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Mailing Address: 385/A, Free School Street (Flat-4A), Hatirpool, P.S- Kalabagan,
P.O.- Newmarket, Dhaka- 1205
Contact number: +8801776893896
Email: fahim1015027@gmail.com
Career Objective
To attain a career that offers opportunity to be an expert in the field of Planning, Development and
Management by applying my academic knowledge, creativity and innovation and refining me through
constant learning and hardworking.
Field of Interest
Development planning, Participatory local level planning, Project evaluation and management, Urban and
Regional Planning, Data management, Monitoring and Evaluation, GIS based data analysis, Satelite
image processing and analysis through Remote Sensing
Educational Qualification
 Graduation Degree: Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning (BURP)
Passing Year: March, 2016
Institution: Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)
CGPA: 3.13 out of 4.00
 Higher Secondary Certificate: Science
Passing Year: 2010
Institution: Dhaka College
CGPA: 5.00 out of 5.00
 Secondary School Certificate: Science
Passing Year: 2008
Institution: Motijheel Model High School and College
CGPA: 5.00 out of 5.00
Technical and Computer based skills
 Documentation Software: Microsoft Office
Writing reports, preparing presentation file, organize and preserve various documents
Writing and Communication Skill
 Have excellent report and other sorts of writing skill in both English and Bengali.
 Have decent competency in presentation and communication skill in both English and Bengali.
 Data Processing and Analytical Software: SPSS, Excel, Access
Have good ability to Database processing, Data input and Data analysis using various
analytical software
 Project Management: Microsoft Project
Preparation and Designing of Project plan, Project schedule, Project Work distribution etc.
 Design and Graphics Software: AutoCAD, Photoshop, Corel DRAW, Google Sketch up
Designing different types of architectural and engineering design and 3D modeling, Image
enhancement and processing
 GIS and Remote Sensing: ArcGIS 10, ERDAS Imagine 2014, ENVI 5.1
Raster and Vector data analysis; GIS map preparation; Geo-referencing; Map projection;
Remote Sensing analysis; Image processing, Classification and Analysis; Physical feature
extraction, 3D modeling, Morphological Analysis
Other skills
 Communication Skill: Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA), Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA), Focus
Group Discussion (FGD), writes clearly and concisely, negotiates/resolves differences, provides
and asks for feedback, cooperates and works well with others
 Data management skills: Managing Accounts and Files, Database Design and Planning,
Navigating Database Software
 Operational Skills: Manages conflict, Helps team members set and achieve goals, Delegates
 Project Management and Evaluation: Project Cycle, Policy Cycle, Project Management
Functions, Project Design Stages, Monitoring and Evaluation (ME Matrix), Project Evaluation
Steps, Network Techniques for Project Management (PERT and CPM Model), Risk Analysis,
Social Cost-Benefit Analysis.
Internship and Working Experience
 Internship: Department of Environment (DoE), Agargaon, Dhaka
Supervising Officer: Mirza Shawkat Ali, Director, Climate Change and Intl Convention;
Responisbilites: Working and gathering knowledge in Climate Change Cell, Understanding of
Different Mechanisms to Minimize GHG emission, Preparation of a Booklet on Joint Credit
Mechanism (JCM)
Duration: 1month
 Project: Greater Dhaka Sustainable Urban Transport Project: Package 3
Position: Field Analyzer and Supervisor
Responsibilities: Collect transport data at Gulshan-Badda link road, Traffic count and Supervise
and Monitor the team to collect data properly
Papers and Publications
 BURP Thesis: Present practice and future potential of rooftop farming from social, economic and
environmental perspective in Dhaka city: case studies of Mirpur, Uttara and Mohammadpur areas
 Chakrabartty, J. D., Monir, M. A., Arefin, M. F., & Islam, M. (2016). ICT for Rural Development:
A mechanism to strengthen rural economy. Bangladesh Planning Research Conference. Dhaka:
Jahangirnagar University.
 Safayet, M., Chakrabartty, J.D., & Arefin, M. F. (2016). Regional Disparity Analysis: A Case Study
of Pabna, Rajshahi and Sirajganj Districts. Bangladesh Planning Research Conference (BPRC).
Dhaka: Jahangirnagar University.
 Islam, S., Ahmed, S. M., & Arefin, M. F. (2015). Heritage Site Conservation: A study on
Northbrook Hall and Saat Gambuj Masjid. Nagar Shoilee, 1-7.
Extracurricular Activities
 Participated and presented two papers at Bangladesh Planning Research Conference at
Jahangirnagar University on 5-6 February
 Media Secretary, URP Students Association of BUET (USAB) for Session 2015-16
 Assistant General Secretary, URP Students Association of BUET (USAB) for Session 2014-
 Organized Planning Week-2015, an Annual Program of DURP
1. Dr. Md. Musleh Uddin Hasan
Associate Professor and Thesis Supervisor
Department of Urban and Regional Planning
Bangladesh University of Engineering and
technology (BUET)
Email: musleh_uddin@urp.buet.ac.bd
2. Dr. Ishrat Islam
Professor and Head
Department of Urban and Regional Planning
Bangladesh University of Engineering and technology
Email: ishratislam@urp.buet.ac.bd
I, Md. Faqrul Arefin, hereby declare that the above furnished information is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief.


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Resume of Md. Faqrul Arefin

  • 1. Resume MD. FAQRUL AREFIN Mailing Address: 385/A, Free School Street (Flat-4A), Hatirpool, P.S- Kalabagan, P.O.- Newmarket, Dhaka- 1205 Contact number: +8801776893896 Email: fahim1015027@gmail.com Career Objective To attain a career that offers opportunity to be an expert in the field of Planning, Development and Management by applying my academic knowledge, creativity and innovation and refining me through constant learning and hardworking. Field of Interest Development planning, Participatory local level planning, Project evaluation and management, Urban and Regional Planning, Data management, Monitoring and Evaluation, GIS based data analysis, Satelite image processing and analysis through Remote Sensing Educational Qualification Graduation Degree: Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning (BURP) Passing Year: March, 2016 Institution: Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) CGPA: 3.13 out of 4.00 Higher Secondary Certificate: Science Passing Year: 2010 Institution: Dhaka College CGPA: 5.00 out of 5.00 Secondary School Certificate: Science Passing Year: 2008 Institution: Motijheel Model High School and College CGPA: 5.00 out of 5.00 Technical and Computer based skills Documentation Software: Microsoft Office Writing reports, preparing presentation file, organize and preserve various documents
  • 2. Writing and Communication Skill Have excellent report and other sorts of writing skill in both English and Bengali. Have decent competency in presentation and communication skill in both English and Bengali. Data Processing and Analytical Software: SPSS, Excel, Access Have good ability to Database processing, Data input and Data analysis using various analytical software Project Management: Microsoft Project Preparation and Designing of Project plan, Project schedule, Project Work distribution etc. Design and Graphics Software: AutoCAD, Photoshop, Corel DRAW, Google Sketch up Designing different types of architectural and engineering design and 3D modeling, Image enhancement and processing GIS and Remote Sensing: ArcGIS 10, ERDAS Imagine 2014, ENVI 5.1 Raster and Vector data analysis; GIS map preparation; Geo-referencing; Map projection; Remote Sensing analysis; Image processing, Classification and Analysis; Physical feature extraction, 3D modeling, Morphological Analysis Other skills Communication Skill: Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA), Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA), Focus Group Discussion (FGD), writes clearly and concisely, negotiates/resolves differences, provides and asks for feedback, cooperates and works well with others Data management skills: Managing Accounts and Files, Database Design and Planning, Navigating Database Software Operational Skills: Manages conflict, Helps team members set and achieve goals, Delegates effectively Project Management and Evaluation: Project Cycle, Policy Cycle, Project Management Functions, Project Design Stages, Monitoring and Evaluation (ME Matrix), Project Evaluation Steps, Network Techniques for Project Management (PERT and CPM Model), Risk Analysis, Social Cost-Benefit Analysis. Internship and Working Experience Internship: Department of Environment (DoE), Agargaon, Dhaka Supervising Officer: Mirza Shawkat Ali, Director, Climate Change and Intl Convention; Responisbilites: Working and gathering knowledge in Climate Change Cell, Understanding of Different Mechanisms to Minimize GHG emission, Preparation of a Booklet on Joint Credit Mechanism (JCM) Duration: 1month Project: Greater Dhaka Sustainable Urban Transport Project: Package 3 Position: Field Analyzer and Supervisor Responsibilities: Collect transport data at Gulshan-Badda link road, Traffic count and Supervise and Monitor the team to collect data properly
  • 3. Papers and Publications BURP Thesis: Present practice and future potential of rooftop farming from social, economic and environmental perspective in Dhaka city: case studies of Mirpur, Uttara and Mohammadpur areas Chakrabartty, J. D., Monir, M. A., Arefin, M. F., & Islam, M. (2016). ICT for Rural Development: A mechanism to strengthen rural economy. Bangladesh Planning Research Conference. Dhaka: Jahangirnagar University. Safayet, M., Chakrabartty, J.D., & Arefin, M. F. (2016). Regional Disparity Analysis: A Case Study of Pabna, Rajshahi and Sirajganj Districts. Bangladesh Planning Research Conference (BPRC). Dhaka: Jahangirnagar University. Islam, S., Ahmed, S. M., & Arefin, M. F. (2015). Heritage Site Conservation: A study on Northbrook Hall and Saat Gambuj Masjid. Nagar Shoilee, 1-7. Extracurricular Activities Participated and presented two papers at Bangladesh Planning Research Conference at Jahangirnagar University on 5-6 February Media Secretary, URP Students Association of BUET (USAB) for Session 2015-16 Assistant General Secretary, URP Students Association of BUET (USAB) for Session 2014- 15 Organized Planning Week-2015, an Annual Program of DURP Referees 1. Dr. Md. Musleh Uddin Hasan Associate Professor and Thesis Supervisor Department of Urban and Regional Planning Bangladesh University of Engineering and technology (BUET) Email: musleh_uddin@urp.buet.ac.bd 2. Dr. Ishrat Islam Professor and Head Department of Urban and Regional Planning Bangladesh University of Engineering and technology (BUET) Email: ishratislam@urp.buet.ac.bd I, Md. Faqrul Arefin, hereby declare that the above furnished information is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. (MD. FAQRUL AREFIN)