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1516 Oak Street, Suite 311, Alameda, California 94501
Telephone: 510-333-4564
CAREER SUMMARY: Law Offices of Andrew Alexander D坦sa, Alameda, California 1989 to present
Trial attorney with approximately 15 jury trials, 25 court trials, more than 60 arbitrations
tort, and trust/probate law, with appearances before state and federal courts, administrative boards, and agencies. Success
in court flowed from preparation and skill at extemporaneous advocacy. Strong legal research, analysis, and writing.
Built a successful law practice with two offices, a base of 400 clients and an active annual litigation caseload of
70 cases within four years. Formulated and implemented marketing plan and penetrated a new market, doubling
caseload to over 140 within one year.
Negotiated dismissal in Trial Court, after Preliminary Hearing, for client facing Car jacking (Strike) and elder
abuse charges; client faced life imprisonment because of his 9 strike priors, one requiring sex registration.
Handled media relations for clients, including criminal defendant in high profile First Amendment case, by
appearing on radio broadcasts, fielding press interviews, containing prosecutor's trial of case to media and
improving public's perceptions of client and case.
Analyzed federal and state laws and regulations to advise clients about business activities and lawsuits and to
lobby for constituents affecting range of issues from environment, health and safety, civil liberties, budget and
finance, to general law and procedure.
Interpreted forfeiture regulations of INS and Customs Service and negotiated release of security interest of client,
after property was seized pursuant to zero tolerance policies.
Negotiated confidential settlement of lawsuit alleging moral misconduct of priest, avoiding split of congregation
and preserving priest's ministry.
Drafted and standardized correspondence of personal injury business and established follow-up procedures,
increasing efficiency and bringing about quicker settlements of cases.
Identified vulnerabilities of plaintiff's case in bitter partnership break up lawsuit, developed evidence to support
cross-action, and won judgment for client of several thousand dollars.
campaign and fund-raising literature, canvassing door-to-door, and recruiting workers, and was appointed to
County Advisory Boards (elected by peers to Chair of Boards).
EXPERIENCE: Law Offices of Andrew D坦sa, Alameda, California, 1989-present
Adjunct Professor, National Hispanic University (United States History), 1990-1991
Instructor, California State University, Hayward (Paralegal Program), 1991-1992
EDUCATION: University of San Francisco, School of Law - J.D., 1983
University of California, Berkeley - A.B. (Political Science), 1980
Andrew D坦sa, Speak for Yourself and Help Yourself: Preparing for the Probation Interview, Crime Justice &
America, Alameda County Edition, Summer 2007
Andrew D坦sa, Restitution is PaybackWhat Goes Around, Comes Around, Crime Justice & America, Alameda
County Edition, Winter 2007
Andrew D坦sa, They are Speaking in Code-What Kind of Motion or Waiver is That?, Crime Justice & America,
Alameda County Edition, Spring 2008
Andrew D坦sa, WordPerfect Keystrokes Shortcuts, Technology Column, California State Bar Journal, 2000
Andrew D坦sa, The Abolition of ManNotes and Intro, C. S. Lewis Society of California, 2015
Andrew D坦sa, Reading Orthodoxy: Grasping Chesterton's Thought Takes Heavy Lifting, Like Trying to Pick Him Up, C.
S. Lewis Society of California, Newsletter, Summer 2013
Andrew D坦sa, Mere Christianity, Notes and Complete Outline of the Book, C.S. Lewis Society of California, 2008
Andrew D坦sa, Qualifying an Expert and Considerations Regarding Cross-Examination, written to support Presentation
to The Private Defenders, Northern California Meeting, 2010
Andrew D坦sa, The Aggravated White Collar Crime Enhancement: the Freeze and Seize Power of the Government under
Penal Code 則186.11, 2010
Andrew D坦sa, Mandatory RestitutionThe Irony of the Victims Bill of Rights; Restitution as an Alternative to
Incarceration of the Criminal Offender, for Criminal Justice Seminar, USF School of Law Class, Fall Semester 1982
Andrew D坦sa, Arthur Koestlers DARKNESS AT NOON: Notes and Following the Flow of the Book, written to support
Facilitation of Book Club Presentation, C. S. Lewis Society of California, 2015
Andrew D坦sa, Preparing the Personal Injury Client for Testifying at Deposition (or Trial), 1992
Mark Anderson and Andrew D坦sa, Estate Planning from Gods Perspective, 1998
Your Expert Witness at DMV License Suspension Hearings, The Private Defenders, Annual Meeting, 2011
Expert Witnesses, The Private Defenders, Northern California Meeting, 2010
Client Screening and Intake, for National Business Institute (NBI), 2 day Seminar, Estate Planning from A to Z,
Dec. 12 and 13, 2013, San Francisco
Key Essentials of Effective Wills, for NBI 2 day Seminar, Estate Planning from A to Z, Dec. 12 and 13, 2013,
San Francisco
Key Essentials of Effective Wills, for NBI 2 day Seminar, Estate Planning from A to Z, July 20 and 21, 2015,
Oakland, California
Board of Directors, and Secretary, C. S. Lewis Society of California, 2007-present
Advisory Board, Oakland Adult Recovery Center, Salvation Army, Oakland, 2013-2015
Alameda County Advisory Board, Salvation Army, 2015-present
Christian Action Commission, Evangelical Covenant Church of America, Chicago, Ill., 2004-2011
People Care 4 Day Care, non-profit 401(c)(3) corporation, Incorporator and Board Chair, 2006-2008
Crosstown Community Center, non-profit 401(c)(3) corporation, Incorporator and Board Chair,
Junior Golf Resources, non-profit 401(c)(3) corporation, Incorporator and Vice President and Secretary,
Alameda County Adv. Bd. on Alcohol Problems, appointed member, Chair of Board, approx. 1990-92.

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  • 1. ANDREW DSA, ESQ. 1516 Oak Street, Suite 311, Alameda, California 94501 Telephone: 510-333-4564 adosa@dosalaw.com www.dosalaw.com CAREER SUMMARY: Law Offices of Andrew Alexander D坦sa, Alameda, California 1989 to present Trial attorney with approximately 15 jury trials, 25 court trials, more than 60 arbitrations andmediationsessions,versedinallaspectsoflitigationinvolvingcriminal,realestate,business,contract,personalinjury, tort, and trust/probate law, with appearances before state and federal courts, administrative boards, and agencies. Success in court flowed from preparation and skill at extemporaneous advocacy. Strong legal research, analysis, and writing. ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Built a successful law practice with two offices, a base of 400 clients and an active annual litigation caseload of 70 cases within four years. Formulated and implemented marketing plan and penetrated a new market, doubling caseload to over 140 within one year. Negotiated dismissal in Trial Court, after Preliminary Hearing, for client facing Car jacking (Strike) and elder abuse charges; client faced life imprisonment because of his 9 strike priors, one requiring sex registration. Handled media relations for clients, including criminal defendant in high profile First Amendment case, by appearing on radio broadcasts, fielding press interviews, containing prosecutor's trial of case to media and improving public's perceptions of client and case. Analyzed federal and state laws and regulations to advise clients about business activities and lawsuits and to lobby for constituents affecting range of issues from environment, health and safety, civil liberties, budget and finance, to general law and procedure. Interpreted forfeiture regulations of INS and Customs Service and negotiated release of security interest of client, after property was seized pursuant to zero tolerance policies. Negotiated confidential settlement of lawsuit alleging moral misconduct of priest, avoiding split of congregation and preserving priest's ministry. Drafted and standardized correspondence of personal injury business and established follow-up procedures, increasing efficiency and bringing about quicker settlements of cases. Identified vulnerabilities of plaintiff's case in bitter partnership break up lawsuit, developed evidence to support cross-action, and won judgment for client of several thousand dollars. Co-chairedPresidentialcampaigninAlamedaCounty,servedasfootsoldierinCongressionalcampaigns,drafting campaign and fund-raising literature, canvassing door-to-door, and recruiting workers, and was appointed to County Advisory Boards (elected by peers to Chair of Boards). EXPERIENCE: Law Offices of Andrew D坦sa, Alameda, California, 1989-present Adjunct Professor, National Hispanic University (United States History), 1990-1991 Instructor, California State University, Hayward (Paralegal Program), 1991-1992
  • 2. EDUCATION: University of San Francisco, School of Law - J.D., 1983 University of California, Berkeley - A.B. (Political Science), 1980 PUBLISHED LEGAL ARTICLES: Andrew D坦sa, Speak for Yourself and Help Yourself: Preparing for the Probation Interview, Crime Justice & America, Alameda County Edition, Summer 2007 Andrew D坦sa, Restitution is PaybackWhat Goes Around, Comes Around, Crime Justice & America, Alameda County Edition, Winter 2007 Andrew D坦sa, They are Speaking in Code-What Kind of Motion or Waiver is That?, Crime Justice & America, Alameda County Edition, Spring 2008 Andrew D坦sa, WordPerfect Keystrokes Shortcuts, Technology Column, California State Bar Journal, 2000 PUBLISHED NON-LEGAL ARTICLES: Andrew D坦sa, The Abolition of ManNotes and Intro, C. S. Lewis Society of California, 2015 Andrew D坦sa, Reading Orthodoxy: Grasping Chesterton's Thought Takes Heavy Lifting, Like Trying to Pick Him Up, C. S. Lewis Society of California, Newsletter, Summer 2013 Andrew D坦sa, Mere Christianity, Notes and Complete Outline of the Book, C.S. Lewis Society of California, 2008 UNPUBLISHED ARTICLES: Andrew D坦sa, Qualifying an Expert and Considerations Regarding Cross-Examination, written to support Presentation to The Private Defenders, Northern California Meeting, 2010 Andrew D坦sa, The Aggravated White Collar Crime Enhancement: the Freeze and Seize Power of the Government under Penal Code 則186.11, 2010 Andrew D坦sa, Mandatory RestitutionThe Irony of the Victims Bill of Rights; Restitution as an Alternative to Incarceration of the Criminal Offender, for Criminal Justice Seminar, USF School of Law Class, Fall Semester 1982 Andrew D坦sa, Arthur Koestlers DARKNESS AT NOON: Notes and Following the Flow of the Book, written to support Facilitation of Book Club Presentation, C. S. Lewis Society of California, 2015 Andrew D坦sa, Preparing the Personal Injury Client for Testifying at Deposition (or Trial), 1992 Mark Anderson and Andrew D坦sa, Estate Planning from Gods Perspective, 1998 2
  • 3. SEMINAR PRESENTATIONS: Your Expert Witness at DMV License Suspension Hearings, The Private Defenders, Annual Meeting, 2011 Expert Witnesses, The Private Defenders, Northern California Meeting, 2010 Client Screening and Intake, for National Business Institute (NBI), 2 day Seminar, Estate Planning from A to Z, Dec. 12 and 13, 2013, San Francisco Key Essentials of Effective Wills, for NBI 2 day Seminar, Estate Planning from A to Z, Dec. 12 and 13, 2013, San Francisco Key Essentials of Effective Wills, for NBI 2 day Seminar, Estate Planning from A to Z, July 20 and 21, 2015, Oakland, California COMMUNITY SERVICE: Board of Directors, and Secretary, C. S. Lewis Society of California, 2007-present Advisory Board, Oakland Adult Recovery Center, Salvation Army, Oakland, 2013-2015 Alameda County Advisory Board, Salvation Army, 2015-present Christian Action Commission, Evangelical Covenant Church of America, Chicago, Ill., 2004-2011 People Care 4 Day Care, non-profit 401(c)(3) corporation, Incorporator and Board Chair, 2006-2008 Crosstown Community Center, non-profit 401(c)(3) corporation, Incorporator and Board Chair, 2004-2006 Junior Golf Resources, non-profit 401(c)(3) corporation, Incorporator and Vice President and Secretary, 1999-2003 Alameda County Adv. Bd. on Alcohol Problems, appointed member, Chair of Board, approx. 1990-92. 3