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Resolve a Palo Firewall blocking ORACLE application
Issue : Oracle AppisbeingblockedbyPalofirewall
Oracle createsredirectsessionwhichdoesnotdoesnotuse port1521 buta port-basedsecuritypolicyis
configuredtoallowtcp/1521 only.
Since bydefault,Oracle usestcpport 1521, but at the same time oracle will opendynamicports
betweenport1024 - 65000 for redirectsessions,thiscausesthe oracle applicationtocreate a parent
(the childsessionisusedin the redirectsession)butsince these twoare notlinkedbydesign,even
thoughthe childsessionappearsinthe command"show sessionall"asapredictsession.The are two
waysto resolve thisbehaviorandallowPaloaltofirewall todetectthe redirects sessionsornotblock
the redirectsessions.
1. To resolve itfromWindows(if itisrunon a windowsserver)pointof view :
You can disable thisoracle behaviorbyaddinga regkeyonWindowsserver
2. You can mitigate thisproblemby creatingpoliciesbasedonthe oracle applicationandnotbasedon
the application-portnumber1521 as shownbelow.
PaloFirewall policyChange tofix issue.
The above 2 solutionsbothworktoresolve the issue.
Resolve a Palo Alto firewall blocking oracle application.

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Resolve a Palo Alto firewall blocking oracle application.

  • 1. Resolve a Palo Firewall blocking ORACLE application Issue : Oracle AppisbeingblockedbyPalofirewall Oracle createsredirectsessionwhichdoesnotdoesnotuse port1521 buta port-basedsecuritypolicyis configuredtoallowtcp/1521 only. Since bydefault,Oracle usestcpport 1521, but at the same time oracle will opendynamicports betweenport1024 - 65000 for redirectsessions,thiscausesthe oracle applicationtocreate a parent sessionandchildsession (the childsessionisusedin the redirectsession)butsince these twoare notlinkedbydesign,even thoughthe childsessionappearsinthe command"show sessionall"asapredictsession.The are two waysto resolve thisbehaviorandallowPaloaltofirewall todetectthe redirects sessionsornotblock the redirectsessions. 1. To resolve itfromWindows(if itisrunon a windowsserver)pointof view : You can disable thisoracle behaviorbyaddinga regkeyonWindowsserver HKLMsoftwareoraclehomeXuse_shared_socket. 2. You can mitigate thisproblemby creatingpoliciesbasedonthe oracle applicationandnotbasedon the application-portnumber1521 as shownbelow. PaloFirewall policyChange tofix issue. Before After The above 2 solutionsbothworktoresolve the issue.