3. Angular (2010)
React (2013)
Vue (2014)
jQuery (2006)
Node - Node.js速 is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.
+ many more libraries, frameworks
4. Are you a Beginner?
Or has it been a while since you did serious coding
5. Basic JavaScript Courses
Intro to JavaScript - Udacity (free)
Watch and Code Gordon Zhu (free)
Intro to JavaScript 2018 - Curran Kelleher (free video)
Jonas Schmedtmann - The Complete JavaScript Course 2018: Build
Real Projects! Udemy (about 9.99 on sale)
6. More Challenging Approaches to JavaScript Learning
Eloquent JavaScript (online book)
You Dont Know JavaScript (YDKJ) (online book)
(see also: Functional-Light JavaScript)
All Things JavaScript - videos on YouTube - Stephen Hancock
7. Fabulous FREE Resources
Free Code Camp
easier to hard, projects
Egghead.io suggested to me
JavaScript30 by Wes Bos
nice presentation, not for beginners
8. Good Teachers
Look for: teaching style, exercises, responds to email or Twitter
Have you found a good teacher?
Wes Bos
Stephen Grider
Steven Hancock
Brad Traversy
JavaScript Teacher
Jonas Schmedtmann
Kyle Simpson
Gordon Zhu
9. Coding Communities
Code Buddies active Slack channel
Code Newbie runs weekly chat and coding check in on Twitter
Dev.to seasoned developers, online forum
Advantages: other people learning find learners at your level. Find
people who can answer coding questions.
10. Information/People Found Via Twitter
FreeCodeCamp @freeCodeCamp
JavaScript Teacher @js_tut
Hashtags #reactjs #CodeNewbie #javascript
11. d3.js Data Visualization Library
Curran Kellihor videos on YouTube 2018 course
Ben Clinkinbeard Learn d3.js 5 Lessons
d3.js in Action by Elijah Meeks
Interactive Data Visualization
by Scott Murray
12. React Resources
Road to learn React, Robin Wieruch (free pdf)
React Tutorial tic-tac-toe on the React docs (free online tutorial)
React Docs Getting Started (free)
For fee courses:
Stephen Grider React/Redux on Udemy - $
Wes Bos React for Beginners, GraphQL - $$
Robin Wieruch Road to learn React - $$ (source code, screencasts)
13. JavaScript Challenges
FreeCodeCamp Coding Interview Prep
CodeNewbie Slack Javascript, Javascript challenges channels
Any other ideas on how to increase
your JavaScript skills?