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324 3rd
Ave #1 605.359.2158
Quantico, VA 22134 DenaEsp@gmail.com
Leadership Institute  Arlington, VA August 2016  Present
Director of Grassroots Coalitions / Trainer
! Coordinated 17 trainings, providing between 3 to 8 hours of political lessons to more than 700 people
! Created KISS THEM, a presentation on how to effectively discuss politics with liberals and moderates
! Researched and wrote a presentation on Early and Absentee balloting, as well as Mail-in Elections
! Fostered relationships with state party leaders and local community activists, as well a national orgs
Donald J. Trump For President, Inc.  Richmond, VA August 2015  March 2016
MidAtlantic / Virginia Field Director
! Increased Virginia Republican Primary turnout 110% over 2008, and won Virginia with 34.7% of the vote
! Managed the collection of more than 20,000 ballot qualification signatures
! Led 68 volunteer training sessions with more than 2,000 volunteers
! Wrote region-wide Staffing Plan and GOTV Field Plan utilized as models by the national campaign
! Recruited, trained and managed regional field staff and volunteer leaders
! Established and managed campaign offices in Northern Virginia and Hampton Roads
! Organized ~1500 Phone Bank and Phone Bank From Home volunteers from DC, MD, VA & WV
! Composed all mass e-mail communications for the District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia & West Virginia
! Recruited and managed campaigns for 23 endorsed candidates for National Delegate from Washington, DC
Coalition for a Strong America / End Global Governance  Washington, DC November 2014  June 2015
Lobbyist & Scheduler
! Led or participated in more than 100 one-on-one meetings with staffers, activists and members of Congress
! Scheduled meetings for lobby teams on the Hill
! Strategized key messages and contact points, as well as procedural angles to stop legislative advances
! Recruited grassroots volunteers and communicated key talking points to maximize participation in in the efforts
Independent Womens Network / National Ballot Access  VA Beach & No. VA July 2013  December 2014
Womens Outreach & Grassroots Program Director
! Fought the War on Women by hosting 20 dinner parties with conservative women and their apathetic friends
! Trained more than 200 grassroots volunteers to help with campaigns and better present the conservative message
! Utilized social media and Google Analytics to increase the audience by 2,000%
! Coordinated petition signature collection and verification that resulted in 35,000 signatures for SC independents
Suzanne Scholte for US House  Fairfax, VA October 2014  November 2014
Campaign Volunteer
Victory 2013  Virginia Beach & Norfolk, VA August 2013  November 2013
Campaign Volunteer
! Participated in grassroots efforts (door-to-door & phone banking) for statewide candidates and House delegates
American Majority / American Majority Action  West Palm Beach, FL March 2012  July 2013
Grassroots Outreach, Field Representative, Trainer & Campaign Office Manager
! Built a network and database of nearly 2,100 contacts for activists, political leaders, and targeted media
! Planned ~50 events and recruited attendees for the trainings via online promotions, meetings and phone lists
! Trained ~1,500 volunteers and grassroots activists on campaigns, public policy, and campus organization
! Managed 25 paid interns and volunteers for door-to-door and phone voter outreach operations using Gravity
Abigail Adams Project  Jacksonville, FL November 2011  March 2012
Event Planner, Scheduler & Assistant
! Managed all aspects of the planning and execution of a gala for national leaders and grassroots activists
! Provided hospitality services for, and participated in a private retreat for female leaders
! Organized the schedule and work flow for the organizations president
Tea Party Review Magazine  Arlington, VA June 2011  November 2011
Editor & Marketing Manager
Victory 2010  Sioux Falls, SD June 2010  November 2010
Campaign Volunteer
District 15 PAC  Sioux Falls, SD October 2010
PAC Director
! Wrote, designed & mailed an opposition piece that resulted in the defeat of the most liberal SD elected official
Coalition for Cures Without Clones / SD Family Policy Council  Sioux Falls, SD September 2009  January 2010
Grassroots Lobbyist / Project Manager
! Organized a 5-day media and 10-stop, statewide public speaking tour for a national expert targeted at legislators
South Dakotans for Open and Clean Government  Sioux Falls, SD January 2008  November 2008
Office Manager, Spokesperson & Field Director
! Supervised the collection and verification of 25,000 signatures to place the measure on the ballot
! Appeared on camera, at live events and debates, and in print as the campaign spokesperson
! Managed office, as well as, interns, volunteers, and spokespersons, and reported progress to board of directors
! Wrote original campaign plans, including volunteer plan, donor plan, out-reach plan, and messaging document
Victory 2007  Florence, KY June 2007  November 2007
Campaign Volunteer
National Abstinence Clearinghouse  Sioux Falls, SD June 2001  June 2007
Lobbyist, Education Programs Director, Communications, Public Policy Advisor, Development
! Lobbied for pro-family legislation at the state level
! Facilitated educational meetings about educational legislation with members of Congress and their staffers
! Investigated federal and state legislation and codified laws
! Organized call-in & letter writing campaigns at state & national legislatures, including 10,000 petition signatures
! Composed stories (researched ideas and conducted interviews), press releases and blogs for weekly e-newsletter
! Composed fundraising letters, and planned and produced fundraising events
! Sold and managed sponsorships and exhibit spaces for annual international conferences
! Wrote and edited grant applications for federal programs and private foundations
VoteYesForLife.com Political Campaign  Sioux Falls, SD July 2006  November 2006
Special Events / Messaging Advisor / 72-Hour GOTV Volunteer Coordinator
! Created initial campaign messaging, press releases and office policies and protocols
! Planned press events, speaker visits, volunteer parties, and youth events
! Directed 72-Hour Get-Out-The-Vote (GOTV) volunteers (over 500 volunteers)
Victory 2004  Sioux Falls, SD April 2004  November 2004
Campaign Volunteer
Victory 2002  Sioux Falls, SD August 2002  November 2002
Campaign Volunteer
Black Events & Advertising, Inc.  Sioux Falls, SD October 2009  June 2011
Event Coordinator / Sales & Marketing
Preferred Marketing And Mailing  Sioux Falls, SD December 2008  October 2009
Sales & Marketing
LifeTouch  Crestview Hills, KY August 2007  December 2008
Thomas More College  Crestview Hills, KY  BA Biology, AA Speech Communications August 2001
Leadership Institute  Arlington, VA  Campus Field Rep Training August 2015
NationBuilder, CallFire, L2, Ground Game, Strike Force, Connuct, Sage ACT!, Raisers Edge, Prezi, Political Gravity,
i360, Advantage, RVotes, Constant Contact, iContact, Eventbrite, WordPress, Photography & minor photo editing

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Resume - Dena Espenscheid - January 2017

  • 1. DENA ESPENSCHEID 324 3rd Ave #1 605.359.2158 Quantico, VA 22134 DenaEsp@gmail.com RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Leadership Institute Arlington, VA August 2016 Present Director of Grassroots Coalitions / Trainer ! Coordinated 17 trainings, providing between 3 to 8 hours of political lessons to more than 700 people ! Created KISS THEM, a presentation on how to effectively discuss politics with liberals and moderates ! Researched and wrote a presentation on Early and Absentee balloting, as well as Mail-in Elections ! Fostered relationships with state party leaders and local community activists, as well a national orgs Donald J. Trump For President, Inc. Richmond, VA August 2015 March 2016 MidAtlantic / Virginia Field Director ! Increased Virginia Republican Primary turnout 110% over 2008, and won Virginia with 34.7% of the vote ! Managed the collection of more than 20,000 ballot qualification signatures ! Led 68 volunteer training sessions with more than 2,000 volunteers ! Wrote region-wide Staffing Plan and GOTV Field Plan utilized as models by the national campaign ! Recruited, trained and managed regional field staff and volunteer leaders ! Established and managed campaign offices in Northern Virginia and Hampton Roads ! Organized ~1500 Phone Bank and Phone Bank From Home volunteers from DC, MD, VA & WV ! Composed all mass e-mail communications for the District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia & West Virginia ! Recruited and managed campaigns for 23 endorsed candidates for National Delegate from Washington, DC Coalition for a Strong America / End Global Governance Washington, DC November 2014 June 2015 Lobbyist & Scheduler ! Led or participated in more than 100 one-on-one meetings with staffers, activists and members of Congress ! Scheduled meetings for lobby teams on the Hill ! Strategized key messages and contact points, as well as procedural angles to stop legislative advances ! Recruited grassroots volunteers and communicated key talking points to maximize participation in in the efforts Independent Womens Network / National Ballot Access VA Beach & No. VA July 2013 December 2014 Womens Outreach & Grassroots Program Director ! Fought the War on Women by hosting 20 dinner parties with conservative women and their apathetic friends ! Trained more than 200 grassroots volunteers to help with campaigns and better present the conservative message ! Utilized social media and Google Analytics to increase the audience by 2,000% ! Coordinated petition signature collection and verification that resulted in 35,000 signatures for SC independents Suzanne Scholte for US House Fairfax, VA October 2014 November 2014 Campaign Volunteer Victory 2013 Virginia Beach & Norfolk, VA August 2013 November 2013 Campaign Volunteer ! Participated in grassroots efforts (door-to-door & phone banking) for statewide candidates and House delegates American Majority / American Majority Action West Palm Beach, FL March 2012 July 2013 Grassroots Outreach, Field Representative, Trainer & Campaign Office Manager ! Built a network and database of nearly 2,100 contacts for activists, political leaders, and targeted media ! Planned ~50 events and recruited attendees for the trainings via online promotions, meetings and phone lists ! Trained ~1,500 volunteers and grassroots activists on campaigns, public policy, and campus organization ! Managed 25 paid interns and volunteers for door-to-door and phone voter outreach operations using Gravity Abigail Adams Project Jacksonville, FL November 2011 March 2012 Event Planner, Scheduler & Assistant ! Managed all aspects of the planning and execution of a gala for national leaders and grassroots activists ! Provided hospitality services for, and participated in a private retreat for female leaders ! Organized the schedule and work flow for the organizations president Tea Party Review Magazine Arlington, VA June 2011 November 2011 Editor & Marketing Manager
  • 2. Victory 2010 Sioux Falls, SD June 2010 November 2010 Campaign Volunteer District 15 PAC Sioux Falls, SD October 2010 PAC Director ! Wrote, designed & mailed an opposition piece that resulted in the defeat of the most liberal SD elected official Coalition for Cures Without Clones / SD Family Policy Council Sioux Falls, SD September 2009 January 2010 Grassroots Lobbyist / Project Manager ! Organized a 5-day media and 10-stop, statewide public speaking tour for a national expert targeted at legislators South Dakotans for Open and Clean Government Sioux Falls, SD January 2008 November 2008 Office Manager, Spokesperson & Field Director ! Supervised the collection and verification of 25,000 signatures to place the measure on the ballot ! Appeared on camera, at live events and debates, and in print as the campaign spokesperson ! Managed office, as well as, interns, volunteers, and spokespersons, and reported progress to board of directors ! Wrote original campaign plans, including volunteer plan, donor plan, out-reach plan, and messaging document Victory 2007 Florence, KY June 2007 November 2007 Campaign Volunteer National Abstinence Clearinghouse Sioux Falls, SD June 2001 June 2007 Lobbyist, Education Programs Director, Communications, Public Policy Advisor, Development ! Lobbied for pro-family legislation at the state level ! Facilitated educational meetings about educational legislation with members of Congress and their staffers ! Investigated federal and state legislation and codified laws ! Organized call-in & letter writing campaigns at state & national legislatures, including 10,000 petition signatures ! Composed stories (researched ideas and conducted interviews), press releases and blogs for weekly e-newsletter ! Composed fundraising letters, and planned and produced fundraising events ! Sold and managed sponsorships and exhibit spaces for annual international conferences ! Wrote and edited grant applications for federal programs and private foundations VoteYesForLife.com Political Campaign Sioux Falls, SD July 2006 November 2006 Special Events / Messaging Advisor / 72-Hour GOTV Volunteer Coordinator ! Created initial campaign messaging, press releases and office policies and protocols ! Planned press events, speaker visits, volunteer parties, and youth events ! Directed 72-Hour Get-Out-The-Vote (GOTV) volunteers (over 500 volunteers) Victory 2004 Sioux Falls, SD April 2004 November 2004 Campaign Volunteer Victory 2002 Sioux Falls, SD August 2002 November 2002 Campaign Volunteer OTHER EXPERIENCE Black Events & Advertising, Inc. Sioux Falls, SD October 2009 June 2011 Event Coordinator / Sales & Marketing Preferred Marketing And Mailing Sioux Falls, SD December 2008 October 2009 Sales & Marketing LifeTouch Crestview Hills, KY August 2007 December 2008 Photographer EDUCATION & SKILLS Thomas More College Crestview Hills, KY BA Biology, AA Speech Communications August 2001 Leadership Institute Arlington, VA Campus Field Rep Training August 2015 NationBuilder, CallFire, L2, Ground Game, Strike Force, Connuct, Sage ACT!, Raisers Edge, Prezi, Political Gravity, i360, Advantage, RVotes, Constant Contact, iContact, Eventbrite, WordPress, Photography & minor photo editing