective
measurement and empirical validation
within workplace and organisational
 It is widely used in quantitative research to
examine relationships between variables
such as job satisfaction, performance,
leadership effectiveness, and employee
motivation through statistical analysis and
structured methodologies.
Operationalising a Positivist Paradigm
Step Description
1. Define the Research Problem andObjectives Clearly state theresearch problem and formulate measurable research objectives.
2. Conduct a Literature Review Review existing theoretical and empirical studies to identify keyvariables and priorfindings.
3. DevelopHypotheses Formulatetestable hypotheses that define relationships between variables (cause-and-effect).
4. Select a Research Design
Choose a quantitative research design, such as experiments, surveys, longitudinal, or cross-sectional
5. Define and Measure Variables Identify independent and dependent variables and establish operational definitions formeasurement.
6. Select a Sampling Method Use probability sampling techniques (e.g., random, stratified, systematic) to ensure representativeness.
7. Collect Data Use structured methods like surveys, experiments, or secondary data whileminimising researcher bias.
8. Analyze Data Statistically
Apply descriptive and inferential statistics (e.g., t-tests, correlations, regression, ANOVA) using statistical
9. Interpret andGeneralise Findings Compareresults with theories, assess correlations, discuss significance, and evaluateexternal validity.
10. Ensure Objectivity and Replicability Maintain transparency in methodology, ensure reproducibility, and minimize bias.
11. Report andDisseminate Findings Present findings in a structured research report, including methodology, results, and discussion.
Benefits of a Positivist Approach in I/O Psychology
Provides measurable and
objective data
Ensures replicability and
reliability of findings
Allows for evidence based
decision making  data when
presented and analysed well is
compelling and readily drives
decision making
Well established validated
batteries of tools, instruments
and methodologies, which can
be easy to rinse and repeat
Limitations of Positivism in I/O Psychology
 May overlook subjective experiences and emotions
 Can be rigid and not account for context
 Ethical concerns in experimental workplace studies
 Alternative paradigms may offer deeper insights or
offer more opportunities for transformational

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Research paradigms in Organisational Psychology

  • 1. Research Design in Organisational Psychology: Principles of Research BUS3003F Lecture 2: Introduction to Paradigms
  • 2. Today's content: Learning outcomes Explain the concept of a research paradigm and its role in guiding research. Identify and describe the key components of a research paradigm, including ontology, epistemology, and axiology. Differentiate between major research paradigms such as positivism, post-positivism, interpretivism, constructivism, pragmatism, and critical theory. Discuss the importance of a paradigmatic stance in research and how it influences study design, methodology, and interpretation of results.
  • 3. The Scientist Practitioner Process ALL OF THIS IS FLAVOURED BY YOUR PARADIGM!!!!!!
  • 4. What is a Research Paradigm? A research paradigm is a framework that guides how research is conducted. It includes assumptions about reality, knowledge, and values. Influences the questions asked, methods used, and interpretations made. Common paradigms include positivism, post-positivism interpretivism,constructivism, pragmatism, and critical theory / critical paradigm.
  • 5. Why is Your Paradigmatic Stance Important? Defines how you view reality and knowledge. Ensures consistency in research approach and methodology. Helps justify research methods used in a study. Influences how results are interpreted and applied.
  • 6. Key Components of a Research Paradigm Ontology What is the nature of reality? Epistemology How do we know what we know? Axiology What is the role of values in research? These components shape research questions, methods, and conclusions.
  • 7. Ontology The Nature of Reality Ontology Description Associated Paradigm(s) Key Characteristics Realist Ontology Reality exists independently of human perception. Positivism - There is a single, objective reality. - Reality can be measured and known through empirical observation. - Quantitative methods dominate. Critically Realist Ontology Reality exists but can only be known imperfectly due to human limitations. Post-Positivism - A real world exists, but human perception is fallible. - Knowledge is always provisional and evolving. Uses quantitative methods while recognising the influence of context. Relativistic Ontology Reality is subjective and varies based on individual or group perceptions. Constructivist & Interpretivist Paradigms - Multiple realities exist,shaped by social, cultural, and personal experiences. - Meaning is co-constructed between researcher and participant. - Primarily qualitative research. Pragmatic Ontology Reality is dynamic and depends on what works in a given situation. Pragmatism - Reality is not fixed; it is contingent on human action and usefulness. - Knowledge is shaped by practical outcomes rather than absolute truths. - Strong use of mixed methods. Historical Realism Ontology Reality is shaped by power structures, history, and ideology. Critical Paradigm - Reality is socially constructed but influenced by oppression and power. - Knowledge is influenced by politics and social struggles. - Feminist, postcolonial, and critical race theories fit here.
  • 8. Epistemology How We Gain Knowledge Epistemology Description Associated Paradigm(s) Key Characteristics Empiricism Knowledge comes from measurable sensory experience and observation. Positivism - Objective reality exists and can be measured. - Scientific method is key. - Quantitative methods dominate. Critical Realism Reality exists but can only be known imperfectly due to human limitations. Post-Positivism - Knowledge is provisional and falsifiable. - Objectivity is pursued but acknowledged as imperfect. - Uses both qualitative and quantitative methods. Constructivism Knowledge is formed through personal experiences and is unique to individuals. Constructivist Paradigm - No single reality; multiple realities exist. - Meaning is co-constructed between researcher and participant. - Primarily qualitative research. Interpretivism Knowledge is interpreted within a social context, shaped by language, norms, and history. Interpretivist Paradigm - Reality is shaped by culture, history, and context. - Seeks deep, context-rich understanding. - Ethnography, case studies, and discourse analysis used.
  • 9. Epistemology How We Gain Knowledge (Cont.) Epistemology Description Associated Paradigm(s) Key Characteristics Pragmatism Knowledge is practical and based on what works in a given context. Pragmatic Paradigm - Truth is what is useful in practice. - Rejects strict distinctions between positivist and interpretivist approaches. - Strong use of mixed methods. Critical Epistemology Knowledge is shaped by power, ideology, and historical context. Critical Paradigm - Research should challenge oppression and inequalities. - Knowledge is political and socially constructed. - Feminist, postcolonial, and critical race theories fit here.
  • 10. Axiology The Role of Values in Research Axiology Description Associated Paradigm(s) Key Characteristics Value-Free (Objectivist Axiology) Research should be neutral, unbiased, and objective, minimizing the influence of values. Positivism - Knowledge is pursued for its own sake, independent of researcher values. - Ethical concerns focus on scientific rigor and detachment. - Quantitative methods preferred. Value-Aware (Critical Objectivity) Research should strive for objectivity, but values and biases are acknowledged and controlled. Post-Positivism - Researchers recognise their own biases but attempt to minimise their influence. - Knowledge is provisional and open to revision. - Uses mainly quantitative methods but qualitative methods might be drawn to provide additional context. Value-Laden (Subjectivist Axiology) Research is inherently influenced by values, as knowledge is co- constructed. Constructivist & Interpretivist Paradigms - The researcher and participants shape the meaning of knowledge together. - Ethics focus on reflexivity, transparency, and mutual respect. - Primarily qualitative methods (e.g., interviews, ethnography).
  • 11. Axiology The Role of Values in Research (Cont.) Axiology Description Associated Paradigm(s) Key Characteristics Pragmatic Axiology The value of knowledge is determined by its practical usefulness and impact. Pragmatism - Truth is determined by what works in a given situation. - Ethical concerns focus on problem- solving and real-world application. - Strong use of mixed methods. Emancipatory / Transformational Axiology Research should actively challenge power structures and promote social justice. Critical Paradigm - Research is explicitly political, advocating for marginalised voices. - Ethics focus on participatory, action- oriented approaches. - Methods include participatory action research and critical discourse analysis.
  • 12. Choosing a Research Paradigm The Scientist Practitioner model in IOP requires that you choose and apply a research paradigm. From this initial step..EVERYTHING flows..
  • 13. Chilisa & Kawulchi (2012): Paradigms as the starting point of all research Component Key Questions Paradigm What paradigm informs your methodology? Theoretical Framework What theories shape your research topic, questions, literature review, data collection, and analysis? Research Approach What approach aligns with your research questions and theoretical framework? Data Collection What data sources and methods best address your research questions? What guides participant selection, study setting, and data collection techniques? Data Analysis How does theory influence your data analysis and interpretation? Ethics What ethical considerations arise from your paradigm, framework, approach, and data methods? Validity What standards determine the validity and reliability of your research design, data, and findings?
  • 16. The Positivist Paradigm: Learning outcomes Understand the application of a positivist paradigm to I/O P Identify and describe the key steps and components of operationalising a positivist research paradigm Differentiate between benefits and limitations of a positivist paradigm in I/O P
  • 17. Positivist Paradigm in the Workplace The positivist paradigm is a research approach that emphasises objective measurement and empirical validation within workplace and organisational contexts. It is widely used in quantitative research to examine relationships between variables such as job satisfaction, performance, leadership effectiveness, and employee motivation through statistical analysis and structured methodologies.
  • 18. Operationalising a Positivist Paradigm Step Description 1. Define the Research Problem andObjectives Clearly state theresearch problem and formulate measurable research objectives. 2. Conduct a Literature Review Review existing theoretical and empirical studies to identify keyvariables and priorfindings. 3. DevelopHypotheses Formulatetestable hypotheses that define relationships between variables (cause-and-effect). 4. Select a Research Design Choose a quantitative research design, such as experiments, surveys, longitudinal, or cross-sectional studies. 5. Define and Measure Variables Identify independent and dependent variables and establish operational definitions formeasurement. 6. Select a Sampling Method Use probability sampling techniques (e.g., random, stratified, systematic) to ensure representativeness. 7. Collect Data Use structured methods like surveys, experiments, or secondary data whileminimising researcher bias. 8. Analyze Data Statistically Apply descriptive and inferential statistics (e.g., t-tests, correlations, regression, ANOVA) using statistical software. 9. Interpret andGeneralise Findings Compareresults with theories, assess correlations, discuss significance, and evaluateexternal validity. 10. Ensure Objectivity and Replicability Maintain transparency in methodology, ensure reproducibility, and minimize bias. 11. Report andDisseminate Findings Present findings in a structured research report, including methodology, results, and discussion.
  • 19. Benefits of a Positivist Approach in I/O Psychology Provides measurable and objective data Ensures replicability and reliability of findings Allows for evidence based decision making data when presented and analysed well is compelling and readily drives decision making Well established validated batteries of tools, instruments and methodologies, which can be easy to rinse and repeat
  • 20. Limitations of Positivism in I/O Psychology May overlook subjective experiences and emotions Can be rigid and not account for context Ethical concerns in experimental workplace studies Alternative paradigms may offer deeper insights or offer more opportunities for transformational interventions