Richard Maltz has over 30 years of experience in military intelligence, operations, and concept development. He currently works as a senior joint military policy analyst for SAIC at US Joint Forces Command, where he prepares studies on joint doctrine and reviews doctrine publications. Previously he has held positions as a senior futures analyst, joint concept developer, and program manager, focusing on areas like asymmetric warfare, effects-based operations, and the cognitive domain. He has published works on topics including strategic thinking, shared situational understanding, and the role of perception in warfare.
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Resume 0311 2 Page Chesapeake
1. Richard Stuart Maltz 3412 Albury Court, Chesapeake, Virginia 23321 Cell 703.587.8423/Home 757.673.0757
Security Clearances
Current: Secret (upgradeable). Previous: Top Secret (SCI) from a Special Background Investigation
Professional Strengths
Creative-Synthetic Problem Solving; Effects-Based Thinking; Military History, Theory and Philosophy,
Asymmetrical, Irregular and Unconventional Warfare; Leadership and Maneuver Theory and Doctrine,
Diplomacy; (Grand) Strategy; Discerning Underlying Causes; Concept Synthesis and Development
Organizational Sociology and Psychology; Research, Writing, Speaking, Briefing, Teaching, Training
Qualification Highlights
Early pioneer in field of Operations in the Cognitive Domain, leveraging culture as a force-multiplier.
Helped write the 2008 Joint Operating Environment (JOE) document signed by CDRUSJFCOM.
Wrote an operational warfighting concept for DOD that is resulting in greater combat effectiveness.
Restructured the operations of a small defense contractor saving 40% in yearly operating costs.
Taught the Joint Concept Development & Experimentation Course at the Joint Forces Staff College.
Lectured in Military Philosophy at the Army War Colleges/SSIs Annual Strategy Conference.
Conducted lectures on Enhancement of Organizational Productivity in Warfighting Organizations.
Received letters of endorsement from the Office of Chief Naval Operations and from several Army,
Navy, Air Force, & Marine Corps commands for studies of Leadership and Maneuver Warfare.
Employment History
Mr. Maltz has 30 years of leadership experience in program management, military intelligence and
operations, and joint concept and doctrine development. Between 1978 and 1999, he pursued military
and civilian careers concurrently, alternating between reserve military duty (with simultaneous civilian
employment) and active military service. The latter was performed in the US and overseas up to Joint
Theater level. His professional writings, focusing on Operations in the Cognitive Domain (IO, SC, IW,
and PW), and military history, theory, and philosophy have been published in several military journals.
Senior Joint Military Policy and Doctrine Analyst
2009 to Present Science Applications International Corporation at US Joint Forces Commands
Joint Warfighting Center (JWFC) in Suffolk, Virginia. Prepare studies on Joint doctrinal implications of
works of military history and theory, and of Joint Concept Development. Special attention is dedicated
to the development of doctrine on Operations, Operations Planning Process, Operational Design
and on Adaptive Leadership. Review various Joint Doctrine publica-tions for completeness,
correctness, and coherence. Drafted and briefed USJFCOMs list of Proposed Study Topics and
Special Areas of Interest for National Defense University, the Service Schools, and DARPA; and
serve as the official USJFCOM liaison to National Defense University and the Services for Key
Strategic Issues. Edited and contributed to the Joint Strategic Communication Handbook); assisted
J-9 in establishing their Cognitive Domain program; and also administer the JWFC/J-7 Doctrine and
Education Group Outreach Program, arranging Officer Professional Development Lectures from world
class military historians and theoreticians. Asked by US State Department and Army Proteus to co-
administer their respective web-sites for operations in the Cognitive Domain.
Senior Futures Analyst (Military)
2008 to 2009 SAIC at USJFCOMs Joint Futures Group (JFG) in Suffolk, Virginia. Provided deep
futures predictive, analytical, and writing support to Director of the Center for Joint Futures, the
Director of Strategy and Policy, and JFCOM Commander. Helped rewrite the Joint Operating
Environment (JOE) document in support of Capstone Concept of Joint Operations (CCJO); briefed
CCJO Team on military theory; wrote initial drafts of Military Challenges and Implications sec-tions of
JOE, and supporting background papers, studies, vignettes; defined and developed JFCOMs Joint
Net Assessment mission. Composed: studies of foreign powers; a program for comprehensive
operations in the Cognitive Domain; a campaign plan for the defeat of the United States and its
armed forces; an opportunity-based strategy for the 21st Century; and a study of comparative
perspectives of operational art. Critiqued concept papers; corresponded and met with prospective
2. senior mentors and prominent military historians, theoreticians, and philosophers; coordinated with
the J-5 Joint Planning Group on organizational productivity enhancement; research and writing tasks
pertaining to strategy, policy, and history for the J-5; and wrote and lectured for the J-5 University.
Senior Joint Military Doctrine Analyst
2007 to 2008 SAIC at JFCOMs Joint Warfighting Center in Suffolk, VA. Revised joint doctrinal
publications for Weapons of Mass Destruction and Foreign Internal Defense; reviewed, critiqued other
joint doctrine publications; edited J-7s Joint Training magazine; represented Doctrine Division at
conferences, experiments, exercises, and wargames; drafted doctrinal papers.
Intelligence Doctrine Developer/Senior Instructor/Guest Lecturer
2007 General Dynamics at the US Army Intelligence Center and Schools in Fort Huachuca, Arizona.
Rewrote the Combat Commanders Handbook for Intelligence and lectured students on military
Joint Concept Developer
2001 to 2006 L-3/Titan Corporation at USJFCOMs Joint Futures Center and Experimentation
Directorate (J-9) in Suffolk, Virginia. Created and refined Joint Warfighting Concepts to enhance
warfighting capabilities in the 2010 - 2026 timeframe in conformity with guidance from Secretary of
Defense and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, including: Joint Operational Warfight-ing; Effects-
Based Thinking; Major Combat Operations; Asymmetrical, Irregular, and Unconventional Warfare;
Protracted Warfare ("Long War"); Continuous Global Shaping; Stability Operations; Urban Operations.
Drafted Shaping Joint Operating Concept (JOC); created J-9s Long War program; wrote papers on
Systemic Operational Design, its relationships with Effects-Based Operations and Classical Elements
of Operational Design, and how to synthesize and assimilate all three; Helped write the Major
Combat Operations JOC; transitioned EBO from targeting and process-oriented concept to one based
on thinking and culture; wrote briefings & studies on the historical antecedents of EBO for the JFCOM
C-in-C; coauthored Joint Operational Warfighting Concept (JOW); traveled to Service colleges and
concept development centers to present and discuss JOW, and relationship with existing and
proposed Service concepts; assisted in refinement of Rapid Decisive Operations Concept; provided
advice on the structuring of wargames to produce the most useful data and observations;
administered J-9 Academy at Joint Forces Staff College, taught course in Joint Concept Development
and Experimentation; represented JFCOM J-9 at wargames, conferences, symposia.
Program Manager
Engineering Systems Consultants, Landover, Maryland 1997 to 2001
Major, Military Intelligence Corps
United States Army, Washington, D.C. 1978 to 2006
Active and Reserve Component Military Service. Progressively more responsible and demanding
assignments in the US and overseas. Key responsibilities in intelligence, operations, and training.
Georgetown University and the US Naval War College, Graduate studies in Not Completed
National Security and Strategy and Policy
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 1978
Baccalaureate Degree in Political Science and History
The Paradox of Shaping A Common Perspective, United States Joint Forces Command, 2010
The Nature and Importance of the Cognitive Domain SITREP, Royal Can. Mil. Inst., USJFCOM 2009
The Epistemology of Strategy US Army Strategic Studies Institute (SSI), 2009 (SITREP, DNI, others
2009-2010; slated for publication in SSIs Advanced Strategic Thought series of monographs
Shared Situational Understanding Military Review, Defense in the National Interest, 2007-2010
Three Aspects of Structure and Operations Essential for Successful Organizations: Vision,
Philosophy, and Learning SITREP, Royal Canadian Military Institute, Air University Press 2007-09
"Massacre in Fallujah: A Lesson in Perception and Cognition in Warfare" USJFCOM, others 2004-10
"Quality Leadership as Maneuver Warfare" Defense Systems Management College others 2004-1997
A Beginners Primer on Strategic Nuclear Warfare, Military Intelligence Magazine, 1979