2. Disrupting Food & Beverage
Restaurant Incubator
A YC Combinator like incubator for Food and
Beverage industry.
3. Chefs of Food/Desserts/Drinks
1. Any kind of food and beverage
2. No restrictions on Chef qualifications
3. Anyone who wants to start own biz
4. Demo Day
Introduce the chef and their product to select people.
1. 1 chef/1 meal/demo day
2. 1 product(Food/Deserts/Beverages)
3. Invite select group (Foodies, Bloggers etc..)
4. Chef presentation of product
5. Product tasting
5. Takeout Service
Commercialize chefs product through food delivery
1. Product ready to order online 2-4 weeks after Demo
2. Set date only, pre-orders (Kickstarter)
3. One time only offer.
4. Chef prepares or provide recipe
5. Delivery on the pre set date
6. Only need to heat up before enjoying food
6. Website
1. Chef and product intro
2. Delivery pre order online
3. Chef Ratings
4. Comments/feedback
5. Cooking class
7. Chef Ratings
Data collection for analysis at the possibility of
fund raising for a restaurant for the Chef.
1. Demo Day feed backs
2. Online discussions/blogs/likes
3. Preorder units
4. Other collectable data etc
8. Fund Raising
Fund raise for the most likeable Chef to start his
own restaurant .
1. Open restaurant for Chef
2. Expansion
Find angels, VC and other investors to invest in
opening shops for Chefs.
9. Restaurant Launch Pad
Planning and Execution
1. Location, Design
2. Marketing
3. Recruit/Training
4. Expansion
5. M&A, IPO
10. Revenue Generator
1. Deliver Service
2. Restaurant investment, M&A, IPO
1. Online cooking class
2. Expansion on Delivery Service
11. Are you a hard core, die hard entrepreneur!?!?
If you are or if you are interested in knowing
more about this business idea. Please email me
at reimaginingbiz@gmail.com