This document discusses different types of resistors and how they are used in circuits. It describes what resistors are, how their values are represented, and how they can be connected in series and parallel. There are two main types of resistors - fixed resistors and variable resistors. Resistors can also be classified by their material, with carbon film and metal film being most common. The document provides details on carbon film and metal film resistors. It also explains how variable resistors are used and how resistor values and tolerances are determined based on color bands.
3. Definition of resistors
Resistors in series
Resistors in parallel
Types of resistors
4. The resistor is a component in a circuit to
reduce the flow of electric current.
Its symbol is in a circuit diagram.
Resistance values is called Ohm. It is shown
Ω .
7. There are two types of resistors;
Fixed Resistor
Variable Resistor
They are also classified according to the material from which
they are made.
Carbon film or metal film.
Wire wound
Foil resistor
Grid resistor
Carbon or metal film resistors are the most common.
8. Carbon Film:-
This is the most general purpose, cheap resistor.
Carbon film resistors have a disadvantage; they
can tend to be electrically noisy.
9. Metal Film:-
Metal film resistors are used when a higher
tolerance is needed. The metal film resistor is
used for bridge circuits, filter circuits, and low-
noise analog signal circuits.
10. There are two general ways in which variable
resistors are used.
Value is easily changed, like the volume
adjustment of radio.
Semi-fixed resistor that is not meant to be
adjusted by anyone but a technician.
11. Color
Value Multiplier
Black 0 0 -
Brown 1 1 ±1
Red 2 2 ±2
Orange 3 3 ±0.05
Yellow 4 4 -
Green 5 5 ±0.5
Blue 6 6 ±0.25
Violet 7 7 ±0.1
Gray 8 8 -
White 9 9 -
Gold - -1 ±5
Silver - -2 ±10
12. Example: Red, Black, Orange, Green
20 x 103 = 20k ohm
Tolerance(Green) = ±0.5%
13. Example: Yellow, Blue, Black, Red, Brown
(Yellow=4),(Blue=6),(Black=0), (Red=2)
460 x 102 = 46k ohm
Tolerance(Brown) = ±1%