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David K. Beverly
301 Wallace Road (office) 865-992-2467
Luttrell, TN 37779 ( cell ) 865-271-8373
copperridge303@bellsouth.net (fax) 865-992-2467
Narrative Description of Career Resume Summary and Typical Work Experiences
National Forest Service
Immediately following graduation from the University of Tennessee in 1972, I traveled
to Montana to accept a seasonal job with the National Forest Service. I had applied for this
engagement approximately three months before graduation and considered this as a starter
position to gain experience while determining the specific direction of my chosen career
path. The experience that I did obtain has proven to be very valuable for my fundamental
understanding of the basic elements in the civil engineering business.
My primary task at this engagement was to act as one of three survey party chiefs
working out of the Murphy Lake Ranger Station. As a party chief, I led a crew of four to five
technicians and performed field surveys for proposed logging roads. On these surveys, I set
the P.I. points and traversed a centerline baseline using conventional transit and steel
measuring chain. After I had established the centerline, I ran a level loop to determine the
elevation of the centerline station numbers. Once all the stations and elevations had been
noted and staked, I brought the crew back a third time to survey a cross section line at each
half station and P.I. station. As the party chief, I served as the instrument man and note
keeper for all aspects of the survey work.
After the field work was completed, I worked at the Ranger Station with the District
Engineer to reduce the notes and plot the data on the survey baseline drawing. I also assisted
the Engineer with the final construction drawings.
All field work performed for the National Forest Service in the Kootenai National Forest
is considered seasonal and the Ranger Station closes in late December and opens in April. I
left Montana and went back to Tennessee at the end of December with the intentions of
returning to Murphy Lake in the Spring.
David Adams Consulting Engineers
Upon returning to Tennessee in 1973, I learned of a position-opening at a small
engineering firm in Knoxville.
David Adams Engineering was a five employee firm working in an office in David Adams
basement. Mr. Adams needed immediate help when I interviewed with him. The types of
projects that he had contracted were design and construction management of water and sewer
systems for City municipal utility extensions and new residential subdivisions. These
developments were up-scale subdivisions located in the recreational areas of East Tennessee.
I have often considered that, by accepting the job and working directly with David Adams as
the only graduated engineer in his company, was a great opportunity to gain more
fundamental experience as an engineer. While working with Mr. Adams, I discovered that he
provided tremendous guidance while allowing me to perform engineering work that he would
review and give me the reasons for making any necessary revisions. This was true for office
work as well as field work. On every project that we worked on, I performed the design
survey work and then outlined the design construction drawings. These design outlines were
then hand drawn by a draftsman with ink on velum or mylar. I would also supervise the
drafting work and coordinate the final drawings with Mr. Adams. We then generally went
through a bidding phase and often provided construction inspection of the project. In this
capacity, I would make periodic site visits, review and observe the work with the Inspector
and process the contractor pay request. The following partial list of projects, along with the
descriptions of my role in these projects, shall explain my engineering experience I achieved
while working for David Adams:
1) Cobly Knob Subdivision, Gatlinburg, TN - This project was a mountain side upscale
residential subdivision. I concentrated my work effort on this project to the design and
construction of a sewer collection and secondary treatment system. I started the design of the
gravity collection system by determining in the field the best location for the sanitary sewer
manholes. I next surveyed an offset horizontal alignment and ran a level loop to establish the
existing ground line profile. Back in the office, I plotted the existing ground line and
designed the proposed profile grade of the sanitary sewer. Next, I would field stake the offset
cut stakes in order for the contractor to install profile batter boards. And finally, I acted as the
resident inspector during the construction phase. Additional duties included performing
design calculations for the size and flow requirements of the 50,000 gpd sewage treatment
2) City of Pigeon Forge, TN Sewage Treatment Plant - In coordination with David Adams, I
performed design calculations for the sizing of the various component chambers of the
treatment plant and designed the treatment train profile. I also supervised the drafting of final
construction drawings and confirmed compliance with design requirements in a preliminary
review in preparation for the final review with David Adams.
Office Of City Engineer  Knoxville, TN
When I became aware that the Office of City Engineer, Knoxville, had a position
opening, I decided to submit an application 1974 primarily because of the long range work
security that David Adams was not able to provide. While working for the City, I reported
directly to the City Engineer and gained a broad perspective for the details of municipal
engineering. After I had been at the City for about 18 months, I was given a promotion to the
position of Assistant City Engineer, in which I assumed more management responsibility and
was assigned as supervisor to an eight person drafting department and a three man
engineering staff. In this capacity, I performed the following task: a) horizontal alignment
and vertical profile calculations for highway and street projects (e.g. Taylor Road, rural
street improvement; Summit Hill Drive, urban revitalization; Francis Road, new middle
school street access project) b)hydrology and hydraulic drainage calculations for stream
improvement projects (e.g. First Creek flood plain management project; Fourth Creek Stream
Improvement Project) and c) earthwork volume calculations to monitor the City landfill
operations (e.g. Rutledge Pike Sanitary Landfill).
On all of the referenced projects, I completed the design calculations and then supervised the
drafting of the final design construction drawings.
In addition to these responsibilities, I performed the review for all building permit
applications on behalf of the Office to check for proper utility and drainage considerations
and compliance with City regulations and ordinances. When there were problems, I would
red line the site plans for corrections to be made by the applicant.
Additional responsibilities included the coordination supervision of the bidding and
construction for the annual street asphalt paving program.
Sehorn and Kennedy Engineers
In early 1977, I was contacted by a friend who was working at Sehorn and Kennedy
Engineers (S&K). Their senior engineer, Hubert Bodenheimer, was going to retire in a
couple of years and they offered me a job that I felt was an opportunity at that point in my
career to expand my professional engineering experience. In my initial role at S&K, I was the
design engineer for the entire office which consisted of about 25 employees including two
survey crews, two graduate EIT engineers, a geologist, a drafting department and support
staff. After Mr. Bodenheimer retired, I negotiated with the current owners to purchase the
Company and eventually became a 50% co-owner.
The type of professional services that Sehorn and Kennedy offered included solid waste
landfill design, coal mining permits, civil engineering site design, water and sewer utility
extensions, boundary and topographic surveying, and subdivision design and platting.
Sample projects include:
1) Chestnut Ridge Landfill (Waste Management, Inc.) - Acting as the design engineer, I
calculated air space volumes, designed the leachate collection system, designed the drainage
system and coordinated the permitting process with the regulatory authorities.
2) Pathfork Harlan Coal Company - As the design engineer and client manager, I field
investigated the coal seam locations and out-croppings, I calculated the earthwork
overburden volumes, I designed permanent spoil storage areas (hollow fills),I designed the
pre and post mining drainage systems and I coordinated the regulatory permit review by the
Office of Surface Mining.
3) Kroger Shopping Centers - I was the design engineer and client manager for five new
shopping centers in the Knoxville area. I performed the site design including the building and
parking lot layout, I calculated the earthwork volumes, I designed the drainage systems and
utility connections and I coordinated the building permit process.
4) Winter Garden Farms - I was the design engineer and client manager for improvements
constructed at an active 7000 acre farming operation on the Cumberland Plateau. One of the
more interesting aspects of this project was the design of a center point irrigation system. I
designed three fields with 1000 feet to 1400 feet long radial arm irrigation sprayers to be
used for Winter Gardens broccoli crop production. As part of this project, I calculated the
water supply demand and designed storage ponds which had to consider runoff inflow and
evaporation loss.
Barge Wagoner Sumner and Cannon Engineers
I negotiated the sale of my half of the company in 1984 and was offered a job by Barge
Waggoner Sumner and Cannon (BWSC). Mr. Don Mauldin (former City Engineer) was V.P.
of BWSC, which was a 450 person consulting firm with main offices in Knoxville and
Nashville. My initial title in the Knoxville office was Chief Engineer, where I was
responsible for coordinating all projects with the drafting department, the engineering staff
and management. I also had specific projects for which I was the design engineer and
performed the design work myself. A partial listing of these projects includes:
1) Shamrock Coal Company, Kentucky - I designed a 50 acre coal slurry pond and
coordinated the review with the State and MSHA. I calculated the hydrology inflow for a
maximum probable flood, determined the hydraulic requirements and designed the outlet
structures and embankment fills.
2) Imperial Coal Company, Kentucky - I designed a 4.5 mile conveyor belt system to
transport wash plant by-product to a permanent refuse storage area. This design involved
establishing the best route for the conveyor and calculating the horizontal alignment and
vertical profile. This information is critical in order to minimize transfer stations. I also
coordinated all this information to prospective equipment suppliers and received competitive
quotes for construction.
3) Food Lion Food Distribution Warehouse, Tennessee - I performed the site design for a one
million square foot distribution center. As part of this design, I calculated earthwork
volumes, drainage structures sizes, utility extensions and a water storage tank. I also prepared
construction contract documents and specifications and coordinated the bidding process and
the construction management.
4) City Rockwood Flood Control Project - I calculated the sizing requirements for improving
the width and side slopes of a major stream through the City. I coordinated all this data with
TVA and TDEC and prepared necessary permit submittals. I also coordinated Grant
Application request for funding and prepared plans and specifications for bidding and
After I had been at BWSC for a couple of years, my title was revised to Client Manager.
While continuing my typical engineering design services, I additionally became responsible
for developing business leads and maintaining client relationships which included contracting
and budget supervision.,
Beverly and Associates
While working for BWSC, an old client approached me in 1989 about providing all of his
engineering needs for a Tennessee coal company. I felt that this was an opportunity to
establish my own engineering company which I did. With an average size of six employees, I
was able to offer general civil engineering and surveying services to local cities, counties and
developers. The office generally consisted of two to three surveyors, one to two CADD
operators and one to two engineers. As the owner, I was responsible for all design work and
client management. Performing the same type of engineering work that I had been engaged
with my entire career, the following partial list of projects specifies my engineering
1) D and B Coal Company - I designed and prepared applications for various surface mining
permits in Kentucky and Tennessee. I performed field investigations to locate the coal out-
croppings, I designed access roads to meet vertical profile requirements for MSHA, I
calculated overburden volumes and storage areas, I designed the drainage system and erosion
sediment control structures.
2) Poplar View Landfill - I designed a construction and demolition debris landfill adjacent to
a closed sanitary landfill. I supervised the CADD drafting of all design drawings and
prepared the operations manual for TDEC permit review. I calculated the air space and cover
material volume, I designed the final grade configuration, I calculated the amount of drainage
runoff and leachate and designed the appropriate structures to accommodate the anticipated
3) Marlock Industries Sewer Force Main Extension - I coordinated the Grant Application for
funding a four mile sewer line extension to provide service for a 200 employee
manufacturing plant that was facing having to go out of business because of failing leachate
drain fields. I calculated the pumping flows and hydraulic heads and selected the sewer
pumps that met these requirements. I determined the force main size and vertical profile and
designed the construction plans. I prepared the bidding documents and specifications and
coordinated the construction management
4) I prepared applications for CDBG, FHA, State Revolving Loan and other funding grants
and loans for numerous water and sewer line extension projects for several municipalities
and utility districts. I also prepared design plans and specifications for the grant approved
projects, coordinated the bidding process for the projects and oversaw construction
management including construction oversight inspections and contractors pay request.
Environmental Systems Corporation (ESC)
I accepted an offer to sale my company and current contracts to ESC in 1998. For the first
three years at ESC, I became the Manager of the newly formed Civil Engineering Group. In
this position, I directed the overall business development effort for the civil engineering
work, outlined task assignments to the staff, specified final design considerations, performed
design calculations and reviewed staff engineer's calculations and design plans. During my
fourth year at ESC my title, was changed to Director of the Civil Engineering Group. In
addition to my previous responsibilities, I then became responsible for the financial
management of the Group by establishing annual department budgets, establishing
manpower needs and monitoring project performance in comparison to contract budgets
In the performance of my business development duties. I regularly met with our clients
and determined the scope of work based upon what they wanted to accomplish. I then would
write the scope of services contract and negotiate the payment of fees. I also followed leads
and solicited new clients for additional work. The type of projects that were typical at this
engagement included: a) grant-funded public utility infrastructure improvements; b) urban
street construction; c) residential subdivisions and commercial site plans; d) Solid Waste
Landfill development.
As supervisor of the civil engineering staff, I interviewed prospective new employees
and made recommendations for new hires. I also defined and organized task items for each
project and allocated individual staff assignments. In addition, I determined and defined the
overall objectives and design considerations of the project to the Engineers and CADD
operators during regular staff meetings. I prepared task-assignment-spreadsheets and issued
them at the staff meetings.
From a design engineer's perspective, I performed the basic design calculations on
many of the projects in order to establish the limits that defined the guidelines and direction
of the projects. Correlating to the types of typical projects listed above, the following
examples represent a specific engineering task that I performed : a) I calculated the pressure
and flow and determined the sizes of waterline on the Hwy. 370 Waterline Extension Project
for LBC Utility Company; b) I determined the centerline PI location and calculated the
degree of horizontal curve and the slope and lengths of vertical curve profiles for the Dick
Lonas Road Relocation Project for the City of Knoxville; c) I designed the roads, lots, water
distribution and common sewer system for a 1000 acre, 750 lot subdivision (Sunset Bay) on
Norris Lake; and I designed the grading plan, parking lot layout & utilities and coordinated
plans-review for a new Burger King Restaurant at the East Town Mall Center ; d) I
calculated the waste volume requirements and designed the limits of excavation and cover
volumes, and designed the lift sequence, the drainage system and ground water monitoring
program for the lateral expansion of the Union County Landfill.
Quantum Environmental and Engineering Services, LLC (QE2)
My experiences at QE2 were very similar to those I had at ESC. It was in fact a
continuation of all the projects under ESC contract in December, 2003. As explanation, QE2
was an upstart company that was formed by employees of ESC by way of an assets-purchase
of the ESC Environmental and Civil Engineering Group. The purchase of this Group
included all existing client contracts and equipment and retention of all employees. My role
and responsibility at QE2 was summarized by my new title, Vice-President of Civil
Engineering Division. In this capacity, I established and monitored the financial budgets of
the Division; maintained client contact and determined the scope of proposed services. I also
performed initial design calculations to provide guidelines for the staff to facilitate project
progression. I also completed final quality-control review of the construction plans,
specifications and contract bidding documents of the major projects.
The following lists are some of the major projects with an explanation of my role
demonstrating my specific engineering experiences at QE2:
1) TVA Watts Bar Nuclear Power Plant / Town of Spring City, TN - TVA initiated a due
diligence investigation for extending a sanitary sewer force main from the Town's sewer
plant rather than upgrading the TVA sewer plant in order to have the necessary capacity to
provide treatment for their second nuclear unit under construction. The sewerage was only
non-contaminated domestic effluent. On behalf of the Town, I led the negotiating effort to
consummate an agreement with TVA and also coordinated a RUS grant request for partial
funding. I also performed due diligence calculations to determine the feasibility, size and cost
of the proposed force main. I supervised the preparation of the plans and specifications for
the Project, which was successfully completed.
2) The Cove At Blackberry Ridge - This project consisted of the planning, designing and
construction of a 230 acre up-scale residential subdivision on Watts Bar Lake in Roane
County, Tennessee. I designed all plans and specifications required and arranged all contact
for review and permit approval with the regulatory authorities including: a) Roane County
Planning Commission for rezoning and plat recordation; b) City of Loudon for a four mile
extension of utilities in order to provide water and sewer service for the subdivision; c)
Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) for grading, erosion
control(SWPPP),and utilities; d) Corp Of Engineers & TVA for land-exchange-rights
negotiations enabling the subdivision to gain access to the lake and constructing a
community boat dock. In addition, I designed the site plan for road and utility construction
and prepared specifications and contract documents and provided construction management.
3) City of Knoxville Rutledge Pike Landfill / Poplar View Landfill - The City of Knoxville
had closed their municipal landfill on Rutledge Pike years earlier but was experiencing
leachate breakouts and other environmental problems. This old closed landfill was located
adjacent to Poplar View Landfill, which was a construction & demolition landfill that I had
designed and permitted in 1994. When QE2 was retained by the City to prepare a plan for
repair and mitigation of the environmental problems at the closed landfill, I approached my
former client and spear-headed the concept for a lateral expansion of Poplar View Landfill.
My former client, the owner of Poplar View, willingly accepted the responsibility for
mitigation of the City landfill in exchange for the rights to expand his landfill, doubling his
air space volume to approximately 7 million cubic yards. It was truly a win-win proposition
for all parties that TDEC strongly supported.
Consequently, I performed and supervised air volume calculations and the preparation of the
grading, drainage and leachate collection plan for the proposed expansion of the Poplar View
Landfill. I also coordinated the submittal and TDEC review of the Plans and Permit
David K. Beverly  Consulting Engineer
As a result of my career working experiences and client contacts, I had the opportunity in
2006 to become a freelance consultant providing professional civil engineering services. By
having a network of associates that can meet my CADD and surveying needs on a contract
basis, I am able to have an office in my home without the cash flow demands of a support
staff. I have been able to be selective with the type of projects I undertake in order to provide
professional management as well as engineering services. The partial listing below of the
projects in which I have been engaged, demonstrates my continued engineering experiences.
1) The Cove at Blackberry Ridge - This is the 230 acre residential subdivision on Watts Bar
Lake that I referenced in my QE2 work experience. After I left QE2, I continued to perform
engineering design for the project, primarily on Phase 2. This includes the internal drainage
system and utilities. My primary focus has been providing construction management in
which I inspect the contractors work and coordinate his pay request.
2) English Springs Subdivision, Cocke County, Tennessee - This is a 400 acre residential
subdivision for which I designed the low pressure sewer collection system and water
distribution system. I calculated the sewer flow and pumping requirements and coordinated
the equipment selection with the manufacturer. I also calculated the hydraulic head
requirements for the water system including one major pump station and one 75,000 gallon
storage tank. I prepared the plans, specifications and permit application for TDEC approval.
Additionally, I coordinated the review and approval with the County Planning Commission.
3) Arby's Restaurant - I designed a new site plan for a complete renovation of an existing
Arbys. This included a new drainage system, parking lot layout and retaining wall. I
supervised the CADD drafting with my associates and coordinated the plans review with the
City and TDOT.
4) Several Limestone Quarries and a Sand and Gravel Mining Operation - I designed the
mining plans for all three projects located in Cocke County, TN and prepared the NPDES
application and the state air permit application.
5) SWPPP Permits - I have designed storm water plans and prepared SWPPP permit
applications for numerous highway construction projects and private developments.
6) Redfish Retreat  I provided engineering design services for a 450 acre residential
subdivision on the gulf coast in Port Lavaca, Texas. The services included street design, lot
layout, associated grading design for lots and roads, water and sewer design

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Resume Part C - Narrative Description of Carrer Resume Summary

  • 1. David K. Beverly CONSULTING ENGINEER 301 Wallace Road (office) 865-992-2467 Luttrell, TN 37779 ( cell ) 865-271-8373 copperridge303@bellsouth.net (fax) 865-992-2467 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Narrative Description of Career Resume Summary and Typical Work Experiences National Forest Service Immediately following graduation from the University of Tennessee in 1972, I traveled to Montana to accept a seasonal job with the National Forest Service. I had applied for this engagement approximately three months before graduation and considered this as a starter position to gain experience while determining the specific direction of my chosen career path. The experience that I did obtain has proven to be very valuable for my fundamental understanding of the basic elements in the civil engineering business. My primary task at this engagement was to act as one of three survey party chiefs working out of the Murphy Lake Ranger Station. As a party chief, I led a crew of four to five technicians and performed field surveys for proposed logging roads. On these surveys, I set the P.I. points and traversed a centerline baseline using conventional transit and steel measuring chain. After I had established the centerline, I ran a level loop to determine the elevation of the centerline station numbers. Once all the stations and elevations had been noted and staked, I brought the crew back a third time to survey a cross section line at each half station and P.I. station. As the party chief, I served as the instrument man and note keeper for all aspects of the survey work. After the field work was completed, I worked at the Ranger Station with the District Engineer to reduce the notes and plot the data on the survey baseline drawing. I also assisted the Engineer with the final construction drawings. All field work performed for the National Forest Service in the Kootenai National Forest is considered seasonal and the Ranger Station closes in late December and opens in April. I left Montana and went back to Tennessee at the end of December with the intentions of returning to Murphy Lake in the Spring. David Adams Consulting Engineers Upon returning to Tennessee in 1973, I learned of a position-opening at a small engineering firm in Knoxville. David Adams Engineering was a five employee firm working in an office in David Adams basement. Mr. Adams needed immediate help when I interviewed with him. The types of projects that he had contracted were design and construction management of water and sewer systems for City municipal utility extensions and new residential subdivisions. These developments were up-scale subdivisions located in the recreational areas of East Tennessee. I have often considered that, by accepting the job and working directly with David Adams as the only graduated engineer in his company, was a great opportunity to gain more fundamental experience as an engineer. While working with Mr. Adams, I discovered that he provided tremendous guidance while allowing me to perform engineering work that he would review and give me the reasons for making any necessary revisions. This was true for office work as well as field work. On every project that we worked on, I performed the design survey work and then outlined the design construction drawings. These design outlines were then hand drawn by a draftsman with ink on velum or mylar. I would also supervise the drafting work and coordinate the final drawings with Mr. Adams. We then generally went through a bidding phase and often provided construction inspection of the project. In this
  • 2. capacity, I would make periodic site visits, review and observe the work with the Inspector and process the contractor pay request. The following partial list of projects, along with the descriptions of my role in these projects, shall explain my engineering experience I achieved while working for David Adams: 1) Cobly Knob Subdivision, Gatlinburg, TN - This project was a mountain side upscale residential subdivision. I concentrated my work effort on this project to the design and construction of a sewer collection and secondary treatment system. I started the design of the gravity collection system by determining in the field the best location for the sanitary sewer manholes. I next surveyed an offset horizontal alignment and ran a level loop to establish the existing ground line profile. Back in the office, I plotted the existing ground line and designed the proposed profile grade of the sanitary sewer. Next, I would field stake the offset cut stakes in order for the contractor to install profile batter boards. And finally, I acted as the resident inspector during the construction phase. Additional duties included performing design calculations for the size and flow requirements of the 50,000 gpd sewage treatment plant. 2) City of Pigeon Forge, TN Sewage Treatment Plant - In coordination with David Adams, I performed design calculations for the sizing of the various component chambers of the treatment plant and designed the treatment train profile. I also supervised the drafting of final construction drawings and confirmed compliance with design requirements in a preliminary review in preparation for the final review with David Adams. Office Of City Engineer Knoxville, TN When I became aware that the Office of City Engineer, Knoxville, had a position opening, I decided to submit an application 1974 primarily because of the long range work security that David Adams was not able to provide. While working for the City, I reported directly to the City Engineer and gained a broad perspective for the details of municipal engineering. After I had been at the City for about 18 months, I was given a promotion to the position of Assistant City Engineer, in which I assumed more management responsibility and was assigned as supervisor to an eight person drafting department and a three man engineering staff. In this capacity, I performed the following task: a) horizontal alignment and vertical profile calculations for highway and street projects (e.g. Taylor Road, rural street improvement; Summit Hill Drive, urban revitalization; Francis Road, new middle school street access project) b)hydrology and hydraulic drainage calculations for stream improvement projects (e.g. First Creek flood plain management project; Fourth Creek Stream Improvement Project) and c) earthwork volume calculations to monitor the City landfill operations (e.g. Rutledge Pike Sanitary Landfill). On all of the referenced projects, I completed the design calculations and then supervised the drafting of the final design construction drawings. In addition to these responsibilities, I performed the review for all building permit applications on behalf of the Office to check for proper utility and drainage considerations and compliance with City regulations and ordinances. When there were problems, I would red line the site plans for corrections to be made by the applicant. Additional responsibilities included the coordination supervision of the bidding and construction for the annual street asphalt paving program. Sehorn and Kennedy Engineers In early 1977, I was contacted by a friend who was working at Sehorn and Kennedy Engineers (S&K). Their senior engineer, Hubert Bodenheimer, was going to retire in a couple of years and they offered me a job that I felt was an opportunity at that point in my
  • 3. career to expand my professional engineering experience. In my initial role at S&K, I was the design engineer for the entire office which consisted of about 25 employees including two survey crews, two graduate EIT engineers, a geologist, a drafting department and support staff. After Mr. Bodenheimer retired, I negotiated with the current owners to purchase the Company and eventually became a 50% co-owner. The type of professional services that Sehorn and Kennedy offered included solid waste landfill design, coal mining permits, civil engineering site design, water and sewer utility extensions, boundary and topographic surveying, and subdivision design and platting. Sample projects include: 1) Chestnut Ridge Landfill (Waste Management, Inc.) - Acting as the design engineer, I calculated air space volumes, designed the leachate collection system, designed the drainage system and coordinated the permitting process with the regulatory authorities. 2) Pathfork Harlan Coal Company - As the design engineer and client manager, I field investigated the coal seam locations and out-croppings, I calculated the earthwork overburden volumes, I designed permanent spoil storage areas (hollow fills),I designed the pre and post mining drainage systems and I coordinated the regulatory permit review by the Office of Surface Mining. 3) Kroger Shopping Centers - I was the design engineer and client manager for five new shopping centers in the Knoxville area. I performed the site design including the building and parking lot layout, I calculated the earthwork volumes, I designed the drainage systems and utility connections and I coordinated the building permit process. 4) Winter Garden Farms - I was the design engineer and client manager for improvements constructed at an active 7000 acre farming operation on the Cumberland Plateau. One of the more interesting aspects of this project was the design of a center point irrigation system. I designed three fields with 1000 feet to 1400 feet long radial arm irrigation sprayers to be used for Winter Gardens broccoli crop production. As part of this project, I calculated the water supply demand and designed storage ponds which had to consider runoff inflow and evaporation loss. Barge Wagoner Sumner and Cannon Engineers I negotiated the sale of my half of the company in 1984 and was offered a job by Barge Waggoner Sumner and Cannon (BWSC). Mr. Don Mauldin (former City Engineer) was V.P. of BWSC, which was a 450 person consulting firm with main offices in Knoxville and Nashville. My initial title in the Knoxville office was Chief Engineer, where I was responsible for coordinating all projects with the drafting department, the engineering staff and management. I also had specific projects for which I was the design engineer and performed the design work myself. A partial listing of these projects includes: 1) Shamrock Coal Company, Kentucky - I designed a 50 acre coal slurry pond and coordinated the review with the State and MSHA. I calculated the hydrology inflow for a maximum probable flood, determined the hydraulic requirements and designed the outlet structures and embankment fills. 2) Imperial Coal Company, Kentucky - I designed a 4.5 mile conveyor belt system to transport wash plant by-product to a permanent refuse storage area. This design involved establishing the best route for the conveyor and calculating the horizontal alignment and vertical profile. This information is critical in order to minimize transfer stations. I also coordinated all this information to prospective equipment suppliers and received competitive quotes for construction. 3) Food Lion Food Distribution Warehouse, Tennessee - I performed the site design for a one million square foot distribution center. As part of this design, I calculated earthwork
  • 4. volumes, drainage structures sizes, utility extensions and a water storage tank. I also prepared construction contract documents and specifications and coordinated the bidding process and the construction management. 4) City Rockwood Flood Control Project - I calculated the sizing requirements for improving the width and side slopes of a major stream through the City. I coordinated all this data with TVA and TDEC and prepared necessary permit submittals. I also coordinated Grant Application request for funding and prepared plans and specifications for bidding and construction. After I had been at BWSC for a couple of years, my title was revised to Client Manager. While continuing my typical engineering design services, I additionally became responsible for developing business leads and maintaining client relationships which included contracting and budget supervision., Beverly and Associates While working for BWSC, an old client approached me in 1989 about providing all of his engineering needs for a Tennessee coal company. I felt that this was an opportunity to establish my own engineering company which I did. With an average size of six employees, I was able to offer general civil engineering and surveying services to local cities, counties and developers. The office generally consisted of two to three surveyors, one to two CADD operators and one to two engineers. As the owner, I was responsible for all design work and client management. Performing the same type of engineering work that I had been engaged with my entire career, the following partial list of projects specifies my engineering experience: 1) D and B Coal Company - I designed and prepared applications for various surface mining permits in Kentucky and Tennessee. I performed field investigations to locate the coal out- croppings, I designed access roads to meet vertical profile requirements for MSHA, I calculated overburden volumes and storage areas, I designed the drainage system and erosion sediment control structures. 2) Poplar View Landfill - I designed a construction and demolition debris landfill adjacent to a closed sanitary landfill. I supervised the CADD drafting of all design drawings and prepared the operations manual for TDEC permit review. I calculated the air space and cover material volume, I designed the final grade configuration, I calculated the amount of drainage runoff and leachate and designed the appropriate structures to accommodate the anticipated volumes. 3) Marlock Industries Sewer Force Main Extension - I coordinated the Grant Application for funding a four mile sewer line extension to provide service for a 200 employee manufacturing plant that was facing having to go out of business because of failing leachate drain fields. I calculated the pumping flows and hydraulic heads and selected the sewer pumps that met these requirements. I determined the force main size and vertical profile and designed the construction plans. I prepared the bidding documents and specifications and coordinated the construction management 4) I prepared applications for CDBG, FHA, State Revolving Loan and other funding grants and loans for numerous water and sewer line extension projects for several municipalities and utility districts. I also prepared design plans and specifications for the grant approved projects, coordinated the bidding process for the projects and oversaw construction management including construction oversight inspections and contractors pay request.
  • 5. Environmental Systems Corporation (ESC) I accepted an offer to sale my company and current contracts to ESC in 1998. For the first three years at ESC, I became the Manager of the newly formed Civil Engineering Group. In this position, I directed the overall business development effort for the civil engineering work, outlined task assignments to the staff, specified final design considerations, performed design calculations and reviewed staff engineer's calculations and design plans. During my fourth year at ESC my title, was changed to Director of the Civil Engineering Group. In addition to my previous responsibilities, I then became responsible for the financial management of the Group by establishing annual department budgets, establishing manpower needs and monitoring project performance in comparison to contract budgets In the performance of my business development duties. I regularly met with our clients and determined the scope of work based upon what they wanted to accomplish. I then would write the scope of services contract and negotiate the payment of fees. I also followed leads and solicited new clients for additional work. The type of projects that were typical at this engagement included: a) grant-funded public utility infrastructure improvements; b) urban street construction; c) residential subdivisions and commercial site plans; d) Solid Waste Landfill development. As supervisor of the civil engineering staff, I interviewed prospective new employees and made recommendations for new hires. I also defined and organized task items for each project and allocated individual staff assignments. In addition, I determined and defined the overall objectives and design considerations of the project to the Engineers and CADD operators during regular staff meetings. I prepared task-assignment-spreadsheets and issued them at the staff meetings. From a design engineer's perspective, I performed the basic design calculations on many of the projects in order to establish the limits that defined the guidelines and direction of the projects. Correlating to the types of typical projects listed above, the following examples represent a specific engineering task that I performed : a) I calculated the pressure and flow and determined the sizes of waterline on the Hwy. 370 Waterline Extension Project for LBC Utility Company; b) I determined the centerline PI location and calculated the degree of horizontal curve and the slope and lengths of vertical curve profiles for the Dick Lonas Road Relocation Project for the City of Knoxville; c) I designed the roads, lots, water distribution and common sewer system for a 1000 acre, 750 lot subdivision (Sunset Bay) on Norris Lake; and I designed the grading plan, parking lot layout & utilities and coordinated plans-review for a new Burger King Restaurant at the East Town Mall Center ; d) I calculated the waste volume requirements and designed the limits of excavation and cover volumes, and designed the lift sequence, the drainage system and ground water monitoring program for the lateral expansion of the Union County Landfill. Quantum Environmental and Engineering Services, LLC (QE2) My experiences at QE2 were very similar to those I had at ESC. It was in fact a continuation of all the projects under ESC contract in December, 2003. As explanation, QE2 was an upstart company that was formed by employees of ESC by way of an assets-purchase of the ESC Environmental and Civil Engineering Group. The purchase of this Group included all existing client contracts and equipment and retention of all employees. My role and responsibility at QE2 was summarized by my new title, Vice-President of Civil Engineering Division. In this capacity, I established and monitored the financial budgets of the Division; maintained client contact and determined the scope of proposed services. I also performed initial design calculations to provide guidelines for the staff to facilitate project progression. I also completed final quality-control review of the construction plans, specifications and contract bidding documents of the major projects.
  • 6. The following lists are some of the major projects with an explanation of my role demonstrating my specific engineering experiences at QE2: 1) TVA Watts Bar Nuclear Power Plant / Town of Spring City, TN - TVA initiated a due diligence investigation for extending a sanitary sewer force main from the Town's sewer plant rather than upgrading the TVA sewer plant in order to have the necessary capacity to provide treatment for their second nuclear unit under construction. The sewerage was only non-contaminated domestic effluent. On behalf of the Town, I led the negotiating effort to consummate an agreement with TVA and also coordinated a RUS grant request for partial funding. I also performed due diligence calculations to determine the feasibility, size and cost of the proposed force main. I supervised the preparation of the plans and specifications for the Project, which was successfully completed. 2) The Cove At Blackberry Ridge - This project consisted of the planning, designing and construction of a 230 acre up-scale residential subdivision on Watts Bar Lake in Roane County, Tennessee. I designed all plans and specifications required and arranged all contact for review and permit approval with the regulatory authorities including: a) Roane County Planning Commission for rezoning and plat recordation; b) City of Loudon for a four mile extension of utilities in order to provide water and sewer service for the subdivision; c) Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) for grading, erosion control(SWPPP),and utilities; d) Corp Of Engineers & TVA for land-exchange-rights negotiations enabling the subdivision to gain access to the lake and constructing a community boat dock. In addition, I designed the site plan for road and utility construction and prepared specifications and contract documents and provided construction management. 3) City of Knoxville Rutledge Pike Landfill / Poplar View Landfill - The City of Knoxville had closed their municipal landfill on Rutledge Pike years earlier but was experiencing leachate breakouts and other environmental problems. This old closed landfill was located adjacent to Poplar View Landfill, which was a construction & demolition landfill that I had designed and permitted in 1994. When QE2 was retained by the City to prepare a plan for repair and mitigation of the environmental problems at the closed landfill, I approached my former client and spear-headed the concept for a lateral expansion of Poplar View Landfill. My former client, the owner of Poplar View, willingly accepted the responsibility for mitigation of the City landfill in exchange for the rights to expand his landfill, doubling his air space volume to approximately 7 million cubic yards. It was truly a win-win proposition for all parties that TDEC strongly supported. Consequently, I performed and supervised air volume calculations and the preparation of the grading, drainage and leachate collection plan for the proposed expansion of the Poplar View Landfill. I also coordinated the submittal and TDEC review of the Plans and Permit Application. David K. Beverly Consulting Engineer As a result of my career working experiences and client contacts, I had the opportunity in 2006 to become a freelance consultant providing professional civil engineering services. By having a network of associates that can meet my CADD and surveying needs on a contract basis, I am able to have an office in my home without the cash flow demands of a support staff. I have been able to be selective with the type of projects I undertake in order to provide professional management as well as engineering services. The partial listing below of the projects in which I have been engaged, demonstrates my continued engineering experiences. 1) The Cove at Blackberry Ridge - This is the 230 acre residential subdivision on Watts Bar Lake that I referenced in my QE2 work experience. After I left QE2, I continued to perform engineering design for the project, primarily on Phase 2. This includes the internal drainage
  • 7. system and utilities. My primary focus has been providing construction management in which I inspect the contractors work and coordinate his pay request. 2) English Springs Subdivision, Cocke County, Tennessee - This is a 400 acre residential subdivision for which I designed the low pressure sewer collection system and water distribution system. I calculated the sewer flow and pumping requirements and coordinated the equipment selection with the manufacturer. I also calculated the hydraulic head requirements for the water system including one major pump station and one 75,000 gallon storage tank. I prepared the plans, specifications and permit application for TDEC approval. Additionally, I coordinated the review and approval with the County Planning Commission. 3) Arby's Restaurant - I designed a new site plan for a complete renovation of an existing Arbys. This included a new drainage system, parking lot layout and retaining wall. I supervised the CADD drafting with my associates and coordinated the plans review with the City and TDOT. 4) Several Limestone Quarries and a Sand and Gravel Mining Operation - I designed the mining plans for all three projects located in Cocke County, TN and prepared the NPDES application and the state air permit application. 5) SWPPP Permits - I have designed storm water plans and prepared SWPPP permit applications for numerous highway construction projects and private developments. 6) Redfish Retreat I provided engineering design services for a 450 acre residential subdivision on the gulf coast in Port Lavaca, Texas. The services included street design, lot layout, associated grading design for lots and roads, water and sewer design