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29079 Hart Run Drive
Abingdon, VA 24211
Cell Phone (816) 244-8374
E-mail: plummk1@gmail.com
Kristy Plummer P.E.
Summary of
 1 months experience with RS&H
 2 years 11 months experience with A. Morton Thomas and Associates
 9 years 11 months experience with the Missouri Department of Transportation
 Licensed PE in MO, VA, TN, and NC
 Certified Construction Manager
Education 1998  2003 University of Tennessee Knoxville, TN
Bachelors of Science in Civil Engineering
 Graduated Cum Laude.
April 2016- present RS&H Abingdon, VA
 Project Manager on Rte. 460/US Route 121 Coalfields Expressway, Popular
Creek/Phase III
May 2015-April 2016 A. Morton Thomas and Associates Abingdon, VA
Construction Engineer
 SharePoint Administrator
 Avens Bridge  Records Manager/Senior Inspector
 Environmental Controls Inspector for Bristol and Salem District
May 2013-May 2015 A. Morton Thomas and Associates Abingdon,VA
Senior Construction Inspector
 SharePoint Administrator
 Inspector on District Wide Guardrail Contract during July  October 2013
 October 2013 began duties as Records Manager on Avens Bridge Project,
also performing senior inspector duties
 Fill in inspector as needed on various projects. Rte 58 (grade job near
Damascus), Rte 91(bridge re-deck), Rte 11 (bridge re-deck), I-81 (sign
2011-May 2013 Missouri Department of Transportation St. Joseph, MO
Senior Construction Inspector
 Project Manager on I-29 overlay with pavement repair, 1 KTU-full bridge
removal and replacement (Rte 169)
 Overseeing and/or assisting in the completion of various sets of final plans.
 Assisted on a KTU project  full bridge removal and replacement (Rte E)
2008-2011 Missouri Department of Transportation Cameron, MO
Senior Construction Inspector
 Project Manager on 13 Bridge Re-Decks (Rtes V,E,C, 116, A, N, 33 (2), 13,
136, MM (2), AA)
 Project Manager Rte I-29 Overlay
 Project Manager on 5 KTU-full bridge removal and replacement (Rte U, 136,
85, Rte E, Rte 116),
 Project Manager on 1 bridge superstructure replacement (Rte F)
 Project Manager on Rte 69 (Pavement Repair, Base Widening, Overlay)
 Assisted on KTU projects  full bridge removal and replacement (Rte A, H)
 In responsible charge of BRO/Off-Systems projects for 5 counties, assign
inspectors to each project.
2006 - 2008 Missouri Department of Transportation St. Joseph, MO
Senior Construction Inspector
Project Manager on Rte AC (1.5 miles new concrete pavement with 486 ft bridge,
2 box culvert extensions, utility relocations)
 Assisted on Various Projects: Rte H (widening and overlay), Rte A (removal of
bridge), I-29 (mill and fill)
 Trained others in the district to be in responsible charge of superpave/asphalt
 In responsible charge of asphalt plants for various jobs. Including an
experimental rubber mix.
 Involved in Reflectivity Testing across the district.
 Cross Trained as a Materials Inspector. (PAL inspections, General Materials
Inspections, Calibrations of Asphalt and Concrete Plants)
2005-2006 Missouri Department of Transportation St. Joseph, MO
Intermediate Construction Inspector
 Project Manager on Rte 229 (Mill and Fill, Nova Chip)
 Assisted on Various Projects: Rte 116 (2 bridges and alignment of road), Shops
(permit job, new road, signals), BRO Bridges (Rte T, Rushville, Cook)
 In responsible charge of Asphalt Plant for Various Jobs. Including Hot in Place
 District acquired GPS equipment, wrote a quick reference sheet for field use,
assisted in teaching others in district to use the equipment.
2003-2005 Missouri Department of Transportation St. Joseph, MO
Construction Inspector
 Assistant Project Manager on Replacement of Reflectors for Snowplowable
Pavement Markers across the District
 Assisted on Various Projects: Rte 45 & 59 (new turn lane), Rte E (bridge), Rte
59 (realignment to Oregon), Rte K (2 bridges)
 Assisted at Asphalt Plant for Various Jobs
 Cross Trained as a Traffic Engineer. (Signal Timing, Customer Concerns,
Checked Construction Signs Layouts for New Jobs, Park Signs)
Certifications NHI Bridge Inspection (In-Service Bridges)
Training VDOT Certifications: Stormwater Management inspector, Stormwater
Management Basic, Work Zone Training for Law Enforcement Officers (LEO),
Asphalt Filed Level 1, Asphalt Filed Level II, Concrete Field School, Pavement
Marking school, Slurry Surfacing, Soils and Aggregate Compaction School,
Surface Treatment, Guardrail Installers Training GRIT, ACI, DEQ Inspector,
Nuclear Gauge, OSHA 10 Hr
MoDOT Certifications: Concrete, Soils, Aggregate Technician, Soils Density,
Concrete Field, Concrete Strength, Bituminous Technician, Profilograph,
MoDOT Basic Safety, General Materials
NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act), ACPA Conference (2013,2011,
2008), Asphalt Conference (2008,2011), MAPA Conference (2012,2009),
Member of Highway Watch, Carlson Survey, NHI Bridge Construction Inspection
Course, Asbestos Supervisor Training, TEAM Conference (2010), Drilled Shaft
Inspection (MoDOT class same as NHI), Microstation, Geopac, 3M Tape,
Protecting Water Quality
Construction Inspector, Missouri Department of Transportation. June 2003 through June
As a construction inspector, I was responsible for inspecting routine construction items for
conformance to plans, specifications, special provisions, and terms of the contract. I assisted in
measurements, computations, and other work in preparing final plans and contractor payment
estimates. I also assisted in maintaining required construction documentation such as daily field
diaries, doc. records, and sitemanager entries. I assisted in surveying for several different
projects. An example of one the projects I worked on is Rte 45 & 59. This project consisted of
adding a turning lane to the existing intersection, removing the existing islands, and installing new
islands. I was on this project from beginning to end. I was working with one other inspector. I
helped with all aspects of inspection. This involved reading the plans and surveying in the new
turning lane, laying out the new islands, inspecting the asphalt as it was laid, laying out the
striping, filling out daily diaries, measuring seed and mulch, and assuring all materials used were
approved for state use. Other jobs I assisted on were:
Rte E: We removed an existing bridge and constructed a new one beside the old location and
straightened out the sections of roadway leading up to the bridge on both sides. I assisted along
with several other inspectors on the project for some of the surveying, I also was present for most
of the pile driving to check that bearing was achieved. I helped run concrete tests for some of the
Rte 59: Removed the existing 1.5 miles of road and 2 small bridges, then realigned the road and
paved it with concrete. For this project I was present for the final grading work and paving. I
assisted two other inspectors in checking final grade before paving, I assisted in running all tests
for paving, air, slump, and depth sticks. After paving, I assisted in profilographing.
Rte K: Removed and replaced 2 bridges. I assisted with surveying on this project and helped run
concrete tests during the deck pour.
In between working on all the above projects I assisted at the asphalt plant for various projects.
This involved running gradations, nuclear asphalt content, obtaining oil samples, filling out a daily
diary, checking totalizers, checking binder usage, and filling out an excel spreadsheet which is
imported into MoDOTs sitemanager system.
While I was a Construction Inspector, I cross trained in Traffic as a Traffic Studies Specialist.
MoDOT lets their engineers cross train in other departments so they have a better understanding
about how the department operates as a whole.
During my time in Traffic I was assigned to address many customer concerns. Each concern had
to be responded to and investigated. Some of the concerns were:
Speed Limits too High or too Low
Need a Deer Crossing Sign at a certain location
Intersection Too Dangerous, what can you do.
With each of these concerns, I would investigate the location, look up historical data, have traffic
counts preformed if necessary, and do any computations needed. Once I had all the information I
would make a decision as to whether any action needed to be taken and take any such action.
For example, in the case of a dangerous intersection I had a warning light installed on top of the
stop sign. Another role in traffic was to assist in fixing the timing of the intersections. I helped
with aiming the cameras and determining if the signal was working properly. I was also involved
in signing. I checked designs plans for construction signing. I assisted in doing sign logging,
which is checking which signs need to be replaced. I also was in charge of park signing while I
was in traffic. One of these projects was to lay out the signs for the Louis and Clark trail.
Intermediate Construction Inspector, Missouri Department of Transportation
June 2005 through June 2006
As an intermediate construction inspector I was responsible for inspecting routine and specialty
construction items for conformance to plans, specifications, special provisions, and terms of the
contract and directed inspection and surveying of routine projects. I assisted in inspecting right-
of-way permit jobs and county bridges. I directed survey operations, prepared final plans, change
orders, contractor payment estimates, semi-finals, and final inspections. I was in charge of
inspecting superpave asphalt plants for various jobs and created all the required documentation
and daily field diaries. I was the lead inspector for I-229: A mill and fill for 1.5 miles and a nova
chip overlay for 1 mile. I inspected all aspects of these projects, filled out daily diaries, made
necessary field adjustments, directed others in inspection duties. Nova chip had not been done
previously in this district, so I attended training and learned how to inspect this item of work. I
assisted on various projects. A large project I assisted on was Rte 116 removing and replacing
two old bridges and raising the road bed by 10 ft. I assisted in surveying and was in charge of
surveying at times for the grading work and the bridge. I had to make field changes to some of
the grading work, as the photogramitry did not match field conditions. I assisted in running slump
and air tests on concrete, entering daily diaries, measuring seed and mulch, and in inspecting
bridge construction. Our district bought a new GPS system. I went to all the training offered and
learned to use the equipment. I wrote a quick reference sheet for others to use and have
assisted in training others to used the equipment.
Senior Construction Inspector, Missouri Department of Transportation June
2006 through May 2013
As a senior construction inspector I am directing the inspection, layout, and final plans
preparation for construction projects; performing layout and inspection of complicated or critical
structures and providing general assistance to resident engineer. I review the plans,
specifications, and special provisions applicable to the project. I supervise the other inspectors
on my projects and direct their activities in preparing the required project documentation; all
survey activities and necessary inspection duties. Maintaining required records, addressing
customer concerns, running pay estimates and making necessary field adjustment to a project
are all part of my responsibilities. During 2013 I was involved in helping draft and review the new
contract specifications for Quality Management. I reviewed the submittals turned in by the
contractors to show how they were going to fulfill the new contract requirements of Quality
Management. Quality Management is a method MoDOT is trying to place more of the quality
assurance and inspection responsibility on the contractor. I was also working on a project with 7
re-decks in Kansas City. This project did not conclude before I moved to Virginia. During 2012 I
was project manager on an overlay on I-29 which included mud jacking bridge decks. I reviewed
all the office final plans prior to leaving the office and worked with the District Final Plans
reviewer. I also was involved in inspecting county bridges on the 2 year rotation for safety
inspection utilizing my NHI training. During 2011, I was project manager on a bridge
superstructure replacement project and 2 KTU full bridge replacement projects. The KTU bridges
were single spans with a concrete deck. The bridge superstructure was on Rte F and involved
removing the existing superstructure from the top of the caps op. New steel girders were
installed and a new concrete deck placed. I was project manager on 10 bridge re-decks during
2010 and one bridge removal and full replacement. The bridge removal and replacement was
located on Rte U and was a KTU project. The bridge is a box girder bridge held together with
post tensioned cables and overlaid with asphalt. This bridge did not open until Decemeber 23,
2010 so cold weather was a factor for placement of the grout and all the concrete. One of the
projects was a combination contract with 3 re-decks, 2 on Rte MM and 1 on Rte AA. The bridges
are steel girder with existing shear studs. Two bridges were on Rte 33. These bridges did not
have existing shear studs. The contractor installed shear studs. Another contract I was Project
Manager for included Rte 116, Rte A and Rte N which accounted for another 3 bridges. The
other contract I worked on was re-decks on Rte 136 and Rte 13. The Rte 13 bridge is over I-35.
The bridge is designed on a vertical curve with a scew. The pour sequence of this bridge
required 2 separate pours. For 8 of the bridge re-decks I was responsible for checking and
verifying the haunches were figured correctly. For Rtes 13 and 136 I was responsible for figuring
the haunches. I have developed a spreadsheet to calculate the haunching. The project I worked
on during the 2009 construction season was 3 bridge re-decks on one contract. The contractor
had 50 calendar days per bridge and worked on them one at a time. The re-decks involved
removing the old deck, placing shear connectors, widening the bridge deck, pouring barrier, and
adding guardrail. I also assisted on another contract with 2 re-decks involving replacing the
girders. In addition, when Im not needed on one of the bridges I assisted on a large un-bonded
concrete overlay on I-35. The project I worked on during the summer of 2008 was on Rte 69.
This project involved concrete repair, base widening of 3 feet on both sides and a two-lift overlay
for 6.8 miles. While on this project I worked on training a new hire graduate the duties of an
inspector in the field and in the office. Rte AC was a project I worked on from October 2006 until
May 2008. I had two technicians working with me. Rte AC is 1.5 mile of new road with a 486 ft
bridge. I was actively involved in moving utilities for this project as none had been moved before
it started. I developed a working relationship with all of the utilities in the area. Our utilities
engineer went on maternity leave and then took a new position, thus I was very involved in
contacting the utility companies to get the necessary adjustment made. On this project I had two
technicians assisting in running the compaction testing, monitoring pore pressure devices and
settlement gauges, running slump and air tests on concrete, entering project documentation and
in measuring for erosion control. I monitored and gave guidance to their activities. I used the
GPS equipment for surveying all grading operations. I was the survey leader on this project, I ran
the instrument, while the others assisted by being rodmen. Signals were placed at the AC and
Pickett intersection. I had to make decisions regarding the locations of control boxes and signal
basins interfering with utilities and drainage structures. There were several issues which required
considerable discussion and thought to be dealt with. This job was a test for Pile Dynamic
Testing. I worked with the RE (Scotty Williams), Jeff City (Tom Fennessey), and the contractor to
develop driving criteria we were comfortable with. The results from the testing proved difficult to
interpret due to wide variations, thus in depth discussions were necessary to come to conclusions
as to what the actual driving criteria should be. Another major issue on this job was the amount
of water at the North end. Underdrains had been designed, but as we began the dirt work it
became obvious that the soil would not stabilize with the amount of water present. The solution
worked out was to install drains on a V, which consisted of an 8 perforated pipe backfilled with 3
clean rock surrounded by geotextile fabric. This work was done by force account due to the fact
that neither the contractor nor MoDOT could predict the difficulty of installing the drains.
Throughout the project I worked with the RE and the contractor to resolve issues that arose.
Other jobs I have worked on are Rte H (widening) and Rte A (removal of bridge). For these two
projects, I gave guidance and training to the inspectors in charge of the projects and provided
technical assistance. I have been actively involved in training others to run superpave asphalt
plants. I taught the superpave portion of an in district training and did hands on training with
several individuals. I ran the asphalt plant for an experimental superpave mix using rubber. I
was in constant contact with our central office trying to work out problems which arose during
production. I cross trained as a materials inspector for one month. During this period of time I
assisted in PAL inspections, general material inspections, and calibrations of asphalt and
concrete plants.
Senior Construction Inspector A. Morton Thomas and Associates
May 2013 through May 2015
Assisted on various projects as needed when started with AMT as a fill in inspector. Worked on
Rte 58 large grade job, Rte 11 bridge re-deck, Rte 91 bridge re-deck, sign trusses on I-81. I was
assigned as a SharePoint administrator. I worked on learning more about SharePoint and how to
set up projects, maintain projects, add users and troubleshoot user problems. I was also, then
assigned to the district wide guardrail contract as the main inspector from July 2013 to October
2013. Inspected guardrail work in Russel, Wise, and Buchanan counties. Performed all
necessary paperwork and inspection duties for guardrail. DWR's, running estimates, laying out
guardrail locations with Tony Mullins, and inspecting the installation of the guardrail on a daily
basis. Was moved to the Avens bridge project in October 2013 which is where I am currently
working. I am assigned as the records keeper, perform regular inspection work as well as train
the younger inspectors on the project. As records keeper I run estimates, monitor/maintain
entries for CPE's and the materials notebook, maintain and file all records necessary for the
project, maintain SharePoint records, enter stockpiled materials, run the CEDAR report. As an
inspector I assist where needed, testing concrete, monitoring concrete pours,
checking/inspecting re-bar prior to pours for conformance to specs and plans, run nuclear
density test on dirt grade when needed, check grades, worked night shift to monitor drilled
shaft drilling operations, perform work zone reviews, make sure C-107's are filled out and filed,
red-line the plans, enter work order pay items. In addition, when possible I train the younger
inspectors. I have worked on training them to run estimates, enter CPE's, run the CEDAR report,
showed them how materials on hand are entered, showed them how to check shear studs, deck
pans, and how to do a dry run on a deck checking the thickness and adjustment on the Bidwell
machine, showed them how to use an eye level, and in general answered any questions asked. I
continue to be a SharePoint administrator for the AMT SharePoint site editing/adding pages,
adding users and assisting users as needed.
Construction Engineer
A. Morton Thomas and Associates May 2015 through present
Administering AMT SharePoint sites for Avens, Rte 58, Rte 460, I-64Exit91, and Bristol District
Wide. Avens Bridge project opened to traffic on 6/15/15. Completing records and documents for
set up projects, maintain projects, add users and troubleshoot user problems. I was also, then
assigned to the district wide guardrail contract as the main inspector from July 2013 to October
2013. Inspected guardrail work in Russel, Wise, and Buchanan counties. Performed all
necessary paperwork and inspection duties for guardrail. DWR's, running estimates, laying out
guardrail locations with Tony Mullins, and inspecting the installation of the guardrail on a daily
basis. Was moved to the Avens bridge project in October 2013 which is where I am currently
working. I am assigned as the records keeper, perform regular inspection work as well as train
the younger inspectors on the project. As records keeper I run estimates, monitor/maintain
entries for CPE's and the materials notebook, maintain and file all records necessary for the
project, maintain SharePoint records, enter stockpiled materials, run the CEDAR report. As an
inspector I assist where needed, testing concrete, monitoring concrete pours,
checking/inspecting re-bar prior to pours for conformance to specs and plans, run nuclear
density test on dirt grade when needed, check grades, worked night shift to monitor drilled
shaft drilling operations, perform work zone reviews, make sure C-107's are filled out and filed,
red-line the plans, enter work order pay items. In addition, when possible I train the younger
inspectors. I have worked on training them to run estimates, enter CPE's, run the CEDAR report,
showed them how materials on hand are entered, showed them how to check shear studs, deck
pans, and how to do a dry run on a deck checking the thickness and adjustment on the Bidwell
machine, showed them how to use an eye level, and in general answered any questions asked. I
continue to be a SharePoint administrator for the AMT SharePoint site editing/adding pages,
adding users and assisting users as needed.
Construction Engineer
A. Morton Thomas and Associates May 2015 through present
Administering AMT SharePoint sites for Avens, Rte 58, Rte 460, I-64Exit91, and Bristol District
Wide. Avens Bridge project opened to traffic on 6/15/15. Completing records and documents for

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Resume + Abstract-update 4-15-16

  • 1. 29079 Hart Run Drive Abingdon, VA 24211 Cell Phone (816) 244-8374 E-mail: plummk1@gmail.com Kristy Plummer P.E. Summary of qualifications 1 months experience with RS&H 2 years 11 months experience with A. Morton Thomas and Associates 9 years 11 months experience with the Missouri Department of Transportation Licensed PE in MO, VA, TN, and NC Certified Construction Manager Education 1998 2003 University of Tennessee Knoxville, TN Bachelors of Science in Civil Engineering Graduated Cum Laude. Professional experience April 2016- present RS&H Abingdon, VA Engineer Project Manager on Rte. 460/US Route 121 Coalfields Expressway, Popular Creek/Phase III May 2015-April 2016 A. Morton Thomas and Associates Abingdon, VA Construction Engineer SharePoint Administrator Avens Bridge Records Manager/Senior Inspector Environmental Controls Inspector for Bristol and Salem District May 2013-May 2015 A. Morton Thomas and Associates Abingdon,VA Senior Construction Inspector SharePoint Administrator Inspector on District Wide Guardrail Contract during July October 2013 October 2013 began duties as Records Manager on Avens Bridge Project, also performing senior inspector duties Fill in inspector as needed on various projects. Rte 58 (grade job near Damascus), Rte 91(bridge re-deck), Rte 11 (bridge re-deck), I-81 (sign posts) 2011-May 2013 Missouri Department of Transportation St. Joseph, MO Senior Construction Inspector Project Manager on I-29 overlay with pavement repair, 1 KTU-full bridge removal and replacement (Rte 169) Overseeing and/or assisting in the completion of various sets of final plans. Assisted on a KTU project full bridge removal and replacement (Rte E) 2008-2011 Missouri Department of Transportation Cameron, MO Senior Construction Inspector Project Manager on 13 Bridge Re-Decks (Rtes V,E,C, 116, A, N, 33 (2), 13, 136, MM (2), AA)
  • 2. Project Manager Rte I-29 Overlay Project Manager on 5 KTU-full bridge removal and replacement (Rte U, 136, 85, Rte E, Rte 116), Project Manager on 1 bridge superstructure replacement (Rte F) Project Manager on Rte 69 (Pavement Repair, Base Widening, Overlay) Assisted on KTU projects full bridge removal and replacement (Rte A, H) In responsible charge of BRO/Off-Systems projects for 5 counties, assign inspectors to each project. 2006 - 2008 Missouri Department of Transportation St. Joseph, MO Senior Construction Inspector Project Manager on Rte AC (1.5 miles new concrete pavement with 486 ft bridge, 2 box culvert extensions, utility relocations) Assisted on Various Projects: Rte H (widening and overlay), Rte A (removal of bridge), I-29 (mill and fill) Trained others in the district to be in responsible charge of superpave/asphalt plants. In responsible charge of asphalt plants for various jobs. Including an experimental rubber mix. Involved in Reflectivity Testing across the district. Cross Trained as a Materials Inspector. (PAL inspections, General Materials Inspections, Calibrations of Asphalt and Concrete Plants) 2005-2006 Missouri Department of Transportation St. Joseph, MO Intermediate Construction Inspector Project Manager on Rte 229 (Mill and Fill, Nova Chip) Assisted on Various Projects: Rte 116 (2 bridges and alignment of road), Shops (permit job, new road, signals), BRO Bridges (Rte T, Rushville, Cook) In responsible charge of Asphalt Plant for Various Jobs. Including Hot in Place Recycle District acquired GPS equipment, wrote a quick reference sheet for field use, assisted in teaching others in district to use the equipment. 2003-2005 Missouri Department of Transportation St. Joseph, MO Construction Inspector Assistant Project Manager on Replacement of Reflectors for Snowplowable Pavement Markers across the District Assisted on Various Projects: Rte 45 & 59 (new turn lane), Rte E (bridge), Rte 59 (realignment to Oregon), Rte K (2 bridges) Assisted at Asphalt Plant for Various Jobs Cross Trained as a Traffic Engineer. (Signal Timing, Customer Concerns, Checked Construction Signs Layouts for New Jobs, Park Signs) Certifications NHI Bridge Inspection (In-Service Bridges) Training VDOT Certifications: Stormwater Management inspector, Stormwater Management Basic, Work Zone Training for Law Enforcement Officers (LEO), Asphalt Filed Level 1, Asphalt Filed Level II, Concrete Field School, Pavement Marking school, Slurry Surfacing, Soils and Aggregate Compaction School, Surface Treatment, Guardrail Installers Training GRIT, ACI, DEQ Inspector,
  • 3. Nuclear Gauge, OSHA 10 Hr MoDOT Certifications: Concrete, Soils, Aggregate Technician, Soils Density, Concrete Field, Concrete Strength, Bituminous Technician, Profilograph, MoDOT Basic Safety, General Materials NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act), ACPA Conference (2013,2011, 2008), Asphalt Conference (2008,2011), MAPA Conference (2012,2009), Member of Highway Watch, Carlson Survey, NHI Bridge Construction Inspection Course, Asbestos Supervisor Training, TEAM Conference (2010), Drilled Shaft Inspection (MoDOT class same as NHI), Microstation, Geopac, 3M Tape, Protecting Water Quality ABSTRACT Construction Inspector, Missouri Department of Transportation. June 2003 through June 2005 As a construction inspector, I was responsible for inspecting routine construction items for conformance to plans, specifications, special provisions, and terms of the contract. I assisted in measurements, computations, and other work in preparing final plans and contractor payment estimates. I also assisted in maintaining required construction documentation such as daily field diaries, doc. records, and sitemanager entries. I assisted in surveying for several different projects. An example of one the projects I worked on is Rte 45 & 59. This project consisted of adding a turning lane to the existing intersection, removing the existing islands, and installing new islands. I was on this project from beginning to end. I was working with one other inspector. I helped with all aspects of inspection. This involved reading the plans and surveying in the new turning lane, laying out the new islands, inspecting the asphalt as it was laid, laying out the striping, filling out daily diaries, measuring seed and mulch, and assuring all materials used were approved for state use. Other jobs I assisted on were: Rte E: We removed an existing bridge and constructed a new one beside the old location and straightened out the sections of roadway leading up to the bridge on both sides. I assisted along with several other inspectors on the project for some of the surveying, I also was present for most of the pile driving to check that bearing was achieved. I helped run concrete tests for some of the pours. Rte 59: Removed the existing 1.5 miles of road and 2 small bridges, then realigned the road and paved it with concrete. For this project I was present for the final grading work and paving. I assisted two other inspectors in checking final grade before paving, I assisted in running all tests for paving, air, slump, and depth sticks. After paving, I assisted in profilographing. Rte K: Removed and replaced 2 bridges. I assisted with surveying on this project and helped run concrete tests during the deck pour. In between working on all the above projects I assisted at the asphalt plant for various projects. This involved running gradations, nuclear asphalt content, obtaining oil samples, filling out a daily diary, checking totalizers, checking binder usage, and filling out an excel spreadsheet which is imported into MoDOTs sitemanager system. While I was a Construction Inspector, I cross trained in Traffic as a Traffic Studies Specialist. MoDOT lets their engineers cross train in other departments so they have a better understanding about how the department operates as a whole. During my time in Traffic I was assigned to address many customer concerns. Each concern had to be responded to and investigated. Some of the concerns were: Speed Limits too High or too Low Need a Deer Crossing Sign at a certain location Intersection Too Dangerous, what can you do.
  • 4. With each of these concerns, I would investigate the location, look up historical data, have traffic counts preformed if necessary, and do any computations needed. Once I had all the information I would make a decision as to whether any action needed to be taken and take any such action. For example, in the case of a dangerous intersection I had a warning light installed on top of the stop sign. Another role in traffic was to assist in fixing the timing of the intersections. I helped with aiming the cameras and determining if the signal was working properly. I was also involved in signing. I checked designs plans for construction signing. I assisted in doing sign logging, which is checking which signs need to be replaced. I also was in charge of park signing while I was in traffic. One of these projects was to lay out the signs for the Louis and Clark trail. Intermediate Construction Inspector, Missouri Department of Transportation June 2005 through June 2006 As an intermediate construction inspector I was responsible for inspecting routine and specialty construction items for conformance to plans, specifications, special provisions, and terms of the contract and directed inspection and surveying of routine projects. I assisted in inspecting right- of-way permit jobs and county bridges. I directed survey operations, prepared final plans, change orders, contractor payment estimates, semi-finals, and final inspections. I was in charge of inspecting superpave asphalt plants for various jobs and created all the required documentation and daily field diaries. I was the lead inspector for I-229: A mill and fill for 1.5 miles and a nova chip overlay for 1 mile. I inspected all aspects of these projects, filled out daily diaries, made necessary field adjustments, directed others in inspection duties. Nova chip had not been done previously in this district, so I attended training and learned how to inspect this item of work. I assisted on various projects. A large project I assisted on was Rte 116 removing and replacing two old bridges and raising the road bed by 10 ft. I assisted in surveying and was in charge of surveying at times for the grading work and the bridge. I had to make field changes to some of the grading work, as the photogramitry did not match field conditions. I assisted in running slump and air tests on concrete, entering daily diaries, measuring seed and mulch, and in inspecting bridge construction. Our district bought a new GPS system. I went to all the training offered and learned to use the equipment. I wrote a quick reference sheet for others to use and have assisted in training others to used the equipment. Senior Construction Inspector, Missouri Department of Transportation June 2006 through May 2013 As a senior construction inspector I am directing the inspection, layout, and final plans preparation for construction projects; performing layout and inspection of complicated or critical structures and providing general assistance to resident engineer. I review the plans, specifications, and special provisions applicable to the project. I supervise the other inspectors on my projects and direct their activities in preparing the required project documentation; all survey activities and necessary inspection duties. Maintaining required records, addressing customer concerns, running pay estimates and making necessary field adjustment to a project are all part of my responsibilities. During 2013 I was involved in helping draft and review the new contract specifications for Quality Management. I reviewed the submittals turned in by the contractors to show how they were going to fulfill the new contract requirements of Quality Management. Quality Management is a method MoDOT is trying to place more of the quality assurance and inspection responsibility on the contractor. I was also working on a project with 7 re-decks in Kansas City. This project did not conclude before I moved to Virginia. During 2012 I was project manager on an overlay on I-29 which included mud jacking bridge decks. I reviewed all the office final plans prior to leaving the office and worked with the District Final Plans reviewer. I also was involved in inspecting county bridges on the 2 year rotation for safety inspection utilizing my NHI training. During 2011, I was project manager on a bridge superstructure replacement project and 2 KTU full bridge replacement projects. The KTU bridges were single spans with a concrete deck. The bridge superstructure was on Rte F and involved removing the existing superstructure from the top of the caps op. New steel girders were installed and a new concrete deck placed. I was project manager on 10 bridge re-decks during 2010 and one bridge removal and full replacement. The bridge removal and replacement was
  • 5. located on Rte U and was a KTU project. The bridge is a box girder bridge held together with post tensioned cables and overlaid with asphalt. This bridge did not open until Decemeber 23, 2010 so cold weather was a factor for placement of the grout and all the concrete. One of the projects was a combination contract with 3 re-decks, 2 on Rte MM and 1 on Rte AA. The bridges are steel girder with existing shear studs. Two bridges were on Rte 33. These bridges did not have existing shear studs. The contractor installed shear studs. Another contract I was Project Manager for included Rte 116, Rte A and Rte N which accounted for another 3 bridges. The other contract I worked on was re-decks on Rte 136 and Rte 13. The Rte 13 bridge is over I-35. The bridge is designed on a vertical curve with a scew. The pour sequence of this bridge required 2 separate pours. For 8 of the bridge re-decks I was responsible for checking and verifying the haunches were figured correctly. For Rtes 13 and 136 I was responsible for figuring the haunches. I have developed a spreadsheet to calculate the haunching. The project I worked on during the 2009 construction season was 3 bridge re-decks on one contract. The contractor had 50 calendar days per bridge and worked on them one at a time. The re-decks involved removing the old deck, placing shear connectors, widening the bridge deck, pouring barrier, and adding guardrail. I also assisted on another contract with 2 re-decks involving replacing the girders. In addition, when Im not needed on one of the bridges I assisted on a large un-bonded concrete overlay on I-35. The project I worked on during the summer of 2008 was on Rte 69. This project involved concrete repair, base widening of 3 feet on both sides and a two-lift overlay for 6.8 miles. While on this project I worked on training a new hire graduate the duties of an inspector in the field and in the office. Rte AC was a project I worked on from October 2006 until May 2008. I had two technicians working with me. Rte AC is 1.5 mile of new road with a 486 ft bridge. I was actively involved in moving utilities for this project as none had been moved before it started. I developed a working relationship with all of the utilities in the area. Our utilities engineer went on maternity leave and then took a new position, thus I was very involved in contacting the utility companies to get the necessary adjustment made. On this project I had two technicians assisting in running the compaction testing, monitoring pore pressure devices and settlement gauges, running slump and air tests on concrete, entering project documentation and in measuring for erosion control. I monitored and gave guidance to their activities. I used the GPS equipment for surveying all grading operations. I was the survey leader on this project, I ran the instrument, while the others assisted by being rodmen. Signals were placed at the AC and Pickett intersection. I had to make decisions regarding the locations of control boxes and signal basins interfering with utilities and drainage structures. There were several issues which required considerable discussion and thought to be dealt with. This job was a test for Pile Dynamic Testing. I worked with the RE (Scotty Williams), Jeff City (Tom Fennessey), and the contractor to develop driving criteria we were comfortable with. The results from the testing proved difficult to interpret due to wide variations, thus in depth discussions were necessary to come to conclusions as to what the actual driving criteria should be. Another major issue on this job was the amount of water at the North end. Underdrains had been designed, but as we began the dirt work it became obvious that the soil would not stabilize with the amount of water present. The solution worked out was to install drains on a V, which consisted of an 8 perforated pipe backfilled with 3 clean rock surrounded by geotextile fabric. This work was done by force account due to the fact that neither the contractor nor MoDOT could predict the difficulty of installing the drains. Throughout the project I worked with the RE and the contractor to resolve issues that arose. Other jobs I have worked on are Rte H (widening) and Rte A (removal of bridge). For these two projects, I gave guidance and training to the inspectors in charge of the projects and provided technical assistance. I have been actively involved in training others to run superpave asphalt plants. I taught the superpave portion of an in district training and did hands on training with several individuals. I ran the asphalt plant for an experimental superpave mix using rubber. I was in constant contact with our central office trying to work out problems which arose during production. I cross trained as a materials inspector for one month. During this period of time I assisted in PAL inspections, general material inspections, and calibrations of asphalt and concrete plants. Senior Construction Inspector A. Morton Thomas and Associates May 2013 through May 2015 Assisted on various projects as needed when started with AMT as a fill in inspector. Worked on Rte 58 large grade job, Rte 11 bridge re-deck, Rte 91 bridge re-deck, sign trusses on I-81. I was assigned as a SharePoint administrator. I worked on learning more about SharePoint and how to
  • 6. set up projects, maintain projects, add users and troubleshoot user problems. I was also, then assigned to the district wide guardrail contract as the main inspector from July 2013 to October 2013. Inspected guardrail work in Russel, Wise, and Buchanan counties. Performed all necessary paperwork and inspection duties for guardrail. DWR's, running estimates, laying out guardrail locations with Tony Mullins, and inspecting the installation of the guardrail on a daily basis. Was moved to the Avens bridge project in October 2013 which is where I am currently working. I am assigned as the records keeper, perform regular inspection work as well as train the younger inspectors on the project. As records keeper I run estimates, monitor/maintain entries for CPE's and the materials notebook, maintain and file all records necessary for the project, maintain SharePoint records, enter stockpiled materials, run the CEDAR report. As an inspector I assist where needed, testing concrete, monitoring concrete pours, checking/inspecting re-bar prior to pours for conformance to specs and plans, run nuclear density test on dirt grade when needed, check grades, worked night shift to monitor drilled shaft drilling operations, perform work zone reviews, make sure C-107's are filled out and filed, red-line the plans, enter work order pay items. In addition, when possible I train the younger inspectors. I have worked on training them to run estimates, enter CPE's, run the CEDAR report, showed them how materials on hand are entered, showed them how to check shear studs, deck pans, and how to do a dry run on a deck checking the thickness and adjustment on the Bidwell machine, showed them how to use an eye level, and in general answered any questions asked. I continue to be a SharePoint administrator for the AMT SharePoint site editing/adding pages, adding users and assisting users as needed. Construction Engineer A. Morton Thomas and Associates May 2015 through present Administering AMT SharePoint sites for Avens, Rte 58, Rte 460, I-64Exit91, and Bristol District Wide. Avens Bridge project opened to traffic on 6/15/15. Completing records and documents for VDOT.
  • 7. set up projects, maintain projects, add users and troubleshoot user problems. I was also, then assigned to the district wide guardrail contract as the main inspector from July 2013 to October 2013. Inspected guardrail work in Russel, Wise, and Buchanan counties. Performed all necessary paperwork and inspection duties for guardrail. DWR's, running estimates, laying out guardrail locations with Tony Mullins, and inspecting the installation of the guardrail on a daily basis. Was moved to the Avens bridge project in October 2013 which is where I am currently working. I am assigned as the records keeper, perform regular inspection work as well as train the younger inspectors on the project. As records keeper I run estimates, monitor/maintain entries for CPE's and the materials notebook, maintain and file all records necessary for the project, maintain SharePoint records, enter stockpiled materials, run the CEDAR report. As an inspector I assist where needed, testing concrete, monitoring concrete pours, checking/inspecting re-bar prior to pours for conformance to specs and plans, run nuclear density test on dirt grade when needed, check grades, worked night shift to monitor drilled shaft drilling operations, perform work zone reviews, make sure C-107's are filled out and filed, red-line the plans, enter work order pay items. In addition, when possible I train the younger inspectors. I have worked on training them to run estimates, enter CPE's, run the CEDAR report, showed them how materials on hand are entered, showed them how to check shear studs, deck pans, and how to do a dry run on a deck checking the thickness and adjustment on the Bidwell machine, showed them how to use an eye level, and in general answered any questions asked. I continue to be a SharePoint administrator for the AMT SharePoint site editing/adding pages, adding users and assisting users as needed. Construction Engineer A. Morton Thomas and Associates May 2015 through present Administering AMT SharePoint sites for Avens, Rte 58, Rte 460, I-64Exit91, and Bristol District Wide. Avens Bridge project opened to traffic on 6/15/15. Completing records and documents for VDOT.