Krzysztof Sobkowiak is a Senior Solution Architect at Capgemini with over 15 years of experience in JEE architecture, integration frameworks like Apache Camel and ActiveMQ, and open source technologies. He is a member of the Apache Software Foundation and a committer for Apache ServiceMix. He also co-founded which provides programming and robotics workshops for children.
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1. Krzysztof Sobkowiak
Senior Solution Architect @ Capgemini
JEE/OSS/Integration Architect
Apache Software Foundation member
Summary of Business & Technical Skills & Interests
JEE architecture, Java systems modularization, component based development (Spring, OSGi,
System integration (JAX-WS, JAX-RS, JAXB, JMS), SOA, ESB
Open Source enthusiast & system architect
Microservices architecture
Linux/Unix system administration, Virtualuzation, Containers & Cloud
Application lifecycle management, DevOps
Professional documents preparation with LATEX, Markdown, Asciidoc(tor) & DocBook
Teaching children programming and robotics
since 04/2005 Senior Software Engineer / Senior Solution Architect, Capgemini Polska, Wroclaw.
Technical architect and software engineer in a wide variety of business applications from the
logistic, transport and sales area
Research, developing generic technical/integration solutions for other projects
Trainer (Spring, OSGi, Server Technologies, Software Engineering & Programming, System
Involved in recruitment activities
02/2002 03/2005 Scienti鍖c Sta鍖, Brandenburg University of Technology, Cottbus, Chair of Programming
Languages and Compiler Construction.
- compiler construction
- data 鍖ow computing
Academic assistant (programming languages, compiler construction)
Computer laboratory assistant (logic, fundamentals of computer science, software engineering,
compiler construction)
Team lead and system designer for internal systems (usually student projects)
Linux/Unix system administrator
+48 516 129 507
2. 09/2001 02/2002 Scienti鍖c Sta鍖, Wroclaw University of Technology, Wroclaw, Institute of Mathematics
and Computer Science.
- numerical methods
- numerical methods in stochastic di鍖erential equations and stochastic optimal control
Computer laboratory assistant (numerical methods, LATEX, Matlab)
06/2001 11/2001 Software Engineer, Internet Designers, Wroclaw.
Development of web applications based on content management systems
since 04/2014 Commiter, PMC member/chair, ASF member, The Apache Software Foundation.
contributor on Apache ServiceMix, Karaf, ActiveMQ, Camel, CXF projects (since 09/2013)
Apache ServiceMix commiter (since 04/2014)
Apache ServiceMix PMC member (since 07/2014)
Apache ServiceMix PMC chair (since 02/2015)
The Apache Software Foundation member (since 03/2015)
since 04/2014 Co-Founder, Mentor, Trainer,, Wroclaw.
Programming and robotics workshops for children (Scratch, Sphero, App Inventor, LEGO
Mindstorms, LeJOS, Arduino, MakeBlock, . . . )
1996 2001 M.Sc, Wroclaw University of Technology, Wroclaw, Applied Mathematics.
Study areas:
Theoretical Mathematics
Mathematical Aspects of Computer Science
Mathematical Statistics
Financial and Actuarial Mathematics
Research area: numerical methods in stochastic di鍖erential equations and stochastic optimal
control Master thesis: Computer Approximation of the Stochastic Di鍖erential Equations with
Respect to Semimartingales with Examples of theirs Applications
04/2015 Red Hat Accredited Professional, Red Hat Delivery Specialist Middleware Integra-
tion Services.
04/2015 Red Hat Accredited Professional, Red Hat Delivery Specialist Middleware
03/2015 Red Hat Accredited Professional, Red Hat Delivery Specialist Middleware Applica-
tion Development.
Application Development with EAP 6 (E-LAB), Red Hat OPEN Program
Camel Development with Red Hat JBoss Fuse (VT, JB421R), Red Hat OPEN Program
Red Hat JBoss A-MQ (VT), Red Hat OPEN Program
Application Migration to EAP6 (E-LAB), Red Hat OPEN Program
Application Migration using Windup (E-LAB), Red Hat OPEN Program
Service Development with Fuse Service Works (E-LAB), Red Hat OPEN Program
MuleSoft.U Developer Essentials Certi鍖cation Course
Oracle Database 11g: Performance Tuning DBA Release 2 at Oracle University
Architecting on AWS, TV Rheinland Akademie, Munich
+48 516 129 507
3. Talks
13/04/2016 Understanding Open Source, WrocLOVE Geek Girls Carrots #32, Wroclaw.
04/03/2016 Microservices With Spring Boot and Spring Cloud Net鍖ix, Capgemini APPS
Evolve! Summit, Bad Soden.
30/11/2015 Integrate (Yourself) with the Apache Software Foundation, 33rd Degree 4charity
2015, Wroclaw.
23/04/2015 Integrate (Yourself) with the Apache Software Foundation, Open Source Day
2015, Warszawa.
since 2016 ***, Capgemini Polska, Wroclaw, Berlin, Poznan.
Central truck toll collect system
2009 2016 TECBASE, Capgemini Polska, Wroclaw, D端sseldorf.
Internal project to provide a common technical basis for multiple development projects for a
big customer form the logistic area
2008 2009 ***, Capgemini Polska, Wroclaw, Hamburg, 8 months.
Central booking and ticketing system for a major ferry operator
2008 2008 ***, Capgemini Polska, Wroclaw, Hanburg, 10 months.
Booking system for container port maintenance for a big customer from the logistic area
2005 2007 ***, Capgemini Polska, Hamburg, Wroclaw, 32 months.
System for sale planning for a big customer from the logistic and sales area
2004 2004 MoVerON, Brandenburg University of Technology, Cottbus, 8 months.
Web application for universities for modular management of courses.
2002 2004 LehVIS, Brandenburg University of Technology, Cottbus, 19 months.
System for management of students participation in university activities (courses, exercises,
2001 2001 ***, Internet Designers, Wroclaw, 4 months.
Web applications based on CMS
2001 2001 IDCMS, Internet Designers, Wroclaw, 1 month.
Core system for web applications
Open source projects
since 2013 Apache ServiceMix, The Apache Software Foundation.
Flexible, open-source integration container that uni鍖es the features and functionality of Apache
ActiveMQ, Camel, CXF, and Karaf into a powerful runtime platform. It provides a complete,
enterprise ready ESB exclusively powered by OSGi.
since 2013 Open Application Standard Platform, Capgemini Polska.
Solution to building business applications which combine best-in-class frameworks and libraries
as well as industry proven practices and code conventions. It provides a complete reference
implementation and IDE for your well architected, robust and modern web application.
Student projects
2000 2001 SDE Solver, Wroclaw University of Technology, Wroclaw, 6 months.
System for solving and analysis of stochastic di鍖erential equations.
2000 2001 MiETEX, Wroclaw University of Technology, Wroclaw, 6 months.
Web application for operating of measure units in laboratory.
2000 2000 El Trader, Wroclaw University of Technology, Wroclaw, 4 months.
System for risk management on energy market.
+48 516 129 507
4. 1999 2001 Stock Market Simulator, Wroclaw University of Technology, Wroclaw, 22 months.
System simulating functionality of the Stock Market. The system enables other users to play
on the Market with the help of client application.
Professional skills
JEE frameworks Spring (Framework, Boot, Data, Security, Cloud), AspectJ, Hibernate
Integr. frameworks
Apache CXF, Apache ActiveMQ, , Apache Camel, Apache ServiceMix, JBoss Fuse/A-
MQ, Apache Cellar, Fuse Fabric, Fabric8, Mule ESB, Oracle Service Bus
App. servers Oracle WebLogic, JBoss AS, Wild鍖y, JBoss EAP, Tomcat, Jetty, Apache Karaf
Progr. languages Java, C++, Bash, Groovy, Scala, Java Script
Op. systems LINUX (Debian, Ubuntu), MS Windows
Databases Oracle DB 10g/11g/12g, MySQL, PostgreSQL
XaaS Vagrant, Docker, Virtual Box, Amazon EC2, Kubernetes, OpenShift, Fabric8
ALM Git, SVN, CVS, Maven, ANT, Hudson/Jenkins, Artifactory, Nexus
Dev. tools Eclipse, InteliJ, SQL Developer
Doc. prep. LATEX, Markdown, Asciidoc(tor), DocBook, Libre O鍖ce, MS O鍖ce, Scribus, Vim, Atom
Scienti鍖c apps Matlab, Scilab, Maple, Octave
Honors & Awards
06/1996 Lucja Skibinska Scholarship, I Liceum Og坦lnoksztacce im. Armii Krajowej, Milicz.
Polish mother tongue
English intermediate
German advanced
Hobbies & interests
Gothic rock music & Gothic culture
Teaching children programming and robotics
+48 516 129 507