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Hugh W. White
8501 Dallas Oaks Lane | Hixson, TN 37343 | 423-847-7861 | whitebmd@comcast.net
 Extensive experience with Multi-State HR Rules, Laws and Enforcement Practices, represented the company in
various states to ensure compliance with HR associated laws, trained management compliance with Federal and State
employment related laws.
 Developed and implemented the Human Resources Department of a rapidly growing company, drafted and
applied company HR policies and procedures,provided training to ensure compliance with HR policies and related
employment laws throughout all levels of the organization, represented the company in all levels of HR related
 Extensive background in Human Resources transactions, including experience in employee recruitment and
retention, staff development, mediation, conflict resolution, benefits and compensation, HR records management, HR
policies development and legal compliance.
 Demonstrated success in negotiating win-win compromises, developed teambuilding programs, and drafted
personnelmanuals, corporate policies, job descriptions and management tracking reports.
 Successfullyrepresented the Company through various government enforcement cases,reduction of
enforcement cases was achieved by implementation of an HR program and ensuring compliance with established
employment laws.
 Employee Relations
 Employment Law
 Grievance Mediation
 HR Policies & Procedures
 Fluent in English and
 Staff Recruitment & Retention
 HR Department Startup
 Extensive Experience with Organized
Labor and Negotiations
 Benefits Administration
 HR Program/Project Management
 Orientation & On-Boarding
 HRIS Technologies
 Training & Development
 Organizational Development
The Vincit Group -- Chattanooga, TN
Design, develop, manufacture and market chemicals and distribution equipment,throughout the US and internationally.
HR Director, 2004-2015
Recruited to develop and implement an HR program for a rapidly growing international company. Ensured compliance with
ever changing employment related laws. Initiated the startup and management of a full spectrum of HR operations,systems and
programs. Worked closely with executive management to create HR policies and procedures; recruit employees; create group
benefits databases; and develop orientation,training and incentive programs. Administered an HR and benefits budget; and
handled HR related workplace issues. Represented the company in various employment and HR related matters with potential
government enforcement. Successfully dealt with potential organized labor attempts.
Key Results:
 Developed and implemented programs and policies in the areas of training, compensation structures,benefits
packages, incentives and new-employee orientation.
 Effectively recruited and placed hundreds of quality associates at entry-level; clerical; financial; engineering;
supervisory and management positions and reduced employee turnover
 Successfully represented the company in DOL; EEOC; NLRB and ICE investigations
 The Company experienced tremendous growth during my tenure and we effectively maintained adequate staffing
growth, with quality personnel,to meet the needs of the Company
 Avoided unionization attempts on two occasions
 Created, initiated and documented quality HR related training for supervisors and managers that has effectually
protected the company in cases raised by former employees that were discharged for cause
 Drafted and implemented an employee handbookwith well defined policies that have stood up to charges filed by
former, disgruntled employees
 Represented the company in many US States
 Managed a staff of 5 full-time HR Generalists and 17 full-time HR Administrative Personnel
 Conducted numerous employee related investigations and drafted documents regarding the investigations that have
stood up in court and with federal agencies
 Implemented a performance review program that brought quality performance to the attention of management and
provided a pathway for employee growth
 Negotiated with health care providers to maintain quality coverages to associates and keep costs within budget
 Maintained an open door policy and promoted open communications with all levels of the company
 Over the years,personally handled numerous 'for cause' employee terminations
 Drafted and implemented a quality employee manual in both English and Spanish,covering issues including
disciplinary procedures, code of conduct,compliance with employment law, FMLA policy and benefits information
and all other company related HR rules, policies and practices.
 Significantly reduced benefits costs through meticulous recordkeeping and ensuring that company did not pay for
benefits for which employees were ineligible.
 Introduced company's first formal performance review program, creating a flexible and well-received tool that has
been adopted company-wide and throughout all levels of the organization.
 Revised job descriptions across all levels. "Shadowed" and interviewed employees to construct an accurate picture of
the duties and skills required for each position.
 Developed and administered the company's first-ever standardized disciplinary procedures and tracking systemthat
insulated company from legal risk and ensured consistent and fair discipline processes.
 Devised creative and cost-effective incentive and morale-boosting programs (including special events and an awards
structure)that increased employee satisfaction and productivity.
 Saved company thousands ofdollars every month by reducing reliance on employment agencies. Brought the majority
of formerly outsourced recruiting functions in-house to significantly reduce the cost of employee recruiting.
The Wackenhut Corporation -- West Palm Beach, FL
International Security and Investigative ServicesCorporation with specialty groups including security services and compliance
to NuclearPower Facilitiesthroughout the United States.
Nuclear Plant Security Management/HR and Employee Relations, 1983 - 2003
Recruited in 1983 and placed into and extensive and accredited career development program. Trained in a broad range of HR
functions,including recruiting and training employees; benefits administration; employee relations; compliance with
established policies and procedures as well as compliance with Federal, State and Local employment laws; conducting
thorough employee background investigations; compliance with DOL administered laws, rules and regulations and compliance
with NLRB administered laws; oversight and proper documentation of disciplinary actions and the proper maintenance of HR
In 1988 assigned permanently to the Nuclear Security division and was assigned to the following nuclear facilities over the
next 15 years: Rancho Seco Nuclear Power Plant - Sacramento, CA, South Texas Project - Herald, TX, Peach Bottom Atomic
Power Station - Delta, PA and St. Lucie Nuclear Power Plant - Port St. Lucie, FL.
Key Results:
 Ensured well-documented training that complied with US NRC policies and practices as well as the required site-
specific policies and procedures.
 Successfully negotiated collective bargaining agreements in compliance with NLRB laws.
 Effectively dealt with employee grievances resolving the majority prior to any litigation.
 Maintained sufficient, properly trained staffing throughout security emergencies, including post 9-11 nuclear staffing
requirements and in compliance with 10CFR73 Appendix B.
 Established and maintained employee incentive programs that recognized and rewarded outstanding employee
 Thoroughly maintained employee records that successfully ensured compliance with well established laws and
 Successfully represented the company in employment related issues; i.e., unemployment hearings, grievances through
the arbitration process,EEOC hearings, etc..
 Successfully bargained collectively with unions and avoided any work stoppages orslow-downs
 WTI/University of Maryland - Bachelor's degree - Human Resources
Professional Development:
 Successfully completed a 4 year, comprehensive Human Resources Bachelor's Degree Program, sponsored by The
Wackenhut Training Institute, an accredited program with the University of Maryland. Included comprehensive,
hands-on HR training in numerous States and classroom training in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.
 Complete and extensive ongoing training in the areas of compensation and benefits, employee and labor relations,
leaves of absence, workplace safety/security and adherence to employment related laws with SHRM and SCCE.
Affiliations and Memberships:
 Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)
 Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics (SCCE)
 Have provided HR related training to High School students at the Chattanooga Center for the Creative Arts.
 Completely bi-lingual (Spanish/English)
 Well versed in the proper adherence to employment law in various states as well as federal laws.
 Unopposed to extensive travel

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Resume H White

  • 1. Hugh W. White 8501 Dallas Oaks Lane | Hixson, TN 37343 | 423-847-7861 | whitebmd@comcast.net EXPERIENCED HUMAN RESOURCES PROFESSIONAL Extensive experience with Multi-State HR Rules, Laws and Enforcement Practices, represented the company in various states to ensure compliance with HR associated laws, trained management compliance with Federal and State employment related laws. Developed and implemented the Human Resources Department of a rapidly growing company, drafted and applied company HR policies and procedures,provided training to ensure compliance with HR policies and related employment laws throughout all levels of the organization, represented the company in all levels of HR related matters. Extensive background in Human Resources transactions, including experience in employee recruitment and retention, staff development, mediation, conflict resolution, benefits and compensation, HR records management, HR policies development and legal compliance. Demonstrated success in negotiating win-win compromises, developed teambuilding programs, and drafted personnelmanuals, corporate policies, job descriptions and management tracking reports. Successfullyrepresented the Company through various government enforcement cases,reduction of enforcement cases was achieved by implementation of an HR program and ensuring compliance with established employment laws. HR SKILLS Employee Relations Employment Law FMLA/ADA/EEO/WC Grievance Mediation HR Policies & Procedures Fluent in English and Spanish Staff Recruitment & Retention HR Department Startup Extensive Experience with Organized Labor and Negotiations Benefits Administration HR Program/Project Management Orientation & On-Boarding HRIS Technologies Training & Development Performance Management Organizational Development PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE The Vincit Group -- Chattanooga, TN Design, develop, manufacture and market chemicals and distribution equipment,throughout the US and internationally. HR Director, 2004-2015 Recruited to develop and implement an HR program for a rapidly growing international company. Ensured compliance with ever changing employment related laws. Initiated the startup and management of a full spectrum of HR operations,systems and programs. Worked closely with executive management to create HR policies and procedures; recruit employees; create group benefits databases; and develop orientation,training and incentive programs. Administered an HR and benefits budget; and handled HR related workplace issues. Represented the company in various employment and HR related matters with potential government enforcement. Successfully dealt with potential organized labor attempts. Key Results: Developed and implemented programs and policies in the areas of training, compensation structures,benefits packages, incentives and new-employee orientation. Effectively recruited and placed hundreds of quality associates at entry-level; clerical; financial; engineering; supervisory and management positions and reduced employee turnover Successfully represented the company in DOL; EEOC; NLRB and ICE investigations The Company experienced tremendous growth during my tenure and we effectively maintained adequate staffing growth, with quality personnel,to meet the needs of the Company Avoided unionization attempts on two occasions
  • 2. 2 Created, initiated and documented quality HR related training for supervisors and managers that has effectually protected the company in cases raised by former employees that were discharged for cause Drafted and implemented an employee handbookwith well defined policies that have stood up to charges filed by former, disgruntled employees Represented the company in many US States Managed a staff of 5 full-time HR Generalists and 17 full-time HR Administrative Personnel Conducted numerous employee related investigations and drafted documents regarding the investigations that have stood up in court and with federal agencies Implemented a performance review program that brought quality performance to the attention of management and provided a pathway for employee growth Negotiated with health care providers to maintain quality coverages to associates and keep costs within budget Maintained an open door policy and promoted open communications with all levels of the company Over the years,personally handled numerous 'for cause' employee terminations Drafted and implemented a quality employee manual in both English and Spanish,covering issues including disciplinary procedures, code of conduct,compliance with employment law, FMLA policy and benefits information and all other company related HR rules, policies and practices. Significantly reduced benefits costs through meticulous recordkeeping and ensuring that company did not pay for benefits for which employees were ineligible. Introduced company's first formal performance review program, creating a flexible and well-received tool that has been adopted company-wide and throughout all levels of the organization. Revised job descriptions across all levels. "Shadowed" and interviewed employees to construct an accurate picture of the duties and skills required for each position. Developed and administered the company's first-ever standardized disciplinary procedures and tracking systemthat insulated company from legal risk and ensured consistent and fair discipline processes. Devised creative and cost-effective incentive and morale-boosting programs (including special events and an awards structure)that increased employee satisfaction and productivity. Saved company thousands ofdollars every month by reducing reliance on employment agencies. Brought the majority of formerly outsourced recruiting functions in-house to significantly reduce the cost of employee recruiting. The Wackenhut Corporation -- West Palm Beach, FL International Security and Investigative ServicesCorporation with specialty groups including security services and compliance to NuclearPower Facilitiesthroughout the United States. Nuclear Plant Security Management/HR and Employee Relations, 1983 - 2003 Recruited in 1983 and placed into and extensive and accredited career development program. Trained in a broad range of HR functions,including recruiting and training employees; benefits administration; employee relations; compliance with established policies and procedures as well as compliance with Federal, State and Local employment laws; conducting thorough employee background investigations; compliance with DOL administered laws, rules and regulations and compliance with NLRB administered laws; oversight and proper documentation of disciplinary actions and the proper maintenance of HR records. In 1988 assigned permanently to the Nuclear Security division and was assigned to the following nuclear facilities over the next 15 years: Rancho Seco Nuclear Power Plant - Sacramento, CA, South Texas Project - Herald, TX, Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station - Delta, PA and St. Lucie Nuclear Power Plant - Port St. Lucie, FL. Key Results: Ensured well-documented training that complied with US NRC policies and practices as well as the required site- specific policies and procedures. Successfully negotiated collective bargaining agreements in compliance with NLRB laws. Effectively dealt with employee grievances resolving the majority prior to any litigation.
  • 3. 3 Maintained sufficient, properly trained staffing throughout security emergencies, including post 9-11 nuclear staffing requirements and in compliance with 10CFR73 Appendix B. Established and maintained employee incentive programs that recognized and rewarded outstanding employee practices. Thoroughly maintained employee records that successfully ensured compliance with well established laws and policies. Successfully represented the company in employment related issues; i.e., unemployment hearings, grievances through the arbitration process,EEOC hearings, etc.. Successfully bargained collectively with unions and avoided any work stoppages orslow-downs OF NOTE Education: WTI/University of Maryland - Bachelor's degree - Human Resources Professional Development: Successfully completed a 4 year, comprehensive Human Resources Bachelor's Degree Program, sponsored by The Wackenhut Training Institute, an accredited program with the University of Maryland. Included comprehensive, hands-on HR training in numerous States and classroom training in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. Complete and extensive ongoing training in the areas of compensation and benefits, employee and labor relations, leaves of absence, workplace safety/security and adherence to employment related laws with SHRM and SCCE. Affiliations and Memberships: Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics (SCCE) Personal: Have provided HR related training to High School students at the Chattanooga Center for the Creative Arts. Completely bi-lingual (Spanish/English) Well versed in the proper adherence to employment law in various states as well as federal laws. Unopposed to extensive travel