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Resists on Clay
Ceramics (applicable to all levels)
C.L. Colby
New Smyrna Beach High School
Review: function of a

 From our Experience Clay textbook:
Paint a design with liquid wax (or other
resist) on leather hard clay. When the wax
is dry, paint over the design with an under
glaze. The waxed area will remain clear
while the unwaxed area will hold color.
Review: resist on bisque
 From our Experience Clay textbook:

 Apply wax directly on bisqueware. When

this is done, the wax application will resist
any glaze that is applied. The wax melts
away during firing, leaving raw fired clay as a
contrast to the glazed area.
Examples of Resists that can be
used on clay

 Masking Tape (mask)
 White Glue
 Liquid Wax
When can I use a
 On greenware (before any firings, with
under glaze)

 On bisque ware (with under glaze or glaze)
Example on a smooth tile with
some sgraffito and carving

Stamped Tile with
After Firing
Artist Example of Pottery with

 Joseph Pelka, Indiana
Artist Example of Pottery with

 Joseph Pelka, Indiana
Example of the resist
 1. Underglaze area light

 2. Sketch out bamboo design.
 3. Apply resist over bamboo

 4. Let dry
 5. Apply glaze over vessel.
Next Steps
 As you continue to construct your slab

box, brainstorm a way to incorporate a
resist technique into your box design.

 After we discuss our design ideas, we will
practice applying resists on scrap clay.
Resist Design Options
 Use the resist in the background (or
negative space) around your stamp.

 Use the resist to create a pattern on
smooth slabs on your box.

 Use the resist to help create a focal point
on your box.
 Adding a resist technique to your sketch

will count as your Formative Assessment.

 The result of your resist design will be part
of your Slab Box Summative Assessment.
Example Rubric



Resist design is
original and
matches the slab
box theme.




Resist design is
Resist design
original, but lacks
is unoriginal
unity with the slab
or too simple.

Resist design is
incomplete or
shows a copied


Resist design adds
Resist design
Resist design
to the overall vessel
exists, but
creates a focal
& helps create a
does not help
point, but could be
focal point on the
create a focal
more complex.
slab box.

Resist design is
incomplete or

Quality of

Resist is applied
Resist design is
consistently &
Resist design
showing control.
as a whole is
inconsistently with
No pooling in areas
some pooling.
of design.

Resist design is
incomplete or
 Experience Clay (First Edition), Maureen

 Etsy.com (search for wax resist pottery)
 This presentation last updated 2/2014

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Resist Techniques on Clay

  • 1. Resists on Clay Ceramics (applicable to all levels) C.L. Colby New Smyrna Beach High School
  • 2. Review: function of a resist From our Experience Clay textbook: Paint a design with liquid wax (or other resist) on leather hard clay. When the wax is dry, paint over the design with an under glaze. The waxed area will remain clear while the unwaxed area will hold color.
  • 3. Review: resist on bisque ware From our Experience Clay textbook: Apply wax directly on bisqueware. When this is done, the wax application will resist any glaze that is applied. The wax melts away during firing, leaving raw fired clay as a contrast to the glazed area.
  • 4. Examples of Resists that can be used on clay Masking Tape (mask) White Glue Latex Liquid Wax Crayon
  • 5. When can I use a resist? On greenware (before any firings, with under glaze) On bisque ware (with under glaze or glaze)
  • 6. Example on a smooth tile with some sgraffito and carving Tape
  • 9. Artist Example of Pottery with Resists Joseph Pelka, Indiana http://www.etsy.com/listing/1681
  • 10. Artist Example of Pottery with Resists Joseph Pelka, Indiana http://www.etsy.com/lis ting/172435538/handm ade-art-pottery-homedecor-wave?ref=listingshop-header-2
  • 11. Example of the resist process 1. Underglaze area light green. 2. Sketch out bamboo design. 3. Apply resist over bamboo shapes. 4. Let dry 5. Apply glaze over vessel.
  • 12. Next Steps As you continue to construct your slab box, brainstorm a way to incorporate a resist technique into your box design. After we discuss our design ideas, we will practice applying resists on scrap clay.
  • 13. Resist Design Options Use the resist in the background (or negative space) around your stamp. Use the resist to create a pattern on smooth slabs on your box. Use the resist to help create a focal point on your box.
  • 14. Assessment Adding a resist technique to your sketch will count as your Formative Assessment. The result of your resist design will be part of your Slab Box Summative Assessment.
  • 15. Example Rubric Criteria 4 Creativity Resist design is original and matches the slab box theme. 3 2 1 Resist design is Resist design original, but lacks is unoriginal unity with the slab or too simple. box. Resist design is incomplete or shows a copied design. Emphasis Resist design adds Resist design Resist design to the overall vessel exists, but creates a focal & helps create a does not help point, but could be focal point on the create a focal more complex. slab box. point. Resist design is incomplete or missing. Quality of Application Resist is applied Resist design is consistently & Resist design applied showing control. as a whole is inconsistently with No pooling in areas sloppy. some pooling. of design. Resist design is incomplete or missing.
  • 16. Sources Experience Clay (First Edition), Maureen Mackey Etsy.com (search for wax resist pottery) This presentation last updated 2/2014