The respiratory system takes in oxygen and removes carbon dioxide, providing energy for cells. Air moves through the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and into tiny alveoli in the lungs where gas exchange occurs. Breathing is a two-step process of inhalation, where the ribs expand and diaphragm contracts, and exhalation, where the ribs relax and diaphragm relaxes. Damage from smoking can cause lung cancer, emphysema and bronchitis due to tar and other chemicals.
2. I. Function
A. Take in oxygen from air
B. Remove carbon dioxide
C. Provides Energy for all cells
D. Smell
E. Water balance
F. Communication
3. II. Air Exchange
A. Inhaled Air
1. Nitrogen 78%
2. Oxygen 21%
3. Carbon Dioxide 0.03%
B. Exhaled Air
1. Nitrogen 78%
2. Oxygen 16%
3. Carbon Dioxide 4%
4. III. Pathway
A. Nose
1. Hairs and mucus Clean Air
2. Nasal Membranes Warm and moisten Air
3. Sinuses Air chambers
8. E. Trachea
1. Wrapped in cartilage ring to keep open
2. Cilia to sweep stuff out of lungs
i. Bring up to pharynx for swallowing
ii. Contract violently if irritated sneeze
10. G. Alveoli
1. Tiny sacs for gas exchange
i. Oxygen into blood
ii. Carbon dioxide into alveoli
2. Numbers 300 million
3. Area 7 meters2
11. IV. Breathing
A. Two step process
1. Inhalation
i. Ribs move out
ii. Diaphragm pulls down
2. Exhalation
i. Ribs relax
ii. Diaphragm relax
iii. Pull in intestines
13. VI. Damage and Disease
A. Smoking
1. ~1,100 deaths every day
2. 4,000 different chemicals
i. Tar Chemicals that coat airways
ii. Carbon Monoxide Replaces oxygen in blood
iii. Nicotine Addictive stimulant