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Matthew Brooklyn Augustin
607 S. Broadway, Apt. 3
Normal, IL 61761

College senior with three years communications experience in areas such as:

         Event coordinating                             Secretary skills
         Event hosting                                  Leadership skills
         Promotions                                     Social networking
         Public Relations                               Microsoft Office


President of My Brothas Keeper (Aug 2010  May 2011).
         Planned and executed first student-ran retreat during the summer of 2010.
         Helped increase the retention rate of minority males at Illinois State University.
         Awarded several book scholarships to students at the start and end of the school semester.

President of The Kollege Experiment(Oct 2010  Present).
         Helped coordinate and host first free Halloween party for the students of Illinois State University
         as well as Illinois Wesleyan University funded by alcohol awareness organization.
         Recently partnered with Illinois State Universitys Late Night Event Planner in order to promote
         events for students.
         Mentored high school and college students in low-income areas.
         Coordinated a bus for travel to and from University of Illinois  Champaign/Urbana homecoming.
         Hosting first free student ran stage-play in October 2011.

     Campus Operations Manager  Party Palace, Bloomington/Normal, IL (Feb 2012  Present)
     Student Assistant/Promotions  Dean of Students, Illinois State University, Normal, IL (Oct 2011
     MASAI Mentor Diversity Advocacy, Illinois State University, Normal, IL (Aug 2011  Present)
     Student Operations  Bone Student Center, Illinois State University, Normal, IL (May 2011  Aug

Bolingbrook High School, Bolingbrook, IL. (Aug 2005  June 2008)

Illinois State University, Normal, IL (Aug 2008  Present)
B.A., Public Relations


         Treasurer and Step Chair, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., Normal, ILEta Tau chapter at Illinois
         State University(May 2011  May 2012)
         Member, Public Relations Student Society of America, Normal, ILIllinois State University chapter
         (Sept 2010  Present)
         Mentor, 100 Black Men, Bloomington, IL(Sept 2010  Present)
         Secretary and Public Relations Chair, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., Eta Tau chapter at Illinois
         State University(May 2009  May 2011)
         Cadet, Reserve Officer Training Corps, Illinois State University Redbird Battalion (Aug 2008 

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  • 1. Matthew Brooklyn Augustin 607 S. Broadway, Apt. 3 Normal, IL 61761 630.863.4522 QUALIFICATIONS SUMMARY College senior with three years communications experience in areas such as: Event coordinating Secretary skills Event hosting Leadership skills Promotions Social networking Public Relations Microsoft Office PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE President of My Brothas Keeper (Aug 2010 May 2011). Planned and executed first student-ran retreat during the summer of 2010. Helped increase the retention rate of minority males at Illinois State University. Awarded several book scholarships to students at the start and end of the school semester. President of The Kollege Experiment(Oct 2010 Present). Helped coordinate and host first free Halloween party for the students of Illinois State University as well as Illinois Wesleyan University funded by alcohol awareness organization. Recently partnered with Illinois State Universitys Late Night Event Planner in order to promote events for students. Mentored high school and college students in low-income areas. Coordinated a bus for travel to and from University of Illinois Champaign/Urbana homecoming. Hosting first free student ran stage-play in October 2011. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Campus Operations Manager Party Palace, Bloomington/Normal, IL (Feb 2012 Present) Student Assistant/Promotions Dean of Students, Illinois State University, Normal, IL (Oct 2011 Present) MASAI Mentor Diversity Advocacy, Illinois State University, Normal, IL (Aug 2011 Present) Student Operations Bone Student Center, Illinois State University, Normal, IL (May 2011 Aug 2011) EDUCATION Bolingbrook High School, Bolingbrook, IL. (Aug 2005 June 2008) Illinois State University, Normal, IL (Aug 2008 Present) B.A., Public Relations PROFESSIONAL ALLIANCES Treasurer and Step Chair, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., Normal, ILEta Tau chapter at Illinois State University(May 2011 May 2012) Member, Public Relations Student Society of America, Normal, ILIllinois State University chapter (Sept 2010 Present) Mentor, 100 Black Men, Bloomington, IL(Sept 2010 Present) Secretary and Public Relations Chair, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., Eta Tau chapter at Illinois State University(May 2009 May 2011) Cadet, Reserve Officer Training Corps, Illinois State University Redbird Battalion (Aug 2008 Jan2011)