This resume summarizes Ki-Boum Paik's professional experience, education, skills, and qualifications. He has over 30 years of experience in higher education administration, currently serving as the General Manager of the Global Institute of Theology at Yonsei University. He holds a Bachelor's degree in English and has completed graduate coursework in several fields. Paik also has extensive volunteer experience teaching languages and guiding tours. He is highly qualified with numerous certifications, licenses, and awards recognizing his skills and accomplishments.
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Resume for Mr. Ki-Boum Paik, 백기범 이력서 20150614
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June 14, 2015
Mr. Ki-Boum Paik’s Resume
Home: 30-18, 330beon-gil, Ilsandong-gu, Goyang-si Gyeonggido, 410-812, Korea, Tel:
(+82-10) 9038-7397
Office: Room 107, Veritas Hall C, GIT, Yonsei International Campus, 85
Songdogwahak-ro, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon 406-840, Korea, Tel: (+82-32) 749-2813 Fax:
(+82-32) 710-3860
<Employment History>
General Manager, Global Institute of Theology (GIT) in the United Graduate School of
Theology, Yonsei Univ., March 2015 – Present
General Manager, Inst. of East and West Studies, Yonsei Univ., April 2011 – February
Team Leader, Underwood Int'l College (UIC), Yonsei Univ., September 2010 – April
Team Leader, College of Education Sciences, Yonsei Univ., June 2009 – September
Director, World Class University (WCU) Affairs Div., Yonsei Univ., March 2009 – June
Manager, Graduate School of Int'l Studies (GSIS), Yonsei Univ., March 2007 – February
Manager, Inst. of State Governance, Yonsei Univ., March 2006 – February 2007
Manager, Graduate School of Int'l Studies (GSIS), Yonsei Univ., March 2005 – March
Manager, Office of Int'l Affairs (OIA), Yonsei Univ., August 2004 – February 2005
Chief of Staff, Office of Int'l Affairs (OIA), Yonsei Univ., October 2000 – July 2004
Chief of Staff, College of Theology, Yonsei Univ., October 1997 – October 2000
Coordinator, Dept. of Academic Affairs, Yonsei Univ., March 1992 – October 1997
Coordinator, Graduate School of Int'l Studies (GSIS), Yonsei Univ., April 4, 1987 -
March 1992
Newspaper Delivery Boy, Hankook-ilbo in Daegu and Chosun Ilbo in Seoul, 1979 -
1980 for around 18 months
Bachelor of Arts in English Language and Literature, Myeongji University in Seoul
(March 1980 to February 1987)
Completed five semesters of coursework majoring in Management of Human
Resources and Organization, Yonsei University Graduate School of Business
Administration (March 1997 to August 1999)
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Completed four semesters of coursework majoring in Education of Korean As a
Foreign Language, Yonsei University Graduate School of Education (March 2008 to
September 30, 2011)
Interpreter, Inst. of Korean Royal Cuisine, April 2011 – September 2014. Assisted and
interpreted the Korean Traditional Cuisine Class for non-Korean nationals for over 341
hours on Saturdays in the Institute of Korean Royal Cuisine which is headed by the
Chairperson and Bearer of Importance Intangible Cultural Heritage Number 38.
English Teacher, Yonsei University Coop, October 2007 – December 2007. Taught Coop
Staff English Conversation on every Monday for one hour after work from October 1,
2007 to December 31
Korean Teacher, Yonsei University, September 2007 – December 2007, Korean Teacher
for foreign graduate students and researchers at Yonsei University for 22 hours on
Korean Teacher, Go-Yang City Ilsan Social Welfare Center, February 2006 – April
2007, Korean Teacher for foreign workers and housewives residing in Ilsan, Goyang-si,
Geonggi-do for 140 hours 40 mins on Sundays
English Conversation Teacher, Yonsei University Female Staff Association, April 1997 –
February 1998, Taught some of Yonsei University Female Staff members English
English Conversation Teacher, AFKN Listening Society (ALS), Myongji Univ., Fall
Semester of 1995 through Spring Semester of 1996, Taught ALS members English
conversation 3 hours per week.
Tour Guide, United Service Organizations (USO), from 1985 to 1987, Assisted senior
Volunteer Tour Guides and guided domestic tours for US military service members and
foreigners. Received a Letter of Appreciation by Winston Spiller, Jr, Colonel, Field
Artillery, Commanding Department of the Army, Headquarters, 501st Support Group &
Area III, APO San Francisco 96301-0076 for the unselfish contribution of personal time
and willingness to share experience and talent to improve the quality of our lives on
April 21, 1986.
English Teacher, AFKN Listening Society (ALS), Myongji Univ., October 1982 –
November 1982, Taught Myongji University ALS members Vocabulary 22,000 written by
Harold Levine before joining the Army as a Korean Augmentation To the United States
Army (KATUSA) from 6 pm to 7:30 pm once a week.
License for Secondary School Teacher (Grade II) of English by Minister of Education on
February 25, 1987
English Tour Guide License by Minister of Transportation on September 2, 1986.
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Driver’s License (1
Degree Regular) on August 26, 2009
Certificate of Appreciation for the contribution to the development of the Korean
Language Instructors Training Center and activation of its alumni association by
Director of the Institute of Language Research and Education, Yonsei University on
August 30, 2014
Army Commendation Medal for meritorious service as the pathfinder squad leader of
the HHC, 17
Aviation Group (Combat), from November 1982 to March 1985 issued by
General, United States Army and Commander, EUSA and Secretary of the Army on
April 19, 1985
Citation for successful completion of the mission and great contribution to the
development of the HHC, 17th
Aviation Group (Combat) by Commander of the Eighth
United States Amry-ROK Army Liaison Officers on October 1, 1984.
Long-term Seniority Citation for 10 years of service to contribute greatly the
development of Yonsei University and a representative awardee for the citation on May
10, 1997
Long-term Seniority Citation for 20 years of service to contribute greatly the
development of Yonsei University on May 12, 2007
Plaque of Merit for the great contribution to the Development of Yonsei Graduate
School of Business Administration and its Student Councils as the General Secretary by
Dean of Yonsei University Graduate School of Business Administration and President of
YUGSBA Student Councils on February 20, 1999
Selected as Visit British Universities Team Member for the Second Korean Universities'
International Affairs Officers by the British Council in Korea to visit several British
Universities from September 29 to October 3, 2003 (Airfare, Accommodation,
Transportation and Meals Provided)
Selected as Yonsei University Overseas Training Team Member by Yonsei University
General Affairs Office to visit American Universities from July 8 to July 15, 1999 (Airfare,
Accommodation, Transportation and Meals Provided)
Place, The Second College Student TOEFL Competition by Korea University College
of Political Science and Economics Student Association on July 29, 1982
Place, Law Day Commemoration Marathon, US Army Commander, USAGY, ROK
Army Judge Advocate, CFC, US Army Judge Advocate UNC, USFK, EUSA on April 30,
Place, USFK Family Week Father's Event Roadrace (10 Km, 29 - under), USAG
Yongsan on November 26, 1983
Place, Chun Chon Camp Page RSOK Fun Run (5.6 Mile, Men, 24 - under) in
November, 1983
Place, Men's Division, 10 Km Fun Run, the 2
Infantry Division Camp Casey, Korea
on October 20, 1984
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Place, Final Relay Runner for KATUSA Recognition Week 10 Km Race in April 1984
Place among a field of 140, 5.9 Mile KOAX/RSOK Christmas Roadrace at Collier Field
House, awarded with a $50 KOAX gift certificate (Time: 32 minutes and 47 seconds) in
November 1984
Place (KATUSA Open), RSOK Thanksgiving Turkey Trot '84 on November 22, 1984
Place (KATUSA Open), Camp Stanley Polar Bear Marathon on December 27, 1984
Place, Men's Under 30, and 2
Place, Open Division, 1
Area III Commander's Cup 5
Kim Roadrace in 1984
Place, The 2
Infantry Division Sports 5 Mile Roadrace in February, 1985
Place in consecutive years in the White Horse Sports Festival Marathon in
commemoration of the University Opening on October 18, 1985 and in October, 1986 by
the President of Myongji University
Place, Myeongji University TOEFL Competition on October 27, 1986 by Sisa Current
English Company (Sisa-yong-o-sa)
Place, TIME English Competition, Myongji University Student Councils on November
21, 1985
Place, Yonsei Love Marathon (Approx.8 Km), The 113
Year Commemoration Muak
Dae Dong Sports Festival by Yonsei University Student Councils on May 9, 1998
Plaque of Merit for the unselfish service as Club Chief by the President of Yonsei
University Hiking Club on June 6, 1991
Place, The 2
Seoul Marathon (10 Km), Seoul Marathon Club on March 7, 1999
Paid English Teacher, Yonsei University Staff Members for 10 weeks from May 9 to July
15, 1994 on Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 8 am for 50 minutes and for 11 weeks from
October 5 to December 9, 1994 on Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 8 am for 50 minutes
provided by the University General Affairs Office, Yonsei University
See the volunteer section above for more teaching career
Presenter, The Strategy to Attract Foreign Students at the Study Fair Workshop,
Ministry of Education and Resources in December 2001
Presenter, The Management of International Office at the General Assembly and
Workshop by Korean Association of Foreign Student Administrators (KAFSA) in June
Presenter, The Orientation for International Students at the Spring Workshop by
Korean Association of International Educators (KAIE) in April 2004
Discussant, Research on the Reality of International Education Exchange/Cooperation
and its Improvement Plan by the National Institute of International Education
Promotion, Ministry of Education and Resources on December 13, 2003
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Certificate of Achievement for exemplary performance in attaining a commendable
score of 300 points during the semiannual physical fitness test during May and June
1983 issued by Commanding of the 17th
Aviation Group (Combat) on June 30, 1983
COC for The ROK Ranger Training Program issued by Commanding General, 9th
Infantry Division, ROK Army on July 9, 1983
Certificate of Achievement for meritorious achievement in attaining a perfect score of
300 points on the semiannual army physical fitness test administered on 6 October 1983
issued by Commanding of the 17
Aviation Group (Combat) on October 18, 1983
Certificate of Participation for successfully completing November 1983 5.6 Miles Fun
Run issued by Commander of Camp Page Chun Cheon Korea in November 1983.
Finisher's Medal, Seoul International Marathon in commemoration of Seoul Olympic
Stadium Opening (Time: 3 hours and 11 minutes) on September 30, 1984
Certificate of Achievement for exceptionally meritorious achievement in attaining a
perfect score of 300 points on the semiannual army physical fitness test administered
on 8 August 1984 issued by Commanding of the 17
Aviation Group (Combat) on
September 7, 1984
COC for completing successfully 210 hours of basic training for Interpretation Tour
Guide from July 1, 1986 to September 2, 1986 in the Tourism Education Center of Korea
National Tourism Organization on September 2, 1986 after passing the national
examination for English Tour Guide
COC for The 30
Alpine School Regular Course presented by President of the Korean
Alpine School from April 22 to June 11, 1989 (5pm on Saturday to 5pm on Sunday) on
June 11, 1989
Finisher's Medal, Yang Cheon District Resident Health Run by the District Chief on May
19, 1991
COC for Broadcasting Translation Writer’s Course by Korea Broadcasting Writers
Association (4hours per week, two times a week) from February 2 to July 1, 1995
COC for Lee Jae Seok’s Qi and Living Feng Shui Interior (7pm to 9pm, once a week from
January 7 to January 28, 1997
Finisher's Medal, '98 Chosunilbo Chunchon Maraton (21.0975 Kim) of Chosunilbo and
Korea Association of Athletics Federation on October 11, 1998
Certificate of Record for the 9
Goyang Ilsan Lake Marathon (10Km, Time: 43 minutes
23 seconds) to support Single Senior Citizens by President of Ilsan Lake Marathon Club
on November 19, 2006
Certificate of Participation for successfully completing The Terry Fox Run 2007 on
September 16, 2007
Finisher's Medal, Hi Seoul Marathon 2008 (10 Km) of Seoul Metropolitan City and
Dong-A Ilbo on October 12, 2008
COC for The Secondary School Teacher Certificate Coordinators Workshop issued by
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Chairperson of The Korean Council for University Education on March 26, 2010
COC for the 73
Special Media School issued by Permanent Representative for The
Citizens’ Coalition for Democratic Media on July 29, 2010
COC for 2000 International Conference Planning and Operation Clinic from December 5
to December 8, 2000 issued by President of Korea Tourism Organization and Director of
Ewha Womans University Professional Career Development Center on December 8, 2000
Certificate of Graduation for The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People Signature
Program issued by Chairman, Co-Chairman, President and Facilitator of FranklinCovey
on August 10, 2007
COC for the Korean Language Instructors Training Program for completing the general
theories and teaching methods of the Korean Language and the teaching practices for
Korean Language Instructors from August 28, 2007 to December 20, 2007 for 120 hours
by Director of the Institute of Language Research and Education and Acting President
of Yonsei University on December 20, 2007
COC for The Short-term Korean Royal Cuisine Class (4 hours per day for 10 days)
presented by Chairperson of The Institute of Korean Royal Cuisine on January 21, 2011
COC for Educational Training Program on Passive House issued by President of The
Institute for Climate Change Action on January 23, 2011
COC for The 2012 Oriental Classics Lecture Series (once a week for ten weeks) issued by
Chairman of the Board for Foundation Academia Platonica and Vice President for
Library and Information Services at Yonsei University on December 11, 2012
COC for Writing Class to change the world from May 2 to June 27, 2014 on every Friday
evening for two and half hours for 8 weeks presented by Chairperson of the Dasan
Research Center on June 27, 2014
<TOEIC Score>
ETS TOEIC Official Score Certificate (Total Score: 955 [Percentile Rank 99.69] on May
29, 2005, 960 on January 18, 2009, and 880 on May 25, 2014)
Life-time Member, Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch
Life-time Member, HUNET
Life-time Member, Korean Federation for Environmental Movement
Life-time Member, International Network for Korean Language and Culture
Life-time Member, Korean Language and Culture Education Society
Advisor, Alumni Association for the Korean Language Instructors Training Program
Graduates of Yonsei University Institute of Language Research and Education
Representative, Alumni Association for the 30th Korean Language Instructors Training
Program Graduates, Yonsei University Institute of Language Research and Education
since December 20, 2007
Member, World Future Forum
Member, Hwa Dong Hwoe (Class of 1999 and Students Admitted to Yonsei University
Graduate School of Business Administration in March 1997 (Served as General
Secretary from December 3, 1999 to December 8, 2000 and Executive Secretary from
December 8, 2000 to December 12, 2001)
Former President, Yonsei University Staff Bible Study Society for four years
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Former President, Yonsei University Staff Table Tennis Club for two years
Former Chairman, Council of 24 Chapter Representatives of Yonsei University Labor
Union from October 16, 2003 to February 12, 2004 and from September 23, 2004 to
September 26, 2005
Former Vice Executive Secretary and General Secretary of Yonsei University Graduate
School of Business Administration (YUGSBA) Student Association in September 1997
and March 1998
Former Vice President, YUGSBA Class A from September 1, 1997 to February 28, 1998
Former Representative, Yonsei University Labor Union 14
Chapter from September 30,
2003 to September 26, 2005
Former Treasurer, Executive Secretary, Planner for Yonsei University Staff Travel Club
from 1997 for more than three years
Former Planner, Yonsei University Staff Magic Club from June 10, 2004
Former Chief and Vice President, Yonsei University Staff Alpine Club
<Military Service>
Discharged as KATUSA Pathfinder Squad Leader of the HHC, 17
Aviation Group
(Combat), Seoul, from November 21, 1982 to March 20, 1985.