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2517 Dunksferry Road, Apt M-107                                                                     gauravcgandhi@gmail.com
Bensalem, PA-19020                                                                                     Mobile: 267-252-7708

I am a Biomedical Engineer with more than 3 years of R&D experience. I am looking for career opportunities in medical
device industry. I want to work in a fast paced and result oriented environment where, I can contribute to the organization and
at the same time continue my quest of knowledge.
          Masters of Science, Biomedical Engineering (2006-2009)
            Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA – 19104, GPA – 3.6
          Bachelor of Technology, Bioengineering (2002-2006)
            Shanmugha Arts, Science, Technology and Research Academy, India, GPA – 3.6
          Techniques – Transducer design and characterization, Hydrophone calibration (Upto 100 MHz, Using TDS,
           TGFA and Time Reversal Acoustic (TRA)), Acoustic Measurements using PVDF membrane/Needle
           hydrophone and Optical Fibers, Non Destructive Testing(NDT) using TRA to detect different mechanical
           defects, Characterize electro mechanical devices using Laser Vibrometer.
          Instruments – Network Analyzer, Function Generator, Power Amplifier, Spectrum Analyzer, SonoSite’s
           Handheld Ultrasound Imaging system, HIFU systems, Polytec Laser Vibrometer.
          Languages
                    Software - Matlab, AutoCAD, Labview, Image J, MSOffice
          Operating System – Windows (2000/XP/VISTA)
          FDA protocols and 510K development, Phase II and Phase III proposals for devices.
Artann Labs
Biomedical Engineer (April 2009-Present)
        Currently working on development of Scanning Ultrasonometer for assessment of skeletal system.
           - Responsible for design validation/verification, assembling and characterization of sonometer system for
               diagnosis of Osteoporosis/Osteopenia and other skeletal system conditions according to physician’s demands
               and ergonomics.
           - Development of a comprehensive testing protocol for the system, with understanding of acoustics and its
               biological implications.
           - Worked with the regulatory team to prepare the system for IRB and subsequent clinical trials.
        Development of a novel NDT technique for Friction Stirred Weld using Nonlinear Time Reversal
        Working on the project regarding development of a methodology to enhance brain drug delivery using Time
           Reversal Acoustics. The Project involves understanding of acoustic propagation through skull, transducer
           design and characterization. Involved in development of in-house hydrophone and its calibration for the
           desired frequency using TRA.
        Experience in writing funding grants of advanced Phase III NASA grants.
Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pa
School of Biomedical Engineering Science and Health System, (Jan 2007-March 2009)
Research Assistant
       Determination of phase characteristics for PVDF membrane hydrophones in the frequency range 1-100 MHz
          using nonlinear acoustics approach.
       Obtain the Acoustic, Pressure Time waveform generated by a HIFU source and a Needle or Sonora/Marconi
       Simulation of nonlinear field generated by a HIFU source, using the JW model on MathCAD and FORTRAN, to
          model the pressure time waveform considering similar boundary conditions as used for measurement.
       Calibration of the measurements with respect to the model and.
       Calibration verification using PiezoCAD to simulate the response of a hydrophone with specified boundary
       Signal processing and signal analysis using MATLAB.
School of Biomedical Engineering Science and Health System, (April – June 2008).
        Conceptualized and conceived a design and project development plan for a Wireless Embedded Intracranial
           Pressure Monitoring Device according to FDA regulation protocol. The device proposed would provide real
           time intracranial pressure monitoring during neurological surgeries.
        Understand the hazards associated with the device, and developed its requirements and design specifications.
        Developed its 510(k) Application of FDA for the implantable device.
Hahnemann Hospital, Drexel University, (2007)
Clinical Analyst
        Keenly observed the dynamics of ICU and Emergency units of a world renowned hospital. Studied the surgeries
           performed on heart and knee, and prepared reports for it.
        Presented and submitted a paper; OCR (Optical Character Recognition) Based Hospital Management
           System, suggesting improvements in the management and the economics of the hospital using an auto updating
           and smart OCR system.
Drexel Plasma Institute, (Oct-Dec 2006)
Research Fellow
        Designed the Plasma reactor on AutoCAD which satisfied the parameters obtained from the simulations for H 2S
           dissociation using non equilibrium plasma of gliding arc tornado discharge for hydrogen extraction.
        The design for carried forward to the mechanical department for the final construction of the plasma reactor.
Drexel University, (Sep2007-March 2009)
Instructor and Teaching Assistant for Graduate Courses: Bioacoustics (Theory and Lab) & Ultrasound Imaging
        Supported students with problems regarding the course content and assigned projects.
        Conducted extra study sessions to clear the concepts of the courses for the students and supported them with the
           needed materials.
        Assisted to design the course material and exercises.
Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad, India, (Jan-March 2006)
Summer Intern
        Biohydrogen production using anaerobic fermentation, from Industrial waste.
        Designed and conducted the experiments to record the activity of the reactor on a daily basis.
        Improved the functioning and the efficiency of the reactor by utilizing the previously obtained results of
           biochemical reactions in bacterial metabolism.
        Monitored the growth and condition of the Bacteria, and took critical decisions regarding the feed and the
           temperature, and documented the results for future experiments.
B.V. Patel PERD Centre, Ahmadabad, India, (May - July 2005)
Summer Term Trainee
        Protein structural modeling of check point protein - NIBRIN.
        Researched about the Protein NIBRIN, It’s functioning; it’s various physical and chemical properties.
        Predicted the three dimensional structure of the protein using Homology Modeling and Protein Threading, using
           BLAST, MODELLER, and SWISS PDB.
      “Broadband Fiber Optic Hydrophone Sensors for Sub-Millimeter Ultrasound Resolutions,” R. Gopinath, P.Arora, G.
       Gandhi, L. Bansal, A.S. Daryoush, P.A. Lewin ,M. El-Sherif, MWP 2008, Gold coast, Australia, September 2008.
      Best poster award - “ Thin film metal coated Fiber Optic Hydrophone Probe,” R. Gopinath, P.Arora, G. Gandhi, A.S.
       Daryoush, P.A. Lewin, M. El-Sherif, Photonics 2008, IIT Delhi, India, December 2008.
      Rupa Gopinath Minasamudram, Piyush Arora, Gaurav Gandhi, Afshin S. Daryoush, Mahmoud A. El-Sherif, and
       Peter A. Lewin, "Thin film metal coated fiber optic hydrophone probe," Applied. Optics. 48, G77-G82, 2009.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE, Drexel University, (Jan 2007-Jan 2008).
        Managed all the funds of the IEEE Drexel Chapter of Graduate Students (DIG), ranging from $8000-$10000 per
            Networked with other organizations, and worked with a team for organizing Events and Educate new students
           regarding the benefits of IEEE
        Organized IEEE Technical Poster Symposium at Drexel University in March 2008, and won Star Organization
           Award for the same.

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Resume Gaurav Gandhi

  • 1. GAURAV GANDHI 2517 Dunksferry Road, Apt M-107 gauravcgandhi@gmail.com Bensalem, PA-19020 Mobile: 267-252-7708 OBJECTIVE I am a Biomedical Engineer with more than 3 years of R&D experience. I am looking for career opportunities in medical device industry. I want to work in a fast paced and result oriented environment where, I can contribute to the organization and at the same time continue my quest of knowledge. EDUCATION  Masters of Science, Biomedical Engineering (2006-2009) Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA – 19104, GPA – 3.6  Bachelor of Technology, Bioengineering (2002-2006) Shanmugha Arts, Science, Technology and Research Academy, India, GPA – 3.6 SKILL SET  Techniques – Transducer design and characterization, Hydrophone calibration (Upto 100 MHz, Using TDS, TGFA and Time Reversal Acoustic (TRA)), Acoustic Measurements using PVDF membrane/Needle hydrophone and Optical Fibers, Non Destructive Testing(NDT) using TRA to detect different mechanical defects, Characterize electro mechanical devices using Laser Vibrometer.  Instruments – Network Analyzer, Function Generator, Power Amplifier, Spectrum Analyzer, SonoSite’s Handheld Ultrasound Imaging system, HIFU systems, Polytec Laser Vibrometer.  Languages Software - Matlab, AutoCAD, Labview, Image J, MSOffice  Operating System – Windows (2000/XP/VISTA)  FDA protocols and 510K development, Phase II and Phase III proposals for devices. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Artann Labs Biomedical Engineer (April 2009-Present)  Currently working on development of Scanning Ultrasonometer for assessment of skeletal system. - Responsible for design validation/verification, assembling and characterization of sonometer system for diagnosis of Osteoporosis/Osteopenia and other skeletal system conditions according to physician’s demands and ergonomics. - Development of a comprehensive testing protocol for the system, with understanding of acoustics and its biological implications. - Worked with the regulatory team to prepare the system for IRB and subsequent clinical trials.  Development of a novel NDT technique for Friction Stirred Weld using Nonlinear Time Reversal Acoustics.  Working on the project regarding development of a methodology to enhance brain drug delivery using Time Reversal Acoustics. The Project involves understanding of acoustic propagation through skull, transducer design and characterization. Involved in development of in-house hydrophone and its calibration for the desired frequency using TRA.  Experience in writing funding grants of advanced Phase III NASA grants. Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pa School of Biomedical Engineering Science and Health System, (Jan 2007-March 2009) Research Assistant  Determination of phase characteristics for PVDF membrane hydrophones in the frequency range 1-100 MHz using nonlinear acoustics approach.  Obtain the Acoustic, Pressure Time waveform generated by a HIFU source and a Needle or Sonora/Marconi Hydrophone.  Simulation of nonlinear field generated by a HIFU source, using the JW model on MathCAD and FORTRAN, to model the pressure time waveform considering similar boundary conditions as used for measurement.  Calibration of the measurements with respect to the model and.  Calibration verification using PiezoCAD to simulate the response of a hydrophone with specified boundary conditions.  Signal processing and signal analysis using MATLAB.
  • 2. School of Biomedical Engineering Science and Health System, (April – June 2008). Student  Conceptualized and conceived a design and project development plan for a Wireless Embedded Intracranial Pressure Monitoring Device according to FDA regulation protocol. The device proposed would provide real time intracranial pressure monitoring during neurological surgeries.  Understand the hazards associated with the device, and developed its requirements and design specifications.  Developed its 510(k) Application of FDA for the implantable device. Hahnemann Hospital, Drexel University, (2007) Clinical Analyst  Keenly observed the dynamics of ICU and Emergency units of a world renowned hospital. Studied the surgeries performed on heart and knee, and prepared reports for it.  Presented and submitted a paper; OCR (Optical Character Recognition) Based Hospital Management System, suggesting improvements in the management and the economics of the hospital using an auto updating and smart OCR system. Drexel Plasma Institute, (Oct-Dec 2006) Research Fellow  Designed the Plasma reactor on AutoCAD which satisfied the parameters obtained from the simulations for H 2S dissociation using non equilibrium plasma of gliding arc tornado discharge for hydrogen extraction.  The design for carried forward to the mechanical department for the final construction of the plasma reactor. Drexel University, (Sep2007-March 2009) Instructor and Teaching Assistant for Graduate Courses: Bioacoustics (Theory and Lab) & Ultrasound Imaging  Supported students with problems regarding the course content and assigned projects.  Conducted extra study sessions to clear the concepts of the courses for the students and supported them with the needed materials.  Assisted to design the course material and exercises. Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad, India, (Jan-March 2006) Summer Intern  Biohydrogen production using anaerobic fermentation, from Industrial waste.  Designed and conducted the experiments to record the activity of the reactor on a daily basis.  Improved the functioning and the efficiency of the reactor by utilizing the previously obtained results of biochemical reactions in bacterial metabolism.  Monitored the growth and condition of the Bacteria, and took critical decisions regarding the feed and the temperature, and documented the results for future experiments. B.V. Patel PERD Centre, Ahmadabad, India, (May - July 2005) Summer Term Trainee  Protein structural modeling of check point protein - NIBRIN.  Researched about the Protein NIBRIN, It’s functioning; it’s various physical and chemical properties.  Predicted the three dimensional structure of the protein using Homology Modeling and Protein Threading, using BLAST, MODELLER, and SWISS PDB. PUBLICATIONS AND AWARDS  “Broadband Fiber Optic Hydrophone Sensors for Sub-Millimeter Ultrasound Resolutions,” R. Gopinath, P.Arora, G. Gandhi, L. Bansal, A.S. Daryoush, P.A. Lewin ,M. El-Sherif, MWP 2008, Gold coast, Australia, September 2008.  Best poster award - “ Thin film metal coated Fiber Optic Hydrophone Probe,” R. Gopinath, P.Arora, G. Gandhi, A.S. Daryoush, P.A. Lewin, M. El-Sherif, Photonics 2008, IIT Delhi, India, December 2008.  Rupa Gopinath Minasamudram, Piyush Arora, Gaurav Gandhi, Afshin S. Daryoush, Mahmoud A. El-Sherif, and Peter A. Lewin, "Thin film metal coated fiber optic hydrophone probe," Applied. Optics. 48, G77-G82, 2009. ACTIVITIES & PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE, Drexel University, (Jan 2007-Jan 2008). Treasurer  Managed all the funds of the IEEE Drexel Chapter of Graduate Students (DIG), ranging from $8000-$10000 per annum.  Networked with other organizations, and worked with a team for organizing Events and Educate new students regarding the benefits of IEEE  Organized IEEE Technical Poster Symposium at Drexel University in March 2008, and won Star Organization Award for the same.