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Jennifer Nelson
Address: 11244 S. St. Louis Ave. Chicago, IL 60655
Cell Number: 773-383-2643 Email: jnels724@gmail.com
Bachelor of Science in Physics and Biology  Emphasis in Medical Science  Fall 2016
Western Illinois University  Macomb, Illinois  Minor: Chemistry
Overall GPA: 2.9/4.0
High School Diploma  Emphasis in Agricultural Mechanics and Technology  Spring 2012
Chicago High School for Agricultural Sciences  Chicago, Illinois
Overall GPA: 4.3/4.0
Kapale, K.,(Spring 2016)
Studying fluid dynamics in the blood flow through the human vascular system.
Romano, M., (Fall 2015)
Semester long research project dealing with the breeding of Drosophila melanogaster and different fly
mutations. Bred wild flies with white eyed flies and recorded their offspring. Bred the offspring and
recorded the results of their offspring. This was repeated with multiple other Drosophila melanogaster
Wang, P., (Spring 2014)
Laser spectroscopy of atoms, molecules and clusters. The dynamics of laser-molecule interaction is
microscopically investigated by coincidence 3-dimensional momentum imaging. Pulse amplified narrow
band CW lasers are employed to explore the structure of biologically interesting molecules as well as
their hydrated clusters, using the technique of mass-selective resonance-enhanced two-photon ionization
University Physics I-IV
 Studies basic components of physics which included: motion, Newtons laws, forces,momentum,
energy, work, rotation, and simple harmonic motion, kinetic theory, thermodynamics, wave
motion, sound, optics, electrostatics, electric fields, D.C. circuits, magnetism, A.C. circuits, and
introduction to basic electronic devices, relativity, blackbody radiation, atomic structure and
spectra,introduction to quantum mechanics, selected topics from nuclear and solid state Physics.
Applied Optics
 Studies the geometrical optics, diffraction, interferometry, polarization, laser construction, optical
materials, holography. Modern optical techniques and instrumentation are emphasized.
Advanced Electronics
 Studies the electronic measurement fundamentals, passive circuit elements, analog electronics (op
amps, transducers,noise reduction), digital electronics (logic gates, flip flops, counters,
combinational and sequential circuitry), D/A and A/D conversion, data acquisition techniques.
Human Anatomy and Physiology
 Studies the organ systems of the human body including cells, tissues, skeletal, muscular, and
central and autonomic nervous systems. Became familiar with the cadaver and its organ systems.
Yearlong dissections with cat and able to become familiar with its organ systems.
Cell Molecular Biology
 Studied the morphological and functional aspects of the cell with emphases on the cell structure
and how this relates to physiological, biological, and molecular processes.
 Studied transmission genetics, genetic mapping, and the genetic processes underlying
evolutionary processes. Semester long research project dealing with the breeding of Drosophila
melanogaster and different fly mutations.
 Studied the basic principles in plant biology including scientific inquiry, cell biology, genetics,
ecology, evolution, and diversity in plant anatomy and physiology.
 Studied the different microorganisms with emphasis on the biology, methodology, and applied
aspect of viruses, bacteria, fungi, algae, protozoa, and slime molds.
 Studied animal biology including scientific inquiry, cell biology, genetics, ecology, evolution,
and diversity in plant anatomy and physiology. Various different dissections.
 Studied the causes of patterns in the abundance and distribution of organisms at the population,
community, ecosystem, landscape, and global levels. The relationships of ecological principles to
environmental issues was also examined.
 Studied the ecology and evolutionary relationships of parasitic eukaryotes. Emphasis on parasites
of humans and discussion of how to cure and treat parasites.
Vertebrate Embryology
 Studied the development of the vertebrate body and its organs. Provided a basis for understanding
adult anatomy.
Inorganic Chemistry I-II
 Studies fundamental physicochemical principles and quantitative relationships including the mole
concept, periodic properties of the elements, atomic structure,chemical bonding, and
thermochemistry. Also includes a study of solutions, acids and bases,equilibria, electrochemistry,
and chemistry of the main group elements and the transition elements.
Organic Chemistry I-II
 A study of nomenclature, preparations, reactions, and reaction mechanisms of the functional
groups of aliphatic and aromatic compounds. Also includes spectroscopic methods. Laboratory
includes synthetic methods, mechanistic studies, chromatography, and an introduction to
qualitative analysis.
 Studies the chemistry of major cellular constituents and their metabolism.
Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority  National Sorority  Alpha Epsilon Chapter  2013 to present
Vice President of Operations  Fall 2013-Fall 2014
 Oversaw the creation and implementation of all sorority bylaws.
President  Fall 2014-Fall 2015
 Oversaw all chapter events, ensured all officers were correctly doing their duties, ran chapter
business meetings, kept close contact with National Headquarters
Peer Mentor  Western Illinois University  Fall 2014, Fall 2015, Fall 2016
 Served as a teachers aid for a freshman First Year Experience class,assisting with academic
 Attended events with students to aid them on becoming involved with campus activities and to
help students make the transition from high school to college academically and socially
Dance Marathon  Western Illinois University  Spring 2014 to present
Director of Fundraising  Spring 2014  Spring 2015
 Planned fundraising events to raise money for Childrens Miracle Network Hospitals of Greater
St Louis. Set a goal to raise $40,000 for the event in March 2015. Planned car washes,trick-or-
treating for the kids, and other events to raise money for Dance Marathon. Raised over $53,000
by March for CMN Hospitals.
 Participated in Spring 2014 and Spring 2016 Dance Marathon. Raised money for CMN
Hospitals. Took a vow to stay on my feet for 12 hours to represent a typical doctors or nurses
shift at the hospitals.
Western Illinois University: University 100 Peer MentorFall2014-present
 Help freshman and transfer students transition to university life
 Organize lesson plans for lecture
 Provide university activities for students to get involved in
 Work one on one with students to help them stay on track their first semester at WIU
Show CrewNetwork: StagehandMay 2016present
 Set up events for companies
 Put together stages,lights, speaker systems,projectors, etc. for use
 Had to follow customers wishes of exactly how they wanted the event set up
Archer Daniels Midland: Cash ApplicationsMay 2015August 2015
 Contacted customers for remittance on how they wanted cash applied for their invoices
 Applied cash in customer accounts once remittance was received
 Attended daily meetings to set goals for the day and week
 Filled out a list of things accomplished at the end of each day and submitted it to my supervisor
 Worked on computer programs such as: Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Word, and
IBM cash applications
Decatur Memorial Hospital: Volunteer  Summer 2015
 Worked at the Emergency Room desk
 Greeted all patients as they came into the Emergency Room
 Ensured patients were comfortable as they waited to be seen by a physician
 Escorted patients to the Emergency Room hospital beds or to the triage room to be seen by a
Chicago Park District: LifeguardJune 2010August 2014
 Used surveillance skills to ensure the safety of all patrons in and around the pool
 Enforced the rules to all patrons
 Filled out paperwork daily to ensure that equipment was always up to date
 Filled out daily assignment sheets to ensure all workers knew their duties
Sigma Pi Sigma Physics Honors Society  2013 to present
Department of Arts and Sciences Deans List  Fall 2013
Peggy Rodeffer Physics Scholarship, Fall 2013 to Fall 2015
Centennial Honors College  Fall 2012 to present
Western Illinois University Commitment Scholarship  Fall 2012 to present

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  • 1. Jennifer Nelson Address: 11244 S. St. Louis Ave. Chicago, IL 60655 Cell Number: 773-383-2643 Email: jnels724@gmail.com EDUCATION: Bachelor of Science in Physics and Biology Emphasis in Medical Science Fall 2016 Western Illinois University Macomb, Illinois Minor: Chemistry Overall GPA: 2.9/4.0 High School Diploma Emphasis in Agricultural Mechanics and Technology Spring 2012 Chicago High School for Agricultural Sciences Chicago, Illinois Overall GPA: 4.3/4.0 RESEARCH EXPERIENCE: Kapale, K.,(Spring 2016) Studying fluid dynamics in the blood flow through the human vascular system. Romano, M., (Fall 2015) Semester long research project dealing with the breeding of Drosophila melanogaster and different fly mutations. Bred wild flies with white eyed flies and recorded their offspring. Bred the offspring and recorded the results of their offspring. This was repeated with multiple other Drosophila melanogaster mutations. Wang, P., (Spring 2014) Laser spectroscopy of atoms, molecules and clusters. The dynamics of laser-molecule interaction is microscopically investigated by coincidence 3-dimensional momentum imaging. Pulse amplified narrow band CW lasers are employed to explore the structure of biologically interesting molecules as well as their hydrated clusters, using the technique of mass-selective resonance-enhanced two-photon ionization spectroscopy. LAB EXPERIENCE: Physics: University Physics I-IV Studies basic components of physics which included: motion, Newtons laws, forces,momentum, energy, work, rotation, and simple harmonic motion, kinetic theory, thermodynamics, wave motion, sound, optics, electrostatics, electric fields, D.C. circuits, magnetism, A.C. circuits, and introduction to basic electronic devices, relativity, blackbody radiation, atomic structure and spectra,introduction to quantum mechanics, selected topics from nuclear and solid state Physics. Applied Optics Studies the geometrical optics, diffraction, interferometry, polarization, laser construction, optical materials, holography. Modern optical techniques and instrumentation are emphasized.
  • 2. Advanced Electronics Studies the electronic measurement fundamentals, passive circuit elements, analog electronics (op amps, transducers,noise reduction), digital electronics (logic gates, flip flops, counters, combinational and sequential circuitry), D/A and A/D conversion, data acquisition techniques. Biology: Human Anatomy and Physiology Studies the organ systems of the human body including cells, tissues, skeletal, muscular, and central and autonomic nervous systems. Became familiar with the cadaver and its organ systems. Yearlong dissections with cat and able to become familiar with its organ systems. Cell Molecular Biology Studied the morphological and functional aspects of the cell with emphases on the cell structure and how this relates to physiological, biological, and molecular processes. Genetics Studied transmission genetics, genetic mapping, and the genetic processes underlying evolutionary processes. Semester long research project dealing with the breeding of Drosophila melanogaster and different fly mutations. Botany Studied the basic principles in plant biology including scientific inquiry, cell biology, genetics, ecology, evolution, and diversity in plant anatomy and physiology. Microbiology Studied the different microorganisms with emphasis on the biology, methodology, and applied aspect of viruses, bacteria, fungi, algae, protozoa, and slime molds. Zoology Studied animal biology including scientific inquiry, cell biology, genetics, ecology, evolution, and diversity in plant anatomy and physiology. Various different dissections. Ecology Studied the causes of patterns in the abundance and distribution of organisms at the population, community, ecosystem, landscape, and global levels. The relationships of ecological principles to environmental issues was also examined. Parasitology Studied the ecology and evolutionary relationships of parasitic eukaryotes. Emphasis on parasites of humans and discussion of how to cure and treat parasites. Vertebrate Embryology Studied the development of the vertebrate body and its organs. Provided a basis for understanding adult anatomy. Chemistry: Inorganic Chemistry I-II Studies fundamental physicochemical principles and quantitative relationships including the mole concept, periodic properties of the elements, atomic structure,chemical bonding, and thermochemistry. Also includes a study of solutions, acids and bases,equilibria, electrochemistry, and chemistry of the main group elements and the transition elements.
  • 3. Organic Chemistry I-II A study of nomenclature, preparations, reactions, and reaction mechanisms of the functional groups of aliphatic and aromatic compounds. Also includes spectroscopic methods. Laboratory includes synthetic methods, mechanistic studies, chromatography, and an introduction to qualitative analysis. Biochemistry Studies the chemistry of major cellular constituents and their metabolism. LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE: Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority National Sorority Alpha Epsilon Chapter 2013 to present Vice President of Operations Fall 2013-Fall 2014 Oversaw the creation and implementation of all sorority bylaws. President Fall 2014-Fall 2015 Oversaw all chapter events, ensured all officers were correctly doing their duties, ran chapter business meetings, kept close contact with National Headquarters Peer Mentor Western Illinois University Fall 2014, Fall 2015, Fall 2016 Served as a teachers aid for a freshman First Year Experience class,assisting with academic problems Attended events with students to aid them on becoming involved with campus activities and to help students make the transition from high school to college academically and socially Dance Marathon Western Illinois University Spring 2014 to present Director of Fundraising Spring 2014 Spring 2015 Planned fundraising events to raise money for Childrens Miracle Network Hospitals of Greater St Louis. Set a goal to raise $40,000 for the event in March 2015. Planned car washes,trick-or- treating for the kids, and other events to raise money for Dance Marathon. Raised over $53,000 by March for CMN Hospitals. Participated in Spring 2014 and Spring 2016 Dance Marathon. Raised money for CMN Hospitals. Took a vow to stay on my feet for 12 hours to represent a typical doctors or nurses shift at the hospitals. WORK EXPERIENCE: Western Illinois University: University 100 Peer MentorFall2014-present Help freshman and transfer students transition to university life Organize lesson plans for lecture Provide university activities for students to get involved in Work one on one with students to help them stay on track their first semester at WIU Show CrewNetwork: StagehandMay 2016present Set up events for companies
  • 4. Put together stages,lights, speaker systems,projectors, etc. for use Had to follow customers wishes of exactly how they wanted the event set up Archer Daniels Midland: Cash ApplicationsMay 2015August 2015 Contacted customers for remittance on how they wanted cash applied for their invoices Applied cash in customer accounts once remittance was received Attended daily meetings to set goals for the day and week Filled out a list of things accomplished at the end of each day and submitted it to my supervisor Worked on computer programs such as: Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Word, and IBM cash applications Decatur Memorial Hospital: Volunteer Summer 2015 Worked at the Emergency Room desk Greeted all patients as they came into the Emergency Room Ensured patients were comfortable as they waited to be seen by a physician Escorted patients to the Emergency Room hospital beds or to the triage room to be seen by a physician Chicago Park District: LifeguardJune 2010August 2014 Used surveillance skills to ensure the safety of all patrons in and around the pool Enforced the rules to all patrons Filled out paperwork daily to ensure that equipment was always up to date Filled out daily assignment sheets to ensure all workers knew their duties HONORS AND AWARDS: Sigma Pi Sigma Physics Honors Society 2013 to present Department of Arts and Sciences Deans List Fall 2013 Peggy Rodeffer Physics Scholarship, Fall 2013 to Fall 2015 Centennial Honors College Fall 2012 to present Western Illinois University Commitment Scholarship Fall 2012 to present