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CAROLINA ARNAIZ FLIX Mobile: 0401 671 040
Unit 2, 161-163 High St. Rutherglen Vic 3685 carolarnaiz@gmail.com
 More than 10 years of experience in Australian and Spanish Events, Marketing & Advertisement firms.
 Interested in establishing a personal working life in the world of Australian marketing & Events
 2013 MirrorYourTv MYTV  PSE Communication & Electrical  Rutherglen Vic
www.mirroryourtvcom.au & www.p-s-e.com.au
Marketing, Social Media, Web Page Design bussines Cards, flyers, merchandising, Business Vehicles
Wrapping and MYTVs packaged.
 2010  2011 Arranz SL  Las Rozas de Madrid (Spain)
Administration(Millenium) ,Customerservice , Marketing, Social Media, Web Page, Community Manager
 2007  2010 R坦tulos Sersim SL  Las Rozas de Madrid (Spain) Complete Signage Business
Design and cut vinyl ( FlexiSign) Application of Vinyls in sign and corporative vehicles (Overon,
Parcours Renting, etc)
 2004 2007 Procenet Virtual SL www.ofertaformativa.com
Administration and Business Marketing. Organising Events, Conventions and Meetings.
 2002 - 2004 TECNIC VIAJES  Barcelona & Madrid (Spain)
Events, Congress and Meetings Organizer
19th Annual Meeting of the ESHRE, Madrid, Spain (June 2003)
Co-ordinating the Goldwell incentive travel to Spain (December 2002)
Different Events and Meetings for the Spanish Association Against Cancer
Marketing Plan, flyers, mailings, merchandising...
 2000 - 2001 AXA AURORA SEGUROS S.A. Madrid - Insurance
Product Manager
Management and financial advising to individuals, firms and institutions
Choose, training and managing the new staff members
www.itmconsultores.com  Barcelona, Zaragoza & Madrid (Spain)
I have worked in different projects
Market Research (Occupational Health & Safety inside the shops) for the European Social Fund
PRODUCT MANAGER Di Luca S.L. (merchandising )
Internet and New Technologies (Research and Development) TEACHER for the European Social Fund
ASSISTANT PRODUCT MANAGER with Candol Lamps, S.L Company.
 Marketing and Business Administration (ESIC Madrid) 5 years
 Fair and conference hostesses and Public Relations. (Formatik Center) 1 year
 Webmaster Online 1 year
 Merchandising 3 months
 Public Relations 3 months
Languages Spanish native
English Upper Intermediate (5.5 IELTS)
Windows, Microsoft Office
Flexi Sign, Adobe Photoshop
Millenium (Administration)

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  • 1. CAROLINA ARNAIZ FLIX Mobile: 0401 671 040 Unit 2, 161-163 High St. Rutherglen Vic 3685 carolarnaiz@gmail.com 04/03/2015 ACHIEVEMENTS More than 10 years of experience in Australian and Spanish Events, Marketing & Advertisement firms. Interested in establishing a personal working life in the world of Australian marketing & Events PROFESIONAL EXPERIENCE 2013 MirrorYourTv MYTV PSE Communication & Electrical Rutherglen Vic www.mirroryourtvcom.au & www.p-s-e.com.au Marketing, Social Media, Web Page Design bussines Cards, flyers, merchandising, Business Vehicles Wrapping and MYTVs packaged. 2010 2011 Arranz SL Las Rozas de Madrid (Spain) www.mecanicaarranz.com Administration(Millenium) ,Customerservice , Marketing, Social Media, Web Page, Community Manager 2007 2010 R坦tulos Sersim SL Las Rozas de Madrid (Spain) Complete Signage Business Design and cut vinyl ( FlexiSign) Application of Vinyls in sign and corporative vehicles (Overon, Parcours Renting, etc) 2004 2007 Procenet Virtual SL www.ofertaformativa.com Administration and Business Marketing. Organising Events, Conventions and Meetings. 2002 - 2004 TECNIC VIAJES Barcelona & Madrid (Spain) Events, Congress and Meetings Organizer 19th Annual Meeting of the ESHRE, Madrid, Spain (June 2003) Co-ordinating the Goldwell incentive travel to Spain (December 2002) Different Events and Meetings for the Spanish Association Against Cancer Marketing Plan, flyers, mailings, merchandising... 2000 - 2001 AXA AURORA SEGUROS S.A. Madrid - Insurance Product Manager Management and financial advising to individuals, firms and institutions Choose, training and managing the new staff members 1994 - 2000 INTERNATIONAL TRAINING & MARKETING CONSULTANTS, S.L. www.itmconsultores.com Barcelona, Zaragoza & Madrid (Spain) I have worked in different projects Market Research (Occupational Health & Safety inside the shops) for the European Social Fund PRODUCT MANAGER Di Luca S.L. (merchandising ) Internet and New Technologies (Research and Development) TEACHER for the European Social Fund MARKETING ASSISTANT ASSISTANT PRODUCT MANAGER with Candol Lamps, S.L Company. EDUCATION & TRAINING Marketing and Business Administration (ESIC Madrid) 5 years Fair and conference hostesses and Public Relations. (Formatik Center) 1 year Webmaster Online 1 year Merchandising 3 months Public Relations 3 months Languages Spanish native English Upper Intermediate (5.5 IELTS) SOFTWARE Windows, Microsoft Office Flexi Sign, Adobe Photoshop Millenium (Administration) WordPress