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Michael P. Connolly
5557 Marshall Ave
Apt. B
Emeryville, CA 94608
Phone: 510-435-0903
Experienced renewable energy foreman/designer/instructor with background in electrical construction
project management, renewable energy, contracting entepreneurship, estimating, site-survey, team-
building, journey level trade-work, field supervision and classroom instruction. Self-motivated, team
player with strong computer skills, Cal. C-10, Journeyman certificate, NABCEP Certified PV Installer.
BPI Energy Audit Cert.
Job Objective
Renewable Energy Construction Manager
Licensed Electrical Contractor
02/2016 - present Connolly Electric 5557 Marshall Ave. Oakland, CA
All aspects of residential and commercial electrical contracting.
Project Superintendent
06/2015 - 01/2016 Sunedison - Aerotek 600 Clipper Dr. Belmont, CA, Belmont,
Project Superintendent for Sunedison at Santa Rita Jail Solar Project. Position includes supervision
of site and sub-contractors on 400,000 sq. foot re-roofing project with demolition and recycling of
existing 1.3 MW solar array and installation of new 1.72 MW solar array with new wiring, inverters,
interconnections to utility power & all associated electrical equipment, conduits, etc.
Additional duties: Interpretation of contract documents and blue-prints, maintaining site-office for
managing project, creating file systems, documentation of all site activities, communications
between owner, contractor & subs, coordination with Sheriff's office (security) and GSA (facilities
maintenance & management for Alameda County), monitoring progress of scheduled tasks toward
completion, scheduling and coordinating of site logistics, electronic communications and
documentation in Excel, Outlook.
Construction Foreman - Solar Installation Crew
08/2014 - 06/2015 Mainstream Energy Corp 775 Fiero Ln # 200, San Luis Obispo,
Supervise Residential Solar Installation Crew - Printreading, Equipment Layout, Materials
Acquisition, Electrical Design & installation, utility inter-connection, supervise and monitor all aspects
of roof-top solar power system installation, trouble-shooting, customer interface, project
documetation, scheduling coordination with branch office.
Journeyman Electrician
11/2012 - 07/2013 MDE Electric Co 152 Commercial St, Sunnyvale, CA
Journey level commercial electrical construction work -- Printreading, Lay-out & installation of
commercial distribution equipment including switchgear, ATS's, panelboards, distribution
transformers, cable-tray, conduit, wiring, commissioning, testing & troubleshooting of circuits and
Journeyman Electrician
07/2012 - 11/2012 Redwood Electric Group 2775 Northwestern Parkway, Santa
Clara, CA
Complete lay-out and Installation of hospital communication equipment rooms including electrical
distribution equipment, panelboards, conduit racks, cable tray, seismic reinforcement of suspended
raceways. Central Utility Plant motor and VFD wiring.
Licensed Electrical Contractor
06/2005 - 04/2012 Connolly Electric 46 Michigan Rd., Woodbourne, NY
Established and grew an independent contracting business with residential and commercial
clientele. - Managed Business performed all administrative tasks. - Performed electrical trade work
as licensed master electrician. - Supervised employees and subcontractors
Adjunct Instructor
04/2011 - 02/2012 Cuyahoga Community College
2415 Woodland Ave., Cleveland, OH
Delivered classroom instruction in Electrical Theory, Circuit Theory, Introduction to Photovoltaics
and Photovoltaics design and installation. - Developed and implemented lesson plans. - Conducted
lectures, labolaboratoryrcises and training installations. - Successfully prepared students for North
American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners entry-level certificate of knowledge examination.
Adjunct Instructor
05/2009 - 03/2011 Sullivan Community College
College Ave., Loch Sheldrake, OH
Taught algebra, developmental mathematics and commercial electrical trade course for green
technology degree students. - Maintained virtual classroom environment as well as traditional
classroom-- with projects, homework and grading online. - Obtained N.A.B.C.E.P. accreditation for
Photovoltaics Course series
Photovoltaic Installer, Tech.
10/2004 - 07/2005 Mesa Environmental Sciences 5 Mesa Lane, Malvern, PA
Managed installation of 7 complete rooftop systems from 2.5 KW to 8 KW. - Troubleshooting,
system design, sight surveys, documentation
Electrical Construction Project Manager
05/1989 - 10/2004 S.Y.D.A. Foundation 371 Brickman Rd., South Fallsburg, NY
Developed and Implemented facilities maintenance cost-reduction measures that saved organization
2 million dollars over ten years. - Developed database to streamline lighting maintenance throughout
facility. - Identified energy conservation measures to reduce electrical bills throughout facility. -
Designed and installed back-up power and load shedding system to reduce peak-power demands. -
Supervised commercial construction projects 25,000 45,000 square feet. Conducted Estimating,
planning, scheduling, progress reporting, budget tracking, trade coordination, documentation
Issuing Institution Location Qualification Course of Study
SUNY New Paltz New Paltz, NY Bachelor's Degree English
Summa Cum Laude
SUNY Sullivan Community
Loch Sheldrake,
Liberal Arts and
Summa Cum Laude

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  • 1. Michael P. Connolly 5557 Marshall Ave Apt. B Emeryville, CA 94608 Phone: 510-435-0903 mconnolly444@gmail.com Summary Experienced renewable energy foreman/designer/instructor with background in electrical construction project management, renewable energy, contracting entepreneurship, estimating, site-survey, team- building, journey level trade-work, field supervision and classroom instruction. Self-motivated, team player with strong computer skills, Cal. C-10, Journeyman certificate, NABCEP Certified PV Installer. BPI Energy Audit Cert. Job Objective Renewable Energy Construction Manager Experience Licensed Electrical Contractor 02/2016 - present Connolly Electric 5557 Marshall Ave. Oakland, CA All aspects of residential and commercial electrical contracting. Project Superintendent 06/2015 - 01/2016 Sunedison - Aerotek 600 Clipper Dr. Belmont, CA, Belmont, CA Project Superintendent for Sunedison at Santa Rita Jail Solar Project. Position includes supervision of site and sub-contractors on 400,000 sq. foot re-roofing project with demolition and recycling of existing 1.3 MW solar array and installation of new 1.72 MW solar array with new wiring, inverters, interconnections to utility power & all associated electrical equipment, conduits, etc. Additional duties: Interpretation of contract documents and blue-prints, maintaining site-office for managing project, creating file systems, documentation of all site activities, communications between owner, contractor & subs, coordination with Sheriff's office (security) and GSA (facilities maintenance & management for Alameda County), monitoring progress of scheduled tasks toward contract completion, scheduling and coordinating of site logistics, electronic communications and documentation in Excel, Outlook. Construction Foreman - Solar Installation Crew 08/2014 - 06/2015 Mainstream Energy Corp 775 Fiero Ln # 200, San Luis Obispo, CA Supervise Residential Solar Installation Crew - Printreading, Equipment Layout, Materials Acquisition, Electrical Design & installation, utility inter-connection, supervise and monitor all aspects of roof-top solar power system installation, trouble-shooting, customer interface, project documetation, scheduling coordination with branch office.
  • 2. Journeyman Electrician 11/2012 - 07/2013 MDE Electric Co 152 Commercial St, Sunnyvale, CA Journey level commercial electrical construction work -- Printreading, Lay-out & installation of commercial distribution equipment including switchgear, ATS's, panelboards, distribution transformers, cable-tray, conduit, wiring, commissioning, testing & troubleshooting of circuits and equipment. Journeyman Electrician 07/2012 - 11/2012 Redwood Electric Group 2775 Northwestern Parkway, Santa Clara, CA Complete lay-out and Installation of hospital communication equipment rooms including electrical distribution equipment, panelboards, conduit racks, cable tray, seismic reinforcement of suspended raceways. Central Utility Plant motor and VFD wiring. Licensed Electrical Contractor 06/2005 - 04/2012 Connolly Electric 46 Michigan Rd., Woodbourne, NY Established and grew an independent contracting business with residential and commercial clientele. - Managed Business performed all administrative tasks. - Performed electrical trade work as licensed master electrician. - Supervised employees and subcontractors Adjunct Instructor 04/2011 - 02/2012 Cuyahoga Community College UTC 2415 Woodland Ave., Cleveland, OH Delivered classroom instruction in Electrical Theory, Circuit Theory, Introduction to Photovoltaics and Photovoltaics design and installation. - Developed and implemented lesson plans. - Conducted lectures, labolaboratoryrcises and training installations. - Successfully prepared students for North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners entry-level certificate of knowledge examination. Adjunct Instructor 05/2009 - 03/2011 Sullivan Community College BOCES College Ave., Loch Sheldrake, OH Taught algebra, developmental mathematics and commercial electrical trade course for green technology degree students. - Maintained virtual classroom environment as well as traditional classroom-- with projects, homework and grading online. - Obtained N.A.B.C.E.P. accreditation for Photovoltaics Course series Photovoltaic Installer, Tech. 10/2004 - 07/2005 Mesa Environmental Sciences 5 Mesa Lane, Malvern, PA Managed installation of 7 complete rooftop systems from 2.5 KW to 8 KW. - Troubleshooting, system design, sight surveys, documentation
  • 3. Electrical Construction Project Manager 05/1989 - 10/2004 S.Y.D.A. Foundation 371 Brickman Rd., South Fallsburg, NY Developed and Implemented facilities maintenance cost-reduction measures that saved organization 2 million dollars over ten years. - Developed database to streamline lighting maintenance throughout facility. - Identified energy conservation measures to reduce electrical bills throughout facility. - Designed and installed back-up power and load shedding system to reduce peak-power demands. - Supervised commercial construction projects 25,000 45,000 square feet. Conducted Estimating, planning, scheduling, progress reporting, budget tracking, trade coordination, documentation . Education Issuing Institution Location Qualification Course of Study SUNY New Paltz New Paltz, NY Bachelor's Degree English Summa Cum Laude SUNY Sullivan Community College Loch Sheldrake, NY Associate's Degree Liberal Arts and Sciences Summa Cum Laude