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La Mesa, CA 91941 油 油(619) 540-9231 油 油bsfrench38@gmail.com
Community-centered professional with over ten years of demonstrated success in teaching, instructional
leadership, patient navigation, community healthcare administration, and fostering continuous improvement
cultures through servant leadership; seeking opportunities in Sonoma County matching my skills and abilities.
Transformational Leadership
Curriculum Development
Interpersonal Communication
Community Engagement
Workshop Facilitation
Relationship Building
Patient Navigation
Empathic Listening
Public Speaking
Staff Development
Cultural Competency
Service Learning
Critical Thinking
Servant Leadership
Associate Clinic Director" " " " " " " January 2013 - Present
Family Health Centers of San Diego  San Diego, CA
 Direct day-to-day clinic operations (including hiring and supervision) to ensure delivery of comprehensive,
high-quality services with a special commitment to the uninsured, low income and medically underserved
 Build and maintain collaborative relationships with peers, physicians, support staff and direct reports
 Lean/TPS Project Manager and 5S Certi鍖ed Trainer  http://www.honsha.org/certi鍖ed-trainers-2/
 Lead 5S improvement initiative (since 2013), providing full-day 5S trainings and ongoing coaching
 5S-trained over 150 clinic staff including physicians, nurses, medical assistants, and support staff
 Developed 155-page 5S Manual to standardize 5S training/implementation organization-wide
 Co-Chair 5S Committee to standardize and continuously improve 5S practice throughout organization
 Key contributor of Lean Core Team driving continuous improvement culture shift at Lean pilot clinic,
yielding the following results:
 34% Increase in Total Patient Encounters while increasing Patient Satisfaction by 10%
 26% Decrease in Patient Wait Time (from appointment time to vitalization)
 20% Decrease in Total Patient Experience Time (from registration to discharge)
 16% Increase in Provider Productivity
 Pro鍖cient in Lean/TPS methodologies including 5S Visual Workplace, Kaizen Teian, Lean Problem Solving
(Plan Do Check Act), A3 Thinking, Visual Management Boards, and Standardized Operations
Patient Navigator" " " " " " " " August 2012 - Jan 2013
Patient Navigator, LLC  www.patientnavigator.com  Santa Rosa, CA
 Provided independent clinical advocacy services in coordination with interdisciplinary team
 Conducted thorough review of patient medical records and condensed into concise clinical summaries
 Performed individualized medical research gathering current information relevant to patient condition(s)
 Identi鍖ed expert physicians and researchers specializing in patients condition(s) for patient consultation
Patient Navigator Intern" " " " " " " " " Spring 2012
Sutter Hospital Cancer Support Services  Santa Rosa, CA
 Provided personalized case management and coaching to men and women with cancer
 Practiced active/compassionate listening to clarify and prioritize individual needs and goals
 Addressed barriers to care, offered pertinent resources and developed plan of small, achievable steps
Founding Principal" " " " " " " " " " 2005 - 2010
King-Chavez Athletics Academy [Elementary]  San Diego, CA
 Recognized as Principal of the Year in 2006 honoring success as #1 Most Improved Elementary School in
San Diego County
 More than quadrupled Academic Performance Index gain (247) compared to State of California (58) and San
Diego Uni鍖ed School District (57) averages
 Achieved California Statewide Performance Target (Academic Performance Index above 800) and 17 of 17
Federal Adequate Yearly Progress criteria as mandated by the No Child Left Behind Act
 Raised % students scoring Pro鍖cient/Advanced on California State Test by 60% in Math and 30% in English
 Attracted, hired, developed and retained high quality, culturally/linguistically sensitive teaching and
support staff for 172 students and directed all elements of daily operations to align with school mission
promoting social justice through educational reform
 Authored all educational elements of original Charter Proposal, unanimously approved by San Diego
Uni鍖ed School Board for initial 5-year term (2005-2010) and 5-year renewal (2010-2015); and led process
earning Initial WASC (Western Association of Schools and Colleges) Accreditation for 3-yr term (2009-2012)
 Created culture of ownership and accountability among all stakeholders (parents, staff, students) through
shared decision making, professional learning communities, data-driven instruction to meet individual
student needs, and celebrating successes
 Promoted use of interactive gaming technologies to arrest and reverse epidemic trend of childhood obesity:
 http://vimeo.com/44110748 (web link to 7 minute video of Fitness Arcade Grand Opening)
 Empowered counseling staff to develop holistic, trauma-informed and culturally aligned support programs
for at risk students, including Circulo de Hombres/Mujeres, yoga, meditation, and after school clubs
 Promoted Home Visit Program, inspiring teaching staff to gain deeper understanding of the individual
challenges/needs of students while building stronger relationships with families
 Developed extensive community partnerships including:
Logan Heights Family Health Center
Los Alacranes & Ramon Chunky Sanchez
San Diego Life Guards Bridge to the Beach
Center for World Music & San Diego Dance Theatre
Center for Community Solutions
First 5 San Diego
San Diego Hospice
Teatro Izcalli
San Diego Food Bank
Jackie Robinson YMCA
Cesar Chavez Service Clubs
Joeng Tae Kwon Do Academy
Dharma Bum Kids
Physical Education Teacher/Coach"" " " " " " " 2004 - 2005
King-Chavez Academy of Excellence [Elementary/Middle]  San Diego, CA
 Provided quality instruction for 304 students and positive intervention behavior support for at-risk students
Assistant Team Leader and Team Counselor" " " " " " 2001 - 2002
AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps  Sacramento, CA
 Supervised, counseled and mentored staff while serving critical needs in diverse underserved communities
SONOMA STATE UNIVERSITY  Rohnert Park, CA" " " 2011 - 2012
Patient Navigation Certi鍖cate
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA  Chapel Hill, NC" " " 1997 - 1999
Bachelor of Arts in Pre-Med/Asian Studies  Cum Laude

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Resume Brian French 8_25_16

  • 1. BRIAN STEVEN FRENCH La Mesa, CA 91941 油 油(619) 540-9231 油 油bsfrench38@gmail.com PROFESSIONAL PROFILE Community-centered professional with over ten years of demonstrated success in teaching, instructional leadership, patient navigation, community healthcare administration, and fostering continuous improvement cultures through servant leadership; seeking opportunities in Sonoma County matching my skills and abilities. SKILLS & ABILITIES Transformational Leadership Curriculum Development Interpersonal Communication Community Engagement Teaching/Coaching Workshop Facilitation Relationship Building Administration Patient Navigation Empathic Listening Public Speaking Staff Development Cultural Competency Service Learning Critical Thinking Servant Leadership CAREER HISTORY Associate Clinic Director" " " " " " " January 2013 - Present Family Health Centers of San Diego San Diego, CA Direct day-to-day clinic operations (including hiring and supervision) to ensure delivery of comprehensive, high-quality services with a special commitment to the uninsured, low income and medically underserved Build and maintain collaborative relationships with peers, physicians, support staff and direct reports Lean/TPS Project Manager and 5S Certi鍖ed Trainer http://www.honsha.org/certi鍖ed-trainers-2/ Lead 5S improvement initiative (since 2013), providing full-day 5S trainings and ongoing coaching 5S-trained over 150 clinic staff including physicians, nurses, medical assistants, and support staff Developed 155-page 5S Manual to standardize 5S training/implementation organization-wide Co-Chair 5S Committee to standardize and continuously improve 5S practice throughout organization Key contributor of Lean Core Team driving continuous improvement culture shift at Lean pilot clinic, yielding the following results: 34% Increase in Total Patient Encounters while increasing Patient Satisfaction by 10% 26% Decrease in Patient Wait Time (from appointment time to vitalization) 20% Decrease in Total Patient Experience Time (from registration to discharge) 16% Increase in Provider Productivity Pro鍖cient in Lean/TPS methodologies including 5S Visual Workplace, Kaizen Teian, Lean Problem Solving (Plan Do Check Act), A3 Thinking, Visual Management Boards, and Standardized Operations Patient Navigator" " " " " " " " August 2012 - Jan 2013 Patient Navigator, LLC www.patientnavigator.com Santa Rosa, CA Provided independent clinical advocacy services in coordination with interdisciplinary team Conducted thorough review of patient medical records and condensed into concise clinical summaries Performed individualized medical research gathering current information relevant to patient condition(s) Identi鍖ed expert physicians and researchers specializing in patients condition(s) for patient consultation Patient Navigator Intern" " " " " " " " " Spring 2012 Sutter Hospital Cancer Support Services Santa Rosa, CA Provided personalized case management and coaching to men and women with cancer Practiced active/compassionate listening to clarify and prioritize individual needs and goals Addressed barriers to care, offered pertinent resources and developed plan of small, achievable steps ... CONTINUED ...
  • 2. Founding Principal" " " " " " " " " " 2005 - 2010 King-Chavez Athletics Academy [Elementary] San Diego, CA Recognized as Principal of the Year in 2006 honoring success as #1 Most Improved Elementary School in San Diego County More than quadrupled Academic Performance Index gain (247) compared to State of California (58) and San Diego Uni鍖ed School District (57) averages Achieved California Statewide Performance Target (Academic Performance Index above 800) and 17 of 17 Federal Adequate Yearly Progress criteria as mandated by the No Child Left Behind Act Raised % students scoring Pro鍖cient/Advanced on California State Test by 60% in Math and 30% in English Attracted, hired, developed and retained high quality, culturally/linguistically sensitive teaching and support staff for 172 students and directed all elements of daily operations to align with school mission promoting social justice through educational reform Authored all educational elements of original Charter Proposal, unanimously approved by San Diego Uni鍖ed School Board for initial 5-year term (2005-2010) and 5-year renewal (2010-2015); and led process earning Initial WASC (Western Association of Schools and Colleges) Accreditation for 3-yr term (2009-2012) Created culture of ownership and accountability among all stakeholders (parents, staff, students) through shared decision making, professional learning communities, data-driven instruction to meet individual student needs, and celebrating successes Promoted use of interactive gaming technologies to arrest and reverse epidemic trend of childhood obesity: http://vimeo.com/44110748 (web link to 7 minute video of Fitness Arcade Grand Opening) Empowered counseling staff to develop holistic, trauma-informed and culturally aligned support programs for at risk students, including Circulo de Hombres/Mujeres, yoga, meditation, and after school clubs Promoted Home Visit Program, inspiring teaching staff to gain deeper understanding of the individual challenges/needs of students while building stronger relationships with families Developed extensive community partnerships including: Logan Heights Family Health Center Los Alacranes & Ramon Chunky Sanchez San Diego Life Guards Bridge to the Beach Center for World Music & San Diego Dance Theatre Center for Community Solutions First 5 San Diego San Diego Hospice UCSD & SDSU Teatro Izcalli EMBRACE San Diego Food Bank Jackie Robinson YMCA Cesar Chavez Service Clubs Joeng Tae Kwon Do Academy Dharma Bum Kids Physical Education Teacher/Coach"" " " " " " " 2004 - 2005 King-Chavez Academy of Excellence [Elementary/Middle] San Diego, CA Provided quality instruction for 304 students and positive intervention behavior support for at-risk students Assistant Team Leader and Team Counselor" " " " " " 2001 - 2002 AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps Sacramento, CA Supervised, counseled and mentored staff while serving critical needs in diverse underserved communities EDUCATION & CERTIFICATIONS SONOMA STATE UNIVERSITY Rohnert Park, CA" " " 2011 - 2012 Patient Navigation Certi鍖cate STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Buffalo, NY" 1999 - 2004 Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA Chapel Hill, NC" " " 1997 - 1999 Bachelor of Arts in Pre-Med/Asian Studies Cum Laude