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Gregory Wayne Forster
1863 Live Oak Dr.
Jacksonville, FL 32246
Phone: (904) 235-7077 E-Mail: forsterg3@yahoo.com
Education, Certification:
Masters of Special Education Aug. 1999,University of North Florida, Jacksonville
Bachelor of Arts 1979, Bilingual Education. University of Arizona, Tucson
University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, 1971-1974 Dual Majors: Physical Education/Speech Education
Diploma 1971, North Kingstown High School. North Kingstown, Rhode Island
Teaching Certificates: Florida: Elementary 1-6, K-12 Gifted (#620793); New Mexico: K-9, Bilingual Ed.
Arizona: K-8 Bilingual Education
Professional Experience:
April 2015  Present Learning.Com. Professional Development Specialist. S.E. United States.
Subcontracted to deliver professional development for teachers, coaches, and administrators whose schools or
school districts are using the Learning.com platform: Easy Tech, Inquiry, and Curriculum Foundry
April 2014  Present Jacksonville Armada Professional Soccer Team. Instructor of English.
Jacksonville, FL. Present English lessons to the coach and players from Latin American countries. Kelley
Services. Substitute Teacher grades K-12 Duval County, Jacksonville, FL. (part-time).
January 20, 2015  March 6, 2015 WESTAT. Administration Associate. Jacksonville, FL. Government
contractor which delivers the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP  The Nations Report
Card) for the Department of Education, Washington D.C. (Six week contracted position).
June 2013  March 2014 Association International School. Principal, Grades K-8, Accra, Ghana, Africa.
Responsible for the restructuring and oversight of an International Christian School that serves 350 children
from 14 different countries, grades K-8. Supervised 45 staff members and provided professional development
for all staff. Responsible for developing and implementing school policies and procedures including
scholarships and special education programs. Supervised the hiring of non-patriot teachers globally. Organizing
and directing weekly chapel.
July 2012  June 2013 Joshua Christian Academy. Administrator/Director of Professional
Development, Jacksonville, FL. Responsible for developing and providing on-going professional development
for teachers and administrators for a private school serving 160 students grades K-8. Duties include in-class
modeling and demonstrating of taught skills, pre and post conferencing as well as formative and summative
observations with feedback. Restructured school to have universal classroom management plans and universal
procedures class-wide and school-wide. Organize community events and coordinate volunteers and Joshua
Achievers. Keeping up with the latest educational and brain research to empower teachers with the latest and
most effective teaching strategies and upcoming Common Core Standards. Establishing differentiated
classrooms and teaching as all classes have learning disabled or special needs students. Serves in the role and
has the responsibility of an administrator in the overseeing of the effective organization and running of the
school from a variety of different administrational roles and responsibilities.
June 2010  July 2012 Childrens Champions. President 501 C3 Professional Development
Organization, Jacksonville, FL. Responsible for the organization and development of quality and affordable
professional development training and services to schools serving low-income and special needs students in coordination
with matching funds provided by Step Up for Students. Responsible for the coordination of training and services provided
by Greg and two other consultants throughout the state of Florida
July 2008  June 2010 Step Up For Students. Director of Training & Development: 501 C3,
Scholarship Funding Organization, Jacksonville, FL. Develop and implement training for over 600 private
schools that accept the Corporate Tax Credit Scholarship as provided by Florida law. Develop on-line
professional development opportunities for participating schools. Develop and implement training for the staff
of Step Up For Students and the other scholarship funding organizations in the state of Florida. Supervise
regional scholarship funding organization trainers. Develop and implement assessments for the development
programs initiated.
June 2007  July 2008 Lake City Christian Academy. Principal: K-12 Private School, Lake City,
Florida. Oversaw the daily organization and operations of a socioeconomically and culturally diverse K-12
private school. Supervised 35 staff members and provided professional development for all staff. Responsible
for developing and implementing fiscal budget. Developing and implementing school policies and procedures
including scholarship and special education students.
1996-Present (PT) Transformational Learning Consultants. Owner, Trainer, Education
Consulting Firm: Jacksonville, Tampa, Florida, Milwaukee, WI, and St. Louis. Kansas City, MO. Design,
present, and train teachers, administrators, and support staff in educational teaching methodologies, leadership,
and strategic planning. Restructured Title I Schools, Milwaukee WI, Trained over 1000 mentors for
Archdiocese of Milwaukee. Designed and trained workshops for Catapult Learning.
April 2003- March 2004 Florida Alliance for Choices in Education. Executive Director, Tampa, FL:
Organize, direct, and assist a consortium of 600 private statewide scholarship schools in the implementation of
the Corporate Income Tax Scholarship Program, Broker value-added services and professional development to
the consortium schools. Build a working relationship of trust between the schools and Scholarship Funding
Organizations. Testify before Fl Legislators for the continuance of the program. Build relationships with Florida
C-Corporations for the purpose of fundraising. F.A.C.E. is a 501 C 3.
Aug 2001-April 2003 H.E.R.O.E.S. Executive Director Jacksonville, Florida. Responsible for the
operation of a 501 C3 Non-profit Scholarship Funding Organization, including fundraising, distributing
scholarships, and forming a consortium of private schools. Distributed over six million dollars in scholarships
1994- 2001 Duval County Schools. Teacher Trainer, Professional Development,
Jacksonville, Florida. Design and train teachers, students, Para-professionals and administrators in variety of
educational, technological and professional skills; Technologies Team, Deliver Distance Learning; Chairman,
Teacher of The Year Selection Committee 1996-1997, Assist Beginning Teachers in completing the Duval
County Professional Orientation Program, teacher and principal training, Assist principals with their needs
assistance teachers. Positive Classroom Discipline: Fred Jones National Certified Trainer, Conflict
Resolution/Peer Mediation: National Certified Trainer, Paideia: National Certified Trainer: Clinical Education:
State Certified Trainer, Cooperative Learning: State Certified Trainer, Authentic Assessment, Effective
Communication, Differentiated Learning, Cultural Diversity, 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People. Mentor
Training: State Certified Trainer. Duval County Certified Trainer: Effective Teaching Behaviors; Team
Building, Leadership. Standards, Rubrics, and Portfolios.
1987- 1994 Duval County Schools. Teacher, Gifted:(1989-94) Landmark Middle School,
Geography and History to gifted; computer lab coordinator; girls soccer, softball coach. Instructor, In service
& Adults:(1987-94) Title7 Creative Problem Solving; Spanish night classes; OJT supervisor, gifted high school
teachers. Teacher, Gifted: (1987-89)Carter G. Woodson 6th Grade Center. Earth and Life Science; developed
and piloted a county wide gifted program; Coordinated computer lab, QUINT chairman 2 years.
Aug 1986- Aug 1987 Peace Corps. Teacher Trainer, Peace Corps, Lucea, Jamaica. Training Earth
Science teachers; track & volleyball coach at 3 schools; tutored adults reading and writing.
Aug 1983 - Aug 1986 Gadsden ISD. Science/ESL Teacher Gadsden Jr. High School, Anthony, New
Mexico. Earth Science, students from English & Spanish backgrounds; Head Wrestling Coach; Assistant Track
Coach. Classroom Teacher, Sunland Park Elementary School, Sunland Park, New Mexico. 5th-grade students in
transition from Spanish to English.
Sep 1981- Jun 1983 Loretto Academy. Teacher, El Paso, Texas. Teaching all subject areas to 4th grade
class; basic computer literacy on Apple 2 systems.
1981 Tucson Unified School District #1. Substitute Teacher, Safford Elementary School,
Tucson, Arizona. Full-time substitute in bilingual kindergarten. Sales Manager, Grolier Educational Services,
Tucson, Arizona. Teaching library science skills; public relations, seminars.
1980 Handicapped Outward Bound. Staff Leader, Tucson, Arizona. Planning, staff
supervising, counseling, evaluating outdoor excursion program for children and adults with various disabilities.
1979-1980 Discovery Learning Center. Teacher, Tucson, Arizona. Science, reading readiness,
Spanish and English, preschool and kindergarten; after school recreation program. Camp Counselor, El Carnila
Ranch, Tucson. Supervising Arts, Crafts, Sports & creative drama, ages 4-15.
Aug 1978- Jan 1979 Unity School. Teacher/Principal, Eugene, Oregon. Developing organizing,
implementing and teaching a first grade for new non-denominational school also pre-school and kindergarten.
May 1978- Aug 1978 Sunnyside School District #12. Substitute Teacher, Apollo Jr. High School, Tucson,
Arizona. Full-time substitute for grades 7-9 social studies.
Oct 1976- May 1978 Tucson Unified School District #1. Substitute Teacher, Tucson, Arizona. Full-time
substitute, Title I 2nd & 3rd grades bilingual classroom.
Jan 1974- Jan 1976 Peace Corps. Sports and Recreation Trainer, Upata, Venezuela. Organizing,
coaching various sports; organizing state tournaments; teaching P.E. in schools, beginning and advanced
English. Resided with the Guica Indians in the Amazon rain forest for six months
Part-time, Volunteer, and Summer Experiences:
ESOL&SSOL Teacher, B.I. Language Services, El Paso, Texas. ESOL and SSOL - children and adults
Instructor, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico. ESOL and Citizenship adult night
classes (1986)
Translator-Spanish/Accreditation, (volunteer)1996 Summer Olympic Games, Olympic Stadium, Atlanta,
Georgia (July 15, 1996 - August 4, 1996)
Wrestling Official, Florida High School Activities Association, Jacksonville, Florida (1988-1999)
Secretary/Treasurer, North Florida Wrestling Officials Association, Jacksonville, Florida (1990-1999)
Baseball, Softball Umpire, Jacksonville Beach Athletic Association, Jacksonville Beach, Florida (1988-
Boselli Foundation: (volunteer) Most Valuable Teacher/Coach Selection Committee (1997-2002)
Mission Experience: (volunteer) Monte Verde, Costa Rica (July 2007)
(volunteer) Mendoza, Argentina (April 2010 - Present)
BAEO  Black Alliance for Educational Options
HCREO - The Hispanic Council for Educational Reform
Association of Florida Staff Development
Technology in Education Florida-TEFL
University of North Florida Distance Learning Consortium
AEAAS - Academic Excellence and Achievement For All Students
FLAG - Florida Association for the Gifted

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  • 1. Gregory Wayne Forster 1863 Live Oak Dr. Jacksonville, FL 32246 Phone: (904) 235-7077 E-Mail: forsterg3@yahoo.com Education, Certification: Masters of Special Education Aug. 1999,University of North Florida, Jacksonville Bachelor of Arts 1979, Bilingual Education. University of Arizona, Tucson University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, 1971-1974 Dual Majors: Physical Education/Speech Education Diploma 1971, North Kingstown High School. North Kingstown, Rhode Island Teaching Certificates: Florida: Elementary 1-6, K-12 Gifted (#620793); New Mexico: K-9, Bilingual Ed. Arizona: K-8 Bilingual Education Professional Experience: April 2015 Present Learning.Com. Professional Development Specialist. S.E. United States. Subcontracted to deliver professional development for teachers, coaches, and administrators whose schools or school districts are using the Learning.com platform: Easy Tech, Inquiry, and Curriculum Foundry April 2014 Present Jacksonville Armada Professional Soccer Team. Instructor of English. Jacksonville, FL. Present English lessons to the coach and players from Latin American countries. Kelley Services. Substitute Teacher grades K-12 Duval County, Jacksonville, FL. (part-time). January 20, 2015 March 6, 2015 WESTAT. Administration Associate. Jacksonville, FL. Government contractor which delivers the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP The Nations Report Card) for the Department of Education, Washington D.C. (Six week contracted position). June 2013 March 2014 Association International School. Principal, Grades K-8, Accra, Ghana, Africa. Responsible for the restructuring and oversight of an International Christian School that serves 350 children from 14 different countries, grades K-8. Supervised 45 staff members and provided professional development for all staff. Responsible for developing and implementing school policies and procedures including scholarships and special education programs. Supervised the hiring of non-patriot teachers globally. Organizing and directing weekly chapel. July 2012 June 2013 Joshua Christian Academy. Administrator/Director of Professional Development, Jacksonville, FL. Responsible for developing and providing on-going professional development for teachers and administrators for a private school serving 160 students grades K-8. Duties include in-class modeling and demonstrating of taught skills, pre and post conferencing as well as formative and summative observations with feedback. Restructured school to have universal classroom management plans and universal procedures class-wide and school-wide. Organize community events and coordinate volunteers and Joshua Achievers. Keeping up with the latest educational and brain research to empower teachers with the latest and most effective teaching strategies and upcoming Common Core Standards. Establishing differentiated classrooms and teaching as all classes have learning disabled or special needs students. Serves in the role and has the responsibility of an administrator in the overseeing of the effective organization and running of the school from a variety of different administrational roles and responsibilities. June 2010 July 2012 Childrens Champions. President 501 C3 Professional Development Organization, Jacksonville, FL. Responsible for the organization and development of quality and affordable professional development training and services to schools serving low-income and special needs students in coordination with matching funds provided by Step Up for Students. Responsible for the coordination of training and services provided by Greg and two other consultants throughout the state of Florida
  • 2. July 2008 June 2010 Step Up For Students. Director of Training & Development: 501 C3, Scholarship Funding Organization, Jacksonville, FL. Develop and implement training for over 600 private schools that accept the Corporate Tax Credit Scholarship as provided by Florida law. Develop on-line professional development opportunities for participating schools. Develop and implement training for the staff of Step Up For Students and the other scholarship funding organizations in the state of Florida. Supervise regional scholarship funding organization trainers. Develop and implement assessments for the development programs initiated. June 2007 July 2008 Lake City Christian Academy. Principal: K-12 Private School, Lake City, Florida. Oversaw the daily organization and operations of a socioeconomically and culturally diverse K-12 private school. Supervised 35 staff members and provided professional development for all staff. Responsible for developing and implementing fiscal budget. Developing and implementing school policies and procedures including scholarship and special education students. 1996-Present (PT) Transformational Learning Consultants. Owner, Trainer, Education Consulting Firm: Jacksonville, Tampa, Florida, Milwaukee, WI, and St. Louis. Kansas City, MO. Design, present, and train teachers, administrators, and support staff in educational teaching methodologies, leadership, and strategic planning. Restructured Title I Schools, Milwaukee WI, Trained over 1000 mentors for Archdiocese of Milwaukee. Designed and trained workshops for Catapult Learning. April 2003- March 2004 Florida Alliance for Choices in Education. Executive Director, Tampa, FL: Organize, direct, and assist a consortium of 600 private statewide scholarship schools in the implementation of the Corporate Income Tax Scholarship Program, Broker value-added services and professional development to the consortium schools. Build a working relationship of trust between the schools and Scholarship Funding Organizations. Testify before Fl Legislators for the continuance of the program. Build relationships with Florida C-Corporations for the purpose of fundraising. F.A.C.E. is a 501 C 3. Aug 2001-April 2003 H.E.R.O.E.S. Executive Director Jacksonville, Florida. Responsible for the operation of a 501 C3 Non-profit Scholarship Funding Organization, including fundraising, distributing scholarships, and forming a consortium of private schools. Distributed over six million dollars in scholarships annually. 1994- 2001 Duval County Schools. Teacher Trainer, Professional Development, Jacksonville, Florida. Design and train teachers, students, Para-professionals and administrators in variety of educational, technological and professional skills; Technologies Team, Deliver Distance Learning; Chairman, Teacher of The Year Selection Committee 1996-1997, Assist Beginning Teachers in completing the Duval County Professional Orientation Program, teacher and principal training, Assist principals with their needs assistance teachers. Positive Classroom Discipline: Fred Jones National Certified Trainer, Conflict Resolution/Peer Mediation: National Certified Trainer, Paideia: National Certified Trainer: Clinical Education: State Certified Trainer, Cooperative Learning: State Certified Trainer, Authentic Assessment, Effective Communication, Differentiated Learning, Cultural Diversity, 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People. Mentor Training: State Certified Trainer. Duval County Certified Trainer: Effective Teaching Behaviors; Team Building, Leadership. Standards, Rubrics, and Portfolios. 1987- 1994 Duval County Schools. Teacher, Gifted:(1989-94) Landmark Middle School, Geography and History to gifted; computer lab coordinator; girls soccer, softball coach. Instructor, In service & Adults:(1987-94) Title7 Creative Problem Solving; Spanish night classes; OJT supervisor, gifted high school teachers. Teacher, Gifted: (1987-89)Carter G. Woodson 6th Grade Center. Earth and Life Science; developed and piloted a county wide gifted program; Coordinated computer lab, QUINT chairman 2 years.
  • 3. Aug 1986- Aug 1987 Peace Corps. Teacher Trainer, Peace Corps, Lucea, Jamaica. Training Earth Science teachers; track & volleyball coach at 3 schools; tutored adults reading and writing. Aug 1983 - Aug 1986 Gadsden ISD. Science/ESL Teacher Gadsden Jr. High School, Anthony, New Mexico. Earth Science, students from English & Spanish backgrounds; Head Wrestling Coach; Assistant Track Coach. Classroom Teacher, Sunland Park Elementary School, Sunland Park, New Mexico. 5th-grade students in transition from Spanish to English. Sep 1981- Jun 1983 Loretto Academy. Teacher, El Paso, Texas. Teaching all subject areas to 4th grade class; basic computer literacy on Apple 2 systems. 1981 Tucson Unified School District #1. Substitute Teacher, Safford Elementary School, Tucson, Arizona. Full-time substitute in bilingual kindergarten. Sales Manager, Grolier Educational Services, Tucson, Arizona. Teaching library science skills; public relations, seminars. 1980 Handicapped Outward Bound. Staff Leader, Tucson, Arizona. Planning, staff supervising, counseling, evaluating outdoor excursion program for children and adults with various disabilities. 1979-1980 Discovery Learning Center. Teacher, Tucson, Arizona. Science, reading readiness, Spanish and English, preschool and kindergarten; after school recreation program. Camp Counselor, El Carnila Ranch, Tucson. Supervising Arts, Crafts, Sports & creative drama, ages 4-15. Aug 1978- Jan 1979 Unity School. Teacher/Principal, Eugene, Oregon. Developing organizing, implementing and teaching a first grade for new non-denominational school also pre-school and kindergarten. May 1978- Aug 1978 Sunnyside School District #12. Substitute Teacher, Apollo Jr. High School, Tucson, Arizona. Full-time substitute for grades 7-9 social studies. Oct 1976- May 1978 Tucson Unified School District #1. Substitute Teacher, Tucson, Arizona. Full-time substitute, Title I 2nd & 3rd grades bilingual classroom. Jan 1974- Jan 1976 Peace Corps. Sports and Recreation Trainer, Upata, Venezuela. Organizing, coaching various sports; organizing state tournaments; teaching P.E. in schools, beginning and advanced English. Resided with the Guica Indians in the Amazon rain forest for six months Part-time, Volunteer, and Summer Experiences: ESOL&SSOL Teacher, B.I. Language Services, El Paso, Texas. ESOL and SSOL - children and adults (1982) Instructor, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico. ESOL and Citizenship adult night classes (1986) Translator-Spanish/Accreditation, (volunteer)1996 Summer Olympic Games, Olympic Stadium, Atlanta, Georgia (July 15, 1996 - August 4, 1996) Wrestling Official, Florida High School Activities Association, Jacksonville, Florida (1988-1999) Secretary/Treasurer, North Florida Wrestling Officials Association, Jacksonville, Florida (1990-1999) Baseball, Softball Umpire, Jacksonville Beach Athletic Association, Jacksonville Beach, Florida (1988- 1999) Boselli Foundation: (volunteer) Most Valuable Teacher/Coach Selection Committee (1997-2002) Mission Experience: (volunteer) Monte Verde, Costa Rica (July 2007) (volunteer) Mendoza, Argentina (April 2010 - Present)
  • 4. Organizations: BAEO Black Alliance for Educational Options HCREO - The Hispanic Council for Educational Reform Association of Florida Staff Development Technology in Education Florida-TEFL University of North Florida Distance Learning Consortium AEAAS - Academic Excellence and Achievement For All Students FLAG - Florida Association for the Gifted