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Responsive Web Design
UX Considerations
Responsive Web Design (RWD)
1 | What exactly is responsive web design?
2 | Should every website be responsive?
3 | The responsive design workflow.
1 |
What exactly is
responsive web
What is responsive web design?
A design approach that aims to provide a
consistent and easily accessible experience
on all devices and screen sizes.
Were faced with a greater number of
devices, input modes, and browsers than
ever before. Therefore, rather than tailoring
disconnected designs, we should treat
them as facets of the same experience.
What is responsive web design?
Ethan Marcotte, 2010.
Fluid layout
Flexible media
Media queries
RWD 3 key components
Fluid layout
Non-fixed layout, with percentage-based fluid
* Four-column grid active
* ----------------------------------------
* Margin | # 1 2 3 4 | Margin
* 5.5% | % 25 50 75 100 | 5.5%
Fluid layout
Column percentages based on the amount of
EM's as opposed to pixels.
Fluid layout
Content defines the breaking points.
- Should also be fluid and scale with the
browsers dimensions.
- Scale in measurements but also in file
- Should render sharply on the smallest
and biggest screens.
Flexible media
Icons, graphics, images & videos
Flexible media2
Icons and graphics as symbol fonts.
Flexible media2
The average size of an image on a web page
is 788kB. All images add up to 62% of the total
file size of a website.
An Event Apart: Responsive and Responsible / by Luke Wroblewski.
Flexible media2
Use video platforms that already successfully
handle videos across devices.
Flexible media and content2
Ensure hierarchy and relationships stay
truthful to messaging and strategy.
Content should also be fluid
Flexible media and content2
Content Everywhere: Strategy and Structure for Future-
Ready Content / by Sara Wachter-Boettcher.
Flexible media and content2
Trent Walton
Jordan Moore
Flexible media and content
Create once, publish everywhere
Nissan team @ Critical Mass.
- From a single CMS.
- Highly structured content.
- Systematically defined in modules.
Media queries3
Allow to readjust a layout when certain
physical conditions are present.
RWD 3 key components
Beyond Squishy: The Principles of Adaptive Design / by Brad Frost.
- Device feature detection
- User Agents
- Server-side components (RESS)
- Inter-device communication
- APIs
- Conditional or lazy loading
- Platform optimisation
- Performance
- Etc
below the tip
If somebody cannot load your
website, they will never even
know how it is to use it.
Anna Debenham
When someone builds a 4MB
responsive site, blame the
implementation, not the
Tim Kadlec
You want a huge header
image at the top of the page?
Sure, but thats a 100kB of
your budget used up, so youll
have to loose a weight or two
of webfont to bring things back
under the limit.
Mark Perkins
2 |
Should every
website be
Device diversity
Future proof
Today's internet usage
Input methods diversity
Consistent brand messaging
5 key reasons for RWD
Device diversity
We cannot think of the web in terms
of devices.
People thinking RWD is
mobile design, tablet
design, game console
design, or even futuristic-
screen-on-your-fridge design
are mistaken.
Elliot Jay Stocks
Device diversity1
Future proof
The web is not static.
Today's internet usage3
The Mobile Consumer: A Global Snapshot 2013 / by Nielsen.
How many users perform web browsing on
their mobiles?
Today's internet usage3
The Mobile Consumer: A Global Snapshot 2013 / by Nielsen.
How many users perform mobile shopping?
Today's internet usage3
By 2015, the ITU predicts
mobile traffic will exceed
desktop traffic, and the mobile-
mostly group already make up
a staggering 20% of users in
the US and UK.
Stephanie Rieger
The other end of the spectrum:
game consoles.
- 51% of children aged 12-17 own a
portable game console.
- 80% of children aged 12-17 own a TV
game console.
- 1 in 8 adults access internet on a
Today's internet usage3
Playing with Game Console Browsers / by Anna Debenham.
Input methods
Users access websites using a variety of
input modes.
Consistent brand message
Across multiple experiences and platforms, all
from a single content management system.
3 |
The Responsive
Design workflow.
RWD, a more expensive approach?
More time + more effort & skills =
higher cost for the client.
RWD, a more expensive approach?
- Theres a cost too for ignoring the multitude
of devices currently accessing websites.
- Creating an experience for each one, or
some, of those devices will also add extra
time & money.
- Multiple content strategies, deployments,
and code bases to maintain, keep adding
up to the cost
RWD workflow, getting it right
Our current design workflow
needs to change.
- Prototyping fluid layouts, instead of
wireframing multiple viewports.
- Working closer with content strategy.
- Exchanging / expanding skill sets.
RWD workflow, getting it right
Project planning needs to adapt
as well.
-Set an optimisation budget upfront.
-Consider which elements require client
sign off.
-Define relevant deliverables.
RWD represents an exciting challenge, and
the opportunity to create not only user
interfaces, but full online experiences.
Thank you
Michelle Constante

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Responsive Web Design, UX Considerations @ Digital Shoreditch Festival

  • 1. Responsive Web Design UX Considerations
  • 2. Responsive Web Design (RWD) 1 | What exactly is responsive web design? 2 | Should every website be responsive? 3 | The responsive design workflow.
  • 3. 1 | What exactly is responsive web design?
  • 4. What is responsive web design? A design approach that aims to provide a consistent and easily accessible experience on all devices and screen sizes.
  • 5. Were faced with a greater number of devices, input modes, and browsers than ever before. Therefore, rather than tailoring disconnected designs, we should treat them as facets of the same experience. What is responsive web design? Ethan Marcotte, 2010.
  • 6. Fluid layout Flexible media Media queries RWD 3 key components
  • 7. Fluid layout Non-fixed layout, with percentage-based fluid columns. 1 /* * Four-column grid active * ---------------------------------------- * Margin | # 1 2 3 4 | Margin * 5.5% | % 25 50 75 100 | 5.5% */
  • 8. Fluid layout Column percentages based on the amount of EM's as opposed to pixels. 1 Pixels VS EMs
  • 9. Fluid layout Content defines the breaking points. 1
  • 10. - Should also be fluid and scale with the browsers dimensions. - Scale in measurements but also in file sizes. - Should render sharply on the smallest and biggest screens. Flexible media Icons, graphics, images & videos 2
  • 11. Flexible media2 Icons and graphics as symbol fonts.
  • 12. Flexible media2 The average size of an image on a web page is 788kB. All images add up to 62% of the total file size of a website. An Event Apart: Responsive and Responsible / by Luke Wroblewski.
  • 13. Flexible media2 Use video platforms that already successfully handle videos across devices.
  • 14. Flexible media and content2 Ensure hierarchy and relationships stay truthful to messaging and strategy. Content should also be fluid
  • 15. Flexible media and content2 Content Everywhere: Strategy and Structure for Future- Ready Content / by Sara Wachter-Boettcher.
  • 16. Flexible media and content2 Interdigitation Trent Walton Content choreography Jordan Moore
  • 17. Flexible media and content Create once, publish everywhere 2 Nissan team @ Critical Mass. - From a single CMS. - Highly structured content. - Systematically defined in modules.
  • 18. Media queries3 Allow to readjust a layout when certain physical conditions are present.
  • 19. RWD 3 key components Beyond Squishy: The Principles of Adaptive Design / by Brad Frost.
  • 20. - Device feature detection - User Agents - Server-side components (RESS) - Inter-device communication - APIs - Conditional or lazy loading - Platform optimisation - Performance - Etc below the tip
  • 21. Performance If somebody cannot load your website, they will never even know how it is to use it. Anna Debenham
  • 22. Performance When someone builds a 4MB responsive site, blame the implementation, not the technique. Tim Kadlec
  • 23. Performance You want a huge header image at the top of the page? Sure, but thats a 100kB of your budget used up, so youll have to loose a weight or two of webfont to bring things back under the limit. Mark Perkins
  • 24. 2 | Should every website be responsive?
  • 25. Device diversity Future proof Today's internet usage Input methods diversity Consistent brand messaging 5 key reasons for RWD
  • 26. Device diversity We cannot think of the web in terms of devices. 1
  • 27. People thinking RWD is mobile design, tablet design, game console design, or even futuristic- screen-on-your-fridge design are mistaken. Elliot Jay Stocks Device diversity1
  • 28. Future proof The web is not static. 2
  • 29. Today's internet usage3 The Mobile Consumer: A Global Snapshot 2013 / by Nielsen. How many users perform web browsing on their mobiles?
  • 30. Today's internet usage3 The Mobile Consumer: A Global Snapshot 2013 / by Nielsen. How many users perform mobile shopping?
  • 31. Today's internet usage3 By 2015, the ITU predicts mobile traffic will exceed desktop traffic, and the mobile- mostly group already make up a staggering 20% of users in the US and UK. Stephanie Rieger
  • 32. The other end of the spectrum: game consoles. - 51% of children aged 12-17 own a portable game console. - 80% of children aged 12-17 own a TV game console. - 1 in 8 adults access internet on a console. Today's internet usage3 Playing with Game Console Browsers / by Anna Debenham.
  • 33. Input methods Users access websites using a variety of input modes. 4
  • 34. Consistent brand message Across multiple experiences and platforms, all from a single content management system. 5
  • 36. RWD, a more expensive approach? More time + more effort & skills = higher cost for the client.
  • 37. RWD, a more expensive approach? - Theres a cost too for ignoring the multitude of devices currently accessing websites. - Creating an experience for each one, or some, of those devices will also add extra time & money. - Multiple content strategies, deployments, and code bases to maintain, keep adding up to the cost
  • 38. RWD workflow, getting it right Our current design workflow needs to change. - Prototyping fluid layouts, instead of wireframing multiple viewports. - Working closer with content strategy. - Exchanging / expanding skill sets.
  • 39. RWD workflow, getting it right Project planning needs to adapt as well. -Set an optimisation budget upfront. -Consider which elements require client sign off. -Define relevant deliverables.
  • 40. Conclusion RWD represents an exciting challenge, and the opportunity to create not only user interfaces, but full online experiences.

Editor's Notes

  • #6: Consistent content delivered through one URL, one CMS, andone code base. Adapting the presentation of that content based on the capabilities of the device and browser in which they are displayed.
  • #8: Best practice tip.Columns that expand and contract in percentages proportional to the screen size, until they reach a breaking point, at which the grid changes to fit the new screen size.
  • #9: Best practice tip.EM units will adapt automatically to the font the browser is using.Which means the grid itself, will scale up & down in proportion to the font size, which itself adapts proportionally to the screen size.Content will never feel squeezed or pulled apart as the screen size changes./////EM comes from the letter M and is a unit of measurement in typography an M represented the maximum width of all letters at a given point size. Nowadays the em unit refers to the point size of the font.On CSS:1em = current font size 2em = 2 times the size of the current font and so on.
  • #10: Best practice tip | Experience BT vs Nissan.Not based on device dimensions or when it will specifically be rendered on an mobile, a tablet, or web TV.
  • #12: Tip: will be rendered in any site where OpenType features are supported.Other option is SVG > Filament Groups Grunticon.
  • #13: Mobile connections are slower, and game console browsers dont have a lot of memory allocated, therefore, files in these devices should be light for them to render fast.Techniques:Different image sets, retina images compressed down to 75% of the base image, or server-side image resizing.
  • #14: Tip: Dont reinvent the wheel.File sizes of videos should also scale and adapt to the browsers and device capabilities.
  • #16: Many responsive websites simply stack their content, slipping sidebars below main content, rather than taking their meaning and message into account. This is a one-size-fits-all approach that can be easily improved.
  • #17: Weave bits of one piece of content in between parts of another, rather than just plopping it to the bottom of the page.In order to offer valuable and useful information at the right time.Flexbox a CSS property. | Content first, navigation last Brad Frost.
  • #18: Content Management System
  • #19: Identify the media rendering our design, and inspects its physical characteristics (e.g. how wide is it). Based on which it adjusts the CSS stylesheet and therefore the characteristics of the fluid layout.
  • #22: Performance is a big part of the user experience, maybe the most important one.
  • #23: Devs need time to craft their code, and ensure they are using all the possible tricks to create a light and fast-loading site, that makes the most of each device features. On average, light sites should not go past the 1MB file size.
  • #24: EVERY UX & DESIGN DECISION AFFECTS PERFORMANCEOnce decisions are made, devs can only do so much to improve performance.
  • #25: One-size-fits-all approaches are never good.Is not about Web vs Native apps, but how to handle websites.
  • #26: 5 key reasons why websites should be responsive.
  • #27: We dont access a web on desktop, then access a different web on mobiles, a new one on TVs. There is only one web, which is fluid, and it gets accessed from an ever-increasing number of devices.
  • #28: RWD is device agnostic.
  • #29: As breaking points in RWD are based on the content, designs will be ready for any new device that appears in the market.Google Glass / Samsungs smart fridge
  • #30: India > high mobile ownership penetration of81% > BUT from that 80% own a feature phone vs. 10% own a smartphone.
  • #31: Mainly in South Korea, China, and the U.S. users shop or use a retail app at least once a month.The rest of users browse products, conduct price comparisons, and read product reviews.
  • #32: People using mobile devices as their main platform to access the web.
  • #33: Behind the numbers:Kids are most likely to go online using a console instead of a phone, as they don't have a smartphone, or they don't have a smartphone with a data plan.Low income houses tend to have a game console instead of a computer, therefore consoles might be the only way they haveto access the web.
  • #34: Mouse, keyboard, trackpad, handheld game controller, touch, gestures, & voice. RWD is not only about layout and content adapting to smaller screens, we need to ensure our interfaces are accessible for all those input methods.
  • #38: after all RWD might not be that expensive.
  • #39: The RWD workflow is not yet defined.
  • #40: When specifying timelines and costsSarah Parmenter: client sign off in content hierarchy (not on the visual side of things, neither on wireframes, which use to be the guide for the placement of things as the web is fluid, placement will not be consistent across devices but content hierarchy will be).Code, style guides, pattern libraries, prototypes, as deliverables, not PSD files.
  • #41: The more we make it, the easier it will get.As Anna Debenham says: Next time you design something, make sure you are designing for the internet.