Mahsa Rajati is seeking a position as a Commercial Manager with over 14 years of experience in commercial roles within the pharmaceutical industry. She has a Bachelor's degree in Statistics and is near completion of an MBA. Rajati is fluent in Farsi and proficient in English, and has strong computer skills. Her work history includes commercial roles with several pharmaceutical companies where she managed imports, exports, licensing, budgeting, and more. Currently she is the Commercial Manager at Darou Darmann Pasargad working on importing finished products, APIs, machinery and other relevant pharmaceutical areas.
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Resume (M.Rajati)
Nam: Mahsa Family name: Rajati
Position Objective: Commercial Manager
Farsi.: Fluently in speaking reading writing
English.: Good in speaking reading writing
Bachelor of science in Statistic from Allameh Tabatabaee University from 1376 up to
Near to graduate in the field of MBA in Lulea unversity of technology (Swedish).
Special Courses in English:
Studied English
Special course in commercial correspondence and international contracts and other
commercial course in Business Training Center
Perfect in computer (Win XP & 7,8), Microsoft Office 2010, Photoshop, Internet and
Acces.MS Project ,SAS, SPSS ,Help Scribble ,Designing program software
Approximately 14 years of experience in various positions initially as a Commercial,
Statistics and Specialist.
-Importing API, Finished products and any relevant subjects in the field of
- Importing pharmaceutical machinery for the manufacturer company
- Getting the exemption from MOI for the machinery
- Importing emergency Pharmaceutical products
-Foreign correspondence, L/C establishment, importation permissions from M.O.H
& M.O.C and other related organization and contracts
2. -Registering representative and any regulatory at M.O.C
-Budget forecasting
-Commercial financing
Work history.
Worked as a designer from 1381 to 1383 in Nazm Aran Co. for the Subway
R& D department with Dr. Rasekh & Dr.Pirkalkhoran at Darou Pakhsh from
1383 up to 1384
Commercial department at Darou Pakhshfrom from 1384 up to 1386
(Purchasing of 150 items of API and Excipient)
Commercial director at Chakad Pharma from (Behestan Tolid )1386-1388
Commercial department at Sobhan Oncology 1388-1390(Finished product,
API, and any relevant subjects in the field of pharmaceutical)
Commercial & sales manager at Plasma Gostar Pars 1390-
1392(Khordad)(Importing biological drugs and exporting human plasma)
Commercial Manager at Arman Pharmed, one of the Pouratebs Holding
company (Importing Supplements)
Commercial Manager at Darou Darmann Pasargad (Finished product, API,
and any relevant subjects in the field of pharmaceutical machinery for the
manufacturing company)-1393 till now
Mahsa Rajati