Carl Pullein is a British English instructor, presentation coach, writer, and designer currently residing in Korea on an F2 visa. He has over 9 years of experience teaching English and presentations in Korea, including developing the successful First Class Business program at BCM Language Institute where he eventually became the Academic Director. In 2010, Carl started his own company called Fandcorp English Solutions which provides customized English communication consulting and teaching to various companies.
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1. RESUME Carl R W Pullein
British citizen and holder of F2 Visa in Korea.
English language instructor, Presentation
coach, Writer, Blogger and Designer
July / August 2011
Introduction Carl has had a lot of experience in
Carl Pullein has been teaching teaching and presenting. He English and presentations direct to
business and presentation English in understands the difficulties of businesses in Asia, designing
Korea since 2002. He created the presenting in a foreign language and specific courses for each clients
First Class Business programme taught many international business industry.
for BCM Language institutes, Seoul. people how to overcome their fear of
and has been involved in many presenting. Carl is the author of the Present In
English language teaching projects
English blog and the author of the
throughout Korea. Carl also runs his own company; book Presentation Story which is
Fandcorp English Solutions which due to be published in August 2011
Born in Leeds in the county of specialises in teaching business
Yorkshire in the United Kingdom,
Education Employment
Carl was educated at Woodhouse After arriving in Korea, Carl spent his first eight
Grove School in the county of West years working at the BCM Language institute in
Yorkshire, where he graduated with Songpa-Gu, where he was promoted to
six O Levels and two A Levels in Academic Director in 2006. In that role Carl
1988. was responsible for the management of
teachers, development of courses and
Carl then went on to Leeds student welfare. Since leaving BCM, Carl has
Metropolitan University, where worked freelance at various companies
he read law and graduated with including LSIS, HS Ad, Roche and Blizzard.
an Honours Bachelors degree
in Law in 2001. Before coming to Korea, Carl worked in the
law offices of Blacks Solicitors in his
1981 - 1988 Woodhouse Grove hometown of Leeds in the county of West
School Yorkshire, and prior to that he worked in
various industries including the hotel sector
1997 - 2001 Leeds Metropolitan as well as in car sales for Chrysler, BMW and
University General Motors in the United Kingdom.
All education took place in the UK.
2010 - Present 2002 - 2010: 1999 - 2002 1988 - 1999
Running his own company BCM Language Institute, Blacks Solicitors - Various roles in the
Fandcorp English Solutions - Songpa. Seoul. United Kingdom hotel and motor industry
Freelance English Paralegal and Solicitor
Native English Teacher
communication consulting
and teaching
2. 蟾讌 螳
Carl R W Pullein
蟲: 蟲
覲伎 觜: F2
讌: 螳, 伎 貊豺,
螳,觚襦蟇,襷豢 企
2002 蟲朱 り 企, 豺 襴 螳 蟲′企伎
2010 7蟾讌 ″ BCM 危 ル碁´螻, 讌 豺 螳
蠏朱危給. 蠏 螻褐 2004 ろ朱 讌.
蟾讌 螳襦 蠏朱危, 危
企 螳 襷る襦 轟 蟲 螳 蟆暑ル 企 9谿
覃, 2006 蟲′伎襦 轟, 螳 襦 企れ, 蟲碁れ 企ゼ
襦蠏碁 螳覦 覦 螳 蟲′ 企 覿覿
麹給. 願, 蟲″覃 覲襯 譯殊
讌 襷れ 螻 給.
2010 8覿磯 Fandcorp
English Solutions朱 貉ろ , Present in English 豈
襯 る渚, れ 蠍一豌伎 企, 蟲 れ
伎 覦 蠍壱 螳 蟲 Present In English
襯 讌螻 朱, 螻螳 襷豢ろ 襯 螳螻 給.
襦蠏碁企朱 危
螳 蠍一 覦 螳語蟆 螳覲 Achievements
襦蠏碁 螳ろ螻 螳
譯朱ロ螻 給. 讌 覓 蟆暑ル 襷 蟆 詞
讌襷, 蠏 譴 蟲 至 螳
蟲 り鍵 , 伎 煙隈 BCM 危 First
覿讌 襴讀 Blacks Class Business 襦蠏碁 螳覦
Solicitors 覯襯 覓伎 覲語 蟆伎給. 襦蠏碁 2006
覲伎^ 覦 覓 覲語襦 蠏朱危給 襴 螳覦 蟆朱, 襦蠏碁
. 蠏 誤 蠏朱企ゼ 一広 危襦, 襷る 500覈 伎
蟆暑レ 朱, 蟲 Chrysler, BMW 螳れ 谿語 殊 蟆郁骸襯
覦 General Motors 覿 蠏 企 給.
Carl is a writer and Carl has an interest in Carl is a keen runner and
Carl is proficient with
presenter on speaking in design, and in particular in when time permits enjoys
Microsoft Office as well as
public. He regularly coaches poster design and taking part in marathons.
with Apples iWorks
software programmes. business executives in photography.
speaking in public, as well Carl also enjoys
as writing a popular blog. Carl holds a proficiency photography and travelling
Carl has a working
Carl is the author of a book qualification in Adobe around the world.
knowledge of Adobes
Photoshop, Illustrator and on presenting due to be Photoshop CS3 and has
InDesign published later this year. designed many posters for