Here are 4 key references mentioned in the workshop that may be useful for further reading on responsive teaching:
1. Ladson-Billings (1994) discusses the importance of culturally responsive teaching.
2. Expectations for Students details how teacher expectations impact student learning.
3. Critical Behaviors and Strategies for Teaching outlines effective teaching behaviors.
4. The workshop discusses Vygotsky's sociocultural theory and the teacher's role as a facilitator of social learning interactions.
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Responsive teaching (braz tesol convention - july 2010)
1. Workshop for the 12th Braz-Tesol National Convention –
By Teli Penteado Cardoso &
Mirela Ramacciotti
2. Teaching
12th Braz-Tesol National
Convention/Responsive Teaching
Workshop by Mirela Ramacciotti
and Teli Cardoso July 20th, 2010 2
3. Cultural
12th Braz-Tesol National
Convention/Responsive Teaching
Workshop by Mirela Ramacciotti
and Teli Cardoso July 20th, 2010 3
4. Student‟s
12th Braz-Tesol National
Convention/Responsive Teaching
Workshop by Mirela Ramacciotti
and Teli Cardoso July 20th, 2010 4
5. FUN
12th Braz-Tesol National
Convention/Responsive Teaching
Workshop by Mirela Ramacciotti
and Teli Cardoso July 20th, 2010 5
6. What‟s the relationship between the words
you have on your pages and responsive
Remember: Responsible=liable
to be called upon to asnwer,
trustworthy, involving
Responsive= giving response,
sensitive when giving a response,
quick to respond or react
12th Braz-Tesol National
Convention/Responsive Teaching
Workshop by Mirela Ramacciotti
and Teli Cardoso July 20th, 2010 6
7. Responsive Teaching means ...
being attentive to one‟s target audience, that
is, the students‟ needs which include...
their personal development and learning in a
pleasant atmosphere, their reactions,
previous knowledge, cultural environment .
It means responding to these elements by
changing the class dynamics (activities,
timing, flow of activities, topics, subjects,
seating places, etc.) accordingly
12th Braz-Tesol National
Convention/Responsive Teaching
Workshop by Mirela Ramacciotti
and Teli Cardoso July 20th, 2010 7
8. Participants in 2 groups: actors and observers
Actors should live in the same neighborhood
(or city) to be able to draw 5 blocks of their
neighborhood including street names and
main facilities (Time alloted: 5-8 minutes)
Observers get the checklist to answer the
questions while observing the actors
This activity is a sample of an „optimal learning
environment‟ as far as responsive teaching is
concerned. WHY?
12th Braz-Tesol National
Convention/Responsive Teaching
Workshop by Mirela Ramacciotti
and Teli Cardoso July 20th, 2010 8
9. Braz-Tesol Convention /July 2010 RESPONSIVE TEACHING WORKSHOP
Observers Checklist handout
Directions: While you observe the activity, answer the checklist questions and make comments.
Name of the activity:___________________________ Duration:_______________
Material used:__________________________________
1.Is this acitivity ( ) student or ( ) teacher centered? How do you know?
2.Are the student bringing information about their world? ( ) yes ( )no
3.If “yes”, what kind of information? About their school? ( )
About English? ( ) About their home? ( )
About their artistic aptitude? ( ) About their hometown? ( )
About their families? ( ) About their life style? ( )
Other? ________________
4.Is the new content (the syllabus) being provided by the teacher ( ) or the student ( )?
5.How do you see the teacher? As someone
( ) respectful ( ) knowledgeable ( )rigid ( ) active ( ) dictatorial
( ) democratic ( )mindful ( ) lazy ( ) others ____________________________
12th Braz-Tesol National
Convention/Responsive Teaching
Workshop by Mirela Ramacciotti
and Teli Cardoso July 20th, 2010 9
10. Opportunities to use students‟ background as a source of
awareness for the teacher
Introduction of new material and new content according to
the students‟ reality
Construction of knowledge is made by teacher and students
through social interaction
The teacher is perceived as someone:
1. Respectful, one who respects the students‟ background,
2. Knowledgeable, one who knows the subject matter,
3. Democratic, one who gives voice to the students,
4. Active, one who is ready to change and act,
5. Mindful, one who cares for students
12th Braz-Tesol National
Convention/Responsive Teaching
Workshop by Mirela Ramacciotti
and Teli Cardoso July 20th, 2010 10
11. Get in groups of 4 and assign a leader to
write the answers and deliver the answer slip
to Teli or Mirela.
Remember to respect the order of students
ahead of you when delivering the slip and
wait for your turn behind the line
12th Braz-Tesol National
Convention/Responsive Teaching
Workshop by Mirela Ramacciotti
and Teli Cardoso July 20th, 2010 11
12. „Culture is central to learning. It plays a role not only in communicating and receiving
information, but also in shaping the thinking process of groups and individuals. A
pedagogy that acknowledges, responds to, and celebrates fundamental cultures offers
full, equitable access to education for students from all cultures.(Ladson-Billings,1994)‟.
Write here the answer to task 1:
12th Braz-Tesol National
Convention/Responsive Teaching
Workshop by Mirela Ramacciotti
and Teli Cardoso July 20th, 2010 12
13. And why is learning so important? According to Vygotsky‟s Theory, there is no
development without learning. So, engaging students in learning contexts in the EFL
classroom is essential if we want to promote development. Moreover, he also states
that the learning context must be a SOCIAL one. That is, learning and consequently
development only happens when there is social interaction among teacher/ students or
students/ students. Students must be as active as their teachers. Teachers facilitate the
meaning construction for the new content. It is a reciprocal experience.
Write here the answers to Task 2:
12th Braz-Tesol National
Convention/Responsive Teaching
Workshop by Mirela Ramacciotti
and Teli Cardoso July 20th, 2010 13
15. Text 1:“Eu achei essa iniciativa muito importante Text 2 “A elaboração deles é uma idéia
e percebi muito amor e dedicação... Elas são excelente. Tanto para nós , como para eles.
maravilhosas, atenciosas e gostam do que É sempre bom aprender coisas novas, e acho
fazem, sinto que fazem por amor. que essas aulas vão nos ajudar muito não
Estou amando fazer isso porque sempre tive apenas na vida profissional como na vida
dificuldade nisso, mas com elas tenho pessoal.
aprendido de uma forma mais simples. Estou É uma experiência única e fantástica, com
mais interessada em aprender, faço pesquisas, isso fica até mais gostoso trabalhar. É muito
ouço musicas e assisto a filmes em inglês para bom saber que se preocupam com a gente e
auxiliar no meu aprendizado, comecei essa investem na gente.
pratica devido a dedicação e a didática Vou me dedicar ao máximo e tirar o maior
deles. Sei que terei grandes oportunidades proveito que puder.”
devido a essa (source …..)
iniciativa.” (source ....)
----------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Write here the answers to Task 4
12th Braz-Tesol National
Convention/Responsive Teaching
Workshop by Mirela Ramacciotti
and Teli Cardoso July 20th, 2010 15
16. Task 1 - „Culturally Responsive Teaching is a pedagogy that
recognizes the importance of including students' references
in all aspects of learning‟ (Ladson-Billings,1994).
Task 2 - Responsive Teaching is concerned with learning and
development and how it occurs. (learning context and social
Task 3 -„The most brain-friendly teaching is done in a
responsive manner. I define responsive teaching as honoring
your students' preferences and desires while teaching the
district's curriculum/content. Responsive teaching happens
when you adjust your content with where your students are
and where you are as a teacher.” From:
Task 4 - When there is real responsive teaching, students not
only engage in learning English but also voice their feelings
about its importance.
12th Braz-Tesol National
Convention/Responsive Teaching
Workshop by Mirela Ramacciotti
and Teli Cardoso July 20th, 2010 16
17. Match the following definitions to the roles
performed by a teacher:
12th Braz-Tesol National
Convention/Responsive Teaching
Workshop by Mirela Ramacciotti
and Teli Cardoso July 20th, 2010 17
18. this type of teacher transforms the unknown into
uses students‟ previous knowledge as the
foundation to develop learning;
cares about his/her students‟ learning;
respects different learning styles;
takes emotional and cognitive development into
consideration; allows students to use their cultural
background to help learning; makes learning
meaningful and pleasant;
12th Braz-Tesol National
Convention/Responsive Teaching
Workshop by Mirela Ramacciotti
and Teli Cardoso July 20th, 2010 18
19. this type of teacher plans lessons taking into
consideration the students‟ previous knowledge
and the syllabus to be taught;
class dynamics are crucial for a well planned
thinks of a wide range of teaching strategies;
prepares collaborative and task based activities;
social interaction is promoted;
simultaneous pair and group work is often offered;
the teacher is not the center of the lesson, he/she
promotes student centered activities;
12th Braz-Tesol National
Convention/Responsive Teaching
Workshop by Mirela Ramacciotti
and Teli Cardoso July 20th, 2010 19
20. this type of teacher is the source of
information in the classroom
knows the curriculum and how to integrate it
into his/her class
knows how to integrate complementary
topics and issues;
is always ready to clear doubts
12th Braz-Tesol National
Convention/Responsive Teaching
Workshop by Mirela Ramacciotti
and Teli Cardoso July 20th, 2010 20
21. Facilitator
Responsive Teacher
‘Teachers should develop a learning environment that is relevant to and
reflective of their students' social, cultural, and linguistic experiences. They act
as guides, mediators, consultants, instructors, and advocates for the students,
helping to effectively connect their culturally- and community-based knowledge
to the classroom learning experiences.’(retrieved from:
12th Braz-Tesol National
Convention/Responsive Teaching
Workshop by Mirela Ramacciotti
and Teli Cardoso July 20th, 2010 21
22. Facilitator/ Guide/ Consultant/
Mediator Monitor Model
Card 1 PROFM3U1
Card 2 PROFM1U2
Card 3 PROFM2U2
Card 4 EDUM2U2
Card 5 EDUM3U4
Card 6 EDUM4U3
12th Braz-Tesol National
Convention/Responsive Teaching
Workshop by Mirela Ramacciotti
and Teli Cardoso July 20th, 2010 22
23. Do you think the courses/the teachers at EFALL are concerned with
Responsive Teaching? How do you know that?
Care about target students, their cultural background, needs and
level of development. Use them as the starting point to build
Promote learning contexts so as to provoke development. i +1 is
always present, Ss are frequently challenged and encouraged to
discover the new
Emphasize social interaction and respect to others; student centered
classes, pair and group work
Engage students in fun and meaningful activities; games, songs,
rhymes, hunt, role-plays
Give more importance to the process than to the final product; have
flexibility to adapt the syllabus, give voice to students
12th Braz-Tesol National
Convention/Responsive Teaching
Workshop by Mirela Ramacciotti
and Teli Cardoso July 20th, 2010 23
24. Time to think... Think of 5 WORDS that were said during this
workshop and that called your attention. Write them on a
piece of paper.
Now, think and take notes of a PRACTICAL ACTIVITY that
would allow you to see these words being used in your
classes, i.e. think of an activity in your teaching reality where
Responsive Teaching is present.
Time to pair… Talk to your neighbor and compare notes:
what do you have in common?
Time to share… Share with the big group one thing that you
learned and that will make you a better teacher.
12th Braz-Tesol National
Convention/Responsive Teaching
Workshop by Mirela Ramacciotti
and Teli Cardoso July 20th, 2010 24
25. The Theoretical
The Topic The activities
The length
12th Braz-Tesol National
Convention/Responsive Teaching
Workshop by Mirela Ramacciotti
and Teli Cardoso July 20th, 2010 25
26. Say the word/phrase that does not fit in each
Repetition Copying from Game
the Board
Fun Too much Disruption
Teacher Talk
Meaningless Lists of words Genuine
information Learning
Tasks No planning Lack of
12th Braz-Tesol National
Convention/Responsive Teaching
Workshop by Mirela Ramacciotti
and Teli Cardoso July 20th, 2010 26
27. 1. LadsonBillings(1994). Retrieved from
ing.htm and for more on
Culturally Responsive Teaching
2. Expectations for Students. Retrieved from
3. Critical Behaviors and Strategies for Teaching. Retrieved from
4. On culture, social interaction and the role of teacher as facilitator.
Retrieved from
strategies/crt-principles.shtml - for more on the topics above and
on Culture as central to Learning
5. English for All (Efall) Guidelines for Teachers (2003/2010)
6. Vygotsky, L- A Formação Social da Mente ( 19 --)
12th Braz-Tesol National
Convention/Responsive Teaching
Workshop by Mirela Ramacciotti
and Teli Cardoso July 20th, 2010 27