The document outlines the key steps in the research process, including developing a theory and hypothesis, conducting a literature review, determining methodology for data collection and analysis, analyzing and presenting results, and drawing conclusions. It then provides an example of a research topic on the prevalence of domestic violence in Belize and a hypothesis that arresting abusive spouses decreases the likelihood of re-offending. The full research process from developing measures to collecting data to publishing results is described.
3. Theory A logically interrelated set of propositions about empirical reality. Theory shapes research and research shapes theory. Analytical Framework/Guide to Research
4. Deterrence Theory Prevalent in Criminological Research Evaluates the impact of punishment on crime. Expects punishment to deter crime in two ways: Specific vs. General Deterrence
5. Research Topic/Question Domestic Violence is a prevalent social problem in the Belizean society; it is a problem that has tragically escalated over the years, thus the issue demands much attention and societal redress. To what extent does arresting spouse abusers reduces their likelihood of re-offending?
6. Hypothesis A tentative statement about empirical reality, involving a relationship between two or more variables. Consists of an independent variable(s) and dependent variable(s). Arresting an abusive spouse after a domestic dispute decreases the likelihood of he/she re-offending.
8. Literature Review Find out everything you can about your topic/hypothesis. Read and analyze other research projects: library, journals, web documents etc. On going process: From beginning to end.
9. Methodology Developing the research design. Quantitative, Qualitative or Triangulation How am I going to gather data to test my hypothesis? What tools/data collection instruments will I use to gather my data?
11. Sampling Several types of sampling techniques. Target population Generate sample or subset Generalizability and Sampling go hand in hand. Representative sampling
12. Data Collection The fun part!!! Going out into the field and gathering the data. Many obstacles and hindrances may come about. Strategizing and contingency planning is necessary.
13. Data Analysis Putting things into perspective Turning raw data into information Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis Do my data support/dismiss by tentative statement about observable reality (hypothesis)?
14. Presenting the Data Written Presentation: Charts; Graphs; Tables Oral Presentation: Audio and Visual Aids; Power point etc.
15. Conclusions Provide a clear synopsis of your findings. Summarize the research experience Present ideas for future research Make formal recommendations based on your findings
16. References Giving credit where it is due. Proper citations throughout the research project is imperative. Social Sciences: APA
17. Appendix Supplemental Data and Information to enhance your research Copy of questionnaire instrument Local conference reports Statistical data International or Regional Trends
18. Publication Scholarly Journals Social Science Research Journals: Criminology ; Criminology and Public Policy ; Criminology and Criminal Justice Organization of Interests School Purposes
19. Back to Theory: The research cycle starts again. Developing new theory or building upon old theory. Deterrence Theory: Arresting abusive spouse works to deter re-offending only in high status/economic class communities.