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Ruthann Raulsome
8443 Town Summit Place
Silverdale, WA 98383
(360) 434- 1323
Compassionate healthcare professional experienced with providing patients and families
with comprehensive healthcare education, support, resource attainment, and
multifaceted decision making assistance. Knowledgeable and highly skilled at creating
an empathic, positive, and encouraging rapport with patients, as well as community
stake holders. Additional expertise in healthcare system navigation, and liaison related
functions between physicians, hospitals, and facilities.
Summary of Skills
 All Aspects of Medical Related Functions  Patient and Family Advocacy
 Experienced End of Life Care Expertise  Care Management/Coordination
 Comprehensive Counseling Skills  Superior Customer Service
 Prior Nursing Experience X12 years  Overall Healthcare Expertise
 Medical Terminology/Disease Process  Physician Liaison expertise
Professional Experience
December 2015 Martha and Mary, HHC
Poulsbo, Washington
Care Management
Present Provided comprehensive case management to high risk Medicaid clients. Assessments,
care planning, healthcare counseling and advocacy for Medicaid contract patients via
multiple state agency referrals.
Liaison to physicians, educating and advocating for health homes contracts, as well as
direct patient advocacy
February 2015 Hospice of Kitsap County Silverdale,
to ** Please See Below **
November 2015 Same job detail and Position.- Company Closure
November 2013 Project Access Northwest Seattle /
to Kitsap Coordinator and Physician Recruiter
September 2014
Bridged medical care/services for uninsured/underinsured patients of Kitsap Co with
specialty care physicians and various service providers. Streamlined service
agreements with The Doctors Clinic, Harrison Health Partner Physicians, and
Harrison Medical Center to provide clinical ancillary support. Coordinated care
agreements between Project Access Northwest (PANW) providers with safety net
providers such as Peninsula Community Health Services and Kitsap Public Health.
Provided Case management support and troubleshooting to PANW nurses and case
February 2011 Hospice of Kitsap County Silverdale, Washington
to Hospital and Physician Liaison
August 2013
Responsible for coordination of all hospice related services for patient referrals to
Hospice of Kitsap County. Determined hospice readiness and eligibility, assessment
of patient physical/ psychosocial and spiritual needs, end-of-life education, decisional
counseling and support.
Liaison to physicians, hospitals, and healthcare facilities. Facilitated collaborative
working relationships by bridging hospice services with patient and family needs.
September 2008 Central Kitsap School District Silverdale,
to Family Therapist to Students and Families
June 2009
- Therapeutically counseled students and their families
- Asserted strong assessment and conceptualization skills, as well as
effective and resourceful interventions, and treatment plans.
March 2000 Backus Hospital Norwich, Connecticut
to Float Team Nurse
January 2001
Provided medical surgical, orthopedic, renal, and general medical nursing care for
this large, advanced trauma support community hospital.
October 1997 Harrison Medical Bremerton, Washington
to Float Team Nurse
July 1998
Primary care nursing for medical and surgical patients. Handled all aspects of nursing
care; assessments, treatment and medications, patient education and peer
March 1988 Riverside Regional Medical Center Newport News VA
to Staff Nurse
May 1996
Provided primarily nursing care in fast-paced medical-surgical / thoracic vascular
unit of this large nonprofit community hospital.
- Acquired expansive nursing skills providing a wide range of primary nursing
- Earned several Ambassador Award nominations in recognition of superior patient
2010 Chapman University Orange,
Master of Arts Psychology
GPA 3.94
Specialization: Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT)
Relevant coursework: Advanced Psychological Assessment & Treatment,
Psychopharmacology, Physiological Psychology, Advanced counseling, Family
Systems & Dynamics Advanced Family Therapy.
2007 Chapman University Orange, California
Bachelor of Arts Psychology
Honors: Magna Cum Laude
Emphasis: Counseling Psychology
1988 Lewis Wilson School of Nursing
Northport, New York
LPN Practical Nursing
Professional Affiliations
September 2014 Board Member  Peninsula Community Health Services . Bremerton,
to - Quality Management/ Compliance Committee member
April 2016
*** Professional References upon request

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  • 1. Ruthann Raulsome 8443 Town Summit Place Silverdale, WA 98383 (360) 434- 1323 ruthannraulsome@hotmail.com Summary Compassionate healthcare professional experienced with providing patients and families with comprehensive healthcare education, support, resource attainment, and multifaceted decision making assistance. Knowledgeable and highly skilled at creating an empathic, positive, and encouraging rapport with patients, as well as community stake holders. Additional expertise in healthcare system navigation, and liaison related functions between physicians, hospitals, and facilities. Summary of Skills All Aspects of Medical Related Functions Patient and Family Advocacy Experienced End of Life Care Expertise Care Management/Coordination Comprehensive Counseling Skills Superior Customer Service Prior Nursing Experience X12 years Overall Healthcare Expertise Medical Terminology/Disease Process Physician Liaison expertise Professional Experience December 2015 Martha and Mary, HHC Poulsbo, Washington Care Management Present Provided comprehensive case management to high risk Medicaid clients. Assessments, care planning, healthcare counseling and advocacy for Medicaid contract patients via multiple state agency referrals. Liaison to physicians, educating and advocating for health homes contracts, as well as direct patient advocacy February 2015 Hospice of Kitsap County Silverdale, Washington to ** Please See Below ** November 2015 Same job detail and Position.- Company Closure November 2013 Project Access Northwest Seattle / Bremerton to Kitsap Coordinator and Physician Recruiter September 2014 Bridged medical care/services for uninsured/underinsured patients of Kitsap Co with specialty care physicians and various service providers. Streamlined service agreements with The Doctors Clinic, Harrison Health Partner Physicians, and
  • 2. Harrison Medical Center to provide clinical ancillary support. Coordinated care agreements between Project Access Northwest (PANW) providers with safety net providers such as Peninsula Community Health Services and Kitsap Public Health. Provided Case management support and troubleshooting to PANW nurses and case managers. February 2011 Hospice of Kitsap County Silverdale, Washington to Hospital and Physician Liaison August 2013 Responsible for coordination of all hospice related services for patient referrals to Hospice of Kitsap County. Determined hospice readiness and eligibility, assessment of patient physical/ psychosocial and spiritual needs, end-of-life education, decisional counseling and support. Liaison to physicians, hospitals, and healthcare facilities. Facilitated collaborative working relationships by bridging hospice services with patient and family needs. September 2008 Central Kitsap School District Silverdale, Washington to Family Therapist to Students and Families June 2009 - Therapeutically counseled students and their families - Asserted strong assessment and conceptualization skills, as well as effective and resourceful interventions, and treatment plans. March 2000 Backus Hospital Norwich, Connecticut to Float Team Nurse January 2001 Provided medical surgical, orthopedic, renal, and general medical nursing care for this large, advanced trauma support community hospital. October 1997 Harrison Medical Bremerton, Washington to Float Team Nurse July 1998 Primary care nursing for medical and surgical patients. Handled all aspects of nursing care; assessments, treatment and medications, patient education and peer collaboration. March 1988 Riverside Regional Medical Center Newport News VA to Staff Nurse May 1996 Provided primarily nursing care in fast-paced medical-surgical / thoracic vascular unit of this large nonprofit community hospital. - Acquired expansive nursing skills providing a wide range of primary nursing care. - Earned several Ambassador Award nominations in recognition of superior patient care. Education 2010 Chapman University Orange,
  • 3. California Master of Arts Psychology GPA 3.94 Specialization: Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT) Relevant coursework: Advanced Psychological Assessment & Treatment, Psychopharmacology, Physiological Psychology, Advanced counseling, Family Systems & Dynamics Advanced Family Therapy. 2007 Chapman University Orange, California Bachelor of Arts Psychology Honors: Magna Cum Laude Emphasis: Counseling Psychology 1988 Lewis Wilson School of Nursing Northport, New York LPN Practical Nursing Professional Affiliations September 2014 Board Member Peninsula Community Health Services . Bremerton, WA to - Quality Management/ Compliance Committee member April 2016 *** Professional References upon request