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By Timothy Ogden
Conventions of Chosen
   Main Research: During my research of similar film trailers, I discovered several conventions.
    Trailers will always have a long shot giving an idea of the location of the film, which is usually
    secluded. There will also be a series of close-up shots presenting the main characters of the
    film. The main basis of the story is then played out without revealing too much, and some
    horror is shown, without any actual violence.

   Ancillary Research: During my research of similar film posters I identified several conventions.
    The main characters are always at the forefront of the poster in a line, with props such the
    location and small snippets of the film blended together in the background. The posters will
    always show the actors in an appealing light, but with a serious face and rarely the full
    body, as this will introduce to much light into the poster. The outline of the actor is often cut
    out and placed on a background that places the attention on them, but gives an idea of
    the mood and location of the film such as images of a house in the background. Their
    clothing will use a variety of colours, but they will be of a more subdued tone e.g. not glow
    in the dark green.
Target Audience
   The target audience for my product will be young adults/teens. During my research I have
    discovered that films with cliff hanger endings are popular, as are franchises. I have also
    discovered that oh sh*t moments are also very popular with my chosen demographic.
What I need
   For me to produce a successful product I will need to produce a trailer that follows the same
    conventions that I have discovered during my research. Namely; establishing shots, close
    ups of the main characters and outlining of the basic storyline without revealing to
    much, and giving the impression that there is more in the film than the trailer shows. My
    trailer should be enticing, but not ruin the story by giving away all of what happens.

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Research Presentation Updated

  • 2. Conventions of Chosen Products. Main Research: During my research of similar film trailers, I discovered several conventions. Trailers will always have a long shot giving an idea of the location of the film, which is usually secluded. There will also be a series of close-up shots presenting the main characters of the film. The main basis of the story is then played out without revealing too much, and some horror is shown, without any actual violence. Ancillary Research: During my research of similar film posters I identified several conventions. The main characters are always at the forefront of the poster in a line, with props such the location and small snippets of the film blended together in the background. The posters will always show the actors in an appealing light, but with a serious face and rarely the full body, as this will introduce to much light into the poster. The outline of the actor is often cut out and placed on a background that places the attention on them, but gives an idea of the mood and location of the film such as images of a house in the background. Their clothing will use a variety of colours, but they will be of a more subdued tone e.g. not glow in the dark green.
  • 3. Target Audience The target audience for my product will be young adults/teens. During my research I have discovered that films with cliff hanger endings are popular, as are franchises. I have also discovered that oh sh*t moments are also very popular with my chosen demographic.
  • 4. What I need For me to produce a successful product I will need to produce a trailer that follows the same conventions that I have discovered during my research. Namely; establishing shots, close ups of the main characters and outlining of the basic storyline without revealing to much, and giving the impression that there is more in the film than the trailer shows. My trailer should be enticing, but not ruin the story by giving away all of what happens.